• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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Wherein Castles Sink

Rainbow Dash’s gaze traveled from one set of knives to another, her keen eyes checking over the bladed ends for any nicks or scratches. She reached down and picked up a knife by the handle with her mouth and stepped back from the merchant stand. Rainbow set herself into a stance and swung the knife to and fro, testing its balance. After a few seconds of this she nodded and placed the knife down in front of the pony attending the stand. “This feels good. How much?”

“Let’s see,” the merchant said and looked at the knife Rainbow had picked out. “That’s a mythril knife, so three-hundred gil.”

“That much? C’mon it’s just a knife. How could it be so expensive?”

“Didn’t you hear me? It’s mythril. That kinda metal doesn’t come cheap. If it’s too much for you, I just got some dirks in bulk from South Fillygaro that I can sell for one-hundred twenty-five gil each.”

With a flip of a primary feather, Rainbow pulled out her dagger. The merchant stepped back, watching Rainbow carefully, but the pegasus just inspected her weapon silently. The blade had several dents from all the fighting in Neighshe and the section where the blade and handle connected was loose. Rainbow figured she had one more good fight before it became unusable.

Sighing, Rainbow laid the dagger next to the mythril one. “How much can I get for this?”

The merchant eyed the weapon briefly before saying, “All I could give for that is seventy-five gil. All it’s good for is scrap.”

Rainbow beamed. “Hey, I’m friends with your boss? Do I get any deals for that?”

The merchant gave her a flat stare.

“I guess not...” Rainbow bent down and picked up a brown sack laying next to her. She placed it on the stand and undid the tie holding it closed. An assortment of crossbows, small knives, padded clothes and lumps of gold fell out of it. “What can I get for all of this? Found it at a bandit’s camp while coming here.”

“You stole it from them?”

“I didn’t steal anything!” Rainbow shouted. “It’s not stealing when all the bandits are dead and are just leaving their stuff all over the place.”

“... Right,” the merchant drawled. He took a few minutes to sort out the loot that Rainbow had “acquired”, categorizing the items into related piles. Once he was finished and looked over the quality of the goods, he regarded Rainbow. “The weapons and armor are in shoddy shape so I can only offer five-hundred gil at most. The gold pieces are raw but in good shape. Fifteen-hundred gil for all of those.”

With a shrug, Rainbow replied, “Sounds good to me. I’ll take it and the mythril thingie. I guess I’ll also get a pair of dirks. Oh, and a set of potions.”

While the merchant set about to complete Rainbow’s order, the pegasus casually leaned against his stand and asked, “So what’s been going on around here, lately? Anything worth knowing?”

“Why are you asking me?” the merchant responded. “You’re the one traveling the world.”

“Yeah, but you guys get visitors here all the time, right? Somepony’s got to have slipped something by ya.”

“Well, there’s that chocobo that came in not too long ago. Picked him up while in Coltingen.”

Rainbow Dash yawned. “Boring.”

The merchant stopped his work and glared at the pegasus. “Fine, then how about this? A couple of pals of mine from South Fillygaro stopped in the other day and said some travelers from way out east were talking about some unusual activity near Domare. Something about some Imperial troops setting up a camp near the castle.”

Rainbow’s ears perked up. She whirled and faced the other pony directly. “Really? When was this?”

“Don’t know. You’d have to find those travelers and ask them.”

Rainbow dipped her head, letting the information sink in. “I have to let Applejack know of this,” she said to herself.

“What was that?”

Rainbow looked up sharply and shook her head. “Nothing! Nothing! You all set?”

He nodded and pushed a bag towards her. “Thanks for your business. Come again.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Rainbow grabbed the bag with her teeth and rushed off in a flurry of feathers.


“Okay, everypony! Let’s have another round of pin-the-tail-on-the-pony!”

A cheer rose up from the gathering of ponies, quickly followed by said ponies forming a line in front of a dartboard with the head and legs of a pony attached to it. The first pony in line donned a blindfold, picked up a tail with a pin through it and twirled around. Once properly disoriented, he was pushed forward by his laughing fellows and stumbled towards the target. He felt around, thrusting the tail until it came in contact with a hard surface. Grinning, the pony stepped back and lifted the blindfold. The pin was in the exact center of the dartboard.

“Hey, that’s pretty good!” a pink mare exclaimed and bounced up to the player. “If we were playing darts, that is!”

~ A blackjack-playing, world-travelling, party-loving free spirit,
giving out parties to any pony in need. ~

The mare, dressed in a tacky brown trench coat with a high collar, furry frills and multiple pockets with cards and dice sticking out, giggled. The rest of the ponies joined in, filling the room with joyous laughter.

“Would you bozos all shut up! Some of us are trying to mope here!”

At once, the ponies stopped their jubilation. Their gaze traveled to the corner of the casino room, where the voice had come from. Sitting at a roulette table, nursing a glass of cider and glaring at the gathered ponies, was a female griffon. She swept back her red and yellow striped cape, revealing a dark red coat underneath, and finished her drink all in one gulp. She slammed the glass down onto the table, shattering it into dozens of pieces. Looking down, the griffon noticed some blood seeping out of a few cuts on her talon. She raised it to her beak and slowly licked the blood away, keeping one painted eye on her audience as she did so.

The ponies cringed and began finding other things to occupy themselves with. Preferably in a room without any griffons.

All except one.

“C’mon, Gilda! What’s got you so grumpy?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Gilda said. “Probably because I’m being sent on this stupid recon job to the middle of nowhere and have to spend my time with you, Pinkamena Diane Pie.”

“Hey! I prefer Pinkie Pie, if you don’t mind.” Pinkie Pie held up her nose in an indignant fashion. However, she was unable to hold it for long and erupted into a fit of giggles.

“Ugh. I need another drink.” Gilda made to get up but a pink hoof pushed her back down into her seat.

“Hold up there, Miss Grumpy-Pants.” Pinkie pressed a button under the roulette table and a hidden compartment opened to reveal a small refrigerator. Inside were more cider bottles, which Pinkie picked one up and placed in front of Gilda. “There! Now you can stay here with me without having to get up. Isn’t that great?!”

“Swell,” Gilda growled and took a long swig of the offered cider.

“Yeah! I had it installed so that if I have a great game going on, I won’t have to leave and lose my rhythm.” Pinkie Pie grabbed a bottle for herself guzzled down half the contents. “Aaaaahhhhh! That hits the spot. Now, you tell me what’s got your feathers in a bunch.”

“Forget it, you walking sugar pile. Beat it.”

“Ah, come on! Let the world’s greatest partier and gambler take a load off your shoulders. Then we can get back to the fun!”

Without warning, Gilda grabbed hold of Pinkie’s neck and brought the pony muzzle to beak. “Listen closely, horse meat. The only reason I haven't skinned you alive and roasted you over a fire is because you are the only one that can land this heap of junk.”

Pinkie Pie chuckled nervously and managed to gulp past the claw holding her throat. “Eh, heh, heh.” Then, she blinked and patted her hoof against Gilda’s back. “Wait. Why should that worry you? Don’t you have win—”

The next thing she knew, Pinkie was flying through the air and across the room. She landed on top of a billiard table being used by two ponies, sending all the balls still in play into a pocket. Pinkie’s eyes rolled in their sockets before coming into focus and onto the griffon snarling down at her.

“Don’t. Talk. About. My wings. Get it?”

Got it.

“Good.” Gilda whirled and stomped her way back to her seat.

Pinkie watched her go, a frown covering her features. She then brightened and hopped off the table, giving the table a buck before hopping away. The balls that had fallen into pockets popped out and somehow rearranged themselves back into their positions before Pinkie had fallen into them. The two players saluted in thanks and went back to their game.

“I know what will cheer you up!” Pinkie said when she caught back up with Gilda.

Gilda sighed. “Can’t you take a hint?”

“A song! Everypony loves a song!”

Gilda buried her head in her claws. “What did I ever do to deserve this?”

“Myyyyyyyyyy name is Pinkie Pie! And I am here to s—”

“Say shut up!” Gilda interrupted, screaming at the pink party pony. “You sang that freakin' song already when you picked us up!”

“Oh,” Pinkie replied calmly, rubbing her chin in thought. “You’re right, I guess I did... Um, give me a minute!” She rushed off and up a set of stairs, leaving Gilda at the table.

Now alone, Pinkie Pie pondered what would be the best way to get Gilda to stop being so grumpy. “There’s gotta be a way. No pony can resist the might of the pink! … ie Pie!”


Mid-afternoon came to the residence of Fillygaro Castle, the sun making its daily journey across the sky. The citizens were deep into their chores, busy making the castle prosper with all manner of apple products. Some would be peeling the apples while others pressed them into cider. Still others would take a bushel full and clean them for the South Fillygaro market. The whole system ran like clockwork with everpony being where they were supposed to be.

Twilight Sparkle, on the other hoof, was exactly where she wanted to be; her nose deep in a book. Before the sun had even peeked over the distant mountains, the unicorn had crept out of bed and slipped into the library before anypony could catch her. She had been there ever since, soaking up all the knowledge that she could from the rows and rows of books at her disposal. Twilight just couldn’t get enough of all the things she was learning, things she never would have thought of in her wildest dreams. It gave her such a wonderful feeling that she just... just had to sing about it!

~This day is going to be perfect

I’m going to read and learn about Fillygaro

Every book I’ll gather ‘round

Every scroll and tome not bound

Soon I will learn every fact there is to know~


Pinkie’s eyes suddenly blinked rapidly, before she coughed, followed by her ears twitching. Whoa, Pinkie Sense! That one’s... a song! Wow, how did my Pinkie Sense know I wanted to sing?

~This day was going to be perfect

The kind of day of which I’ve had since I was small

But Gilda will not eat cake

She refuses to celebrate

My great parties, does she not think she’ll have a ball?~


Twilight stood up and began to twirl, caught up in the moment.

~I can’t care more about the lore

I won’t confuse all of these clues

Facts, I shall know all there’s to say

Everything about this castle

Will not cause a single hassle

Learning all about this strange and won’drous place!

Yes I shall read this whole room

For I don’t want to assume

And make a complete foal of myself...~


~Make her smile before it’s too late

Find a way to make her say:

‘Sure, I would love to stay and play!’

I just gotta make her smile

Gonna do it Pinkie Style!

If I want Gilda to join in my party.

For I oh-so love to play

Party all the day away

Oh poor sad Gilda, I’ll make you smile soon!~


~Finally the moment has arrived.

My knowledge will not be deprived!~


~Have to make this day just great

Because I want to celebrate

With all of my brand new friends!~


“Wow! I didn’t know you could sing.”

Twilight squeaked and whirled around. Rainbow Dash stood at the doorway, smiling at her. “Wh-wha... Wh-what did you hear?”

Rainbow trotted up to her, her smile growing. “Just the coolest song I’ve heard in awhile. Granted, it was kinda cheesy, but you’ve got some serious pipes there, Twi!”

The blush that developed on Twilight’s face threatened to become redder than the apples out in the orchard. “Th-th-thanks.”

“No problem. Hey, I was looking for Applejack. You’ve seen her?”

“Not since last night. Why?”

“I just got ahold of some juicy information and need to let her know about it.”

Twilight perked up her ears. “Oh? What?”

“Um... sorry.” Rainbow fidgeted and looked away. “That’s something between AJ and me.”


“Hey, why the long face?” Rainbow asked. “You were happy a second ago and now you’re all mopey.”

Twilight sighed, walked over to a chair and sank down on it. “Sorry. I’ve had a lot on my mind. And...”

“And?” Rainbow prodded when Twilight didn’t continue.

Twilight didn’t answer and just looked at the wall with a blank expression. Just as Rainbow decided to leave her alone with her thoughts, Twilight said, “I just... don’t know.”


The unicorn turned to face Rainbow, looking like she wanted to speak but unable to form the words. Finally, Twilight huffed. “This is stupid.”

“Hey, take it easy.” Rainbow sat down next to Twilight and patted her on the back. “You’ve been through a lot, what with the Empire using you and everything.”

“That’s just it!” Twilight shouted, startling Rainbow who hopped back a step. “The more and more I hear about the Empire, the more I feel as though I need to do something! Just last night, that poor bird told us all about how he was being used and everything. But, I just don’t know what I can do...”

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head, looking uncomfortable with having this conversation. “Um, well, I’m... not sure what to say. Maybe talking to Applejack will help ya. In fact, let’s go see her—”

“Attention!” came the call of a pony running by the library door. “Attention, everypony! An emissary of the Empire has come. Everypony to their stations and be on your best behavior!”

Rainbow looked to Twilight, who began shaking as her eyes widened.

“Uh, oh.”


Applejack stood tall in front of the main entrance to her royal hall as she watched the giant flying ship descend from the clouds. It was a technological marvel to see, with its huge helium balloon holding aloft a wooden ship while a half-dozen propellers the width of an apple tree were attached to the undercarriage and whirling to keep the entire structure afloat. Two more propellers, twice the size as the ones underneath, were attached to the back of the ship and giving the forward thrust necessary to move such a colossal vehicle through the air.

“The Party of One,” Applejack stated to herself. “The only airship in the world. If only it weren’t so... pink.”

The entire airship, from bow to stern and starboard to port, was colored a shade of pink. Applejack had the uneasy feeling of a cotton candy cloud about ready to smother her castle in sticky, sugary confectionery.

Only a hundred hoof-lengths separated the airship and the castle grounds before the propellers underneath the hull spun faster, stopping the ship’s decent. It hovered above without any further movement, before a pony peaked over the railing and waved down.

“Hey, Applejack!” Pinkie Pie shouted above the whine of the engines. “Sorry I can’t park this thing nearby! The sand doesn’t make for a very good landing spot!”

Applejack made to respond, but a pony in imperial armor shoved Pinkie Pie away and draped a ladder made of rope over the railing. “Out of the way, missie. Her emissary, Gilda!”

Gilda came into view and didn’t hesitate to climb down the ladder provided. In moments, she reached the bottom and hopped the rest of the way down. Two soldiers came down next to her and the trio made their way towards Applejack.

“So,” Applejack began as Gilda reached her. “What brings Gilda, humble servant of Emperor Blueblood, into our home?”

Gilda stood tall, a full head over Applejack, and said, “A—”

Cannon fire from above went off. Ponies everywhere ducked their heads or took cover, expecting a cannonball to impact any moment.

They blinked when confetti drifted down instead.

“Ha!” came Pinkie’s voice. “Don’t ever let it be said that Pinkie can’t give a good sendoff! I’d love to stay but I’ve got a party in Jidhoof to prepare for. I bid you all a fond farewell and may all your dice roll a natural twenty!”

Pinkie Pie’s laughter faded away as the airship lifted and was soon lost in the sea of clouds above.

With a growl, Gilda turned to her subordinates while holding out her talons. “Ahem! I have party favors on my claws!”

The two soldiers rushed forward and quickly wiped away all the confetti that had landed on their boss. Once they were finished, they stepped away, saluted and said as one, “Yes, Ma’am! All set, Ma’am!”

Gilda inspected her polished talons and nodded. “Idiots.” She faced Applejack again. “Now then, a mare of no importance recently escaped from us. We heard she found refuge here.”

Applejack tapped a hoof to her chin. “Hmm... this here wouldn't have anything ta do with this ‘witch’ everypony’s been whisperin’ about, I reckon?”

“Your reckoning would be right. Really, who would put stock into a stupid rumor like that?”

“Yeah, I guess so. Still, why’d you want this here mare? Must be a mite important if'n Blueblood is sendin’ someone like you.”

The griffon grimaced. “She... merely stole something of minor value. Is she here?”

“Well, that’s a tough one,” Applejack replied, making a show of thinking it over. “Ya see, I’ve got ponies coming in and out of here at all hours of the day. Some for working the fields, some for tradin’ and some just passin’ through. It’s hard to keep track of `em all.”

The sound of claws scraping against stone filled the courtyard. Ponies cleaning up the fallen confetti quickly stopped and covered their ears from the terrible sound. “Need I remind you that we have an agreement?” Gilda sneered. “The Empire won’t stand for any tricks from lowly farmers like you.”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed and she stood face-to-face with Gilda. “And what’s that suppose ta mean?”

Gilda didn’t back away as she looked down at the pony with a smirk. “Do I need to spell it out for you? I guess it’s true what they say about ponies who spend all day kicking trees and nothing else.” Gilda turned and strode towards the exit, her two soldiers following close behind. Just as she stepped through the metal door leading out, Gilda looked over her shoulder and said, “I truly hope nothing happens to your precious Fillygaro!” Her laughter carried throughout the courtyard and only stopped when the door closed behind her.

There was total silence following Gilda’s departure. Applejack swept her gaze over those present, all eyes upon her. “Get back to work, ya hear!” The ponies jerked into action and quickly got back to what they were doing before.

Sighing, Applejack headed back towards the main hall. Just as she reached to open the door, it burst open and Rainbow Dash came rushing out. The pegasus collided with the earth pony, sending both tumbling to the ground in a heap. A low groan came from them both before Applejack heaved Rainbow off of her. “Consarnit, Dash! Look before you come barreling out of doors, would ya?!”

“Owie,” Rainbow whined and picked herself up. “Sorry. But I saw that whole thing with the Impy. I say that gal’s missing a few primaries...”

“Yeah, well, you let me deal with that. Where’s Twilight?”

As if on cue, the unicorn stepped out of the doorway that Rainbow had burst out of. Twilight looked around warily before settling her gaze on the ponies in front of her.

Applejack pulled Rainbow close. “Take her to her room.”

“Huh? But I have stuff I need to talk to you about.”

“That can wait. Do me this favor, would ya?”

Rainbow opened her mouth to protest but a look from Applejack stopped her. “... Fine.”

“Thanks.” Applejack stepped away and regarded Twilight. “If y’all excuse me, but I need to go speak with my granny on some strategy. I tell ya, sometimes it’s a pain to run this here orchard.” With that, Applejack trotted past and disappeared into the main entryway.

Twilight watched the farmer go with a confused look. “What was that all about?”

“Not sure myself, but AJ knows what she’s doing.” Rainbow thought that last bit over. “Usually. Anyway, she wanted me to take you to your room, so just follow me, okay?” Rainbow motioned for Twilight to come forward with a hoof and trotted off. The unicorn trailed after her.


“Well, well, well. If it isn’t my new student.”

Twilight Sparkle blinked as she stepped into her room behind Rainbow Dash. Spike was already there, leaning on his spear and grinning at the mare. “Um, what?”

“I think it’s about time we got some more practice in, Twilight,” Spike explained. “We’re all rested up now so it’s the perfect time.”

“Good luck with that, Twi,” Rainbow said and headed for the door. Something clamped down on her tail, halting her movement. She turned back to see a faint magenta aura covering it.

“Don’t leave me here with him!” Twilight cried.

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow gave a quick tug on her tail, breaking the magical grasp. “Oh, don’t be such a foal. I’ve got to tell AJ about some things and you need this pretty badly. Spike, make sure she lasts longer than two sessions, alright?”

Spike saluted smartly. “You got it!”

“No! Please! Take me with you!” Twilight pleas went unheeded as Rainbow was already out of the room. Now alone save for the beast behind her, Twilight turned her head around, an expression of absolute terror adorning her muzzle.

Grinning, Spike slapped his claws together and rubbed them together.

Twilight bolted for the door.

A spear thrust before her, stopping Twilight in her tracks. Spike swiped the weapon upwards, towards her neck. Reacting on pure adrenaline and instinct, Twilight ripped her sword from its scabbard with her magic and barely managed to parry the strike before it could puncture her skin.

“Ha! Not bad!” Spike cheered and readied another attack.

“Wait! I’m not ready!” Twilight whimpered, backing away.

“Sometimes you’re not going to be given the chance to be ready, Twi. Now let’s see you deal with this!” Spike jabbed repeatedly, his spear becoming a blur of movement.

Twilight yelped as she dodged away from the attack, frantically swinging her sword to keep the tip of the spear away from her. She succeeded, though once Spike let up, Twilight slumped down to her rump and heaved for breath. “Please... slow... down...”

“Jeez, I’ve got my work cut out for me.” Leaning his spear against his shoulder, Spike began counting off with his claws. “Let’s see, we need to work on your reaction, speed, endurance, accuracy... pretty much everything, really.”

“You’re making me feel soooo much better,” Twilight groused.

“Hey, gotta start somewhere, right? So let’s get to it!” With that, he lifted his spear and renewed Twilight’s training.


“And that’s what I heard,” Rainbow Dash finished.

Applejack nodded and looked over a map of the world spread out over a table. She and Rainbow were in her private quarters, discussing Gilda’s visit and what that meant for the future. “These rumors worry me, Dashie. The Empire’s moving fast, faster than we can keep up. If they’re pushin’ into Domare territory then they must suspect somethin’.

“Then there’s that gal Twilight they are so interested in. There’s gotta be more about her if Blueblood’s willin’ to send Gilda after her.”

“Then I say we stop prancing around and do something!” Rainbow responded. “I mean, you’ve got me. What more could you possibly need?”

Applejack gave Rainbow an unamused expression. “We’re not ready yet. You know that. But now that we know they want Twilight and with that weird esper thing in Neighshe, maybe we finally have what we need to—”

Rainbow stuck a hoof in Applejack’s mouth, blocking off her speech. “Hold up, AJ. Do you smell that?”

Applejack blinked at the other mare, before raising her head and sniffing the air. Her eyes widened at the distinct smell of smoke. “What the...?!” The farmer bolted for the balcony and her face fell at the scene before her.

The apple orchard, over a hundred trees, was on fire.

Applejack whirled around and back into her room. She quickly ran to the side of her bed and lifted a hidden panel, revealing a red button. She pressed it and a warning siren began to sound throughout the entire castle. “Rainbow! Get Twilight and be prepared to leave on my signal!”

“You got it!” Rainbow saluted and flew out the window.

Wasting no time, Applejack rushed down to the lower levels, issuing instructions to her officers and workers to put out the fires and prepare the castle for emergency procedures. She burst outside, ready to shout out more orders, when a flurry of silver feathers caught her attention.

“It’s the Empire!” Stardust wailed as he ran in place in a panic. “They’ve come to get me! I knew I should have left sooner!”

Grimacing, Applejack reached up and wrapped her forelegs around Stardust’s neck. With a heave, she wrenched him down so that she could look him in the eye. “Hold up there, partner! You just settle down and get to helpin’ with those fires!”

“But... but...”

“No ‘buts’, you hear?! Now get—”

“Running around with chickens, are you Applejack? Fitting for a dirt pony like yourself.”

Applejack pushed Stardust behind her and faced off with the speaker. Gilda grinned and spread a claw to encompass the burning orchard in the distance. “Like my work? Quite easy with the right tools. Or should I say, magitek that is.”

“Why are you doing this?!” Applejack demanded.

“Drop the innocent act. I want the mare. Bring her to me. Now!”

“I’ll never give her up to the likes of you!”

Gilda didn’t seem upset by the refusal. “Then... welcome to my barbecue! The chicken behind you is looking mighty tasty and it would be a shame to let all that fire go to waste!”

“I am not a chicken!” Stardust advanced as though to attack, but Applejack blocked his path.

“Not now, sugarcube,” Applejack said up to the chocobo. “It ain’t the time for fancy-shmancy heroics.”

“So, farmer,” Gilda intoned darkly, stepping closer to the duo. “Changed your mind?”

Applejack looked away, a pained expression on her face as she looked out over the devastation of her pride and joy. “I guess I have no choice...”

Gilda grinned and reached forward.

Only to receive a powerful kick to the face.

“Or maybe I do! Go!” Applejack yelled as she came down from her suckerkick and shoved Stardust past the reeling Gilda. “Head for the entrance!” She turned and raised a hoof to strike again, but a force of wind suddenly picked her up and tossed her to the side.

Gilda lowered a claw glowing in a yellow light and staggered to her feet. She lazily wiped a trickle of blood from where Applejack’s blow landed with a talon and sucked on it. “Mmm, not bad, for a pony.” The griffon’s claw glowed again and she raised it up. “Now let’s see how you fare against... magic.”

Applejack did the last thing Gilda expected her to do. The pony turned and fled.

Gilda watched her go with a blank expression, before lowering her claw and smiling. “Ackk! Shameful that a owner should flee, leaving her employees behind! How utterly delightful!” She cackled and gave chase.

Applejack didn’t spare the time to look behind her and galloped as fast as she could through the halls of her castle. With a final burst of speed, she ran out the entrance and into the evening air of the desert. She sighed in relief when she saw that Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Stardust were already there. “Boy howdy, am I glad y’all made it out okay.”

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked, her eyes wide with fright at all the smoke rising into the sky. “Your castle’s on fire!”

“Don’t you worry! No one can defeat the people of Fillygaro!”

“Oh? Is that a fact?”

Applejack and the others looked up, seeing Gilda casually walk out of the castle and head towards them. The Imperial agent grinned as her eyes fell on Twilight. “There you are, my pretty. You’ve been a naughty girl, running off like that.”

Twilight cowered back, her mind reeling from images of the creature before her. “Who... who are you?”

“What? You don’t remember your dear master? Tsk, and after all the effort I put into brainwashing you, too.”

Rainbow Dash pulled out her knife and blasted forward towards Gilda. “You monster!”

Teeth clamped down onto Rainbow’s tail, causing the pegasus to crash into the sand. Applejack held her down and called out. “Okay! Dive now!”

“Dive what now?” Spike asked only to stumble as the ground beneath him began to shake.

“Run!” Applejack ordered. She yanked Rainbow’s tail one more time and galloped off. The others followed, rushing through the darkening daylight and away from the increasing tremors.

“Hey!” Gilda shouted. “You can’t get away from me!” She readied to chase after them but never made it a single step.

All at once, the sand under her claws began to shift. She shrieked and lost her balance, falling face first into the sand. Fearing she had been caught in a sand trap, she twisted and rolled until she felt firmer ground underneath. Once she made it back to her paws, Gilda looked up and her beak dropped.

Fillygaro sank into the desert before her very eyes. The castle had transformed itself while she was struggling, becoming more compact than before. The towers circling the main building had been pulled closer, windows were covered up, entire parapets had retreated into hidden compartments and, though she couldn’t see it, a metal dome had been extended over the orchard, protecting it from the sands that now poured over the sinking structure. In less than a minute, the castle was gone from sight, leaving behind a mile wide depression in the desert.

Gilda roared. She whipped her head across the vast expanse of the desert before she spotted her fleeing quarry in the distance. She brought a pair of talons to her beak and whistled. “Go! GET THEM!”

A pair of magitek armor burst from the sands behind her, piloted by the same ponies that had accompanied her here. With a whine of engines and a hiss of steam, the two giant machines charged off after their targets.

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