• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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In Which A Decision is Made

“Sorry about the mess,” said the Returner pegasus. “Please, watch your step.”

The inside of the Returners’ hideout buzzed with activity as the ponies from Fillygaro were led through the well-lit caves. Ponies of every race, shape and color moved from one place to another, many carrying crates on their backs or issuing instructions. Even a few chocobos passed by, hauling heavier equipment to other parts of the base. All of them wore brown vests and leather hats, the outfits unifying the two groups of species.

“As you can see, things are pretty busy around here,” the Returner continued. “We might not have done much yet but we’re getting ready to make our move soon.”

“Move?” Twilight asked.

“Against the Empire. War’s coming and we need to act soon so that we can fight back.”

“Oh.” Twilight looked away, her shoulders drooping.

Applejack trotted up and gave the unicorn a nuzzle. “Something the matter, Twi?”

“No. It’s nothing.”

Applejack didn’t look convinced but didn’t press the issue. They traveled on in silence for another minute until the Returner led them to a room larger than any other they had passed through. In the center of the spacious cavern was a rectangular wooden table, long enough for a dozen ponies to stand around it. The Returner led them past it, to a set of stairs leading to a wooden door.

“Mayor Mare is there, in her office,” The Returner said, nodding towards the door. “She’s expecting you.” He stepped aside, allowing the party to shuffle up the stairs and through the door.

On the other side was another cavern, though smaller than the last room. A desk and a few chairs were set up to allow guests with two bookshelves pressed up against the cave wall next to the desk. In front of the desk stood Rainbow Dash, talking with a tan earth pony with a grey mane and wearing red-rimmed glasses sitting on the other side.

“Mayor Mare!” Applejack called out. “We’re here!”

“Applejack!” Mayor Mare said back. “I’m so glad you made it here safely. Rainbow here was just telling me about how much trouble you had just getting here.”

“Yeah, we ran into some bad sorts but nothin’ me and the others here couldn’t handle.”

“Impressive, I must say.” Mayor Mare’s gaze traveled over the gathered group before resting on Twilight. “Is that...”

Twilight stepped back from the intense stare the older pony gave her. It felt as though Mayor Mare could look right through her and see her inner thoughts. “Um... hi.”

“Mayor, this here’s Twilight Sparkle,” Applejack said. “She’s the one that can talk to espers.”

“Among other things,” Mayor Mare muttered. She stepped around her desk and came to stand before the nervous unicorn. “Our sources were able to intercept an Imperial carrier pigeon. It said that this single pony was able to fry fifty of the Empire’s soldiers in three minutes.”

“That’s a lie!”

Mayor Mare fell back from Twilight’s sudden outburst. Twilight bared her teeth and her horn glowed red, before a claw and hoof settled on her withers.

“Easy, Twilight,” Spike said, patting her on the back. “It’s okay.”

“We know it wasn’t yer fault,” Applejack added, offering her own hoof. “You were under their control but it’s over now. We’re all friends here.” The magic gathered around Twilight’s horn remained steady, until, gradually, the glow faded, leaving Twilight to look away to hide the tears forming in her eyes. The farmer gave one final pat and turned back to a shaken Mayor Mare. “Mayor, she doesn’t remember much, and what she does, she doesn’t like. So please, give her some slack.”

Mayor Mare eyed Twilight cautiously, slowly regaining her composure, before firming her features and walking back towards the unicorn with a calculated look. “I apologize. It was not my intent to bring up unpleasant memories; only to point out to the others just what we’re dealing with.”

“I trust her, Mayor,” Applejack stated.

“So do I.” Rainbow Dash rounded Mayor Mare to stand next to Twilight, her stance firm. “She may not look like much but she’s got it where it counts.”

Mayor Mare’s eyes traveled from one pony to the next, meeting each of their gazes. She finally gave a nod of the head. “It seems you’ve managed to make some good friends in so short a time. That’s good. It will make helping us easier on you.”

Twilight’s head shot up, her eyes widening. “Wha-what?!”

“What? Why are you surprised? That’s why you came here, right?”

“I... I, um, well... I’m not sure.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean? You defected from the Empire, correct? What other choice is there but to join us?”

Twilight looked away with a heavy expression. “I... don’t want to fight.”

All the sound in the room vanished, save for the light breathing coming from everyone around her. The oppressive silence did nothing for Twilight’s frayed nerves. However, she forced through her next words. “Fighting... is the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t want to be a part of that. I don’t want to hurt anypony. I don’t want to kill anypony. Please, don’t force me to.”

Mayor Mare remained silent, letting Twilight’s words sink in. At last, she sighed and said, “It’s a shame you feel that way. Though, I suppose I can respect that. War is... well, it’s war. And we’re in for a doozy of one.

“Still, if there’s anything you can do to help us, anything at all, then I please ask that you do so. The sooner the Empire is stopped, the fewer others have to die.”

Mayor Mare turned and trotted back to her desk and to the pile of reports that awaited her. “Think it over. You all look as though you could use some rest. There will be a meeting later today so please take some time to relax. We’ll discuss things further then.”

“Much obliged, Mayor,” Applejack said, tilting her hat towards the Returner leader. “C’mon, y'all. Let’s get some grub and rest up.” She herded the group out the door, leaving Mayor Mare alone with her work.

Once all the ponies and chocobo were gone, Mayor Mare took off her glasses and sighed. “I hope you come to the right decision, Twilight Sparkle. You may be our only hope.”


Fire burned everywhere. Houses. Trees.

Even ponies.

The air all around crackled and stung with flame and smoke. The streets were littered with debris and bodies, most of them slowly being burned away.

There was nowhere to run. There was nowhere to hide.

A pair of unicorns riding atop magitek armor stepped over the wreckage, searching for any stragglers trying to escape the blaze. One of them pivoted their machine towards their partner.

“Check down this block. Look for any citizens and order them to head to the detention camp. If any give you trouble, you have authorization to eliminate them. Move out.”

Without a word, the second unicorn piloted her magitek armor down the street the first one had indicated. Only a few steps had been taken when she heard the first unicorn say, “Just a soulless machine. A tool to be used until it is no longer needed. Nothing more.” The first unicorn paused while her machine lurched into action, lumbering down her own designated street. “Better her than me.”


Twilight awoke with a start, nearly falling out of the bed in which she lay. Her coat was covered in sweat and her breathing came in short, harsh gasps. She whipped her head from side to side as though expecting monsters to step out of the shadows and attack her. When nothing like that happened for several seconds, Twilight managed to calm down. She took a deep, shuddering breath and let it out slowly.

“Oh please let that be a bad dream,” Twilight whispered within the darkness of her room. “Please, oh please...”

The unicorn remained still for a few more minutes, taking her time to relax and allow the memories from the dream to fade away. Giving one final sigh, Twilight climbed out of bed and levitated her cloak hanging from a nearby chair. She donned it and trotted for the door. Sleep wouldn’t be coming back for her so it was time to walk around and think of what to do next.

The moment Twilight stepped out of her room, a cascade of movement and noise reached her ears. Ponies and chocobos everywhere were walking past, talking in groups or checking equipment. If anything, the caves of the Returners’ hideout were busier than when she had fallen asleep.

“Hey! You’re up!”

No sooner had Twilight turned her head at the familiar voice than Rainbow Dash rushed up to her with a large grin on her muzzle.

“So sleepyhead, did you make up your mind and decide to hook up with us? Huh? Huh? Huh?”

Twilight pulled away from the eager pegasus with a sheepish smile. “Um, sorry. Not yet. I’m still thinking it over.”

“What’s there to think about?” Rainbow asked, her grin quickly reversing into a frown. “You don’t want there to be any more fighting and the best way is to join us so that we can stop it.”

“Yes, but... isn’t there another way? Do we have to fight? Can’t Mayor Mare talk to the Empire?”

Rainbow covered her muzzle with a hoof and groaned into it. “Twi, don’t you think Mayor would have tried that if it would work? Let me tell ya, it won’t work. The Empire is only interested in taking over the world.” Rainbow’s eyes narrowed and lost focus, as though reliving a memory that brought back only pain. “And they don’t care who they have to hurt to do it. Talking to them will only give them the chance to blast us with their freaky magic.” Her eyes suddenly widened and she waved her hooves frantically. “Not that you’re a freak! I like you! You’re cool!”

“... Thanks... I guess,” Twilight responded. She turned and began walking down the cavern. “There’s got to be another way, Rainbow. I... I’ve got to think about it some more.”

“Don’t think too hard!” Rainbow Dash called after her.

Alone once again, besides the constant traffic of Returners around her, Twilight tried to concentrate on the matter at hoof. There had to be a way for her to help without hurting anypony else, there just had to be. A whimper escaped Twilight’s mouth as nothing came to mind and there wasn’t much time left to think about it. Mayor Mare needed an answer: an answer she wasn’t sure she could give.

Rounding a corner, Twilight caught sight of Spike and Big Macintosh fussing over something over a wooden table. Curious, Twilight headed over to them. “What are you two up to?”

“Hey, Twilight!” Spike greeted excitedly. “Look what Big Mac made for me. Check it out!” He pointed a claw at a spear laying on the table where Big Macintosh was currently tightening a bolt on it with a wrench in his teeth. The spear was not the simple piece of carved bone like his last one, but a metal lance. The point was much larger with bladed ends on each side, forming a partisan. The shaft of the lance appeared much sturdier with grips sized to fit Spike’s claws. “This baby is going to really come in handy. I can’t wait to try it out!”

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh said through his wrench.

Twilight watched Big Macintosh work. It was clear the red stallion loved to tinker with machines given the content expression on his face. A fine profession to get into for the benefit of ponykind.

If only he weren’t working on a weapon.

Twilight bit her lower lip before hesitantly saying, “Um... Big Macintosh? Are... are you going to join the Returners?”



With one final tug, Big Macintosh finished tightening the bolt and pushed the finished spear over to Spike. The dragon eagerly grabbed it. “Thanks! I’m going to go practice with it right now!” With his new acquisition in claw, Spike ran off to find a training area.

“Just seemed like the right thing to do,” Big Macintosh said as he began putting away his tools. “I want to see them stopped just as much as these ponies do. Reckon I can put my talents to good use here.”

“But... aren’t you afraid one of your inventions will... hurt somepony?” Twilight asked.

Big Macintosh paused in his cleanup and sighed. “Eeyup. I try not to think about it too much. But sometimes protectin’ what matters to us means having to hurt others. An’ right now, keepin’ Fillygaro safe is what matters to me.”

Twilight shook her head, huffing in frustration. “I don’t have anything like that. Even with Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Spike, I don’t think I could force myself to fight for their sake.”

The stallion shrugged and finished cleaning up his work area. “You’re a nice mare, Miss Sparkle. I suppose this type of place isn’t for you.” Big Macintosh shifted his tool case to his back and began walking away. “Iffin you decide not to join, I wouldn’t hold it against ya. Good luck, Miss Sparkle.”

She watched him go, frowning at not receiving the answer she sought. This whole situation was like nothing Twilight had ever experienced before. Perhaps remaining under the Empire’s control, where all her decisions were made for her, would have made an easier life.

Twilight ruthlessly banished that thought from her head. That was no way to think. Escaping from the Empire had opened a whole new world for her and she would face it, no matter what choices she needed to make. She just hoped she made the right one.

With nopony to talk to, Twilight headed back to her room. This walk was supposed to clear her mind and make it easier for her to come up with the right decision, but now she felt more conflicted than ever. Everyone around her was sure they were doing the right thing by fighting the Empire and even had good reasons for doing it. But herself? What would she be fighting for? Her mind heavy, she finally reached her room and pushed open the door.

And nearly ran headlong into Applejack.

“Oh! Sorry there, sugarcube!” Applejack said, stepping aside to let a bewildered Twilight enter. “I was coming to check up on ya but you weren’t around. I was just about to head out to look for ya. Good timin’ I guess.” She blinked at the downcast expression Twilight wore and asked, “You alright, hon?”

Twilight shook her head. It felt like she had been doing that a lot lately. “I don’t know what to do, Applejack. Everyone here wants to fight the Empire but I can’t bring myself to do it.”

“Uh, why don’t you get payback for controllin’ you the way they were? Seems a good enough reason to me.”

“But that’s just it!” Twilight exclaimed, making Applejack step back. “I barely remember any of that! It’s like it happened to a completely different pony and I’m just seeing it through their eyes. I know what they did was bad but I just don’t feel... anything about it.

“How can I fight when my heart isn’t into it?”

Applejack remained silent, trying to come up with the words that would help the unicorn through her dilemma. At last she said, “I don’t know, Twi. I’m not sure what I can say that can help you. And I don’t want to force you to make a choice you’d regret. That’d make me no better than the Empire.”

“I feel so helpless,” Twilight said, sinking to the floor and letting out a long breath. A moment later she felt a hoof on her back and she looked up to see Applejack smiling down at her.

“Twi, it’s okay to feel that way. I’ve felt the same tryin’ to keep Fillygaro runnin’ for as long as I have while also working to keep the Empire out. Just keep sayin’ to yerself that things will get better and one day they will. And don’t go thinkin’ that you’re alone. You’ve got me, Dashie and Spike ta help ya when you need it. Okay?”

Before Twilight could respond, a knock came at the door. A pony Returner opened it and poked his head in. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but Mayor Mare wanted to see the unicorn.”

Twilight sighed and heaved herself back to her hooves. She gave a grateful smile to Applejack and followed after the retreating Returner.

“Good luck, Twilight!” Applejack called to her. “Chin up!”

“Right,” Twilight muttered.

She remained quiet for the rest of the trip to Mayor Mare’s office. Once there, the Returner ushered her inside before leaving to attend to another duty. Mayor Mare was right where Twilight had last seen her, sitting at her desk and pouring over documents. “You wanted to see me?”

The earth pony looked up from her work and regarded Twilight for a few moments. Twilight fidgeted, growing uncomfortable with being stared at in such a way. “Yes, I wanted to show you something,” Mayor Mare said at last. She motioned for Twilight to come closer and pushed a brown and crinkled piece of parchment towards her. “Read that and tell me what you think of it.”

Twilight eyed Mayor Mare dubiously for a second, shrugged and looked over the parchment. It looked old, with ripped edges and smudged ink throughout the writing, obscuring some of the words. One side of the paper appeared to have been torn out of a book judging from the frayed edge. Twilight worried that just breathing on it would disintegrate it. Carefully, she leaned over the parchment and scanned through the words.

... periment was a succe... Master will be pleased with... can’t wait... show him. A few more te... will have... for the war. Our for... enemies’ best efforts. As long as the wielder... rd will be without... port more as I continue...

~... over... er~

Twilight looked up once she had finished. “It looks like some kind of research report. When is it from?”

“Well, we don’t have anypony that specializes in dating things like that,” Mayor Mare began, “but our best guess is sometime during the War of the Magi.”

Twilight cocked her head. “War... of the Magi?”

“Yes, a terrible war that happened a thousand years ago. Not much is known about it and what we do know comes from documents like that. Just about anything from that time has been lost or destroyed. I’m not even sure who wrote that paper.”

“Why did you show it to me?”

“I have a few more pieces like that which talk about espers. I was hoping that you might have some insight on them.”

“Really?!” Twilight squeed, her eyes sparkling in anticipation. “Can I see them?”


The unicorn blinked and her ears laid back. “Um... why?”

“Because they are very sensitive and contain valuable information that can’t be shared with anypony that isn’t a Returner.”

“Oh. I see.” Twilight stepped away from the desk and closed her eyes.

“I’m sorry to do this to you, Twilight Sparkle, but I can’t risk these secrets getting into the Empire’s hooves. I showed you that one in good faith. To see the others, I’ll need you to swear allegiance to us.”

The unicorn scuffed her hoof against the ground and opened her eyes. A forlorn look crossed her features as she gazed at the sheet of paper from a time long gone by and the promise of more. Answers that she desperately wanted could be found in the files that Mayor Mare possessed, information that could shed light on why she had the powers that she did.

All she had to do was say—

“I... can’t.”

Twilight lowered her head, unwilling to see the Returner leader’s reaction. When she didn’t hear anything for a full minute, Twilight dared to glance up. Mayor Mare remained as Twilight last saw her, with her head resting on crossed forelegs. She just stared back at Twilight, her expression betraying nothing of what was going on in her mind.

Mayor Mare reached up and removed her glasses and sighed. “You’re sure about this?”

Twilight looked away again. She slowly nodded.

“I see. This is... disappointing. But I will respect your decision. I need to head to my meeting but once it’s over, we’ll see to getting you moved someplace safe. If you’ll excuse me.” Mayor Mare placed her glasses back on and gathered up some papers on her desk. She then headed for the door, not once looking Twilight’s way.


Mayor Mare stopped. She tilted her head towards the unicorn and waited.

“There’s... something I could help you with. But once that’s done that’s it. I’m only offering because I’m curious myself.”

“What are you getting at?” Mayor Mare asked, some irritation creeping into her voice.

“The esper in Neighshe. I want to try to talk to it again. It may tell me something about myself. Once I’ve woken it up I’ll ask it to help you. Is that okay?”

Mayor Mare faced Twilight fully and gave a grateful smile. “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. That would help us tremendously.” She gestured towards the door with a hoof. “Why don’t you join us? I’d like to tell everyone the news.”


Both ponies exited the office and into the main conference room. The room was already filled to capacity with ponies and chocobos talking excitedly with each other and milling about. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Spike and Big Macintosh all stood together on one side of the conference table, their expressions ranging from bored to expectant. Twilight caught sight of Stardust conversing with a few chocobos in the back though she couldn’t tell what they were talking about. Mayor Mare reached the end of the table and cleared her throat.

“Everyone? Can I have your attention? I’d like to get this meeting started.” The gathered Returners gradually quieted down and waited expectantly. “Good. Now, before I begin, let me thank our new members for joining our cause. We are all grateful for your help. I’d also like to thank Twilight Sparkle for agreeing to help us in some capacity. But!” Mayor Mare held up a hoof, interrupting the questions she could see some of her members were ready to ask. “We’ll get to that later. First, I’d like to present our latest findings in the Empire’s magitek power. Raindrops? If you please.”

Mayor Mare stepped aside to allow a yellow coated pegasus with a green mane to take her place. “Ahem. Thanks to the efforts of some of our undercover agents—”

“Which is just me!” Rainbow Dash yelled out.

“And if you’d be less picky about who we recruit, you wouldn’t be the only one!”

“Hey, this job is only for the best. And we all know—”

“Ladies!” Mayor Mare interrupted the bickering. “If you would be so kind as to stay on topic.”

“Sorry,” Raindrops muttered and forced herself to look away from Rainbow Dash. “Anyway, we’ve found that some of the greatest and brightest minds in the world are being forced by the Empire to study espers. And we all know that the Empire is very interested in getting the esper found in Neighshe. Given this, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to believe that espers and magitek are somehow connected.”

“Indeed,” Mayor Mare said, reclaiming her spot at the table. “And from the artifacts and documents that we ourselves have been able to find, it’s looking more and more clear that the Empire is on the cusp of restarting the War of the Magi.”

Shocked looks and disbelieving conversations immediately broke out.

“This is insane!”

“You can’t be serious.”

“The war that nearly destroyed us all...”

“Would the Empire really go that far?”

Mayor Mare rapped her hoof smartly against the table. “Everyone! Everyone! Settle down. I know this is not easy to hear, but that’s what we need to deal with.

“Unfortunately, if this is all true and the Empire has access to espers to create their weapons, then that means the only way to stop them is to create our own magitek weapons. This means we need to find our own esper.” The Returner leader pointed at the pony that had remained silent besides her. “This is where Twilight Sparkle comes in. She has agreed to talk with the esper in Neighshe and try to convince it to help us. Once we have that esper on our side, we stand a chance of stopping this war before it can begin.”

“Alright, Twi!” Rainbow Dash cheered, thrusting a hoof into the air. “I knew you wouldn’t let us down!” Twilight sheepishly smiled back at the pegasus.

Applejack raised a hoof and spoke up, “Do ya think that’s a good idea to wake that thing up? Who knows what it will do when it does.”

“I understand, Applejack,” Mayor Mare said. “We’re dealing with forces that nopony has dealt with for hundreds of years. But I think with Twilight’s help, we’ll be able to get this to work. Now, I’d like to next speak abou—”


All heads turned towards the noise of falling equipment coming from a tunnel connected to the conference room. Two Returners rushed out with weapons drawn while three others surrounded the entrance, ready to defend against any hostile threats that came through. Others in the room also prepared themselves, ushering anyone unfit for battle towards the back. Moments later, the two Returners came back carrying a pony on their backs.

“Ma’am!” one of them called out. “Urgent news! You need to hear this!”

Mayor Mare made her way through the crowd, coming before the pony that the others had brought in. The pony wore the standard Returner garb but what drew her attention were the deep gashes spread across the pony’s body, each dripping blood onto the floor. One eye was completely swollen over and his breath came in short gasps.

“Mayor...” the dying pony struggled to say. “Report... from South Fillygaro. The Empire... took it... Coming this way...” The pony coughed, spitting up blood, and took his last breath.

Mayor Mare dipped her head and gave a moment of silence for her fallen comrade. She looked to the two that had carried him and said, “See to it he receives a proper burial.” She turned to the rest of the Returners. “We’ve been found out! We haven’t a moment to lose! Everyone, gather what you can and destroy the rest. Head to Neighshe through the Lete River. Move!

“Rainbow Dash!”

In a blur of prismatic color, Rainbow Dash appeared before Mayor Mare and saluted smartly. “Yes, ma’am!”

“I need you to run interference. Go back to South Fillygaro and do what you can to slow the Empire down. Anything you can do so that we have more time to get away may make the difference. You up for it?”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Is a raincloud wet? I’m on it!” No sooner had the words left her mouth that Rainbow Dash streaked out of the cave, leaving a rainbow trail in her wake.

“Everyone else, to the rafts!”


“Are you sure there’s no other way?” Twilight Sparkle asked, casting nervous glances at the rushing water crashing against the raft all around her. She stood in the very center of the wooden raft with Applejack and Big Macintosh piloting it with long sticks on either side. The flow of the river was very strong, pushing the raft at speeds Twilight would have prefered not to experience. High craggy cliffs, slowly cut over centuries by the same water that passed under her, boxed in the river leaving only a thin strip of sky visible. “Like... mountains? I handled the last mountain pretty well.”

“There are a few paths that lead through the mountains towards Neighshe,” Mayor Mare explained, standing next to Twilight. “But those paths have become unusable through plant overgrowth and landslides. Only chocobos can make it through now.”

“So that’s why you sent the chocobos that way and not with us?” Twilight looked further down the river. Ahead of her, four other rafts carrying Returners were navigating the rapids. None of them carried any chocobos.

“One reason, anyway. Mostly because chocobos don’t take well to rivers like these. At least, not the ones I’ve met.”

“I see.” Twilight cast a quick glance behind her and to the empty spot on her back where Spike normally sat. The dragon had decided to travel with Stardust and the other chocobos rather than brave the rapids. Something about how fire breathing dragons and water just didn’t mix. Even though she had only known Spike for a short time, she had grown accustomed to him riding her and already missed his presence.

“Don’t worry,” Mayor Mare said and patted Twilight’s back. “We’ve navigated these waters several times for just such an emergency. Really, the only thing we have to worry about are—”


The cry came from one of the rafts further down. A green octopus with a grey carapace attached to its back clung to the side, swiping its tentacles at any pony nearby. On the opposite end, a red crab-like creature clawed aboard and attacked with its pincers.

“We have to help them!” Twilight cried. Her horn glowed red and she reared up to fling her spell. She nearly choked on her building chant when Mayor Mare rushed in front of her.

“Easy there, Twilight Sparkle!” the earth pony said, waving her forehooves in a placating manner. “No need to get so worked up! My members are plenty capable of handling a few monsters on their own. See?”

Twilight followed Mayor Mare’s hoof pointing towards the growing scuffle. The Returner ponies were already bucking the crab over the side and back into the river. Another sliced off two tentacles from the flailing octopus with a sword before stabbing forward and impaling the monster in its soft flesh between its shell. The octopus gave one last shudder and collapsed on the raft. One shove from the pony later and the dead monster slid into the rushing waters.

“See? Nothing to get yourself worked over.”


The warning cry came from Applejack, a moment before she tackled Mayor Mare away from sharp claws descending from above. An ear piercing shriek followed as a blue reptilian creature with large leathery wings flew past. The pterodactyl-like creature dove into the water and came back out moments later carrying the carcass of the slain octopus. The monster rose into the air and flew off with its new meal.

“Landsakes, this here river is more crowded than a Apple family reunion,” Applejack stated.

“Just keep an eye out,” Mayor Mare said, running a hoof through her frazzled mane. “Just a little longer and we’ll be there.”

“Is that a turn comin’ up ahead?” Applejack pointed down the river where a fork in the flow was quickly approaching.

“Yes, we need to take the left river. You and Big Macintosh get ready—”

“By the sun, what is that?!”

A Returner on the first raft pointed towards the right fork in the river. A long, snake-like shadow swam against the current, heading straight for the rafts. The ponies gathered their weapons and prepared to strike. They didn’t have to wait long as the figure beneath the water burst out, towering above them by more than six ponies in height.

“OHHHH! This place is marvelous! The flow against my scales, the delicious cuisine and the fabulous weather! It’s everything I’ve ever wanted. I am soooooooo going to love it here!”

The ponies gave a collective blink and their jaws dropped at the sight of a purple sea serpent with exquisite orange hair and a fashionable mustache preening before them. The sea serpent continued to gush about how wonderful the river was and how much fun it was going to be to spruce the place up.

“Kill it!”

The sudden yell from one of the Returners shocked the ponies back into action. The Lete River’s unrelenting flow carried them closer allowing one Returner to throw a knife at the sea serpent’s head. The knife’s blade glittered in the sun, catching the sea serpent’s attention. His movement brought his head in-line with the whirling blade.



Time seemed to slow down as everypony watched as half of the orange-haired mustache floated through the air. It drifted elegantly and forlornly, like a severed flag from a parapet. Then, time sped up again as the severed mustache touched the water and was washed away.

“Oh, you brute!” the sea serpent wailed. “Why would you do such a thing?! My beautiful mustache!” The sea serpent made to lunge at the raft that carried the pony that had ruined his perfectly coiffed hair but the raft had already passed by him and floated down the left fork. “Come back here and answer for what you’ve done!” The sea serpent lashed his tail, creating a wave that washed over the remaining Returners, soaking them completely. The sea serpent continued to flail and cry, bemoaning the horrid world that would cause such a disaster against fabulosity, and churned up the waters of the river to dangerous levels. Such was the force of his rampaging that the remaining rafts were pushed back and unable to drift by.

“We gotta calm that bucking bronco down!” Applejack yelled above the din of crashing water. “Or he’s going to flip us over and into the water! Big Mac, can you get a shot off?”

“EENOPE!” the red stallion blurted out. Big Macintosh was having trouble staying upright against the rocking raft, much less unhooking his auto crossbow and trying to shoot with it.

A wave knocked against the raft, sending Twilight barreling into Applejack. The earth pony grunted, heaved the two back towards the center, and kept a firm grip against the unicorn. “Twi! I’ve got an idea but you’ve got to trust me! Alright?”

“Okay!” Twilight answered back, clinging to Applejack desperately. “Just make this stop!”

“Fire your magic at his other whisker! Now!”

With a thought, Twilight charged up her horn and fired off a stream of flame towards the upset sea serpent. The fire struck true, searing off the other mustache and leaving only a burnt tuft of hair left.

“You did it again!” the sea serpent cried and wept at the injustice of it all.

“Now hold on there, partner!” Applejack shouted to him, gaining his attention. “I was jest helpin’ ya, ya hear? Now both sides are even so it don’t look so bad. It’ll even out when it grows back. Promise!” The sea serpent stared at her, too stunned to move. The river calmed down and the rafts floated by him and towards the left fork.

Suddenly, the sea serpent reached forward and grabbed Applejack up with a claw. “Oh, you think you’re so smart, huh? Well, what do you think of this?!” With a mighty throw, the sea serpent chucked the farm pony down the right fork where she washed away and out of sight within seconds.


The sounds of Twilight Sparkle, Big Macintosh and Mayor Mare’s cries drowned out as their raft continued on in the other direction.

Now alone, the sea serpent huffed and fingered what remained of his mustache between two talons. “Oh, what a world. And this place came so highly recommended. I suppose I’ll try warmer waters next.” Wiping the tears from his eyes at the loss of such wondrous hair, the sea serpent dove under the water and swam away.


Spike walked in from the side of a black screen. He stops and faced towards the screen, waving happily.

“Hello, everypony out there! Are you enjoying the story? Yes? Good! Because now is the time to make a choice for our heroes. Twilight Sparkle, Big Macintosh and Mayor Mare continue their journey to Neighshe, but will they be able to arrive in time to convince the town to help them in their fight against the Empire? And what has become of Rainbow Dash, who was sent to infiltrate South Fillygaro? Not to mention Applejack, having been separated from the others and is now adrift on the Lete River.

“It’s up to you to decide! Make a choice and leave it in the comments below. I’ll tally up the votes and the scenario that gets the most at the end of two weeks will be the one that will be shown next! Hope to see you next time!”


Spike started as Stardust rushed in from the other side of the screen. He took a moment to catch his breath and faced the screen.

“Wait, what about us? We have a epic journey of our own! We gotta go through some treacherous mountains while the others go on a pleasure cruise!”

“I hardly think being attacked by a fruity sea serpent counts as a cruise...” Spike drawled.

“Doesn’t matter! The point is that we have our own scenario and it needs to be shown! So vote for us too! C’mon, everypony loves OC chocobos, right?”

“Fine,” Spike relented and faces the screen. “Us too, apparently. So make your choice and see you next time on Filly Fantasy VI! Bye!”


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