• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Ain't No Time For an Encore

“Come on, Rainbow!” Twilight stammered, nervously eyeing the ocean's surface as it grew closer and closer below. “Don't let them get the best of you!”

“You can do it, darling!” Rarity shrieked, although her cracking voice betrayed her panic.

“Grrrrgghhhh!” Rainbow thrashed and struggled with the two mercenaries, limb-locked with the combatants as they plummeted after Echo. Eventually, she twirled around, jerking to a stop as she faced Wildcard. The griffon's talons dug into her shoulders, and she felt stabbing flashes of pain. Somewhere amidst the struggle, Rainbow Dash heard the rattle of his goggles, and she saw her frenzied reflection in his lenses. “Your goggles...” the mare sputtered, and she slid a hoof to her pendant. “Bet they're super dark for a reason.”

Fl-Flasssh! A pulse of ruby light shot out from the Element of Loyalty, immediately blinding the griffon. Wildcard opened his beak wide in a mute scream. His body instantly flew off of Rainbow Dash and twirled limply into the wild blue yonder.

Before Rainbow Dash could spread her wings and glide after Echo, Bard's limbs wrapped around her in mid-fall. Within seconds, the stallion's hooves reached for Rainbow's pendant. They made the slightest contact, nearly knocking the item off the pegasus' neck.

Rainbow felt a dizzying jolt ricochet through her. At the same time, the images of Twilight and Rarity flickered on either side of the mare.

“—Rainbow, what is—” Twilight stammered, only to fade once more as Bard's grip came into contact with the pendant yet again. “—starting to disappear—!”

Rainbow let loose an audible gasp as the world spun around her.

Bard's drawling voice came into menacing focus: “Somethin' tells me we're a mite bit attached to this hear pendant, aren't we...?” And then he gripped the Element with two strong hooves, yanking and pulling.

Rarity and Twilight faded entirely. Rainbow felt her blood turn cold, and her eyes flashed red-on-yellow. With a final act of desperation, she flung two hooves around one of Bard's fetlocks... and bit into it.

“Yeowwwch!” Bard flung her away in a throwing motion. Clunk! The pendant flew completely off of Rainbow, and the mare went spiraling out of control.

Wincing from the pain of Rainbow's bite, Bard nevertheless flapped his wings, evened out, and swooped towards Echo. He grabbed the Sarosian, then lifted up and away from the ocean's surface. Above him, Wildcard had recovered, and the griffon flew low enough to watch along with Bard as the mare continued her plunge.

“Hell's bells...” Bard flexed his bleeding hoof while holding Echo with the other. He cast a nervous glance at the falling pony. “Did... did she grow fangs just now?”

Wildcard flew evenly with him, anxiously gesturing with his talons.

“Dun reckon she'll be all that well once she hits the waves,” Bard nervously stammered.

Frowning, Wildcard tugged on the stallion's wings and pointed northeast.

Bard sighed, nodded, and followed the griffon. As the two ascended with Echo, however, he tossed several nervous glances down behind him.

Rainbow fell amidst twirling stars.

She gnashed her teeth, wincing from the waves of ice slicing through her flesh.

A musical chime lit her ears.

The mare flung her ruby eyes wide open.

A sideways horizon of water soared towards her skull. Somewhere in the immediate foreground, she saw the twirling glint of her loose pendant.

Holding her breath, Rainbow Dash strafed towards it. She reached out a hairy fetlock. When she gritted her teeth, it forced her jaw open wider than she was used to.

Cl-Clank! Her limb caught the pendant. In a flash, she flung it back around her neck. Instantly, the frost in her veins melted, and she felt a tingling sensation return to her entire body. With a final amber flash to her vision, she felt a pair of spots across her forehead snap, and two tiny black flecks flew off into the blue sky.

Within seconds, a white and a lavender image faded back into existence, screaming desperately in Rainbow's face.

“Up! Up, Rainbow!”

“Pull up!”

“You have to pull up!”

Rainbow gasped, looking up—only to look down. The rippling ocean sailed up to her skull.

Th-Thwissssh! With a spiraling motion, Rainbow flew level with the horizon. She missed the concrete kiss of seawater by mere inches, and her flapping wings formed spreading waves that rippled off in opposite directions.

Wheezing, the mare flew straight forward, catching her senses as well as her breaths.

“Oh, thank Celestia!” Twilight exclaimed, hovering close to the pegasus. “For a second there, Rainbow, we thought you were a goner.”

“You had grown faint, darling,” Rarity said. “And... and...” She fought the urge to grimace. “Your h-head. It... it was bleeding—”

“I'm okay...” Rainbow hissed.

“But Rainbow—”

“I'm fine,” Rainbow growled. The blurring waves reflected her gnashing teeth. “And now... it's time to finish this.” FWOOOOOOSH! She shot straight up while the two spectres helplessly dangled along for the ride.

“For the last time!” Bard spat, flapping his wings harder as he carried Echo's flailing figure. “We ain't splittin' up!”

Wildcard flew ahead of him, wildly motionin with his flesh and metal talons.

“Cuz ain't no good gonna come of it!” Bard growled. “What if she were to catch up with us again?! How'd we be able to handle ourselves?!”

Wildcard simply stared at Bard.

“Lemme put it another way...” Bard's voice cracked, “How would I be able to handle myself without ya?!”

A rumbling picked up in the distance.

“Oh Queen V have mercy...” Bard looked behind them, gnashing his teeth. “Time for the encore...”

Sch-Schiiiing! Wildcard produced his two nightsticks.

“Get ready for anythang!” Bard hollered, twirling around so that he flew sideways alongside Wildcard. “If she gets close, aim for the pendant around her—”

SHOOOOOOOM! Rainbow streaked perfectly past them.

“...neck.” Bard blinked. He and Wildcard turned dumbly around. “What in tarnation...?”

Fw-Fw-Fw-Fwooosh! Rainbow Dash twirled into the nearby clouds, then disappeared.

All was silent, save for a slight rumbling.


FWOOOOOOSH! She came surging back towards them, diving from the northeast.

“Here she comes! Prepare yourself—”

Once again, Rainbow streaked violently past them, missing the pair entirely.

The griffon grimaced, beak clattering.

“Okay...” Bard's brow furrowed. “...now she's just taunting us.”

“Mrmmf-mrrmmmfff!” Echo squirmed.

“Shuddup!” Bard yelped. “Who asked you—?!”

SH-SHOOOOOOM! Yet again, the pegasus streaked by. Bard and Wildcard turned to look, and it was somewhere around this time that the two mercenaries realized just how dark the sky had gotten.

“Erm...” Bard's eyes searched the heavens. “...wait a cotton-pickin' moment...”

Clouds were closing in all around them. It took a few heart-stopping seconds for the bounty hunters to figure out why. With each spiraling streak, Rainbow closed the misty vapors tighter and tighter around the two. The clouds turned dark and darker by the second, blotting out the sun and reducing the atmosphere to a angry gray haze.

“Shiet!” Bard pointed in a random direction. “She's boxin' us in! Quick, Dubya-Cee, we gotta—”

But just as they tried making a move, a bright streak of lightning ripped past them. Wildcard instantly winced from the strobing light, and both clutched their ears from the ensuing thunder. Within seconds, another pulse of lightning blossomed across the aerial arena, and the following thunderclap was twice as intensely deafening.

The entire time, Rainbow flew faster and faster around the pair, using her streaking wingfeathers to close the pocket of thunderclouds in tighter and tighter. Soon the mercenaries found themselves encapsulated in a dense pocket of inclement weather, moist and impenetrable.

“Lemme ask you guys something...!” Rainbow's cracking voice echoed across the sky.

The air tingled with electricity. Bard's mane hairs spread apart while Wildcard's feathers stood on end.

“...what did your mommies and daddies teach you about carrying metal junk into a lightning storm...?!

Wildcard and Bard spun about, panting, panicking.

WOOOOOOOOOOSH! A prismatic streak plowed between them, knocking the two figures apart. With a miniature sonic boom, Rainbow plucked Echo's body up in her forelimbs, then plummeted out of the cloud, smirking with a sharp salute.

...nothing... apparently!” And she was gone, along with her echoing voice. Behind her, thunder and haze closed up the pocket of disturbed air.

Bard shuddered. He felt a haunting tingle of static electricity between his teeth as he drawled: “Heh...” Smiling lips. “...now that's one way to get licked...”


A brilliant flash of lightning exploded from within the tightly formed anvil cloud.

As Rainbow plummeted away from the scene with Echo in her grasp, she looked back to see two figures—trailing with smoke—fall clear out of the cloud and towards the distant ocean below.

Not wasting a second, Rainbow shot due west, approaching the east edge of Rust. Once the smell of smoke and dead fish returned to her nostrils, she relaxed, and glided in on lazy feathers.

“Mrmmffmf-mmmfff!” Echo struggled.

“Best to settle his frightened spirit, Rainbow,” Rarity said.

“Rarity's right,” Twilight added with a smile. “They're not pursuing us anymore. It's over.”

“Relax, dude. Ya feel that?” Rainbow smiled, pivoted Echo around, and removed the gag from his muzzle. “...the worst part is over.”

“Bleaaacckaaaauttgght!” Echo instantly vomited a copious fountain of coral-tainted bile all over Rainbow's muzzle, neck, and chest.

“... … …” Rainbow clenched her teeth, shivering as her body dripped with slime and undigested food. “...then again.”

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