• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Follow the Horizon, Break the Circle

“Harmony... Chaos...”

Verlax spoke.

“Impermeable barriers to one another...”

Verlax circled the circle while Rainbow Dash peered out from within.

“Parallel lines of perfect antithesis...”

Verlax's shadow came to a stop, her hooves scuffling metallically through the blinding blizzard.

“...but only because we let them be.”

Rainbow merely watched, her face frozen in confusion as she listened.

The shadow and its glowing eyes turned to face her.

“Imagine that you spun the lines, so that they blurred into a pair of circles. Now, imagine merging those circles together, so that you could see that they were both one in the same.” She paced closer, her mane billowing like a dark cape behind her figure. “Imagine... just imagine that this was once the way things always were, and only a mind defined by its linear frailties could comprehend otherwise, forced by limitations: tiny thin slits through which one is forced to perceive the emotionless mechanics of this vast and unfeeling universe. Try to imagine an encompassing, a listless all-purpose purposelessness, stretching outward and inward in every direction, yet in no direction. A singularity and a void all in one. There would be no truth, for there would be no need for truth. Loneliness wouldn't exist, for there would be no one, no other, no all or nothing.

“How would one perceive of the imperceptible? Simple. There had to be a schism, a break, an epic cataclysm of such great and indomitable magnitude that it broke the laws and wrote them all at once, forcing into being beingness itself. How could this happen? It doesn't matter, for it had to happen, or else we would not be here discussing its happening. And for the laws of existence there were equal laws of nonexistence. For destruction, there was construction. For harmony... there was chaos. And you and I—goddess or not—we all live in the beautiful detritus of yesterday's apocalypse, a twilight that never ends, for it is always ending. What you and I call reality is simply the appendix to a chapter that exists outside the boundaries of any language...

“And yet, like trusting children, we all repeat it. We—the cosmos, the microbes, the oceans, the dust—we all emulate it, acting it out through eons of repetition, using planetoids as stage plays and continents as pulpits. We repeat death and rebirth in our futile attempts to become it. Sometimes in harmonic ballet, other times in chaotic bloodshed, we zig zag all the world's lines in hopes that it can become the circle once again... and never again.

“We did this until, at some point in time, the process became uniform. The accident stopped being an accident, and simply became a healthy reality. And it was at some point later, with the sum of all recorded knowledge and ignorance... regrets and hopes... dreams and fears... that a gaggle of curious creatures found their lines intersecting, and they decided to build a circle... to make it manifest through the greatest collage of ideas ever assembled in the history of everything. This was their gift to the universe... their gift to themselves... their home and gravestone all at once.”

Rainbow's ears folded back. At last, she murmured: “Urohringr.”

“However, their first mistake was in assuming that the epic monolith would be permanent.” The shadow paused in pacing, turning towards Rainbow yet again. “After all, can you blame them?” Then, with a loud burst, the shadow exploded, and Verlax turned into hundreds of thousands of pegasus shapes, all circling and flocking around the cylindrical blizzard like a cacophonous swarm of bats.

Rainbow gnashed her teeth, clamping her hooves over her ears as she hunched over and hissed in pain from the noise.

Through it all, Verlax's voice came booming with agonizing clarity. “Maybe it was done maliciously, or maybe it was made manifest by accident. But, one way or another, a singular member of this group—one very familiar to you and I—broke the covenant that had been so daringly made in the eons previous. The result was the greatest collapse to the greatest construction ever made. I trust you've always known about the Sundering, Austraeoh. What you haven't understood until now is that it was simply the lines' destiny to intersect and emulate the circle yet again. By breaking it, yes. But the Sundering was never just one event. It surrounds us. It defines us. And when the pieces fall apart just to fall back together again...”

Just like that, the screeching stopped. The flapping shadows all converged into one. The silhouette of a massive, five-horned dragon stood above Rainbow Dash, its wings outstretched.

“...it is like beautiful poetry. And you and I, Rainbow Dash, are on the cusp of a brand new stanza. We are so very lucky to witness it... to draw forth the breath that sings it into being.”

Rainbow seethed and seethed. She lowered her hooves from her aching ears and hissed: “I think... I-I think...” She gulped hard. “...you're an even nuttier melon fudge than Nevlamas.”

Slitted eyes flashed a hot blue. “My younger sister's biggest mistake was to obsess over chaos and chaos alone. But she can't really be blamed. She always was an idiot.” The shadow shrank into a petite pony size and trotted closer to the eye of the storm. “And for my older sister's transgression...” A metallic chuckle lit the air, adding frost to the swirling clouds. “...I can smell her fear on you, the same anxiety that once led her to eviscerate you in anger and denial. She thinks she's making a difference now, but all she values is harmony. Her arrogance is a dangerous thing. Nevlamas may have lived if it weren't for such self-righteousness.”

“Says the Divine who's lied to an entire continent full of sentient beings just to gain power,” Rainbow grumbled.

The shadow raised a hoof. “Responsibility. Not power. Though those two qualities are often commonly associated, only a kindergartner would consider them one in the same. No...” The equine head shook. “What I've done here in this ocean could not have been accomplished in my sleep, which is what your beloved princesses do. The alicorns of the sun and moon coast along on this cosmic waltz without questioning it or thinking outside the lines that their alien ancestors have painted. They ride the crest of a magic spell that's been thrown into kinetic motion since time immemorial. One day, the energy in those spells is going to fade away. And why not? The original casters either died or abandoned this island in the void epochs ago. But I?” Her wings stretched and unstretched in supple shadows. “I know the price of longevity, now more than ever. But when I first graced these shores, and I saw these mortals at war with one another, I knew that transforming them was no way of restoring them. I had to preserve their sins as much as their virtues. Harmony without chaos, after all, is a prison, and being ignorant of it is the one true Hell.”

“And you call this place a paradise?!” Rainbow Dash gnashed her teeth. “There are pirates and mobsters and corruption all over the high seas! I shudder to even think of what I'll find in Rohbredden!”

“You will find peace,” Verlax said. “And peace is not absolute. Nothing is. Nothing... save for the Sundering, and the forces that are compelled to repeat it, whether it involves us or not.”

“And lemme guess...” Rainbow flung a hoof. “You already signed up at the recruitment office ages ago.”

“What you call Rohbredden... my children... my brood... I call my greatest experiment. Well... second greatest. You're here now... and we can finally follow through on my vision.”

“Vision???” Rainbow blinked. Hard. “What vision?”

“The truth I witnessed about the Sundering...” The shadow receded into the mists. “...thousands upon thousands of years ago... when I attempted to follow my oldest sister, Endrax, into the void...”

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