• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Stand Up Tall, Face Your Fears

“That...” The golem spoke, blue eyes flashing. “... … ...is correct.”

Rainbow shut her eyes as she fell back on her haunches. Rarity and Twilight Sparkle squee'd, jumping into each other's arms and twirling phantom circles across the platform. Bard and Wildcard simply stared, their jaws agape.

“Heeheeeee!” Twilight giggled. “We did it we did it we did it!”

“Rainbow Dash did it!” Rarity nuzzled Twilight, then turned to grin at Rainbow. “She's always done it! Now...” She floated over, pointing a pale hoof at the looming automaton. “Kindly tell that big metal oaf to release our dearest Pinkie at once!

Rainbow swallowed hard. “Well...?” She stood up, glaring at the golem. “I followed up on my end of your stupid test. Now... it's time for the prize.” She scraped her hoof across the frost-covered platform. “Let me through to Yaerfaerda. Let me through to my friend.”

The construct slowly nodded. “Very well...”


The Desperadoes flinched as the air echoed with shattering ice. Above them—in a full circle—chunks of frozen material shook, shattered, and fell. One by one—out of the dark niches within the machine world's golden ceiling—several identically intimidating suits of armor fell. Glowing with majestic blue mana, they formed together, standing in a solid phalanx of icy equine shapes.

Bard and Wildcard stood up, shivering back to back.

“Uhhhhh...” Bard gulped as he gripped his metal staff tightly. He and the griffon shuddered in the shadows of the metallic figures. “...Rainbow, darlin'? T'ain't lookin' like no normal 'farewell party.'”

“Hey, what gives?!” Rainbow sneered, spreading her wings as she glared at the sudden company of metal behemoths. “I thought you said you were—”

“You have been informed that Queen Verlax seeks your audience,” the centermost golem stated. “After which—and only after—shall she release your flame... and your companion... as was promised to you.” Slowly, the golems shuffled so that they formed a half-circle. “The Queen honors her word, and now you shall hear it with your own mortal ears.”

“And if I refuse?”

“We do not think you would want to refuse,” said the brightest-glowing construct. “Not for the sake of the Austraeoh's journey, at least.”

Rainbow stared and stared. “... … …alright,” she spoke through an iron frown.

“Rainbow, no!” Twilight flew in, hissing. “If it wasn't a trap before, it certainly has got to be now!”

“I'm afraid I echo Twilight's sentiment, darling,” Rarity remarked, fanning herself with a nervous expression. “This whole... brigade of haunted ponnyquins has toyed with you, and yet you've proven more than competent to surpass their examination! But once the dreadful things have gotten you in their grasp, there's no telling what Verlax might do to you!”

“It's not like I have much of a choice, girls,” Rainbow Dash said. She nodded ahead at the half-ring of equine armors. “We both knew going into this place that there was only way out. Camellia said as much.”

“Ya seem awfully good at listenin' to a spitload of voices, darlin'...”

Rainbow turned to look at Bard.

The stallion looked back. He leaned on his staff with a dreadfully somber expression. “But when was the last time that ya truly listened to yer own, hmm?” Wildcard looked at him curiously.

Rainbow took a deep breath, then bit clenched her jaw. “Voices or no voices, destiny or no destiny, this has always been up to me.” She glanced aside at her phantom friends. “I've been... super blessed to get a lot of help along the way, but still...” She turned towards the golems. “...it all comes down to me and Verlax. And, y'know what? I think she knows that.” Brow furrowed, she shuffled ahead. “That's why she's needed this.”

Bard and Wildcard exchanged glances. “Uhhh... needed what exactly?”

“A preview. And if that's what she wants, then that's what she's gonna get.”

“But Rainbow... remember...” Twilight Sparkle flew in close. “Princess Luna herself has described Verlax as being incredibly crafty and deceiving. And need I even remind you of all the terrible things Chrysalis described?”

Rainbow shuffled to a stop, ears twitching. She froze in place briefly.

Twilight gulped while Rarity looked on. “Please. Be careful. It's just that... I-I'd hate for you to spell your own doom all on account of saving Pinkie Pie.”

Rainbow's ruby eyes darted towards the frozen flame. Even despite its frosted status, it pulsed in a never-ending fuchsia glow.

Turning around, Rainbow locked eyes with Twilight. “This journey was worth every risk before, and it's worth every risk now.”

Twilight shivered in place. Rarity floated up. “What... wh-what do you want us to do in the meantime, darling?”

Rainbow slowly... slowly smiled. “Just laugh and make them disappear.”

Both mares blinked.

With a strong breath, Rainbow turned and trotted towards the golems. “Alright, rust buckets. I'm ready.”

“Only the Austraeoh can make this venture,” the one golem emphasized. “She must leave her friends behind for the time being.”

“Jee...” Rainbow droned, sitting dead-center in the middle of them. “...why doesn't that surprise me in the least?”

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