• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 7,360 Views, 12,705 Comments

Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Help, Rainbow, You're My Only Hope

“Uh huh.” The guard drew something on a clipboard and leaned back with a sigh. “And how many ponies in your group Mister... Bard?”

“Why, that'd be four, mister,” the mercenary said. “Or... well... four and a half if you count this here gift from Boss Revan.”

“Huh?” The guard looked up, squinting. “Are... are you in business with the Northern Hoof?”

“Dayum skippy!” Bard echoed musically. “And, as I understand it, the earth-trottin' folk around these parts... er... underparts have been itchin' to get their hooves on a certain scampy somepony.”

The guard pointed at Rust's body with his clipboard. “What's with the midnighter?”

“Ah! That's where the four and a half comes in! Ya see...” Bard shifted his weight, pointing at the sarosian with his right wing. “...this lil fella was owin' money to Revan big time. Thang is, he was owin' even more money to y'all Muddredge folks. So, Boss Revan, bein' the stand-up kind of a guy that he is, figured it was real economic-like to send him off to Shoggoth so that the Southern Hoof could begin pullin' threads and reel in all the loose ends that Mister Cheapskate here thought he could get away with chompin'.” Bard smiled. “After all, the Syndicate's not just separate hooves. In the end, ain't we all just parts of the same mud-stompin' thoroughbred?”

The guard squinted at Bard. “You work for the Syndicate?” His nostrils flared. “You smell like normal bounty hunting trash to me.”

“Pffft! Are y'all spittin' on my stirrups?!” Bard chuckled, grinning. “When I've delivered this here bounty and all is said and done, I'm fixin' to saddle up all nice and pretty with the Muddredgers! The way I figure it—if they can get everythang all squared away, then now's 'bout time that Dubya-Cee and I do the same!”

“And what's with the guitar case?”

“I'm a musician,” Bard huffed, chin up. “What about it?”

“Mrmmmfff...” The guard's eyes darted about. “On official business from Revan or not, your group is carrying an awful lot of heavy stuff.” He signaled towards another stallion. “I'm afraid we're going to have to search you.”

“Pffft. Please...” Bard rolled his eyes. “There's no need. After meetin' up with yer boss, my friends and I were hopin' to add our wares to the Auction House! After all, ain't nothin' like startin' a new life when you've got all the fixin's of the old life to sell away!”

“Even still, it's procedure. And a situation like this calls for a thorough examination.”

“Yeah... well... uh...” Bard began sweating. “Ahem... don't ya think that's... uh...” His tail flicked and flicked in Wildcard's direction. “...a lil' out of the ordinary?”

Wildcard's goggles reflected the motion. He pivoted and slapped Echo's head with his flesh talon.

“Ow!” Echo hissed, then frowned at the griffon. “You insufferable pisshole! What was that for—?”

Wildcard opened his beak wide and gestured “fangs.”

“Oh... uhm...” Echo's slitted eyes widened as he suddenly thrashed about in his bindings. “Skree-ee-ee-ee!” He shook and wriggled and drooled. “Skree-ee-ee-ee! Death to the daylight infidels... and sunshine! Skree-ee-ee-ee!”

“Oh jeebus!” Bard wheezed, bucking and jolting. “Oh lord have mercy! Now you gone and dun it!” He gnashed his teeth, looking helplessly at the guards. Everypony in line craned their necks to see. The sarosian's tantrum was drawing everyone's attention, passengers and thugs alike. “This little varmint's gone rabid! Any second now, he'll yodel his throat super hard and unleash the bat brain blaster!”

“Holy shit...” One guard stammered, his jaw dropping side.

“Can... c-can they do that?” murmured another.

“Oh yes!” Bard nod-nod-nodded, still struggling to contain Echo's thrashing motions. “Their shrieks can get so blasted high-pitched that it'll paint yer skulls with your brain noodle! Splooosh! Of course... yer prostates would have become sonic goo minutes beforehoof.”

“Ah jeez!” One guard spun towards another. “We gotta do something!”

“And quick!”

“Reckon I know a solution!” Bard gestured towards the undertrolleys. “Throw us in one of them thangs! The thick iron acoustics should be good enough to drown out his vibrations before he goes unconscious from all his strugglin'! We should all be safe by the time we reach Shoggoth proper and drop his sorry keister in a dungeon!”

“Hmmmf... still, this is a very dangerous situation,” one guard muttered, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Best to not take any chances.” Schiiiing! He pulled out a gleaming dagger. “I'd better slice out his voice box.”

Skree-ee-ee-ee—...” Echo froze, blinking. “Wait... huh?”

“Wait, huh?” Bard did a double-take. “But... but he's my bounty! That'll kill him!”

“Maybe, maybe not.” The guard wandered forward with the blade, aiming for the nape of Echo's neck. “But if he's as dangerous as you say, then we can't risk the livelihood of Shoggoth's citizenry.”

“B-b-but we're deliverin' him as a gift from Boss Revan—”

“—and I'm quite familiar with the bounty,” the lead guard said. “In death, he should still bring in a handsome price. Handsome enough for the likes of you to live on.”

“Okay, buck this...” Echo rolled off Bard and tried worming away. “I'll be voiceless in hell, ya seagull huffers!”

“Hold still...” The guard snarled, squatting low and reaching for the bat pony.

“Now wait just a minute!” Bard gnashed his teeth, shoving his way in. “Let's talk about this! Uhh...” He turned and stared at Wildcard with flaring eyes. “Uhhhhhhhhhh...!” He nodded.

Wildcard nodded back. Schiing! He produced his nightsticks.

One guard saw it out the corner of his eyes. “Wait! You there—”

“Mr. Wildcard!” Theanim reached over and grasped the griffon's arm. All around, the crowd was stirring and surging in panic. “We... we must find another solution or else they'll never let us into the—”

“Dammit!” Echo kicked and thrashed at the guards. “Let... go!

“I said hold still.” The guard pressed the blade to Echo's neck, frowning. “You're nothing but midnight filth anyways—”

Echo spat. “Buck you, guy! I mean it—”

“Rainbow!” Twilight squeaked. She and Rarity were a trembling mess at this point. “We have to do something!”

“It's... there's no chance of us making it to Shoggoth at this point!” Rainbow's voice cracked. “Pinkie Pie...” Just then, the world around her lit up with sea foam green light, and she reeled.

“Be at ease, Rainbow Dash. It has been taken care of.”

Just as soon as the light pulsed, the world returned to its gray haze, and Rainbow fell back on her haunches.


“Rainbow?” Rarity looked over. “Are you okay, darling?”

Before Rainbow could respond, she saw the sea foam green light again—only this time it was somewhere far ahead, shimmering from two fixed points beyond the crowd. She looked to see the light emanating from behind the lead guard's eyes. He suddenly lowered his dagger from Echo's throat, and his lips slurred: “It has been taken care of.”

The other guards standing around performed double-takes. “Huh?”

Echo blinked. “...Huh?”

The lead guard stood up, clearing his throat. “It has been taken care of.” He calmly looked at the others with a glazed expression. “I remember now. The Boss is expecting Revan's gift. This is all according to plan.”

“Since when?” Another guard frowned. “I don't remember being briefed on—”

“Do you wanna be on seagull poop duty for a week that badly?!” growled the leader, poking the stallion in the chest with his dagger. “Well?!”

“Uhhhhh...” The other guard shook his head, gulping. “N-no, sir!”

“Do not challenge my authority ever again.” Schiiing! The guard sheathed his blade, then turned towards Bard and the others. “You are free to pass.” He gestured towards the undertrolleys in wait. “Sorry for all the trouble.”

“... ... ...” Bard blinked. “So... that means no inspection, right?” A metal talon whapped him in the back of his head. “Ow! Er... I mean, r-right!” He put on a nervous smile, scooped Echo back onto his flank, and tipped his hat. “Pleasure chewin' the fat with y'all!”

Bard shuffled on, followed by Wildcard—who shared no small amount of glares with the peering guards. At last, Theanim and Rainbow took up the rear, trotting across the platform in awkward silence. Below, sea waves crashed thunderously against the bluffs of upper Shoggoth.

“How in blazes did you manage to intimidate that fellow?” Theanim wheezed.

“I didn't!” Bard whispered back. “Or else, if I did, I dun even know my own tongue's strength! Eheh...”

“You're all a bunch of jackasses,” Echo grumbled.

“Glad you're in one piece too, old chap,” Theanim said.

Rainbow was the last to enter the thick open doorframe of the undertrolley. Just as she passed through, the world burned once again with sea foam green.

“I am waiting for you, but I am not the only one. We must remain cautious.”

“Eunngh...” Rainbow teetered, then leaned limply against the frame. She brought a hoof to her fuzzy forehead, gritting her teeth.

“Rainbow...?” Rarity and Twilight flew up close. “Are you quite alright?”

“Do you feel another fainting spell coming on?” Twilight asked.

“You...” Rainbow's eyes opened, thin and weak. “You mean you guys didn't hear that?

Twilight and Rarity exchanged awkward glances. “Hear what?”

“What's going on, Rainbow?”

“I... I don't know...” Rainbow wheezed. “But... but I think somepony just helped us back there.” She gulped. “And she wants me to know it.”

As her vision came back into full focus, she saw her reflection in a worried griffon's lenses.

Rainbow cleared her throat. “I'm... I'm fine...” She shuffled past Wildcard. “Just dealing with... uhhhh... girl stuff. Yeah.”

Wildcard stared after her, eyecrest raised. With a ruffle of his feathers, he icily followed the group to the furthest corner of the undertrolley's dimly-lit interior, where they took up plush seats and sat in nervous silence.

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