• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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Wherein The Fire Burns Deep

“All right, you landlubbers, get ready to disembark!” Limestone yelled over the Paradise's intercom.

Rarity was first in line at the gangplank.

Spike ran up to her, huffing and leaning on his knees. “You… you move fast… when you really… want to…”

“You could have warned me,” Rarity hissed, her muzzle a few shades paler than it normally was.

“I didn’t know, either!” Spike countered. “I’ve only ever seen Pinkie drive the ship.”

“No matter. We’re here and that’s all that matters.” Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Rarity waited for the Pie sisters to lower the plank. They moved quickly and efficiently, a far cry from the ludicrous performance Limestone put on at the wheel. In minutes the ramp was in place and she moved to leave.

“Hold up. How long will you be gone?”

The sound of Trixie’s voice stopped Rarity from descending. Frowning, she said over her shoulder, “I told you, it’ll only be a few minutes. Spike and I will pop in, check around for Sweetie, then be back before you know it.”

Trixie matched Rarity’s frown. “Trixie reminds you that we have a dangerous pony sleeping right under us and we’re already short a few Returners.”

“I know, dear, but I don’t get the evil vibes from her that I did from her other form. You’ll be fine, great and powerful general. Come along, Spike.” Without waiting for a response, Rarity trotted down the ramp, Spike rushing to keep up.

The duo hadn’t traveled far when Spike said, “Nice job, sticking it to her. I’d have done the same but I know we’re in a hurry.”

Rarity shook her head. “Don’t antagonize Trixie. It won’t do us any good.”

Spike sniffed and crossed his arms. “I’m not going to forget that she betrayed us. What if this is all just some plan to get us all together so that Discord can finish us off?”

“From what I’ve seen and heard of the fiend, I doubt he would need Trixie’s help to pull that off. And Spike, neither of us would be here if Trixie hadn’t taken action on the Floating Island. You remember that, don’t you?”

It took a few minutes of traveling for Spike to answer. “... Yes. I still don’t like her, though.”

“That’s fine, she gets on my nerves too. But we’re all working together to make this world a better place. If we can put up with Trixie a little longer, it’ll all work out.”

“I hope you’re right.”

The two continued on in silence, Spike occasionally taking to the air to get used to his new wings. Soon, their destination came into view behind a grove of carefully groomed trees. The Opera House hadn’t changed any from what Spike could see, which he couldn’t decide was a good or bad thing. As they got closer, they could see a line of carriages parked next to the entrance, sparking a twinge of nostalgia.

Rarity took notice of Spike’s long stare. “Something the matter, Spike?”

The drake shook his head. “Sorry, just remembering. The last time I was here was a little… weird.”

“Good or bad weird?”

“A little of both, really.” Brushing his memories aside for now, he and Rarity walked up the steps to the main entrance and pushed open one of the grand double doors.

Nopony greeted them upon entering, though music could be heard coming from further in. The duo headed for the audience entryway but found it locked. They were about to try a different entrance when a pony wearing a sharply tailored suit exited from a door to the balcony seats above and spotted them. He cocked his head at the pair, double blinked, then rushed down a set of stairs to stand in front of them, focusing on Spike.

“Hey, are you a friend of dragons?”

Spike double blinked, himself. “Wha? Well, as long as they’re friendly, I suppose so. Why?”

“We have a problem. It’s the Impresario.”

Scratching his head, Spike said, “Uhh… Photo… Finish… right?”

The pony nodded. “That’s right.”

“What’s the problem? Is she in trouble?”

“Worse. She’s inspired. Follow me.” The pony trotted off, motioning for them to hurry. Sharing a confused look, Spike and Rarity shrugged and ran to catch up.

The pony led them through a series of hallways where actors, actresses, props, and costumes all waited to be called or used for the next performance. Rarity noticed a lot of pent up anxiety and frustration from the ponies she passed, though didn’t have the time to ponder why. Their guide led them up a staircase that opened up to a balcony set over the stage itself. He pointed down, prompting Rarity and Spike to look over the edge.

In the center of the stage stood a large, brown lizard like creature. Its hind legs were long, bulky and powerful, while its forearms were ridiculously tiny. A thick tail twisted and lashed in the air, keeping the other half balanced. Its enormous head, half of it consisting of a wide mouth containing rows of razor sharp teeth, looked out into the audience.

As bizarre as the sight was to see a tyrannosaurus-type dragon in the middle of an opera stage, what caught Rarity’s attention was the little white unicorn standing next to it. Barely coming up to the dragon’s knees, the unicorn was gesturing with its forelegs in grand, sweeping motions. Astonishingly, the dragon was doing the same, looking down at the filly every few seconds to make sure it was following the same motions.

It was only after processing this information that it dawned on Rarity that the duo were each making sounds in accordance to the music coming from the orchestra pit. They were singing.

“What in the wide world of fashion is Sweetie Belle doing?!” She rounded on the pony that brought them here, the stallion backing away from the furious look she was giving him.

“Hey, it wasn’t my idea! It was the Impresario.”

“Where is she, then? I’ll have a word with her.”

The stallion pointed at the opposite end of the auditorium, where Photo Finish could be seen taking pictures of the duet from her own balcony. “It won’t do you any good to talk with her, though,” the stallion quickly got out. “We’ve all tried to get her to see reason but she’s obsessed with doing a show with that thing.”

“You know…” Spike said, rubbing his chin while looking at the performance. “They’re not half bad. The big guy’s got a nice, booming voice and Sweetie’s got some impressive pipes for a filly. A little more practice, maybe, but the potential’s there.”

“Not the time, Spike!” Rarity shouted, turning towards the exit. “I’m going down there and getting her. I don’t care how good their singing is.”

Relief washed over the stallion. “Oh, thank you. Please, anything to get it to leave! The Dirt Dragon threatened to eat the whole audience if they didn’t stay to listen.” He got ahead of Rarity and led her and Spike back down the stairs. Opening a door set beneath the stairs, he ushered them to go through.

Rarity wasted no time, drawing out Striker and stomping her way past a set of curtains and coming out onto the stage. She ignored everything around her, her sights set squarely on Sweetie Belle. Once she got close enough, she reached out with her magic.

~Through the tolls, among the halls, I will find the will to—ACK!” A blue aura pulled on her ear, cutting Sweetie Belle’s singing short.

“Apologies, folks,” Rarity said to the crowd. “Show’s over. Come along, missy.” She began dragging a protesting Sweetie Belle across the stage. They didn’t get far when a brown, scaly tail slammed down, blocking their path.

“Hey, we weren’t done yet!” the Dirt Dragon roared.

Keeping a calm face, Rarity looked over her shoulder at the monstrosity bearing down on her. “So sorry, but this little lady has gone past her bedtime. You’ll have to rebook.”

“Bedtime? Sweetie, you didn’t tell me you had a curfew.”

“I don’t!” Having had enough, Sweetie Belle sparked her horn, throwing off Rarity’s grip. Rubbing her ear, she slipped away before she could be grabbed again, standing next to the Dirt Dragon. “We’re going to finish what we started.”

Rarity gritted her teeth, casting her gaze between her sister and her singing partner. “Sweetie, do you have any idea what that thing is? He’s… he’s…” Frowning, she turned to Spike, who had just entered the stage. “What were these things called again?”

“I’m standing right here, you know,” the Dirt Dragon drawled.

Huffing, and doing her best to ignore the growing restlessness of the audience, Rarity jabbed her hoof up at the dragon. “Fine! Explain yourself! What are you doing here with my little sister?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Sweetie Belle said with a roll of her eyes. “We’re putting on a show. And now you’re ruining it!

“You leave me alone for a year, suddenly barge in, and are trying to take away the one good thing I have going for me. Thanks a lot!”

Rarity recoiled as if slapped. “But… but I’ve been looking for you all this time. I’m trying to save you.”

“Well, I don’t need saving. I’ve got my own magic now and can look out for myself!” She looked up and smiled at the Dirt Dragon. “Right, Mr. Dragon?”

The Dirt Dragon grinned. Nodding and crossing his short arms, he said, “That’s right. I’ve always wanted a chance to sing to a crowd. When I wandered by, the Impresario said I had a voice that could bring down the house. Sweetie was also here, wanting the same thing.” He spread his arms wide, taking in the gaping audience with his ludicrously tiny arm span. “And here we are!”

Rarity stared. She slowly turned to Spike again. “Is this all real or did Nightmare Moon put me in a bad dream?” Spike could only shrug in response.

“Vy are you all standing around like vidiots!”

All attention switched to the pony running to the center of the stage, her glasses skewed across her muzzle. Photo Finish thrust a hoof at Rarity and Spike, snarling, “Get off stage before I call security!”

“Yeah, well your security guy is the one that let us in,” Spike said.

“Bah, I don’t care! You are ruining the show. Begone!”

“Gladly,” Rarity replied, already heading for the exit. “Come along, Sweetie.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head, not moving from her spot. “Don’t you get it? I don’t want to go with you until we’ve finished.”

“What she said,” the Dirt Dragon added. “Begone!” With a stomp of his powerful hind leg, the Dirt Dragon sent a tremor through the stage. The action activated a set of trap doors underneath Rarity and Spike, catching the pair completely off guard. The two fell out of sight, their receding screams silenced when the dragon stomped again, closing the doors. Grinning smugly, he faced the audience. “Sorry for the interruption, folks. Music!”


In the depths of the opera house’s basement, a wall panel opened, revealing a smooth wooden slide. Moments later, Rarity and Spike came tumbling out, falling to the floor in a heap. They both groaned, waiting for their eyes to stop spinning in their sockets. Once they were able to stand without toppling over, they took stock of their surroundings. Gowns, suits, and props hung all around them within a small room. A door was located nearby, allowing them to leave without ceremony.

“Sweetie Belle is so grounded,” Rarity muttered as she and Spike made their way back towards the stage. It took minutes of wandering through the labyrinth of hallways and endless storage rooms for them to seek out an opera employee to led them to the lobby. Once there, the large double doors that led to the theatre opened, allowing the audience to exit at a brisk pace.

“Wait, is it over?” Rarity swept her gaze through the throngs of ponies, chocobos, and a few griffons making an orderly, if somewhat hurried, push for freedom. It didn’t take long for the masses to clear out, leaving Rarity and Spike to stare after them. “I think this whole day has been a wash.”


Rarity whirled around, spotting Sweetie Belle running down the stairs from the balcony seats. The filly wore a wide grin as she stopped in front of Rarity, panting slightly. “I did it! We sang their horseshoes off!”

Letting out a long breath, Rarity patted Sweetie Belle on the shoulder. “That’s wonderful, dear, truly it is. The crowd looked… well, they were kind enough to keep their opinions to themselves.”

“Really? Cool! I can’t wait to do it again! The Impresario said I could audition for a role when I get older.”

Spike crossed his arms, looking between Sweetie Belle and the exits. “Where’d the dragon go?”

Sweetie Belle’s face fell. “Oh, yeah. He said he had to leave to go to some family reunion, or something. Mr. Dragon did say he had fun though, and gave me this.” Reaching into a satchel slung over her back, Sweetie Belle levitated out a large amber gem. “Isn’t it pretty?”

Spike’s arms tightened against him. His efforts to control his carnal urges were for naught when Sweetie floated the gem in front of him. “It’s the weirdest thing, though,” she said. “He said to give it to you and you’d know what to do with it. What did he mean?”

Clenching his fists, Spike replied, “How badly do you want to keep it the way it is?”

Sweetie Belle cocked her head. “Huh? I don’t get it.”

“Here, I’ll show you.” Spike reached out and plucked the gem from Sweetie Belle’s magical grasp. Sucking in a breath, he opened wide and shoved the whole thing in his mouth. Chomping down hard with his tiny teeth, the gem made a sound like glass breaking against stone. Sweetie Belle yelped but didn’t tear her eyes away from the scene. With a determined swallow, Spike gulped down the razor sharp shards, letting out a belch that carried a whiff of dust.

Pupils the size of saucers, Sweetie Belle took a few moments to let what she saw sink in. “That… was… awesome!”

Spike rapped his chest with a fist, his throat undulating as it tried to work down his crystal meal. “Wow… that’s dry…” he croaked out.

“Go find some water, Spike,” Rarity said, ushering him towards the staff room. “We’ll be leaving in a few minutes.” She eyed Sweetie Belle. “Right?”

Sweetie Belle let out a huff. “Look, I had the chance of a lifetime, and you nearly took that away. You show up after a whole year of being away and then tell me to give it all up. Well, I can make my own decisions and take care of myself, you know.”

Closing her eyes and mentally counting to ten, Rarity said, “I’ve been searching for you this whole time. I kept wondering if I had missed you or the worst had happened. So forgive me when I see my baby sister with a potentially dangerous monster and react accordingly.”

The sisterly pair locked eyes, neither one willing to back down. How long the showdown would have lasted was left unknown as Spike came back, gulping down a pitcher of water. “There, feeling better. We done here?”

“Yes,” Rarity said with finality, breaking the test of wills and heading for the door. “The airship awaits.”

“Wait, airship?” Her dour demeanor crumbling, Sweetie Belle rushed to catch up. “We get to ride the airship again?”

“Maybe, if they don’t take off without us.” Rarity gave a half-lidded stare back towards Sweetie Belle. The younger unicorn turned up her nose and looked away.

Spike brought up the rear, blissfully oblivious to the sisters' ire. All that mattered to him was getting outside in case his upset stomach reached his bowels. "The things I put up with to grow stronger."


When Rarity, Spike, and Sweetie Belle climbed aboard the Paradise, Trixie was there to greet them. “You actually came back quicker than I expected.”

Rarity flipped her hair, grinning. “Naturally.”

Shifting her gaze to the filly they returned with, Trixie frowned. “Great, one of the munchkins.”

“That’s Cutie Mark Crusader, to you!” Sweetie Belle shot back.

“Whatever. We heard back from Twilight through that needle that they’re all done in Jidhoof. The other two brats are with them.”

“Oh, good. Sounds like they were able to help out that old rich guy.”

Rarity glared down at her, her brow tightly furrowed. “Wait, you came all the way down here, yourself?”

Sweetie Belle huffed. “I told you, I can look out for myself.”

Sighing and shaking her head, Trixie walked off. “I’ll let the Pies know to take off. Keep your family feud to yourselves.”

Sweetie Belle rushed off, ignoring Rarity’s shout that their conversation wasn’t over. Grinding her teeth, Rarity headed back to her room, intent on bolting herself down in preparation for Limestone’s takeoff. She intentionally didn’t warn Sweetie to do the same.


Less than an hour later, the Jidhoof team stepped onto the Paradise and where immediately greeted by an animated, if slightly pale, Sweetie Belle. She ran up to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, hopping in place. “You guys won’t believe what I just did!”

“Did it involve taking on a vengeful ghost?” Scootaloo guessed.

“Nope! Singing with a dragon!”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom exchanged defeated looks. “She’s got us beat, there,” Apple Bloom said.

While the trio of fillies chatted about their adventures, Big Macintosh and Stardust dumped two sacks full of gil in front of Trixie and Moonlight. Stardust, despite breathing heavily, beamed. “Three-hundred… thousand gil. And that’s after getting… new supplies.”

Moonlight gaped while Trixie nodded thoughtfully. “Given what we’ve been through so far, how long do you think it will last?”

Stardust tapped a talon to the deck, taking this moment to catch his breath. “Well, months if we need to keep restocking the cannons. Years, if not. And with Apple Bloom back, we could stretch it out even longer.”

“Good. You three manage that while Trixie talks with the others.” With a flip of her cape, Trixie left the fortune behind with the chocobos and Big Macintosh to speak with Twilight, Sunset, and Pinkie, who were busy unloading their own bags. “Find anything useful besides the kids?”

“Yes, actually.” Smiling, Twilight levitated out the blue feather from her bags and presented it to Trixie. “Look familiar?”

“Rainbow.” Eyes welling with emotion, Trixie took the offered feather and looked it over thoroughly.

“That’s not all,” Pinkie Pie said. “We may have found a clue to where she is.”

Trixie’s full attention shifted to her. “Where?”

Pinkie Pie cleared her throat. “‘The treasure is where the mountains form a star.’”

Cocking her head, Trixie sat down and pulled out her map. She laid out the ever shifting parchment against the deck and began to scan it. It only took a few seconds for her to take in a sharp breath and point the feather at a spot on the map. “There.”

Twilight, Pinkie, and Sunset looked to where Trixie was pointing. Above Trotzen, a mountain formation in the rough outline of a five pointed star lay. Before their eyes, text appeared in black cursive next to a dark patch deep in the mountains, forming the title of "Phoenix Cave".

Stepping back, Sunset said, “This is too easy. And freaky.”

“Why do you say that?” Twilight asked.

Sunset looked to Pinkie Pie. “You said you got a tip, right? Back at the amusement park?”

Pinkie Pie nodded. “Yep! Flash told me about it.”

“And how did you know to even talk to him?”

“Well, Discord—”

“Exactly!” Sunset shouted, startling everypony. “It all leads back to him. He’s sending us there on some wild goose chase which will just end up getting us killed.”

Trixie stood back up, rolling up the map. “Discord doesn’t play the game like that.”

“Tell that to the zebras!”

Trixie grimaced. “Discord doesn’t play that way with us. He’s not done with us yet because we don’t have all the players.”

“And once we do?” Sunset snarled. “He’ll have us all in one place to finish us off.”

“No, he won’t.”

Sunset and Trixie blinked. They twisted their heads, giving Twilight Sparkle their undivided attention. The unicorn blushed a little, but continued on, “I’m sorry, Sunset, but I’m with Trixie on this one. Discord is toying with us but I think there’s more going on than just him. I can’t explain it. Just a hunch, I guess.”

Taking a breath, Twilight pushed on, “We’re going to find Rainbow Dash, then anypony else that we’re missing, and then we’ll confront Discord together. Just like he, and we, want.” Turning to Pinkie, she said, “Phoenix Cave?”

“Phoenix Cave!” Pinkie Pie saluted and rushed off to inform her sisters.

Watching her go with a forlorn expression, Sunset turned to the two former Imperial unicorns. “I don’t know how you two can be so sure of this.”

Trixie gave Sunset her trademark smirk. “What, still doubt the might of the Great and Powerful Trixie and her faithful sidekick?”

“Sidekick?!” Twilight squawked.

Trixie ignored her. “Have faith, Sunset Shimmer. Our day of destiny with Discord is coming soon!”


The Returners all looked over the railings, getting their fill of the mountains north of Trotzen. They had made a brief stop at the town, donating some of their money to the citizens for when the chocobo caravan stopped by next. Discord’s chaos magic still permeated the unlucky settlement, his influence seemingly more concentrated on the southern continent than in other parts of the world. The Returners could only guess as to why that was the case, but for now their focus was on finding the cave that Rainbow Dash could potentially be heading for.

Even with Trixie’s map, the cave entrance proved to be a tricky thing to spot. It wasn’t until Derpy decided to take action and fly closer that any progress was made. Using a technique she learned from observing eagles in the Veldt, she narrowed her eyes until they sharpened her vision to pinpoint accuracy. In this enhanced state, it didn’t take her long to find some hoofprints and shed blue feathers leading to the deepest parts of the mountains. She headed back to the airship and reported her findings.

“Leave it to pegasi to go cavorting off without considering the danger,” Rarity said.

“Hey, at least it gives us a lead,” Pinkie Pie piped up from the wheel. “I’ll go a little lower, but I gotta keep some altitude or I might crash.”

While Pinkie Pie navigated, Trixie poured over her map. The marking for the cave grew bigger and bigger the further in the Paradise went. Suddenly, she raised a hoof. “Stop!”

Pinkie Pie cut the engines, leaving the airship hovering over a deep ravine where many mountains converged. Derpy leaned over the railing, thrusting a hoof to a cliff side in the ravine. “There! That’s the entrance!”

Nodding, Trixie made to roll up the map, but stopped as new text appeared below the Phoenix Cave label. “Two parties are needed,” it read. Her face scrunched up.

Shaking her head, she picked up the map and headed towards the center of the deck. “Can Trixie have your attention, please!” Once she had the desired effect, she continued, “According to the map, it seems we’ll need to form two groups in order to get through the cave. Seeing as we still have a prisoner that needs guarding, I’m taking any volunteers.”

Unsurprisingly, Twilight Sparkle was the first to raise her hoof. Others joined in, including Sunset Shimmer, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Zecora, Spike, Big Macintosh, and Derpy. Looking satisfied with the turnout, Trixie said, “Great, Trixie will be going in, too. The rest of you take care of things here.”

“Hold on just a minute,” Rarity called out, her eyes leveled on Sweetie Belle. “What makes you think I’m going to let you go into almost certain danger?”

Sweetie Belle let out an agonized groan. “Pleeeease, can you stop treating me like a stupid foal? The three of us know what we’re getting into.”

“I don’t think you do. In fact, I—”

“Miss Rarity, I’ll go with ‘em.”

Rarity shot Big Macintosh a withering glare. “What? How can you say that? Even your own sister?”

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh flashed a smile at the three fillies before turning back to Rarity. “They have just as much reason ta fight like we do. Their magic’s really good, too.”

“Thanks, big brother!” Apple Bloom raised a hoof which Big Macintosh happily hoof bumped.

Before Rarity could counter back, Zecora stepped up next to them. “These three will be in good care. They will come back unharmed, this I swear.”

Derpy flew in and plopped down in the growing group’s center. “Count me in! We’ve got the loaded team, here!”

Rarity stood staring at each in turn, finally stopping on Sweetie Belle. Scowling, she summoned a bundle of needles and shot each with a bolt of magic. Rarity levitated one to each of them, but held back Sweetie Belle’s. “The moment you think you’re in danger, you use this.” Her ultimatum given, she passed it to her sister.

Accepting the needle, Sweetie Belle smiled. “Thanks, Sis. I’m going to be fine, you’ll see.”

Rarity answered by grabbing Sweetie Belle up into a crushing hug, giving a kiss on the cheek, then dropping her, and rushing away to the lower decks.

Red faced, and doing her best to ignore Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s giggling, Sweetie Belle shrugged to the others. “She gets a little emotional.”

“Are we all set?” Trixie called out. Not hearing any negatives, she signaled to Pinkie Pie. “Get us down there.”

“Roger!” With a press of a button, Pinkie Pie set the Paradise into a descent. It took some time and careful maneuvering, but she was able to position the airship close enough to drop a rope ladder down to the cliff side.

One by one, the Returners climbed down, Derpy doing her best to keep the ladder steady against the growing winds. All reached the cliff side without incident, the cave entrance looming before them. Taking in a breath and letting it out slowly, Trixie headed in, followed closely by the rest.

The first thing to hit them was the heat. A blanket of hot air washed over them, making Twilight and Spike glad Umaro hadn’t come. The poor yeti would have cooked under his own fur. The second thing of notice was the two split paths that each ended in a wall of stone. Set in the wall between the paths was a wooden lever. Trixie walked up to it, took another breath, and pulled it down. There came a rumble as the stone wall in the left path slowly slid into a hidden recess, opening the way.

Trixie let go of the lever, turning to head for the new entrance, but the moment she did, the lever sprung back into place, and the stone door slid closed. “Huh.” She pulled the lever down again, the door once again sliding open. “Guess that’s why two groups are needed. Some of us will need to stay to let the others go through.”

“Who makes something like that in a place like this?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom shrugged. “Discord?”

“Even if it was, would that stop any of you?” Trixie said.

“Nope,” came Big Macintosh’s answer. He headed towards the only way forward. The Crusaders, Zecora, and Derpy gave a final look to their companions, then followed after him. Once they were far enough on the other side, Big Macintosh raised a hoof.

Trixie let go of the lever, closing her group off from them. “If Trixie’s guess is right, they should find something to open up the other path.”

Less than a minute later, the right wall opened up. “Y’all see somethin’?” came Big Macintosh’s vice from Twilight’s saddlebags, startling the mare.

Giving a sheepish smile, Twilight levitated out one of Rarity’s communications needles. “Yes, a path opened up. We’re going through now.”

Nodding, Trixie motioned her team onward, leading them deeper into the cave.


“They’re good,” Big Macintosh called out.

“Great!” Derpy let go of a button set into the cave wall she had been holding down. The moment she did, distant rumbling could be heard. She flew back down to the others, smiling widely. “We gotta keep our eyes peeled for any more of those.”

“It is lucky for us to have you here,” Zecora said. “This cavern will test more than our might, I fear.”

Scootaloo hopped up and down in excitement. “Oh, like a puzzle!” She felt a hoof tap her back, causing her to stop and turn around. “What?”

Apple Bloom removed her hoof from Scootaloo and pointed it further down the cave. “Looks like we’ll need ta do that might part sooner than we thought.”

The group looked to where Apple Bloom pointed, a motley assortment of monsters heading towards them. Two were nothing but walking pony skeletons wearing tattered, dirty strips of cloth that hung from their bones like rotting flesh. They held canes topped with red crystal balls in their mouths that pulsed every few seconds. Another monster floated above them, this one a humanoid head with no body that grinned impossibly wide. A tightly wound strand of hair from the center of its skull lay down its cheek. It sucked in air using nonexistent lungs, then blew a barrage of needle-like projectiles at the Returners.

“Got it!” Sweetie Belle darted forward before anypony could stop her. Her horn flared and a green barrier surrounded them, deflecting the incoming needles. “Get it before it can do that again!”

“Ha! Say no more!” Taking that as her cue, Scootaloo zipped by Sweetie Belle’s side, buzzing her wings. In seconds, magical electricity built up within them then were loosed at the incoming monsters. The bolt struck the human head right in its open mouth as it tried to ready another attack. It wailed and burst from within, showering magical motes to the floor.

Apple Bloom hadn’t been idle, stomping the ground with her forehooves. The ground cracked underneath the still approaching skeletons, causing them to stumble into the magically created fissures. Rocks broken off from the sudden rupture crawled up the trapped monsters, encasing them entirely. Sitting back, Apple Bloom clapped her hooves once. The stone prisons crumbled and so did the skeletons.

Their labor complete, the three fillies turned as one to the older ponies watching with rapt attention. They each grinned, widely.

Big Macintosh smirked. “Told her their magic was good.”


Elsewhere, in a separate part of the Phoenix Cave, Sunset Shimmer reduced a maniacal creature waving around a parasol to ash. The remains floated and dispersed, gently covering the cave floor.

Trixie walked up to her and nudged Sunset with a hoof. “That only took one fireball instead of two. Trixie’s brilliant training is paying off!”

Sunset gave her a half-lidded stare. “Thanks, I guess.”

“You’re welcome! Keep it up.” Trixie trotted on, sword at the ready for any ambushes.

“You’ve been awfully cheerful, lately. It’s freaking me out.”

“What? Trixie isn’t allowed to be excited to see her troops improve?”

Before Sunset could respond, Spike beat her to it. “She’s just looking forward to seeing Rainbow Dash again.”

Twilight tried and failed to stifle a giggle. “It is pretty obvious.” She waved her hooves in a placating manner when Trixie glared back. “Not that it’s a bad thing! I want to see her, too!”

A monster with a demonic head surrounded by purple vines hurled itself from behind a crevasse, hissing and whipping its tendrils.

Twilight cut it down with one stroke from Ragnarok.

Trixie’s glare shifted to one of amusement. “I see a year’s worth of pacifism hasn’t slowed you down.”

Twilight stuck out her tongue. “I don’t do it lightly. Besides, it was icky looking.”

Sniffing in amusement, Trixie continued on, the others trailing behind. The temperature hadn’t lessened, feeling even more sweltering the further in they went. More switches and levers crossed their path, forcing them to stop and coordinate with the other team in order to lower a myriad of spikes dotting the floor, along with sliding doors and other such obstacles. One button opened a staircase leading down, and once the ponies descended, they found the source for the heat.

A lake of lava greeted them in a large cavern. Islands of rocks dotted the rolling and flowing molten material, dispersed close enough that the ponies could potentially hop between them to cross. As they discussed how best to go about this, a bulge in the lake formed nearby. The displaced lava bump moved closer to the unsuspecting Returners, stopping just before the platform they stood on. In a burst of splayed lava, a giant red dragon emerged and stared down at the startled group.

“We meet again, drake,” the Red Dragon rumbled. “I feel you have obtained even more power from my brethren.”

“Oh, crap,” Spike said. He smiled and waved weakly, shooing back the ponies with his other claw. “Um, we’re just passing through. No need to get mad about it.”

The Red Dragon laughed, a deep, dangerous sound. “Mad? If anything, I’m delighted. Now we shall see if you’ve grown in power since our last encounter.”

“Ah, how about we not?” Spike cried out as the Red Dragon swiped at him with a claw twice his size, stumbling backwards. In a spout of fire, he summoned his spear, the rest of the ponies reading their weapons as well. “I’m warning you! We’ve taken on bigger!”

“Good. Now stop talking and fight.” The Red Dragon dove back into the lava, only to reemerge standing on a rocky platform that rose from the depths of the lake. More stone platforms appeared, filling in the gaps and creating a big enough area for the Returners and the Red Dragon to comfortably battle on.

The Returners didn’t get the chance to marvel at the consideration as the Red Dragon opened with a swipe of his tail. Spike and the ponies scattered, Spike taking a stab at the back legs of the Red Dragon, chipping a few scales. The others drew close and slashed with their swords, digging deep and drawing a few trickles of dark blood. The dragon stomped and thrashed, but the Returners proved to be nimble targets. Numerous cuts littered his lower body while his attacks missed their marks.

The Red Dragon backed off, his mouth curled back to show rows of serrated teeth. “Your weapons have improved. But what of your magic?” He raised his front claws, deep red spheres forming above them. “Blaster!” The spheres shot down, striking Sunset and Twilight before they could prepare a defense. They fell to the ground, paralyzed.

“Twilight!” Spike rushed for her but the descending form of the Red Dragon blocked his path. With a cry of anger, Spike spewed a stream of ice. The Red Dragon countered with his own breath attack, the two opposing forces colliding in midair. A clash of power began, the two dragons locked in a struggle to overcome the other. Spike and the Red Dragon were at a stalemate, waiting for the other to buckle first.

Trixie had other ideas.

Running up next to Spike, she charged her horn and added her frosty might to Spike’s own. The shift in balance was immediate. The Red Dragon’s fire was pushed back rapidly, the magical chill reaching his snout. For the first time in a millennium, the Red Dragon felt cold.

The Red Dragon cut off his attack, barely swiveling his head away in time to avoid being encased in ice. Rather than follow up with more spells, he regarded the pair before him. “Very impressive. Your strength has truly grown. Now face my—GRAAAH!”

The Red Dragon violently lurched his body to the side, nearly falling into the lava. He gasped as pain the likes of which he had never felt before flooded his tail. With effort, he fought back the agony and looked to where he stood only moments before. His breath hitched, nostrils emitting black smoke.

Sunset stared back, standing next to a severed tail. The Ultima Weapon levitated in front of her, ready to strike again. The wounded end of the tail twitched but didn’t bleed as the blood vessels had been cauterized from the weapon’s energy blade.

“How…?” the Red Dragon hissed. “You… should not have been able to move at all.”

Declining to answer, Sunset yelled and charged forward, ready to cut off more of the beast. The Red Dragon sneered and rolled, his body plunging into the lava. Sunset stopped and waited, but after several minutes, there was no sign of him returning. She rushed back to where Twilight still lay, unable to move. Trixie and Spike did the same, a healing spell from Trixie at the ready. A few castings later and Twilight managed to stand up, if unsteadily.

“Thanks,” Twilight said, shaking out her limbs. “Think he’ll be back?”

Spike crossed his arms, letting out a puff of smoke. “Dunno. Maybe he got the message and slunk off. But boy, these guys are getting really aggressive lately.” He looked up at Sunset. “By the way, how’d you shake off his spell?”

Shrugging, Sunset said, “Not sure. I guess I just have a higher tolerance to his type of magic. One second I wasn’t able to move and the next I was. Weird, huh?”

“It’s something to keep in mind in case he comes back,” Trixie said. She took in the platform they were standing on, frowning at how far the next protruding rock was from them. “Spike, can you fly around and see if there’s any way to get across?”

“Eh, I can try,” he said. “I haven’t had much practice with my new wings, yet.”

“No better time than now. And if you fall, you have a nice pool of lava to catch you.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Joke’s on you. Lava doesn’t bother me.” Taking a few practice flaps to warm up, Spike ran forward and leapt off the edge of the platform. His wings spread wide, catching an updraft from a bursting lava bubble. Soon, he was gliding in an increasingly widening circle around the cavern.

With Spike occupied, Trixie took out a communication needle. “Let’s see how the others are doing. Maybe they found something to help us get through.”


“I hope the others are doing better than we are.”

Derpy sighed. The monsters were a hassle, but nothing they couldn’t deal with. The real frustrating thing was—

“What the hay?! Another empty one!”

—that all the treasure boxes mysteriously littering their path were all empty. It was really becoming a bummer.

Scootaloo slammed shut the red box sticking out of a wall and stomped back over to the others. “What’s the point of putting these things in a secret cave if there’s nothing in them?”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “Dunno. I’m just glad they haven’t set off any traps.”

“Let’s just keep going,” Sweetie Belle said. “It’s too hot to worry about it.”

The group hadn’t gone far when they came upon a grotto with pools of bubbling water. Thin pathways threaded through the pools, leading towards a central rock pedestal. Before they could begin traversing the pools, the needle Big Macintosh held began to ping and vibrate. Taking it out, Big Macintosh held it out for the others to listen in. “We hear ya.”

“We’re stuck again,” came Trixie’s voice. “We’re further down and have lava all around us.”

“No wonder it’s so hot,” Apple Bloom commented.

“Anything on your end that looks like it could help?”

“Actually…” Apple Bloom pointed towards the pedestal. “We might.”

Zecora hummed thoughtfully. “Yes, that must be it. Wait here. I’ll be back lickity-split!” She took off, leaping between the boiling water pools with pinpoint accuracy. She reached the outcropping of rock in seconds and quickly found a metal panel rising out of the ground. Zecora pressed down on it.

There came a rumbling from all around. The pools of water churned and sputtered, then began to recede. In moments, the grotto drained of all water, leaving nothing but residual steam drifting through the air. With nothing else of interest around her, Zecora hopped down to her waiting team. “The deed is done. Are you able to move forward as one?”

A few seconds passed before a response came. “... You could have warned us.”


Grumbling, Trixie stuffed the communication needle back in her sack and shook her body like a dog. The others were doing the same, droplets of water flying off their bodies. While a refreshing spray of water would have been nice to cool off with, the deluge that washed over them had been near scalding. The bright side was that the lake of lava had receded, revealing a path for them to walk over.

Spike returned only a minute later, gliding down to land next to the steaming ponies. “What happened?”

“The others helped,” Trixie said. “Forget it, let’s just get going.”

“I found an exit on the other side of the cave.”

“Good.” Trixie trotted over the new path, the others following in line. Halfway through the cavern, she heard the patter of little feet waddling to catch up to her. She looked down to see Spike pointedly looking away from her, his arms crossed.

“Thanks,” he muttered under his breath.

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “What was that?”

“I said thanks,” Spike said a little louder.

A smirk threatened to form on Trixie’s mouth, but she forced her face to remain neutral with supreme effort. “For what?”

Spike huffed. “For helping with the dragon.”

This time, Trixie didn’t fight the smirk. “Well, Trixie couldn’t allow one of her troops to face it alone. Besides, she wanted him gone just as much as you did.” Spike didn’t respond, focusing instead on walking forward. Trixie did the same, though her smirk stayed in place.

With nothing impeding their way, it didn’t take long to reach the exit that Spike found. It led further downward but no lava flowed here. The tunnel lasted only a few hooflengths before it opened up into a large cavern. A path led down to a small peninsula in the center of the cavern, surrounded by long solidified magma. A pony stood on the peninsula, her back turned to the group, though her colorful mane and tail gave her identity away.

“Rainbow Dash!” Trixie and Twilight both called out. The two unicorns rushed down the path, coming to stand opposite the pegasus.

Rainbow Dash turned, a magicite shard balanced on one of her wings. She waved and smiled. “Hey, guys! I knew you’d get here. Eventually. Slowpokes.”

Trixie and Twilight hesitated for only a second. They ran up to Rainbow Dash, grabbing her up on either side in a hug. Rainbow Dash chuckled, wrapping each in a wing. A moment later, Spike added himself to the pony pile, latching onto Rainbow Dash’s front.

“Jeez, guys, glad to see you too.” Rainbow Dash gave a sly glance to Trixie. “Isn’t this ruining your image?”

“Shut up and let Trixie have this one,” Trixie retorted, not lessening her grip. Rainbow Dash giggled in return.

One pony held back from joining, but even still, Sunset Shimmer couldn’t help from smiling at the sight. She sat back and waited, letting the reunited Returners have their moment.

“Okay, I think that’s enough.” With a gentle but insistent push, Rainbow Dash separated from the group hug. “But seriously, it’s great to see you guys again. I would have found you sooner, but I had some business to take care of first.” Grinning, she held out the wing balancing the magicite. “Check this out.”

The others crowded around to inspect it. Twilight’s brow furrowed. “Um, it looks broken. See those cracks? They’re really deep. The magic in it may have drained out.”

Rainbow Dash gave a deep sigh. “Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of. Still, I have to try.”

Twilight, Spike, and Sunset cocked their heads, though Trixie gained a thoughtful look. “That’s for your friend, isn’t it.”

Nodding, Rainbow Dash said, “I think this is my last chance to help her. I gotta find out.” She flipped the magicite into a brown sack set behind her.

“We can get you to Coltlingen really quickly. Pinkie Pie has a new airship.”

“Yeah, I heard. Looks pretty sweet.” A cocky grin graced her features. “But I betcha I could get there before you could.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “You can’t be serious.”

Rainbow Dash spread her wings wide. “I’ve been traveling all over the world with these babies. I’ve never been able to do that before. Whatever we did a year ago buffed me up really good. So try to keep up, okay?”


True to her word, the moment Rainbow Dash and the two teams exited the Phoenix Cave, the cyan pegagus took off with a receding, “See ya there!”

“Wait a sec!” Twilight called out but Rainbow Dash had already cleared the tops of the mountains. Scowling, she plucked out Trixie’s communication needle and called for Pinkie Pie to pick them up.

It took nearly an hour for everpony to climb back onto the Paradise and inform Pinkie of the situation. Pinkie Pie grinned wildly, thrusting a hoof out. “Follow that bird!” Propellers revved to their maximum, the Paradise shot off.

Rainbow Dash was long since gone, but Pinkie wasn’t a slouch in the skies. She found a favorable tailwind and used that to boost the Paradise a few extra knots. The passengers found what they could to strap themselves in as the airship reached speeds they feared would tear the ship apart. After the longest ride of their lives, the Paradise finally began to slow down, Pinkie Pie announcing that they had reached Coltlingen. As soon as their legs stopped wobbling long enough for them to stand, the Returners made a mad dash for the ramp.

A smug looking Rainbow Dash was waiting for them at the bottom. “What took ya?”

Pinkie Pie’s face fell. “Aw, I even had Maud use the rest of our special juice.”

“Trixie doesn’t even care that you won,” Trixie said. She glared hard at Pinkie Pie. “Don’t ever do that again.”

“We were perfectly safe!”

“I don’t care!”

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof to her mouth and blew, creating a sharp whistle. “Guys, I’m kiiiiinda in a hurry.” She turned away, heading towards the dilapidated house towards the back of the village. Trixie and Twilight followed, stopping when Rainbow Dash hesitated at the door. She looked at them over her shoulder. “Um, mind if you wait out here? I’m… not sure what’s going to happen.”

Trixie and Twilight shared a glance, looked back and nodded together. Rainbow Dash gave a weak smile, then headed in. Mr. Greenhooves was there, sitting in a creaky rocking chair and chewing his ever present grass stalk. He looked up and smiled as Rainbow Dash walked up to him. “Dashie! What’s the good word?”

Rainbow Dash pulled out the magicite from the Phoenix Cave. “I got it.”

Greenhooves leaned down to peer at the green and red crystal. “Well, whaddya know. You dun did it.” He pulled away, shaking his head. “Looks kinda busted, though. Think it will work?”

Sighing, Rainbow Dash moved aside to open up the trap door. “It has to. I don’t know what else I can do.” She and Greenhooves stepped down the wooden stairs, into the small, candle lit room where Spitfire still lay on her bed. Rainbow Dash walked up to her, her eyes wavering with each step. When she reached the bed, Rainbow Dash hesitated.

Greenhooves let out a grunt, but didn’t say anything.

Firming up her features, Rainbow Dash swept her wing over Spitfire, depositing the magicite onto her chest.

The two ponies waited. And waited. Grunting again, Greenhooves hung his head, taking off his straw hat and placing it against his chest. “I’m so sorry, Dashie.”

Rainbow Dash hiccuped. She sat back and hung her head, taking long, deep breaths. “Damnit.” Raising her head back up, she took in the form of Spitfire, lying as still as ever. She shook her head and reached forward to take back the magicite.

The moment she touched it, Rainbow Dash’s world went white.


“Hey… partner…”

Rainbow Dash groaned, rubbing her eyes with her hooves. “Wha…?”

“Still asleep on the job, I see. Ya bum.”

Bolting upright, Rainbow Dash whirled around, finding herself in a white void with no end. “Spitfire?!”

“Up here.”

Rainbow Dash looked to where the voice was coming, her eyes bulging out. Above her, Spitfire hovered in the air, no longer comatose on a bed. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened further as Spitfire wasn’t alone. Her body was fully encompassed by a giant, red, and translucent bird made of fire that flapped in time with Spitfire’s wings. “Hah…?”

“Sorry, but I don’t have much time,” Spitfire said, her voice seemingly coming from everywhere. “I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks… for being my partner. There was never a dull moment with you around. I don’t regret a second of it.”

“Spitfire!” Rainbow Dash took off, holding out her hooves. However, the distance between them didn’t close, the gulf remaining the same no matter how hard Rainbow Dash flapped.

A sad smile formed on Spitfire’s muzzle. “I gotta go now, Dash. But let me say one last thing. Don’t beat yourself up over what happened. You can’t let it weigh you down, anymore. You have new friends out there that need you.” Spitfire leaned back, her wings and the bird’s taking her farther up the void.


“See ya around, partner. Phoenix, do me a solid and help her out, would ya?” Spitfire spread her legs and wings wide. “Be reborn!”

“No! Spitfi—”


Rainbow Dash jerked her body wildly, the force flipping over the bed.

“Spitfire! Spitfire!” She repeated in a wide-eyed panic.

“Dash! Dash!”

Rainbow Dash turned to the voices coming down the stairs, seeing Twilight and Trixie enter the room. Greenhooves was still here, wearing a confused expression. Ignoring the other ponies, Rainbow Dash focused back on the bed, running around it to the other side.

Spitfire was nowhere to be found.

“We felt a swell of magic, so we came running,” Twilight was saying, but to Rainbow Dash, it was though her voice was coming from much further away. “What happened? What’s going on?”

Trixie crossed the room, coming to stand next to Rainbow Dash. She looked at the bed and its lack of occupant, then back at the pegasus. “It worked, didn’t it?”

Rainbow Dash felt herself nod, still staring transfixed at the empty bed.

Twilight stood back, her hooves tapping and her muzzle a frown.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Trixie patted Rainbow Dash on the back, turned, and headed for the exit. “We’ll be up above when you’re ready. And Dash?” Trixie looked over her shoulder, a smile playing at her lips. “Nice tush.” With that, Trixie ushered Twilight up the stairs, leaving only Greenhooves and Rainbow Dash in the room.

It took a moment for Rainbow Dash’s mind to process Trixie’s last statement. Tearing her gaze off the bed, she looked down. Her jaw dropped.

A cutie mark was adorned on her flank: a bolt of rainbow lightning coming from a cloud made of fire.

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