• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Best Ghost Horse Girl Friends... Forever

“Look at me, Rarity. It's okay. You've got this.” Twilight Sparkle said, smiling sweetly. Her lavender hooves clasped with a pair of pale white fetlocks. “Center yourself on my voice. Concentrate. Simply... imagine your hooves making contact with the boat and they will. Trust me.”

“Alright... this is me...” Rarity nevertheless bit her lip, trembling in Twilight's grasp. “...trusting you.” The tiniest of dainty whimpers escaped her lips as her left rear leg touched down on the Swan Song's aluminum hull, and then her right. The mare exhaled with a breath of relief, and soon she was standing right next to Twilight along the tip of the ship's bow. “It... it isn't going through me!”

“I know! Isn't that great?” Twilight smiled. “You're doing a lot better than I was when I first emerged!”

“Surely you jest.” Rarity gulped and glanced aside at the mare. “A smart, healthy-minded, 'together' filly like you?”

“You've always had an exceptional imagination, Rarity,” Twilight said. “That's really the best way to make your incorporeal form act as though it's solid—”

“Gaaaie!” Rarity instantly slipped, forcing Twilight to grip her. She held on tightly, shivering. “I... do wish you h-hadn't said that...”

“Erm... it takes practice from the best of us,” Twilight said. “It's okay.”

“That remains to be seen,” Rarity said, standing once again on the hull with wobbly legs. “This... this is all so very much to take in.” She brushed her purple mane back and gaped at the Lagoon, the tower, the Nealenders, and beyond. “Are we actually... truly on the far side of the world?”

“Yes, Rarity,” Twilight said, nodding. “Thousands of miles away from Equestria. Close to the very edge.”

“My goodness...” Rarity blinked. She craned her neck and waved a hoof dramatically. “And in this state that Discord put us in, neither of us can be seen by anypony?”

“Or heard.” Twilight chewed on her bottom lip. “And... uhm... Discord didn't do this to us. Not exactly...”

Rarity turned to look at the heart of the group. “But... but our dear Rainbow Dash... is not affected?”

“... ... ...” Rainbow stared at Rarity's painted eyelids, the white sheen of her coat, and the elegant swirl of her mane.

“Rainbow, darling?”

“I... it...” Rainbow gulped hard. “Sorry. I just... uhm...” She glanced aside at Twilight.

Twilight smiled aside at Rainbow. She leaned in to place a hoof on Rarity's shoulder. “Rainbow's fine. That is to say... she's not affected in the same way you and I are. Ponies can see and hear her and she can touch things.”

“And... and...” Rainbow fumbled for words. At last, she exhaled through a bittersweet smile. “It's... super... super awesome seeing you again, Rares.” She struggled to keep her voice from cracking. “And hearing your voice.”

Rarity laughed, then laughed some more. “Oh, Rainbow, darling—you say that as if you haven't seen me in years!”

Rainbow's ears folded back. Twilight grimaced, fidgeting awkwardly.

Rarity blinked at them both. “We... were just zapped here by Discord, weren't we?”


“I... I remember it so vividly! Just a moment ago, we were attempting to use the Elements on him.” She cooed, her body squirming. “Our beautiful... gorgeous elements. Why, I had so many precious gemstones that I was going to... share with... Tom...” Rarity's eyes narrowed as she gazed at some nebulous point along the horizon. “That's... funny.” She gulped dryly. “I was... carrying on so much about stones and diamonds and pendants. But now... it's like c-coming out of a gray, gray cloud.” She gulped. “I don't understand how I could ever have... have...” The mare clenched her teeth, wincing. “The Royal Hedge Maze. How...?” She looked up at Twilight, lips trembling. “How on earth did we ever get out of that predicament?”

“You don't remember, do you?” Twilight remarked. “It must be because of the spell.”

“You mean like the same one that was cast on me?” Rainbow remarked. “Where I went nuts over Cloudsdale?”

“Discord caused you to turn your loyalty inside-out,” Twilight said. “And with Rarity... he removed her generosity and turned her into a hoarder! Of course!” Twilight tapped her chin. “It all makes sense now why my friends were acting so strangely! Fluttershy was bewitched to be cruel. Pinkie Pie was turned into a grump. And Applejack—”

“What was Discord even trying to do?” Rainbow asked.

“If... I could venture to guess...” Twilight shuddered. “He was trying to get to me.”

“To you?”

Twilight looked up at Rainbow. “My talents have always been magic, but it wasn't until I gained friends like you and Rarity and the rest that I was finally able to utilize my gifts. That's how I came to believe that I was the Element of Magic.”

“And aren't you?”

“It... it's really unsettling.” Twilight's coat paled slightly. “To think that Discord preyed upon us the whole time just... to deconstruct me?

“I do hope somepony wouldn't mind slowing down a bit,” Rarity droned. “This is all well over my head, which I shudder to admit.”

“I'm sorry, Rarity,” Twilight said with a nod. “I'm sure you have a lot of questions.”

“Yes. Although I'm terribly afraid to have them answered,” Rarity said, her shifty eyes bouncing between the other two.

“Rarity...” Twilight waved her hooves with an earnest smile. “It's... it's okay. The long and short of it is that we're going to find the other girls and bring us all back—”

“Find the other girls?!” Rarity's brow furrowed. “Why... wherever would they have gone?”


“I... I don't get it.” Rarity waved a dainty hoof. “If Discord didn't scatter us all abroad, then who did? And why render everypony to phantoms but Rainbow?”

“Rarity, it... if you would just give us time to—”

“Rarity, your body's been destroyed,” Rainbow firmly said, making Twilight shudder. “Same with Twilight's, Fluttershy's, and all the rest.” Her ruby eyes narrowed on the gawking mare. “Basically, when you guys tried using the Elements of Harmony on Discord without, the magic backfired. Your bodies are gone, and so's Discord... because I showed up and smoked his dumb flank.”

“Rainbow, please—” Twilight meagerly began.

Rainbow continued: “But, as it turns out, the spirits of you, Twilight, and the rest are still kicking—but you're connected to me and the last element—the Element of Loyalty.” She pointed bluntly at the Eastern horizon. “The only hope we've got of bringing you guys back is for me to fly my butt to the dark side of the plane, fetch the Harmonic Prism out of the Midnight Armory, and make it back to Equestria Central so that one of the alicorn sisters can bring your bodies back.”

Twilight stood frozen-still and silent. Her eyes darted from Rainbow to Rarity.

“... ... ...” Rarity's muzzle hung open. “So... so Discord didn't zap you to this part of the world after all?”

“No.” Rainbow shook her head.

“Then... then how...?”

“I flew,” Rainbow said.

“You flew?!”

“Yes.” Rainbow nodded, then shrugged. “Well... flew... rode... trotted... sailed... crawled... swam...” She shrugged again. “That's not counting the explosions and dragons in between.”

“It's... a lot to take in, I know,” Twilight said. “But basically the two of us owe our very existence to Rainbow Dash here, Rarity. After all, it was she who discovered how to bring you and I back to—”

“Wait just one moment,” Rarity slurred, raising a hoof. “Rainbow Dash flew all the way here? For thousands and thousands of miles?”

Rainbow nodded. “At least three continents.”

“Oh my Celestia...” Rarity's gawking expression pivoted towards Twilight. “How... how much time...?”

“Rarity, please...”

“How long has it been?!”

“Just be calm—”

“Twilight, I must know!” Rarity exclaimed, teeth clenched. “How many years have passed?! Are our families alive?! Did Equestria ever recover from Discord?!”

“Rarity, it's not been years!”

“Well—” Rainbow started.

Twilight snapped at her. “Over one year at least!” She spun back towards Rarity. “But everything's fine! Equestria is in one piece—”

“But... but...” Rarity hugged herself as a hair or two sprung loose from her well-kempt mane. “My dresses! The Boutique! After a year of inactivity, then surely my entire catalogue would have been sold by now! I had so many designs locked up in safe-keeping! And if Mother and Father felt it in their hearts to reappropriate them—” Her eyes bulged. “Oh my goodness!” She gripped Twilight's shoulders, shrieking. “My family! They must think I'm dead!”


“Mother! Father!” Rarity started hyperventilating. “Father has a terrible heart condition! The news of my false demise would surely wreck him! And Sweetie Belle... oh poor Sweetie Belle!” Rarity tilted backwards, holding a limp hoof over a faint forehead. “Did she ever get her cutie mark?! Oh, I wanted to design her the most radiant gown for her cute—” She froze in place, blinking. Her wide eyes darted Rainbow's way.

Rainbow blinked back.

“All this time... all these months...” Rarity gulped. “You... you were flying... alone?

Rainbow cleared her throat. “I... uh...” She managed a nervous smile. “I managed.”

“You were alone! All this time!”

“Not exactly, Rarity. I-I made friends. Believe me—”

“But they weren't us!” Rarity squeaked, her eyes moistening. “Your true B.F.F.s!” She sniffled, the tears welling up. “Oh how dreadful! Rainbow, you poor thing!” She stumbled forward, forelimbs outstretched. “A mare as loyal as yourself—”

“Rarity, don't—I can't!” Rainbow winced as Rarity's forelimbs flew through her.

Rarity jerked back, her tears streaming. She looked at her forelimbs, at Rainbow, then at her forelimbs again. Her frantic breaths increased, and at last she burst: “Hug! I need to hug somepony!

Twilight swooped in to the rescue, wrapping here forelimbs around Rarity's waist.

Rarity nuzzled her, quietly sobbing. She looked up at Rainbow with glistening eyes.

“Hey... it's going to be okay, girl,” Rainbow said as calmly as she could. “I know it's all a little nuts... well... more than a little but nuts... but I'm gonna get you and Twilight and the others out of this mess! I promise!” She smiled, waving a hoof. “I can't promise a miracle overnight, but... don't you worry. I've got this.”

“But... but you shouldn't have to have this,” Rarity whimpered, sniffling between sentences. “Nopony, no matter how brave or dashing deserves this burden.”

Rainbow leaned back. Her lungs felt weak all of the sudden. After the wave of contemplation had rolled through her, she found the strength to mutter: “Yeah, well... the universe isn't nearly as generous as you, Rarity.” She nevertheless smirked. “But... who cares, y'know? You're back... and that makes me super crazy thankful. So... perk up, okay?” She leaned in, eyes bright. “That's how I've gotten by all this time. Only now... I think it's gonna be a heck of a lot easier, cuz I've got my B.F.F.s by my side.” She punctuated all of that with a wink.

Rarity finally bore a tear-stained smile. She reached a hoof out.

Rainbow mimicked the gesture. Their limbs stopped within a hair's breadth, and they allowed the warmth of the tropical winds to act as a necessary substitute.

“So brave,” Rarity squeaked, her sad voice nevertheless melodic. “So very brave, darling.”

“So very sappy,” Rainbow returned.

And then the mares giggled—Twilight included.

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