• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 7,358 Views, 12,705 Comments

Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Hook, Hook, Where is the Hook?

One after another, panicked thugs galloped down the winding stairs that led to the first floor of the Stronghold. Their hooves echoed with loud clatters against the walls of the stairwell—a space that was growing smaller and smaller. As they reached the lowest levels, their panting voices reached a fever pitch:

“We're taking on water! I just know it!”

“Was that an explosion just now?!”

“No way in Hell! Who could have gotten down here?!”

“I thought White Foam was guarding the place!”

“Friggin' coral huffer, I swear...”

Suddenly, the head of the line skidded to a stop, his front hoof splashing into water. A line of liquid was rapidly rising up the stairwell. The entire bottom floor had already been consumed.

“Buck me...” The lead stallion stammered.

“This is bad...” Another glanced around, teeth chattering. “And it's getting worse! The water level is rising!”

“We gotta tell Boss Revan!”

“You mean run up to the top floor?!” One stallion shook his head. “Screw that! We gotta open the flood pipes before it gets any higher!”

“How do you expect us to do that?!”

“How else?” And the lead stallion kicked two of his comrades into the drink.

“Wh-whoah!” SPLASH!

“Quickly!” The last three stallions dove in after them, shining flashlights into the rising depths. “About three meters down! The north and south walls! Pull the levers!”

The air filled with splashing and sputtering as all five thugs dove around, dodging debris as they frantically looked for the apparatuses that would vent the excess floodwaters.

“Hurry up!”

“It's rising!”

“We gotta stop it before it reaches another level!”

Meanwhile, behind the group, a petite figure rose up, drifting like a log. With wings outstretched, Rainbow Dash pony-paddled in a circle, making her way to the stairwell. She waited for a series of distorted waves from the amphibious thugs to reach the bottommost step. Then, holding her breath, she hopped onto dry stairwell. The movement caused a tiny splash, and she froze in place.

Thankfully, none of the thugs turned towards the source of the errant noise. They were far too busy with diving for the dive vents in the waters below.

The waterline kept rising, and Rainbow Dash didn't waste anytime. Sticking to the shadows, she trotted up the steps, got a head start, then flew with moist feathers.

One and a half flights up, Rainbow sensed the shadows of more stallions galloping down. Gritting her teeth, she twirled about, then hid her small body behind a vertical support beam.

Just a few seconds later, a fresh wave of frantic guards rushed down the steps—moving right past her.

The mare held her breath, staying still for a little bit longer. Then—stealing a peek to see if the coast was clear—she flapped her wings and ascended up the steps. Halfway through her climb, however, she paused, looking at the south wall of the third floor.

She spotted a round cylinder poking out of the surface. Two levers flanked it, well within a leg's reach of one another.

Smirking, the wet pony pointed at the structure. “That's the ticket...”

Then—as the panicked voices doubled down below—Rainbow made her way stealthily towards the fourth floor, then flew straight for the supply compartment.


Rainbow opened the door slowly. She peered her dripping muzzle in, looking left and right.

The room was barren. Rainbow spotted the vault on the far end, as well as the bruised guards in the corner. However, there was no griffon.

“... … ...Wildcard?”

Her blue brow furrowed.

She drifted forward, one pensive step at a time.

“I dunno if you noticed, but they're reenacting the Legend of Atlantrot downstairs. Now's a super bad time to be one with the—”

Schiiiing! A pair of nightsticks crossed around her neck from behind.

“—shadows?” she squeaked, bug-eyed.

Half-a-second later, the griffon backed off, wincing. He pocketed away his weapons and apologized profusely through a series of clattering talons.

“Yo... yo, it's okay...” Rainbow waved, then rubbed her throat with a shuddering breath. “I'm just glad you don't use katanas as a signature weapon.”

Wildcard nodded, exhaled, and shuffled over towards the three thugs.

“So... uh...” Rainbow trotted after him. “We haven't much longer until the floodwaters reach us. Please tell me you've found a way to open the vault.”

Wildcard shook his feathered head. He reached into the pile of bodies and picked up the unicorn's groaning figure.

“Orrrrr... we could come up with a solution together. Why not?” Rainbow shrugged. “I'm guessing Bard is the brains of the operation,” she said with a smirk.

Wildcard's goggles reflected her with a mute glare. He then hoisted the unicorn up onto the table, slamming him down. WHUMP!

“Oooof!” Just like that, the thug woke. Upon seeing Wildcard, he simply snarled: “You're here for our fortune, aren't you? Well... eat shit, bird brain!” He grinned wickedly. “Boss Revan's promised that my entire family will be fed for life! I'm not opening anything for you!”

Wildcard sneered. T-t-t-ting! Razor sharp claws extended from each metal digit of his prosthetic.

“Heh...” The unicorn spat in his face and leaned back with a smug grin. “Do your worse!”

Wildcard raised his talon high—

GRIP! Rainbow grapped the limb, then hummed into Wildcard's ear. “Easyyyyyyyy there, bad cop.” She cleared her throat. “I know we're in a hurry and all, but I committed to not ripping any dudes' hearts out, no matter how rancid!”

Wildcard rolled his goggled eyes, sighing.

“If you can't come up with another way to open the door, then I guess I'll have to—”

With a jerk, the griffon hoisted the unicorn off the table and dragged him towards the vault.

Rainbow watched from afar, blinking.

“...?” The unicorn's bruised brow furrowed. “What are you doing—?” He gasped.

Wildcard spun the unicorn around, bent him forward, and shoved his horn straight into the manaconsole's niche positioned alongside the vault door.

“Guh!” The unicorn sneered, glaring at the griffon through the edges of his eyes. “Dammit, you imbecile! I told you—there's no force on heaven or earth that's gonna make me open this stupid—”

Wildcard reached in, spread the stallion's legs wide, then slammed his knee straight into the unicorn's groin at full force.

“GKKKKKK!” The unicorn's eyes rolled back in agony. His horn glowed as bright as the sun and—

DING! Hisssssssssss! The vault door opened with a cold groan.

“... … ...” Rainbow Dash finally finished wincing. Fanning herself, she trotted forward and peered into the vault. She looked aside at the unicorn.

“Mmmmmmommmyyyy...” WHUMP! The stallion collapsed in a crumpled mess, whimpering in a high-pitched voice. A cold griffon stepped casually over his body and entered the vault.

“Whew...” Rainbow Dash brushed her bangs back, then glanced aside at an empty spot in the air. “Maybe I should have clarified my stipulations more, but somehow... I don't regret it.” She heard the rattling of metal. Curious, the mare shuffled towards the opened vault. “Well, Wildcard? Is anything there? Was this whole escapade worth it?”

As she entered the vault, she could see a griffon standing, facing multiple metal shelves and racks. The mare had to squint, for there was a positively blinding glint of light... probably caused by the row upon row of countless platinum bars. The griffon peered aside, then pointed a prosthetic talon at the fortune with a grin.

Rainbow's muzzle parted. “... … ...bangarang.”

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