• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Another Mane; Another Monologue, Part Four

By now, those in the Order may be wondering why I've chosen to commit such a lengthy entry to the topic of this peculiar stranger. Never mind the fact that I've veritably run out of all other natural observances to chronicle during my prolonged stay here in Nealend. Rainbow Dash is simply unlike any other traveler who's wandered by here before. She possesses an exotic exterior, for sure, but it goes far deeper than that.

This mare possesses the tenacious attitude of a brutish grunt, and yet—when prodded—she exemplifies tempered wisdom and moral integrity. I may not be inclined to share in her relatively apathetic approach to spirituality, but I can certainly grasp her reasoning behind possessing it. It's rather clear that she's traveled across many, many seas, and she's had to afford herself a social compass that can accommodate all of the differences—or perhaps none of the differences.

Which leads me to wonder: where exactly is she headed? What or where is the destination of her voluminous journeys? She's brought up the East Edge several times in conversation, but surely that can't be it. Despite her standoffish opinions, the mare's got a keen interest in the Shard of Verlaxion. Surely no sea or wind would imprison her here anyways. No sane creature would dare to confront Ultimo unless there was some purpose to be had... or if the pony in question possessed some undisclosed edge.

To put it lightly, the mare is a marvel to behold, and the only troubling thing—to me, at least—is her curious insistence on convincing the locals that her presence here is something ordained by Verlaxion.

“And just what freaks you out about that, anyways?” Rainbow asked, munching through a bowl of leaves and coconut bits.

Theanim Mane sat down across from her in the light of the night's bonfire. “Simply that you don't believe it.”

Rainbow froze in mid-munch.

A few spaces away, Sinrar and Nick looked up from their meals.

“Not to say that there aren't ponies in Rohbredden and beyond who truly believe that they are ordained prophets of the Queen of All Things,” Theanim said. “But such pour souls are almost always victims of delusional madness, brought on by the seas and the mists beyond, no doubt.” He smiled. “And though I can tell you've got much salt water under your wings, Miss Dash, I do not perceive you as a mad pony. Not even remotely.”

“You sure of that?” Sinrar muttered, sketching out a map of the village around them. In the distant shadows, Nealenders and foreigners alike sat in clusters, chatting and laughing the night away. “She's so butt-hungry for throwing herself into the jaws of an oversized lamprey.”

“Not like it's of much use,” Rainbow Dash muttered, digging lethargically at her bowl of greens. “Ultimo isn't showing his snout for anyone or anything anymore.”

“Yeah, fancy that,” Nick said. “The Swan Song is going along nicely. With just another day's worth of work, I can totally make her seaworthy again!”

“Yeah, so what, larva?” Sinrar remarked.

Nick blinked. “... so... uhm...” He fidgeted. “What's holding us back?” He looked across the wooden food trays at Rainbow Dash. “If Ultimo isn't showing his face, we could just... cast off, right?”

Rainbow's ears perked up. “I'm not done here, kiddo.”

“But...” Nick smiled nervously. “Didn't you and... ahem... you-know-who discuss this with the Princesses? There are Five Seeds, but you only need to find four of them.”

“That's not even certain.”

“The smegma muffin's got a point,” Sinrar said. “The damned ice junk here is shattered. What's the point in bringing back the whirlpool?”

“Will you please not speak so disrespectfully of Verlaxion's divine gift here?” Theanim frowned. “I can only tolerate so much.”

“Oh, great...” Sinrar rolled his eyes. “Do you really want to go through this idiocy again?”

“Good sir, if you're so keen to invoke the wrath of the Queen—” Theanim started to stand up.

Rainbow Dash stretched her wings out, silencing the air. She took a deep breath and calmly said: “I can fix this.”

“Fix what?” Nick remarked, squinting. “For all we know, Ultimo's vanished! I'd say we should take advantage of the situation, sail out into open seas, then get a fleet to come in and smoke him out for good!” He glanced at the others, shrugging. “Colonialists. Continentalists. Whoever. I don't care!”

“If... this is possible, then I might finally be able to cast off the Midnight Dreary,” Theanim said. “But... I'm not certain that's a wise idea.”

“Mr. Mane is right,” Rainbow Dash said. “Every Nealender I've talked to has confirmed that once a boat—any boat—gets far enough out, it becomes food for... Ultimo...” Rainbow's lips parted. She gazed straight forward in sudden epiphany. “That's it, Twilight!” She blinked. Hard. “We've been sticking too close to the Atoll! I've got the Shard and the Whirlpool stuck in my mind! What we really need to do—”

“—is sail far enough out into open waters!” Theanim exclaimed. He bore a smile. “Surely that will summon the beast!”

“Omigosh omigosh!” Rainbow stood up, nearly knocking over her bowl of greens. “I've got to tell Kaji and the others!”

Theanim chuckled. “Do finish your meal first, Miss Dash,” he said. “Without a meat diet, a pegasus like you will need all the energy she can get to accomplish such a feat tomorrow.”

“Wow, you're quick to take her side again,” Sinrar said.

Theanim squinted his way. “Why, whatever do you mean, sir?”

“Hah! Just that a few minutes ago you were ready to bite her head off.”

“I was not!” Theanim clenched his jaw, then sighed. “I just... don't agree with her tactics. Not entirely.”

“Harumph!” Sinrar adjusted his bifocals.

“I don't get it.” Rainbow squatted back down, taking a bite out of her leaves. “Mrmmffff—what don't you dig about it?”

“You've made it clear that you're not entirely faithful to the concept of Verlaxion.”

“Well, ponies of a feather...” Nick said, smirking at Sinrar.

Theanim sighed and continued: “I just think it's... borderline hypocritical to take that stance and then take advantage of simple island culture.”

“Bah! 'Simple,' he says!” Sinrar said.

“Dr. Dude...” Rainbow droned, then glanced at Theanim. “Look, I'm not a big fan of it myself.”

“Then why do it?”

“... … …” Rainbow stared blankly at him. Eventually, she said: “There are big things at play here. Really big things.”

“As you're evidently inclined to believe,” Theanim said. “The Nealenders? Not quite so much. They're helping you out of simple enthusiasm—not to mention the kindness of their own hearts. But, for the most part, you've earned that kindness by appealing towards their faith... or perhaps solicitating towards it. But what if this mission you're on spares you—but sacrifices them to Ultimo? They'll perish believing they've done their part for Verlaxion, but will that truly have been the case?”

“I... I'm not going to let it come to that, though!” Rainbow's voice cracked. Her head spontaneously jerked to the side, and she barked: “I won't! I've got this, Twi—” She seethed, turning towards Theanim again with a forced smile. “I've got this!”

“Even Verlaxion, in all her majesty, cannot stop all suffering,” Theanim said. “But at least she has the wherewithal to speak the truth to her beloved subjects.”

“Are you really certain about that, Monsieur Mane?” Sinrar droned.

Yes,” Theanim said, eyes sharp. “I am.” He glared Rainbow's way. “Miss Dash, you strike me as a mare of many talents. But all of the gifts in the world mean nothing without integrity. Above all else, I respect honesty. I'm not alone in this. Most subjects of Verlaxion share the same respect. If you're expecting to get anywhere in Rohbredden or beyond, then it's truth that will take you the furthest. It's a far stronger force than any tailwind; of that I can assure you.”

Sinrar glanced quietly at Nick, then at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash gazed at the photographer for a long while. A glint of starlight flickered across her eyes before she finally said: “Do you really... really want the truth?”

Theanim took a deep breath. “Do you think I'm incapable of handling it?”

Rainbow bit her lip. Once more, she glanced nervously at an empty space beside her.

“Miss Dash...” Theanim smiled. “I'm a scientist, an observer, and an explorer. But, most of all, I am an adult. Faith in Verlaxion might make foals of us all, but foals are meant to grow and learn. Please... I would very much like to know about you... and what you believe in.”

The mare fidgeted somewhat.

“And I think the Nealenders deserve to know too,” Theanim said bluntly.

Rainbow Dash opened her muzzle, lingered, then said: “You want the truth?” Her ears twitched. “Okay then. Here it comes.”

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