• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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Wherein Bets Pay Off

“Oh, it’s you.”

“Wonderful to see you, too.”

One step onto the new airship and Spike was greeted with the sight of Trixie standing before him, white cape fluttering in the wind. He took another step forward, his tiny teeth bared. “I can’t seriously believe everyone put you in charge.”

Trixie matched his glare. “They did. Unanimously. You going to be a pain in my flank about this, dragon boy?”

Ignoring her, Spike turned on Twilight, who was just now coming up the plank. “Please tell me you didn’t put her in charge!”

Twilight grimaced, a worried frown forming. “Yes, we did, Spike.”

“Why?! She tried to kill you! Twice!”

Heaving a sigh, Twilight placed her hoof over Spike’s shoulder. “Spike, I haven’t forgotten. But she’s the reason we’re all here, now. Please, and I know it’s not easy, but try to put whatever feelings you have for Trixie to the side. We all need to work together if we’re going to have a chance at stopping Discord.”

Spike’s jaw and claws clenched.

“Do it for me, Spike. Please?”

Huffing, Spike turned away and stomped past Trixie, not sparing her a look. He opened the cabin door and stormed downstairs, slamming the door behind him.

Trixie rolled her eyes, her gaze landing on the large yeti lumbering onto the deck. “And what the hay is this thing?”

“A new friend!” Pinkie Pie said, hopping out from behind Umaro. “He helped us out and now he’s going to join up.” Her happy expression dwindled, her ears drooping upon hearing the floorboards groan under the colossal weight of the yeti. “Hmm, might be a good time to reinforce the hull a bit.

“Oh, that reminds me! I’m going to need to borrow your magic for a sec.”

“What are you talking—ABOUT?!” Pinkie hoisted her up and carried her towards the cabin door.

“We just need to make a few quick modifications,” Pinkie said as she flipped the door open and headed down. “C’mon, big guy! Time to spec out a room for ya!”

Trixie’s cries to be put down faded for the ponies still on deck as she and Pinkie descended the stairs, Umaro close behind. Left behind, Twilight and the rest of the Returners stared after them. Scratching her head, Twilight turned to the nearest Pie sister, Limestone. “Um, any chance we can stop her so we can go and pick up Applejack and the others?”

“No,” came Limestone’s blunt reply. “We’ll waste more time trying to get her back up here than if we just drifted back to Domare.” She trotted up to the wheel, releasing the restraints. “I can get us over there. Pinkie’s been showing us how to fly in case she’s not available.” Her lips cracked into a fierce smile. “And since I’m the oldest, I get first dibs!” Raising a hoof to her mouth, Limestone yelled, “Pull up the plank and raise the anchors!”

Within minutes, the Paradise lifted up, its interim pilot spinning the wheel and revving the engines. The airship took off, speeding southward as Limestone gave a half-crazed laugh.


“Twilight, the next time it’s Limestone’s turn to fly, do me a favor and just fry her.”

“Believe me, I’m seriously considering it.”

After a harrowing and potentially air speed record breaking flight back to Domare, Spike and Twilight were more than happy to touch ground again. While Limestone had gotten them there in one piece, the experience left much to be desired. More worryingly, upon returning to the deck Pinkie Pie had congratulated her oldest sister on a successful first flight.

Twilight couldn’t scramble off the ship back to solid ground fast enough after hearing that.

Putting the whole experience behind them as best they could, Twilight, Spike, and Stardust approached the castle of Domare. As they neared the structure, Twilight couldn’t help but notice the landscape. “Is it just me or does it look a lot greener and healthier here than the zebra village?”

“Now that you mention it,” Stardust said, his eyes tracking over the lush grassy fields and full leaves of the surrounding trees. “It’s reminding me a lot of Mareanda. The ponies there were able to grow things unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

“I wonder if the magic that was released a year ago has something to do with it.” Twilight’s musing came to an end as she stopped before the great iron doors of Domare. Clearing her throat, she called out, “Applejack! Zecora! Shining! We’re back!”

Minutes passed as the trio waited for a response. Just as she was about to call out again, one of the giant doors began to open. Once there was enough room for a single one of them to pass through, the door stopped and Shining Armor’s head popped into view. “Twilight! You’re just in time. We were just finishing up here.”

Stepping aside for the small party to walk through, Shining gestured a hoof towards the castle. “Boy, do we have things to tell you. I’m so glad we came here.”

“Why, what happened?” his half-sister asked. She looked around the courtyard. The interior didn’t have the same restorative look that the countryside did, with dirty grey stone and crumbling walls.

“I’ll fill you in once we get everyone together on the airship.” He rushed into the castle itself, returning moments later with Spotter by his side and Applejack and Zecora following after. They all appeared well, save for the dark bands under Applejack’s eyes. “Let’s head on out!” With a gait that seemed lighter than anything Twilight had ever seen from him, Shining Armor galloped out of the courtyard, Spotter scrambling to keep up.

“Well, he’s in a chipper mood,” Spike commented. He turned to greet Applejack but his voice caught upon seeing her flank. He stammered and pointed, unable to form words.

Applejack came up to him and patted him on the head. “Good to see ya okay.” She raised her hoof to stifle a yawn. “Can I explain later? I’m a mite tired.” She trotted off before he could answer.

“Cutie Mark!” Spike managed to blurt out. He gave a yelp as Twilight levitated him up and on her back.

“C’mon, I wanna hear all about this.” With that, Twilight took off after them.

One by one, the ponies and chocobo filed out of Domare. Zecora was the last to leave, closing the iron door behind her. With a satisfied nod, she rushed to catch up.


Safe and comfortable on the airship once again, Zecora, Shining Armor, and a summoned Autumn Blaze filled in the others of their adventures at Domare. Applejack lay nearby, snoozing on a provided cushion. She had barely made it aboard before flopping down and falling asleep.

“She’s been working really hard on using her new powers to purify the castle and land,” Shining explained, Spotter nestled between his forelegs. “I don’t think we have to worry about any dead rising up again. They can all travel to the other side, now.”

“Amazing…” Twilight breathed out. “To think she would get Alexander of all espers to bond with.”

Zecora smiled and nodded. “A more perfect match could not have been made. Her courage and valor have always been displayed.”

“Yep!” Autumn piped up. “Ol’ Alex was always a righteous guy, which means he was a stick in the mud and never got invited to parties. But we could always count on him in a pinch!” Her attention turned to the little dragon sitting next to Twilight. “And who’s this tyke? Bahamut's kid?”

Spike cocked his head. “Huh? No, I’m Spike. I lived in the mines of Neighshe until I ran into Twilight and started helping her out. And I ain’t no kid. I’m older than I look.”

Autumn rubbed a hoof under her chin in contemplation. “You sure you’re not related to scale butt? You got a lot of weird magic swirling inside you.”

“Oh, that’s probably from all those special gems I’ve eaten from those dragons we keep running into.”

Eyes widening, Autumn hopped to her hooves. “Whoa, wait. You don’t mean the eight chaos dragons, do you?”

Spike scratched his head. “Uh, maybe? I think one of them called themselves that. You know them?”

“Know them? They’re the ones that caused the War of the Magi to begin with! It’s the reason why espers exist in the first place.”

A round of blinks followed, along with a deathly silence that was only interrupted by Applejack’s soft snoring.

Twilight stood up from her spot, expression eager. “Can you tell us more?”

Going uncharacteristically bashful, Autumn whirled a cloven hoof in the air. “Wellllll… I only know a few details, myself. It was a long time ago and I didn’t exactly keep a journal of newspaper clippings.”

“Anything you know could help us greatly. There’s so much we don’t know of what happened back then.”

Scrunching up her muzzle, Autumn plopped back down. “Alright, let’s see what I can remember. Fair warning, I wasn’t part of the fighting much. My magic’s better at healing and finding weaknesses.

“So you all know that espers were once just normal ponies, right?” A few heads nodded. “Right, so these dragons just came out of nowhere one day and started trashing the place. Their leader gathered up some of the captured ponies and used powerful magic to turn them into espers.” Autumn paused, collecting herself. “I was one of them, but this is where my memory gets foggy. Somehow, the pony leaders found a way to break us out of the control the chaos dragons held over us. Any espers that died and turned to magicite were used to power up normal ponies.”

Autumn frowned and looked away, unconsciously rubbing her forelegs together. “The sides were a little more even, then, and a lot more confused. The dragons and the espers they controlled fought freed espers and ponies who had bonded to magicite. It got so bad, the whole world nearly got torn apart.” She swallowed past a dry mouth. “Just when things looked like it would all end with us dying, the pony leaders managed to force a battle with the dragon leader himself, and it ended with all three of them trapped in stone. I guess that was enough for the other dragons to run away and hide, ending the war.

“Shortly after, the ponies that were left started blaming us for all the fighting. We didn’t want to start a brand new war with them so we created a new world for ourselves.” Autumn stopped, sighing and not making eye contact with anyone.

Spotter climbed out of his father’s lap, trotted up to Autumn, and wrapped his hooves around her as best he could. “I’m sorry.”

Autumn smirked and ruffled his mane. “Kiddo, you weren’t even born yet. But thanks, anyway.”

Twilight frowned and began pacing. “What you said matches up with what I’ve read and what my dad told me, but I didn’t know any of these dragons were involved.” She paused and looked to Autumn. “Do you know if Discord was the dragon leader?”

The esper shook her head. “I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure I’d remember a guy like that.” Her form began to shimmer and fade. “Whoops! Looks like my time’s up for now. Ta ta!” With one final wave, Autumn Blaze phased out of existence.

Spotter grunted and tried to force his magic to respond, but only got a few sparks to pop out of his horn.

“Don’t force it, bud,” Shining said, laying a hoof over his shoulder. “Give it time and she’ll be back.”

Making a disgusted face, Spotter stomped his hooves. “Stupid magic!”

“Just go take a nap, kid,” Trixie said from her position off to the side. Having stayed quiet up till now, she trotted towards the center of the group. “Glad you were able to sort out your literal demons and it was a fine history lesson, but Trixie thinks we need to decide on our next move. Staying still for too long is bound to attract Discord’s attention.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think that?”

“He already did it once at Fillygaro when we got stuck and he forced our way through. Trixie’s certain that as long as we keep moving, he’ll lay off.”

“Yeah, and what about the dragons? You don’t seem too worried about them.”

Trixie gave the drake a half-lidded stare. “Tell you what. Trixie will worry about Discord and you can worry about your dragon pals.” Turning away from him, she addressed the room. “Now, where to?”

A pink pony bounced out of the crowd and landed in front of Trixie. “Hey, mind if we take a second and check on my folks?” Pinkie Pie asked with a hopeful look. “We’re close by!”

“Trixie’s not so sure that’s a good idea. That’s one of Discord’s hotbeds, after all.”

Pinkie pouted. “I’ll skip my turn to pilot and give it to Limestone if we don’t.”

“Discoland it is!” the room erupted as one.

Smiling brightly, Pinkie hopped her way towards the stairs. “Thanks! This will only take a jiffy!”


“Huh. Is it just me or was that not there the last time we stopped by?”

Circling the Paradise above Discord’s theme park and casino, Pinkie Pie scrunched her nose at the sight of a giant colosseum now dominating the northern end of the park. More curious than even that was the unmistakable appearance of a large landing pad set just to the side of the colosseum, complete with an image of an airship painted on the pavement. Below, ponies could be seen running into place and flagging Pinkie to land.

“What do you think?” Limestone asked from her station.

“That Discord has lost all subtlety,” Trixie replied. “Not that he had any to begin with.” She turned to Pinkie. “Land if you want, but Trixie doesn’t think there’s anything to fear.”

“Righto.” Pinkie motioned to her sisters and eased the Paradise down to landing speed. A few minutes later and the airship touched down, the landing pad a perfect fit for the vessel. The ground ponies quickly secured it, allowing for the gangplank to be lowered in quick succession. The Returners filed down, receiving a crisp salute from the ponies that had docked the ship.

Trixie eyed them closely, but didn’t see anything suspicious. Once all of the group had disembarked, she said aloud, “Well, we’re here. Now what?”

Pinkie stepped forward, a grin as wide and devious as a cheshire. “You guys go and enjoy yourselves. We’ll meet back here before sundown. If you need me, I’ll be in the casino.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “I thought you were going to see your parents.”

“Oh, I am! Just got a business dealing to attend to, first. C’mon, Stardust, let’s go!” With a jaunty step, Pinkie Pie trotted off, Stardust close behind with a small bag strapped to his back. Moonlight followed, a look of consternation over his face.

Watching them go, Trixie had to suppress the urge to ask what the pink pony was up to. She squashed the feeling, deciding it was best not to know. Instead, she headed off towards the colosseum looming over the entire park. Unsurprisingly, she heard hoof falls behind her. Smirking, Trixie and her entourage headed towards the titanic building.


Pinkie Pie was a mare on a mission, wasting no time and marching up to the casino entrance. “Hi, Steve!” she greeted the serpent receptionist as she passed through.

“Lovely to see you again, Miss Pie!” Steve Magnet waved back. “Your coat is looking especially vibrant!”

“Thanks!” Smile deepening, Pinkie led the two trailing chocobos through the mass of gambling ponies and to a row of slot machines.

Moonlight cocked his head. “What are you doing? I thought you needed to go to one of the roulette tables for your plan to work.”

“Just testing something, quick.” Lifting a gil coin, Pinkie inserted it into an unoccupied slot and pulled the connected lever. The wheels spun for several seconds until stopping on two bars and a seven. “Excellent!” Pinkie spun around and walked away.

Now befuddled, Moonlight rushed after her. “Excellent? You just lost.”

“I know, silly!”

Befuddlement quickly morphed into exasperation. “Miss Pie, I really think you need to reconsider—”

“Two thousand gil on black!” Pinkie slapped down the money on a nearby roulette table, startling the ponies standing next to it.

The dealer, always the professional, recovered and pressed the button to get the spinner and ball going. “All bets final. Good luck, everypony!”

Seconds later, the ball finished bouncing from spot to spot, finally landing on its final destination. The crowd murmured in a mixture of disappointment and victory as the ball covered up position thirty three, black. The dealer began hoofing out chips to those that won and taking chips from the losers. Pinkie’s gil was taken and converted into chips totaling twice her bet. “Next game starting. Place your bets now.”

“Beginner’s luck,” Moonlight murmured.

Pinkie waved him off. “Hush, you. Stardust, you just be ready when Gladmane shows up, okay?”

“Gotcha.” Stardust saluted with a wing and settled in for more rounds of gambling.


Across the park, the Returners took in the sights and sounds of thousands of ponies cheering and stomping at the spectacle of battle taking place within the giant ring at the center of the new colosseum. Beige stone columns and arches made up the majority of the architecture, giving the structure a grand and imperious weight. Such a building could not have been made in the time the Returners were away, and yet here they sat within its smooth cut stands.

“Dang, there’s more ponies here than in all of South Fillygaro,” Applejack commented. She lifted her hoof and took a bite of a carrotdog on a stick. She winced at a particularly nasty blow taken by a pony in the pit. “Oof, that musta hurt.” The crowd around her disagreed, cheering even more loudly.

Sitting next to her, Zecora nodded. “It is very impressive, this artistry. It is a little worrying, though, how it came to be.”

“It’s his doing, I know it is,” Sunset said, scowling at all the equines making a ruckus that she was sure reached the village Coltingen.

Trixie gave Sunset a tired look. “You need to get over this silly superstition on saying Discord’s name.” She rolled her eyes at Sunset’s nervous twitch. “Seriously, he knows where we are at all times. It’s way past the point of annoying.”

“You didn’t live out the last year like the rest of us did,” Sunset shot back.

Shaking her head, Trixie went back to watching the current match and idly levitating popcorn into her mouth from Spike’s nearby bag. The dragon scowled but held back saying anything since Twilight was doing the same thing. He took huge clawfulls of the fluffy snack and stuffed as much as he could into his mouth before the unicorns could take it all.

“So are we just going to sit here all day, or what?” came Shining’s voice from the row of seats behind them. He held out a hoof holding a bag of crackerjacks so that Umaro, sitting next to him, could take a pinch and drop the coated kernels into his maw. He idly took a look at the current match, shaking his head at the poor hoofwork on display.

Trixie waved a hoof airily in the air. “Enjoy the downtime when you can. If you can’t sit still, you can always enter yourself.”

“Do it, Dad!” Spotter spoke up, sitting on his other side. “You’ll beat them all, I just know it!”

“You just had to give him the idea, didn’t you?” Shining groused. “How do you even enter into a match?”

A small pamphlet held in a deep magenta glow hovered up to his muzzle. “I picked this up on our way in,” Twilight said, smiling up at him. “It’s really interesting how it works. You just bet something at the registration desk and anypony who wants it has to ante an item deemed of near-equivalent value, and then the two of you fight. Whoever wins gets the other’s wagered item.”

Spike cocked his head. “What if all you bet is junk?”

“Then you get put into a free-for-all like what’s going on now.” Twilight pointed at the arena pit where a group of ponies were fighting it out for the current pot. “It says that common goods are usually put up by ponies who aren’t very experienced adventurers, so they pool it all and have a bunch of them fight all at once to make a more worthwhile prize. And a better spectacle.”

“Lame,” Spike said and went back to munching on his popcorn.

“I was thinking more along the lines of ‘barbaric’,” Shining muttered.

A few minutes later and the match ended, attendants dragging off the injured. As soon as the pit was cleared, the next match started, two figures entering on opposite ends of the field. One was a powerfully built pegasus pony with two tiny wings and the other was dressed head to hoof in a purple and black outfit, complete with a cape and wide-brimmed hat. Both Applejack and Shining sat up straight, pointing and saying at the same time, “That’s Mare Do Well!”

Twilight cocked her head. “Who?”

“Oh, sorry sugarcube, guess Rarity never told you about her secret identity,” Applejack said, standing up and tossing her finished carrotdog stick in the trash. She then headed for the exit.

“Trixie doesn’t think it counts as a secret when more than one pony knows.” She too stood up and followed after Applejack.

They soon filed out, Shining taking a quick glance at the arena where Mare Do Well was making short work of her opponent. A half smile formed as he saw her twirl her cape in such a way that made the pegasus lose track of her, following up with a buck to his flank. He hummed to himself before leaving.


“Number nine, red. House wins.”

The roulette dealer gathered up all the chips placed down on the last bet and began setting up for the next round. Pinkie Pie smiled and nodded as her chips were taken away. Beside her, a considerably higher pile of chips were stacked than when she started. “Darn, so close.”

Standing next to her, Moonlight didn’t even attempt to smother a loud groan. “We’re wasting time. You’ve made a bit of money, so quit while you’re ahead.”

“Soon, I Pinkie Promise.” Pinkie pushed some chips into position on the table.

“What’s even the point of all this? You’ve made more than enough to cover our supplies.”

Pinkie gave the chocobo a pointed look. “It’s not about the gil.” She turned back to the table where the dealer was running the spinner again.

“Stupid ponies,” Moonlight muttered under his breath. His eyes sought Stardust’s for some backup, but the other chocobo was just as focused on the game as Pinkie was.

A few more rounds passed, with Pinkie steadily winning more than she was losing. Just as Moonlight was about to suggest they leave again, a new group of ponies sat on the opposite end of the table. Two were obviously security ponies but the one in the middle carried himself as though he owned the place. He smiled over to them.

“Long time, no see, Gladmane!” Pinkie greeted, waving a hoof.

Gladmane inclined his head. “Good to see you too, Miss Pie. I see your luck has improved.”

Pinkie nodded. “Yup!”

Leaning his head on his right hoof, Gladmane made a show of looking over the table. “You know, it wasn’t all that long ago that you sat at one of these tables and lost your way into my service. What brings you back for more?”

“Hey, you see these?” Pinkie pointed at her chips. “I haven’t done so bad for myself today.”

Gladmane’s eyes flicked to the chips then back up to her. “Tell me, how much have you won?”

Tapping her forehead with the tip of her hoof, Pinkie hummed thoughtfully. “Well, I started with two thousand gil and I think I’ve got around twenty thousand now. So yeah, pretty tidy sum!”

“You sound so happy to make such a paltry number. It’s… endearing.”

Pinkie’s happy face slipped into a frown. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”

The practiced smile never left Gladmane’s muzzle. “Nothing, nothing. It’s just that you could win so much more if you bet on single numbers at a time.”

“Eh, I don’t know. Last time I did that I lost so much I had to work here to pay it off.”

“Yes, very unfortunate.” Standing up, Glandmane bowed and stepped away from the table. “Well, if you’re happy to just take home a pittance, then who am I to judge. Have fun, Miss Pie.” He turned to leave.

He didn’t make it far before hearing Pinkie exclaim, “Oh, yeah?! I’ll make this pittance a portly! All on sixteen!”

Both Stardust and Moonlight blanched. “Pinkie, no!” Stardust reached for her to stop, but it was too late.

Pinkie shoved all of her chips onto the sixteenth spot a second before the dealer hit the button to spin the wheel. The bet was set. The seconds dragged out as pony and chocobo alike watched with held breaths as the ball bounced around in the spinner. After an agonizing wait, the ball finally settled, filling the twenty-sixth spot.

All air left the Returners in a heavy sigh.

“Well, seems like the pittance went to potty.” Giving a chuckle, Gladmane began to leave.

“Stardust! Satchel!” he heard Pinkie yell behind him.

Eyebrows raised, Gladmane stopped and watched as Pinkie yanked the bag Stardust wore at his side, reaching in, and pulling out a slip of paper. Pinkie slapped the paper down on the table, her expression fierce. “This isn’t over, yet!”

Gladmane strode back up and looked down at the paper. “What is that, my dear?”

Pinkie Pie kept eye contact with him as she said, “The deed to my airship.”


Finding the desk to bet and register for the pit had been the easy part.

Dealing with the receptionists was not.

“Look sharp now, Flim, but a group of ponies that have the look of fighters are coming towards us!”

“Indeed, Flam! Will these ponies shake the very foundation of this grand establishment?”

The Returners approached the desk, some of them with questioning looks. “I swear to applesauce that I’ve met you two before,” Applejack said.

Shining Armor nodded in agreement. “Me too.”

“That makes three, though I have no guarantee,” Zecora spoke up, eyeing the two stallions dubiously.

Twilight eyed the brothers suspiciously, but declined to say anything.

The receptionist pair began to sweat, memories from over a year ago flooding back. “Ah, a case of mistaken identity, I can assure you!” Flam said even as sweat beaded down his brow.

“What can we do for you fine and upstanding citizens?” Flim asked, the professionalism in his words masking the tremor of his voice. “Care to take part in the festivities?”

Shining Armor shook his head. “We just want to talk to Mare Do Well.”

“Ah, apologies there, sir,” Flam said. “Nopony is allowed through here unless they intend to fight.”

Flim continued, his showmanship kicking in. “But if you have something you want to wager, perhaps it will catch Mare Do Well’s eye, yes? I hear the mysterious warrior has been looking for a weapon called the Striker. Ever hear of it?”

Blank stares were his answer. The Returners looked to each other, but confused shrugs and nopes were all that were exchanged. “Maybe we can meet her when she leaves?” Twilight offered. Seeing the impatient looks forming, she took that as a no. She turned back to the brothers. “Do you know what type of weapon it is? What it looks like?”

Surprisingly, Flim nodded. “It’s supposed to be a dagger, one that can cut through a body so cleanly and deeply, the victim rapidly bleeds out and perishes from a single strike.”

Zecora started, an action that caught everyone's attention. Reaching into her cloak, she pulled out a dagger with a blade and handle as black as night. No markings or other elaborate designs decorated it, but the gleam the blade gave off left those nearby uneasy. “By chance I found this in the Veldt, thinking it nothing more than an oddity. Could this be what Mare Do Well seeks as commodity?”

Flam grinned, gesturing towards the arena. “We won’t know until you bet it! How ‘bout it? Take a chance in the games?”

Once again, the Returners conversed. After a quick round of hooves, horns, and wings, Shining Armor stepped forward. “Let’s do it.”


Not since before the casino was first built had there been such a lack of noise as now. No slots rolled, no wheels spun, and no cards were dealt. Quiet murmurings from onlookers were the only things raising any sound as they watched two ponies square off at a table set up in the center of the room.

Gladmane sat at one end, his smile confident. “Well, little lady, here’s how it will go down. Since I’m sure you’re all played out with roulette, we’ll have a nice, simple, game of blackjack instead. Agreed?”

“Agreed,” said Pinkie Pie, occupying the opposite end of the table. Moonlight and Stardust flanked her, their expressions weary and resigned.

“Now, before we begin, how about retelling me the stakes for the sake of our audience.”

“Sure.” Pinkie hoofed over the Paradise’s deed, laying it in the center of the table. “I’m betting my airship. It’s now the only one in the world. I’m also offering my services as captain for one year. During that time, I’ll train whoever you want to fly it once my time is up.”

Nodding, Gladmane raised a hoof and motioned it towards the table. A dealer walked up and placed an iron safe the size of his torso next to Gladmane. The casino owner reached into his silk shirt and pulled out a key attached to a neck chain. Placing the key in the lock of the safe, he unlocked it with a simple click. The dealer took over from there, opening the safe, taking out a manila folder, and placing it next to Pinkie’s deed. “In there are the ownership rights for the casino, as signed by me and Discord.”

The room gave a collective shudder. Gladmane ignored it.

“So, now that everypony knows the stakes, here are the rules. We’ll play three rounds of blackjack. Whoever wins two rounds takes it all. Is that fair?”

Pinkie nodded vigorously. “Yes.”

“Then, let’s begin.” Running a hoof through his silver mane, Gladmane sat back in his seat.

A dealer sat down between them and opened a sealed deck of cards. He quickly began shuffling them. Once satisfied, he set it down in front of the players. “Who will draw first?”

Gladmane waved a hoof at Pinkie. “By all means, dear, start us off.”

“Alright.” The dealer reached forward and drew the top card. He set it face up in front of Pinkie, revealing it to be the ace of spades.

Gladmane whistled. “Not a bad start.” He idly watched as the dealer placed a card down in front of him, the eight of clubs.

The dealer turned to Pinkie. “Hit or stay, ma’am?”

Pinkie smirked. “Hit, silly.”

“Of course.” He drew the next card and placed it next to the last. It was the jack of spades.

The crowd around them “Ooohhh”ed, their murmurings growing in pitch.

“The lady wins the first round,” the dealer declared. He gathered up the cards and shuffled them anew.

“My, the cards couldn’t have been more in your favor,” Gladmane said with a small smile.

Pinkie waved her hoof airily. “Heh, thanks! Beginner’s luck, maybe?”


Behind Pinkie, Moonlight leaned over to Stardust. “You really think she’s going to do it?”

All Stardust could do was give a hopeless shrug. “I have no idea. All I know is that if she does lose, Trixie’s going to kill us.”

Back at the table, the dealer set the freshly shuffled deck down. “Would the sir like to draw first this time?”

“I think I would, thank you,” Gladmane said. A card was dealt and set in front of him, the seven of hearts.

The round continued, with each pony drawing cards until Pinkie’s totaled eighteen and Gladmane seventeen.

“Hit or stay, ma’am?” the dealer asked.

Pinkie scrunched up her muzzle, looking between her cards and Gladmane’s. Giving a firm nod, she said, “I’ve got a good feeling about this. Hit me.”

The dealer drew and set the card next to Pinkie’s others. It was the five of hearts.

“You have gone over twenty-one. Gladmane wins.”

Literally deflating, Pinkie watched with eyes of longing as her cards were taken away.

“Seems we’re tied,” Gladmane said, smirking. “Getting rather exciting, isn’t it? This last round will decide everything. But first, to make sure things are still on the straight and narrow, I think a new deck is necessary. Don’t you think?”

“Sure…” came Pinkie’s unenthusiastic response.

The room around the table became a din of energetic conversation as a new sealed deck was brought in and the dealer unpacked and shuffled it. The moment he placed the pristine cards into place, the casino silenced immediately. “Final round.”

Pinkie bounced back, sitting straight in her seat. She stared fiercely at the deck, as though it had insulted her. “Hit me.”

“Of course.” The dealer lifted off the top card and set it down. It was the queen of spades. “Now for the gentlepony.” He set a card down next to Gladmane, revealing it to be the king of spades.

“My, what a showing!” Gladmane said, his smirk morphing into a grin. “Seems the cards have a sense of humor about them.”

Pinkie sniffed. “As if you know anything about comedy.”

“Well, I do leave that sort of thing to the trapeze artists, but we’re getting off track here. Let’s see what your next card is, shall we?”

“Gladly, Gladmane. Hit me!”

“Of course.” So saying, the dealer placed down the next card. It was the eight of hearts. “You now have eighteen, ma’am.”

Behind her, Stardust sucked in a breath and clenched his talons.

Gladmane inclined his head. “Not bad. Kind of a repeat of before, though. Hit me.”

The dealer drew his card, setting down the nine of spades. “You now have nineteen, sir.”

“Indeed, I do!” Gladmane grinned across the table at Pinkie. “Well, this is it. One last card.” He flashed a smile, his teeth glittering in the light.

Unbeknownst to anyone there, a different light lit up under the table where Pinkie was sitting.

Pinkie Pie took in a deep breath, letting it out as though relieved of a great burden. “It sure is. Hard to believe it, right? Well, better get this over with. I’ve got places to be, after all.”

“Yes, as my personal chauffeur,” Gladmane said, too lowly for anyone to hear him.

“Dealer, hit me up!”

Nodding, the dealer reached for the deck, drew, and set the card down next to Pinkie.

Ponies crowded in, desperate to see what it was. A deathly silence hung over the room, broken only when Pinkie leaned away from the table, giving a satisfied sigh. “I win.”

Across from her, Gladmane stared dumbly at the three of clubs that had been drawn. His catatonic state didn’t last for long. He burst out of his seat, jabbing a hoof at the winning cards. “That’s impossible! That deck was rigged for me to win!”

The room gasped, but Gladmane was too incensed to care. Instead, before anypony could react, he reached forward, grabbed up the casino folder, and shoved it back into its safe. A quick twist of the key later and it was locked back up. “Nopony is taking this from me!”

Pinkie pouted. “Aw, but we had a deal.”

“No deal!” Gladmane rounded on the dealer. “And you! You miserable worm! You had one job. Well, not anymore!” Gladmane pointed a hoof at Pinkie, the chocobos, and the now babbling dealer. “Boys, I think these patrons have overstayed their welcome. Throw ‘em out!”

“I think not.”

The room blinked at the disembodied voice. All eyes turned up. Some in the room fainted. Discord lay floating on his side, idly picking through a stack of papers in the air next to him.

“B-boss!” Gladmane blurted out. His previous anger dissipating, he settled down, reclaiming his former professionalism. “You’re right on time. Help me—are those the casino papers?”

Discord summoned a pair of mismatched glasses, with coal instead of glass, and placed them over his eyes. “Yep, they sure are. You kept them in good condition, too.”

“But I put them away!” Gladmane fumbled with his key, but a knock on his head from an eagle’s talon brought him up short.

“Don’t bother, they were never there to begin with.” Discord stepped down from his perch of nothingness, coming to stand next to Pinkie. “Well, my little pony, good show! Your little gambit paid off, and in grand fashion to boot!”

Pinkie edged away from him. “Thanks, I guess.”

“And here’s your prize.” Discord held out the deeds to both the casino and the airship towards Pinkie.

“But, Boss!” Gladmane ran over to their side. “It’s not fair! You said if I cheated to win, I’d get everything!”

“Yeah, but Pinkie Pie here cheated better than you.” Discord crossed his arms, giving a shrug. “So all’s fair, the way I see it.”

Gladmane face fell into confusion. “But… how?”

“She played you for a sucker the moment she walked in here. Testing her powers against the slots first, then deliberately winning and losing at roulette to gain your attention and lure you into a gamble you had no hope of being victorious in. Good show!” The draconequus held down his paw at Pinkie. Pinkie Pie hesitated, slowly reaching her hoof forward to allow Discord to shake it.

“Wait, powers?” Gladmane said.

“Magic, dear boy, do try to keep up.”

“But… but…”

Discord stood tall and spread his arms wide, flashing his misshapen snaggletooth. “Mares and gentlecolts, please give it to your new owner, Pinkie Pie!” When a few ponies in the crowd gave a half-hearted stomp or cheer, Discord rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, forcing the crowd to whoop and stomp. “There, that should do it.”

Slithering down and around Pinkie Pie, Discord whispered in her ear with a forked tongue, “By the way, you may want to talk to that bloke in the corner before you leave.” He pointed his tail towards the bar, where at the far end sat a pony decked out in Imperial armor.

“Wow, I haven’t seen one of those guys in a while,” Pinkie said. “What’s he—want?” When she turned to speak with Discord, she found he was no longer there.

Next to her, Gladmane looked near manic. “What… what am I… going to do…? The casino was all I had and now it’s gone.”

Pinkie stepped up next to him and patted Gladmane on the back. “Don’t worry. I’ve got a special job for you once I get things sorted out.”

Gladmane gave her a dubious look. “What type of job?”

“It’s a surprise.” The wide grin Pinkie wore didn’t help with his stress levels.

Turning away, Pinkie Pie motioned for Stardust and Moonlight to follow. “C’mon, boys. One last thing and we’re out of here.”

She headed towards the bar.


Shining Armor wasn’t sure what to expect when he stepped out onto the arena pit. The sights, the sounds, and the smells were nothing like he had experienced while serving in Domare. There, when he stepped out onto a field, stallions stood to attention and saluted. Here, stallions and mares whooped and hollered, uncaring who the fighters were just so long as they got to see a good fight.

As he reached the center of the field with his opponent stoically marching up to him, he figured they might get one.

“I see you’re using your old getup… my lady.”

Mare Do Well turned up her nose and hmphed. “Still no manners, even after all this time. I’ll have you know that I take all the care and attention necessary to mend my clothes any time there’s even a stitch out of place.”

Shining cocked his head as they took positions. “You know, we can just skip all of this. The others are eager to see you again.”

“All in good time, darling. A bet was made and accepted.” Mare Do Well set herself into a stance. “Besides, I can’t be letting a whole crowd of ponies see Mare Do Well just give the win away. I have a reputation to maintain, after all.”

“I see,” Shining said with a sigh. He unsheathed his sword, leveling it out before him. “As you wish, Rar—”

“Not here!” Mare Do Well waved her hoof with finality. “Afterwards. Now, let’s give them a show, shall we?” She led off with a charge, lunging for Shining.

The stallion took a half-hearted swipe at her with his sword, only for Mare Do Well to nimbly side-step, slip under him, and kick upwards. The blow connected solidly with Shining’s barrel, sending him in the air briefly to then crash back to the arena floor. Years of training and instinct allowed him to ignore the pain and lash out with his sword pommel, blocking a hoof aimed for his head.

“You want to play that way?” Shining said through clenched teeth. He shoved forwards, both pushing Mare Do Well away and regaining his footing. “Fine.” Taking the initiative this time, he rushed forward, slashing at the caped pony.

Mare Do Well hopped away, retaliating by summoning a horde of floating, glowing blue needles that rocketed towards Shining with pinpoint accuracy. A pink shield appeared around the stallion, disintegrating the needles before they could reach him. Instead of dismissing the shield, Shining grunted and blasted it outwards, crashing it into an unprepared Mare Do Well. Reeling, but recovering quickly, Mare Do Well reached under her cape and slammed down a smoke bomb.

The immediate area became enshrouded in smoke which Mare Do Well vanished into. Shining cursed, swiping his head around to try and catch any movement. The attack came, but not from the ground. An impact from above knocked him over, forcing him to roll with the blow. He hopped back to his hooves, but Mare Do Well was still hidden from sight.

“Enough of this.” Raising his sword, Shining cut through the very air, dispelling the smoke and revealing Mare Do Well approaching from the side. Acting quicker than she could, Shining pivoted and bucked, catching the approaching pony solidly in the side of the head. Mare Do Well went down, collapsing on her side. She remained there, moaning and clutching her head.

Across the arena, the crowd erupted into both cheers and jeers. “Winner, Shining Armor!” came the announcer.

Shining ignored the crowd, levitating Mare Do Well onto his back and galloping off towards the exit.



“You started it.”

Trixie rolled her eyes and turned to Applejack. “You sure they’re friends?”

Chuckling, Applejack said, “Sure are.”

They were all sitting at empty tables within the Colosseum lobby. Rarity, having taken off the hat and cowl, winced as Twilight fussed over the black eye that now adorned her face. “Am I hideous?”

“Of course not,” Twilight said, shaking her head. She cast another healing spell, reducing the swelling around the eye. “I’m pretty sure you’ve taken worse.”

“Yes, but not to the face.” Rarity shot a dark look over at Shining Armor, who groaned but stayed silent.

“She’s still beautiful,” Spike sighed wistfully.

Spotter bounded up next to her. “You were great out there, Rarity! It’s great to have you back.” He giggled as she rubbed his head affectionately.

Sunset Shimmer looked between the reunited ponies, speaking to each other as long lost friends. The easy camaraderie born from having spent plenty of time together was unmistakable. She shuffled her hooves, unsure if she should introduce herself or just leave.

Luckily, that decision was taken from her as Rarity regarded her and Umaro towering over them. “I see you’ve picked up some new companions. May I have the pleasure?”

“Oh, right.” Twilight blushed and pointed a hoof at Sunset. “This is Sunset Shimmer. She’s a good friend of mine that’s helped me a lot over the year.” She waved to Umaro next. “And this is Umaro, a friend of Spike’s and now ours. Both are helping us deal with Discord.”

“Ohh, not so loud, darling.”

Zecora stepped in and shook her head. “The curse of Discord’s name has run its course. Now we are gathering allies to strike at the source.”

“She’s right,” Trixie said. “We’re getting close to being able to take him on. He knows it, but he’s foolish enough to let us continue anyway. Are you in?”

Rarity frowned, looking away from them. “It would be nice to be rid of that cretin, but there are still things I need to take care of. I have a lead on where Sweetie Belle is but I need the Striker to have the strength to get her. I haven’t seen the poor dear in an age…” A tingle of magic next to her grabbed her attention. She turned, finding the Striker levitating before her in a pink glow.

Shining smiled. “This will get you started.” He let go so that Rarity could take it in her own magic, watching as she inspected it at every angle.

“Yes, this is it…”

“And if you want to find Sweetie, we’ve got an airship now to help.”

“Right, I saw it land earlier today.” Giving an affirmative nod, Rarity sheathed the Striker somewhere under her cape and stood up from the table. “Well, seems like my business here is concluded.” She smiled at them, offering a hoof towards the exit. “Shall we, then?”



The casino bartender scowled, coming up to the patron. “Not until you pay your tab. Besides, I think you’ve had plenty.”

“Don’t tell me… hic… how much I can have…”

Shaking his head, the bartender turned to leave to find security but a pink hoof slapped down next to him with a pile of gil. “Don’t worry, I’ve got him covered.”

The bartender followed the hoof to see the perky face of Pinkie Pie. He jerked to attention. “Of course, ma’am! Whatever you fancy.”

“I’ll take a lickety-split sundae and whatever he’s been having.” Pinkie inclined her head towards the armored Imperial blearily looking between them. “Oh, and gysahl juice for my two friends, here.”

“At once.” The bartender scurried off to get the drinks, leaving the soldier with the new casino owner and two chocobos.

The soldier propped himself up on the bar, struggling to keep upright. “What do you want?” he slurred out.

Pinkie took a seat next to him, her bright smile wasted on the stallion’s blurred vision. “Just to talk.”

“Don’t wanna.”

“Ah, don’t be that way. It’s a day to celebrate! I just literally won the house and you’re the first Imperial I’ve seen in a long time.”

The Imperial slumped to the bar again. “Probably the last of ‘em… hic.”

Pinkie cocked her head. “Really? You’re sure you’re not some undercover agent working for a secret organization to plot to bring back the Empire in all its glory and finish your takeover of the world?”

The pony blinked. “No…”

“Shoot, thought I had it,” she said, slapping the bar.

The bartender returned, passing over the drinks Pinkie ordered and taking the generous tip she left for him. Pinkie wasted no time slurping up her sundae, watching with interest as the soldier took a sip of his own drink. Taking a break from her beverage, Pinkie asked, “So, how’s the end of the world been treating you?”

“What do you think?” the Imperial snarled, slamming his drink down on the bar. “The Empire’s gone, all my… hic… buddies from the force are either dead or missing. I have no idea what to do… hic… with my life now and the last I saw of the Emperor was some painting down in Jidhoof.” He took another long swig of his drink, some of it dribbling down his front. He pulled the bottle away, not caring of his soiled condition. “So what do you think?!”

He blinked again at seeing the tears welling up within Pinkie’s eyes. “Oh… um, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make you cry or nuthin’...” He yelped as Pinkie reached forward and hugged him with all her might. The armor he wore creaked under the pressure.

“I’m so sorry!” Pinkie bawled, hanging onto the squirming soldier. “I didn’t know! I didn’t want to make you feel worse! How can I make it up to you?!”

“Let… me… go…”

“Oh, sorry!” Pinkie released him from her grasp, the soldier wheezing for breath. He pulled back as Pinkie got close to his muzzle, her hooves clasped in front of her. “But please, tell me what I can do to help.”

Taking a moment to recover, the Imperial sighed and took off his helmet. A light yellow pony with a crew cut of blue hair was revealed. He set the helmet down on the bar, giving Pinkie a hopeful look. “Well, I could use a job.”

Pinkie’s hoof shot up into the air. “Done! You can be my new chief of security for the casino, Mr… um… ah…”

“Flash Sentry.” He nearly threw up when Pinkie grabbed one of his hooves and shook it vigorously.

“Nice to have you aboard, Flash! Now, would you mind telling me more about this painting?”

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