• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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In Which Ponies Go to a Bar

“Run, everyone! We gotta head south! Run!”

Applejack led the escapees from Fillygaro through the desert night. There was no moon out, making visibility an issue, though that would play in their favor as Gilda would have the same problem. If she could get the group to the southern mountains, they would be able to lose any pursuers through the rocky terrain. More importantly, the cave located there would be perfect for crossing over to South Fillygaro to regroup.

A yelp and the sound of a body hitting the ground came from behind. Applejack skidded to a halt and turned around to see Twilight Sparkle picking herself up and shaking off some sand.

“Sorry, I tripped,” she said, hanging her head.

Rainbow Dash was at her side in an instant and pulled at her cape urgently. “Well, come on! No time for feeling sorry!”

“But I can hardly see!” Twilight cried out. “Can’t we shed some light or something?”

“That’ll give us away real quick-like,” Applejack said. “Just do your best.”

“I can help.”

All eyes turned to the speaker, who blushed under the scrutiny. Impressive, considering his face was covered in feathers.

“Um... I can see in the dark pretty well,” Stardust explained. “Just follow me and step where I step. Okay?”

Twilight studied the chocobo, remembering their less than dignified first meeting, and smiled up at him. “Thank you, Stardust.”

“Yeah, that’s all hunky-dorey,” Rainbow said, already rushing off. “Let’s go!”

“You heard her,” Applejack added and followed after the pegasus. “Move `em out!”

“Hi-ho, Twilight! Away!”

Twilight turned and glared at the passenger on her back. “Excuse me?”

“Heh, sorry,” Spike said sheepishly. “Kinda got caught up in the moment.”

The group ran once again, Twilight staying close behind Stardust and avoiding the obstacles that he pointed out. They made good progress, their mountainous destination growing larger by the minute—

A blinding light suddenly surrounded them, revealing their forms against the desert sand.

“There they are! Don’t lose them!”

The ground trembled as two monstrous equine shaped machines charged towards the fleeing ponies, their bright front lights making it impossible to hide. Steam hissed out of the leg joints each time the metal hooves struck the ground, alerting the escapees of their increasing speed.

Rainbow Dash hopped up into the air and chanced a look behind her. “They’re gaining on us! We’re not going to make it!”

Suddenly, Applejack came to a stop and reared up on her hind legs. “Then we fight `em! It’s our only way!”

Stardust and Twilight sped behind the farmer and cowered behind her. “B-b-but they’re so big!” Twilight shrieked.

“Don’t think about how big they are! Think about how hard they’ll fall! YEEEHAAAAW!” Applejack charged towards the oncoming lights that were only a few paces away and leaped. She twisted in midair and struck out with a powerful kick to the metal head of the magitek armor. A resounding clang was heard.

Applejack fell on her rump a second later and immediately began massaging her aching leg. The machine loomed over her, completely unharmed.

“Or maybe not.”

A chuckle came from the pilot. “Just what were you expecting to do? Buck us to the moon?” The light of the magitek swiveled to shine down on Applejack, revealing her helpless form. A massive metal leg rose up to flatten the earth pony into the ground.

Without warning, the light exploded into a shower of sparks before shorting out, coating the area in darkness. A glint of metal fell from the shattered light, landing at Applejack’s hooves. She blinked at the dirk laying at her side but gave it no further thought as she quickly rolled away from the descending leg of the magitek. The machine lifted its leg again and brought it down, but without the help of the light, the pilot’s aim was off and Applejack dodged away with ease.

With his attention on squishing Applejack, the pilot never saw the attack coming until it was too late. A dagger plunged itself into the space between his helmet and armor, burying it to the hilt in his neck. He slumped forwards, dead before he hit his console.

Rainbow Dash yanked her dagger free and peered over the edge of the cockpit, smiling smugly. “See, that’s how it’s done. Thanks for distracting him, though.”

Any reply Applejack would have made was lost as the magitek rocked from an impact, followed by an explosion. Rainbow lost her perch and fell to the ground in a heap, stunning her. The damaged magitek above her swayed unsteadily before toppling over. Rainbow only had time to stare up as the machine fell towards, unable to pull herself to safety.

An orange blur shot past her and braced itself. “YEAAAAGGGGHHHH!”

Rainbow started, unable to believe what she was seeing. “Applejack!” Rainbow cried out.

Applejack stood on her forelegs underneath the magitek, her hind legs holding up the ton of metal from falling any further. “Agh! Move already, Dash!”

The thief didn’t need to be told twice. Rainbow flared her wings and rushed forward, grabbing Applejack and flying away from the collapsing magitek, missing them by inches. Rainbow deposited her friend down a few hoof-lengths away and sighed in relief. “That was close.”

“Look out!”

Applejack’s warning came too late. A white laser from the second magitek armor impacted next to them, searing heat washing over them and tossing the two ponies into the air. The pair landed several hoof-lengths away, their coats smoking as they groaned in pain.

“You little gnats are dead!” the second pilot bellowed. He took aim with the tek laser port, setting the beam strength to the highest level possible, and fired—

—only for a lance to strike the nozzle of the port from below, shifting the laser off course. The blast shot past the downed duo and impacted against a distant cactus, completely obliterating it.

“Ha! Forgot about me, didn’t ya?” Spike taunted from underneath the ponified machine. He shifted his grip on his lance and jabbed it into an ankle joint of the magitek’s left foreleg.

The pilot lifted the leg, taking a startled Spike with it and gave it a flick.

“Whoa!” Spike lost his grip and was flung to the ground. He scrambled away from the follow-up stomp only to receive a kick to the belly, sending him tumbling away again.

“Enough of this!” the magitek pilot roared. “It’s all over!”

“Wait! Please! No more!”

The magitek stepped back as Twilight Sparkle ran to interpose between it and her downed friends. “Please! No more fighting! I beg you!”

The pilot grinned down at her from his perch. “Oh, don’t worry. Once they’re all dead and you're back with Gilda, the fighting will be over. You can count on that.”

Several yards away, Rainbow Dash managed to push herself to her hooves, but staggered and dropped to her knees. “Twilight, you idiot! It’s you they’re after! Run!”

“Too late!” With that, a panel on the magitek’s shoulder irised open, revealing a tek missile ready for launch.


Twilight chanted, the words coming to her from somewhere deep inside her. Her horn glowed a deep red, followed by a glyph bursting away from her body.

The world around her exploded.


Over a mile away, Gilda recoiled as a brilliant flash of red light erupted in the distance. The desert became briefly illuminated, as though the sun itself had risen, and just as quickly faded away. When Gilda turned back to the source of the light, all that could be seen was a mushroom cloud rising into the sky.

“Son of a seapony!”


Spike moaned as he rubbed at his eyes, his vision reduced to nothing but a red filter over anything he looked at. Slowly, he opened his eyelids, tears leaking out as his body tried to bring moisture back into his eyeballs. He wiped the tears away and finally managed to get a look around him.

The first thing to grab his attention was the smoking crater directly in front of him.

“Holy guacamole!” Spike ran up to the lip of the crater and looked down. A pile of mutilated and glowing molten metal lay at the bottom. “Wow, what caused this?”

Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He saw Stardust rush to where Rainbow Dash and Applejack lay and placed down his pack. The chocobo rummaged around and brought out two flasks which he unstopped and offered to the battered ponies. The pair accepted them gratefully and gulped the contents down. Within seconds, Rainbow and Applejack were back on their hooves.

“Much obliged, partner,” Applejack said. She ran up Spike, Rainbow and Stardust following close behind. “What happened? Where’s Twilight?”

A groan from nearby answered her. A mound of sand shifted, revealing Twilight’s horn poking out. Spike rushed over and wiped away the sand, uncovering the rest of Twilight’s body. The unicorn groggily blinked her eyes before standing up and shaking away the sand clinging to her. “Oooh, I have such a headache...” The next thing she knew, her vision filled with rainbows and felt herself being held up by a pair of hooves.

“Twi! How’d you do that?! That was awesome!”

“Ease up there, Dash,” Applejack scolded the pegasus. “Give the gal some room.”

“Oh, sorry.” Rainbow put Twilight back down but didn’t lose her excited expression.

Twilight shook her head, clearing away the last of her grogginess, and regarded Rainbow with a confused look. “Um, what do you mean?”

Rainbow thrust a hoof at the crater. “That!”

Twilight stepped up to the edge of the blast zone and looked down at the bottom. She recoiled, the smell of scorched metal and intense heat assaulting her senses. “D... did I... do this?”

“You sure did! Once second we were all like, ‘Run!’ but then you glowed and blew up that Impy scum! Was that magic?”

“Magic?” Applejack said, narrowing her eyes. “That didn’t look like any magic I’ve ever seen a unicorn use before. What gives?” She gave a concerned look as Twilight began shaking. “Um, hon? You alright?”

The young mare didn’t respond. Her shaking became worse, to the point where she lost control of her legs and fell to her belly. Twilight’s breathing came in quick and shallow burst as though she had just completed a grueling race. Her irises were tiny pinpricks within her widened eyes, staring unblinkingly at the devastation.

“Hey, Twilight, what’s the matter?” Rainbow Dash asked and placed a hoof to Twilight’s back.

Twilight shrieked the instant Rainbow made contact. She scrambled away from the crater, putting as much distance as she could from it as quickly as possible. “I-I-I-I didn’t mean to! I just wanted him to stop! I d-didn’t want to... to kill him!” Tears fell from her eyes, followed by a wail of anguish. Twilight sank to the ground, crying her eyes out.

Rainbow and Spike were at her side in an instant, gathering Twilight up into a hug. “You had no choice, Twilight,” Spike spoke to her soothingly. “If you hadn’t, well, we’d all be dead.”

“The little guy’s right, Twi,” Rainbow added, stroking the bawling mare’s back. “I mean... it was him or us.”

Despite their comforting words, Twilight continued to cry. She shook her head as though unwilling to accept what she had done.

Applejack looked on awkwardly, unsure how to put her next words. “Um, I hate to butt in, but we really need to get goin’. Gilda might send more of those guys after us at any moment. We need to get south so we can lose her.”

“C’mon, Twi,” Rainbow Dash said, lifting the unicorn to her hooves. “We gotta go. If we don’t, more of those guys will show up and make you do even more terrible things.”

Twilight’s grief stricken face lifted up. She stared at Rainbow desperately, wishing what she said wasn’t true. Rainbow’s sad eyes told her otherwise. She sniffed a few time, but nodded and began shuffling along with the rest of the group, heading south.


“Get back to the castle and let everypony there know we’re okay. Got it?”

“Yes ma’am!” The guard stallion saluted and rushed off, leaving the mountain pass and into the sprawling desert.

Applejack watched him go until he was out of sight, then turned to the group surrounding her. “Alright, y’all. We need to get through this cave to get to South Fillygaro. Once there we can get supplied for the trip over the mountains. Let’s move `em out!” She turned, heading into an opening in the mountain. Rainbow Dash, Spike and Stardust followed, with Twilight plodding at the rear.

Inside the cave, torches had been set up at regular intervals on the rocky walls, providing plenty of light to see their surroundings. The path inside appeared to have been pony engineered, as rectangular cuts had been made into the walls and floor. The trail was smooth and well worn from countless ponies traveling between the castle and port town. Directly ahead, a small pond with sparkling water lay before them. A few turtles floated on the surface, occasionally diving down and resurfacing.

Applejack trotted up to the pond and took a long, slurpy drink. “Aaahh, that hits the spot. C’mon, y’all. Drink up! All that runnin’ around in the desert has got to have parched ya somethin’ fierce.”

The others eagerly did so. Stardust went further by filling up any empty bottles for later use. Once they had all drank their fill, Applejack led them further into the cave. After a few minutes of walking, she called out, “Dash? Twilight? Can I speak to you gals for a moment?” The two ponies quickened their pace to reach her, though Twilight had a noticeable lack of spring in her step. “I think it’s time we come clean with you, Twilight. You see, Dash and I are part of a group callin’ themselves the Returners.”

“I’m Applejack’s contact with the group,” Rainbow piped up.

“Yes. And we’d like you to meet with our mentor, Mayor Mare. She’ll be able to figure out how you can help us fight back against the Empire.”

“Yeah, Twi! That magic you did back there was radical!”

“Between you and that esper, I think we finally have a chance of winnin’ this war.”

“That’s the way to talk! What do you think, Twi? Twi?” Rainbow finally noticed that the unicorn was no longer following besides them. Rainbow twisted around, finding Twilight standing still several paces away and staring at the floor.

Applejack slowly trotted up to Twilight, her expression solemn. “I’m sorry, sugarcube. I forgot that this has all been thrust upon ya. I... I don’t want to force anything on ya.”

“I...” Twilight said, raising her distraught muzzle up to look Applejack in the eyes. “I just don’t know... what I should do.”

The farmer hung her head, letting the silence that followed linger for a minute. “Well, how about this? You come with us to our base, meet with Mayor Mare, hear her out and decide on your own. How’s that sound?”

Twilight continued to stare at Applejack, before closing her eyes and nodding slightly.

Applejack laid a hoof over Twillight’s shoulder. “Don’t you worry. Whatever it is you decide, I’ll back you up. We’ll all help you until then.”

“Thank you...” Twilight said quietly.

The group continued on, moving further into the cave. A few monsters got in their way, but Rainbow Dash and Spike were quick to bring them down. They had just climbed down a set of stairs when Stardust cocked his head and headed down a side-passage. His departure didn’t go unnoticed.

“Hey!” Applejack called out. “Don’t be wonderin’ on yer own.”

If he heard her, he didn’t acknowledge it. Stardust continued down the passage, occasionally sniffing the air.

“Hey, I’m talking to you!” When Stardust didn’t respond, Applejack let out a huff and galloped off to catch up to him. “Consarn it! We don’t have time for this.” It only took a few seconds to reach him and put herself directly in his path. “Okay, fella. What’s gotten into you that you had to go trailblazin’?”

Stardust stepped back, as though seeing the earth pony for the first time. “Oh, uh sorry. I just smelled something and wanted to check it out.”

“Partner, there ain’t nothin’ in this cave other than blearies, hornets and crawlies. All I can smell is their stink.”

“Well, I smell that.” He pointed a wing just over Applejack’s shoulder, towards a rock wall with green moss growing over it. “If my nose is correct, that moss can be used to make up some nice potions. At least that’s what Moonlight use to tell me.”

Applejack looked over the moss, its damp, tiny leaves glistening in the torch light. “That’s all fine and dandy, but what good is it to us? You sayin’ you can cook us up some potions?”

Stardust shuffled his talons nervously. “Um, maybe. I'm still learning. I was thinking more that I can get a good price for it in South Fillygaro. Brewers are always happy to pay for ingredients. Saves them the trouble of finding components themselves. Moonlight only just started getting around to teaching me how to do it...”

“Alright, alright, no harm done,” Applejack said. “Grab what you can but be quick about it. We’ve still got a bit of travel once we reach the other side of the mountain.”

“Thanks! You won’t regret this!” Applejack stepped away and allowed the chocobo to fill up some bags with the moss. A few minutes later, Stardust had scraped off enough of the plant to completely fill up his pack. “There!” Stardust declared when he finished. “Let’s go!”

With his new acquisition stowed away, the group continued their trek through the cave. A short time later, the cave exit came into view, prompting them to quicken their pace. Outside, the great expanse of the Fillygaro plains lay before them.

“Finally! All of these stupid caves are cramping my style!” Rainbow Dash complained and took off into the sky, performing a series of loop-de-loops for the ponies below her.

Applejack chuckled at Rainbow’s antics and began leading everyone towards the east. The sun had already risen, basking the earth in its radiant light. The going was smooth as Rainbow scouted for monsters, allowing for a brisk pace to be set. The sun had just reached its midway point in the sky when the first buildings of South Fillygaro came into view. Minutes later, the group stepped into the town proper.

Despite the advanced machinery of Fillygaro, South Fillygaro’s housing was constructed almost entirely out of wood, brick and shingled roofs. Even so, the houses were sturdy and stood upon a solid foundation of stone. Many of the houses were two stories tall, with some connected to each other via covered bridges. It gave the city a crowded look, compounded with the sight of dozens of ponies coming and going from one building to another.

“Welp, here we are,” Applejack announced, a proud tone to her voice. “Good ol’ South Fillygaro. Home of some of the finest ponies you’ll ever meet.” She regarded the others with a happy smile. “We’ll be able to get what we need here before headin’ on over to the base. RD, go ahead and do your thing and get us some supplies while I check on a few things. We’ll meet back here in an hour.”

“Hey, who died and made you leader?” Rainbow asked, coming up to Applejack and staring her down. “You’ve been bossin’ us around ever since we left the castle when I should totally be in charge!”

“What, you startin’ something now? Somepony’s got to take responsibility around here.”

“Yeah, and that should be me. The coolest and most awesomest pony to have ever lived! How about you go and get our stuff while I check out the local life.”

Applejack gave her an unamused look. “Hmph, duckin’ past your responsibilities again. What a surprise.”

“What’s that suppose to mean?!” Rainbow Dash demanded, pressing her nose right into Applejack’s.

The farmer pushed back. “That you don’t take anythin’ serious unless it involves shiny treasure.”

“I can too take things seriously! Just watch!” Rainbow launched into the air, heading towards the center of town.

“Heh, works every time,” Applejack said. She noticed Stardust walking away on his own and called after him. “Hey, fella! Where you off to?”

“Following the pegasus,” Stardust replied back. “If she’s headed for the shops, I can sell off my own stuff.” He turned around a bend and was lost from sight.

Applejack shrugged and turned to the remaining members of the party. “Well, we best be going. Follow me.”

“What are we going to do?” Twilight asked, she and Spike falling into step next to Applejack.

“To the bar. Dash mentioned some things are happenin’ way over in Domare and askin’ the folks there might clear up some things. Rumors like that flow like cider, especially in places that sell cider. Domare has been helpin’ our cause for a while now so anything that happens to them, Mayor Mare will want to know about.”

The three made their way through the busy streets, maneuvering past the throng of ponies going about their daily activities. A whistle sounded off in the distance at one point, causing Twilight to cower behind a barrel next to a house, her body shaking uncontrollably and her eyes darting back and forth for any signs of the whistle’s origins. When Applejack told her that it was probably just a boat docking at the pier further south, the unicorn smiled sheepishly and followed along with her head held low.

“You really need to get out more, Twilight,” Applejack teased shortly afterwards. “I’m thinkin’ this here little trip will do ya some good.”

“Sorry,” Twilight apologized for what felt like the thousandth time. “It’s frustrating for me to have to learn all these things over again.”

“Don’t worry, Twilight,” Spike said, patting the unicorn on the back. “Just like Applejack said, we’re all here for you.”

“Thanks,” Twilight responded, giving a warm smile.

“Alright, we’re here,” Applejack said, stopping in front of a wooden door with a sign above it that read, “The Galloping Horse.” Sounds of song and merriment could be heard coming from within the building. “Let’s head on in and see if we can learn a thing or two.” She pushed the door aside and stepped in.

Immediately, a barrage of sound and smells assailed the ponies’ and dragon’s senses. A din of constant conversation filled the room while the stench of sweat, smoke, and cider struck them, making Twilight and Spike tear up briefly.

“Ugh, and I thought our waste hole was stinky,” Spike complained, trying in vain to fan away the cigar and cigarette smoke drifting by him.

“Better keep them types of comments to yerself,” Applejack warned. “That’s the kinda talk that gets ponies all riled up. Or don’t you remember back at the castle?”

Spike smiled sheepishly and motioned the process of zipping his mouth shut.

They walked up to the bar and Applejack plunked down a few gil onto the counter. “Barkeep! A round for me and my two friends here.” The pony behind the counter quickly poured three mugs of cider and placed them down in front of them. Applejack didn’t waste any time and took a deep swig from the mug then slammed it back down on the counter, letting out a loud burp. “Ah! That’s the stuff!”

“Must you be so uncouth?”

Applejack blinked and turned her gaze to the source of the voice. A white unicorn with a curled, purple mane and leaning against the bar looked back at her with narrowed, unamused eyes.

Applejack gulped down the rest of her drink and wiped her mouth with a hoof. “What’s it to ya? It’s a bar. Perfect place to let loose!”

The unicorn sniffed, turned up her nose and levitated a glass filled with wine. She took a delicate sip before carefully placing the glass back down on the counter. “Just because one is within a bar doesn’t mean one can not show manners.”

~ She comes and goes like the wind, owing allegience to nopony.
She obsesses over fashion, though her reasons are her own... ~

Applejack made to respond, but was shoved out of the way by an eager pony. “Hey! You’re another unicorn!” Twilight squealed. “I’m one too!”

The mare stepped back, eyeing Twilight warily. “Indeed...”

Twilight moved closer, her eyes starry. “What type of spells can you cast? How did you learn those spell? How do you keep your horn so point—?”

A loud hiss came from below. Twilight glanced down to see a white cat standing underneath the white unicorn bare its teeth and take a swipe with its claws. Twilight yelped and hopped back, scrambling behind Applejack.

“Opalescence, be nice,” the unicorn said down to the cat. “The lady wasn’t being threatening, just... overly gregarious.” Opalescence growled one last time before laying down and curling up for a nap. “Sorry about her. She can get a bit overprotective.”

“Yeah, and sorry about her,” Applejack responded, nodding her head towards the cowering Twilight behind her. “She can be a little overly... well... overly, I guess.”

The unicorn took another sip from her drink and regarded the ponies before her. “Well, here I was going on about manners and I haven’t even introduced myself. My name is Miss Rarity. A pleasure.”

Applejack tipped her hat with a hoof. “Same here, I guess. I’m Applejack and this here’s Twilight Sparkle and Spike.”

Rarity smirked and held out a hoof. “Charmed, I’m sure.”

Twilight came out from her hiding spot, grinning sheepishly and gently shook the offered hoof. “Um, sorry about before...”

“No harm done, darling. And this handsome chap on your back must be Spike?”

Spike didn’t respond. He stared at Rarity, something he had been doing for the past few minutes. It took a small buck from Twilight for him to regain focus. “Oh, uh, yeah! I’m a... I’mma ah... ah...”

“What’s the matter, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Nothing! Nothing’s wrong!” He rubbed the back of his head with a claw, a blush spreading over his face. “Yeah, I’m Spike.”

“Well, how do you do, Spike?” She batted her eyes at him and chuckled when Spike reddened even further. “So, what are you all here in town for? Sightseeing? Shopping?”

“A little of both, really,” Applejack answered. “Though we stopped by here to see if anypony knew anythin’ about what’s going on out east. Hear there’s trouble brewing near Domare.”

“Oh my, really?”

“Yep. You wouldn’t happen to know anythin’ about that, would you?”

“Heavens, no,” said Rarity. In a low tone, she muttered, “Though that does raise some possibilities...”

“You say somethin’?”

“Oh! Sorry. I was just thinking of my next project. I have a passion for fashion, you know.”

“Ah... not really, no.”

“Oh. Well, I’m afraid I don’t have much more to offer you, dear. I need to be going, but maybe we’ll run into each other somewhere down the road.” With a flick of magic, Rarity drained the rest of her wine and left a few gil on the counter. “Come, Opalescence. We need to go.” The unicorn trotted off, her cat briefly yawning and stretching herself before padding after her.

“Now there goes a character, right?” Applejack said once Rarity had left the bar. “Ya sure do meet some weird sorts in here.”

“So beautiful...” Spike breathed out.

“What was that?” both mares asked.



Within the commercial district of town, Rainbow Dash emerged from a storefront, her saddlebags sagging with supplies. Stardust exited a moment later, his pack noticeably lighter.

“Stupid Applejack,” Rainbow strained to say, shifting her bags to a more comfortable position. “Making me do all the busy work while I’m sure she’s living it up at the pub. Stupid Filthy Rich and his bargains. How the hay am I supposed to carry all this stuff and still fly?” She glanced up at Stardust, noticing how little he was carrying. “Hey, big guy. Mind helping me out here?”

“I have a name, you know,” Stardust grumbled.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. But could you help a pal out? All this stuff is cramping my style.”

“What do I look like to you? A walking caravan?”

“Hey, that’s a good idea! You carry this so I can keep my wings free. Then I can swoop down and cream all the monsters in sight!”

Stardust rolled his eyes and walked away. “Forget it. I’m going to stay here in town for a while. See if I can get a shop going.”

Rainbow suddenly rushed in front of him. “Wait. You’re leaving us?”

Stardust grimaced, an impatient tone to his voice. “Yeah. That was my plan all along. Why are you surprised?”

“I don’t know,” Rainbow said with a shrug. “You were kinda helpful after we took down those two metal jerks. I just thought you’d keep going with us.”

“Can’t. I’ve gotta keep looking for other clans, and I want to own my own shop one day. This place is perfect for both.”

Rainbow scoffed. “Not for that last part, it ain’t.”

“What do you mean?”

The pegasus pointed a hoof to the store they just exited from. “See that? That place is just one of many in this town. Filthy Rich owns them all, or at least all the good ones. He’s got this whole place under his hoof. The second you try opening a spot without a deal from him, he’ll price gouge you right out of town.”

Stardust’s lower beak fell, his eyes staring up at the sign that read, “Rich's Barnyard Bargains.” “You’re lying.”

“Wish I was, pal, but that’s just how it is here.”

With a shake of his head, Stardust marched away. “Then I’ll just have to be the chocobo that beats him.”

“You’re wasting your time,” Rainbow called after him.

Stardust whirled around, glaring at her. “And what do you expect me to do, huh?! Shopkeeping is my dream! Selling things is what I’ve grown up doing. I just can’t give it up just because some pony tells me it’s too hard!”

Rainbow waved her hooves in a placating manner. “Easy! Easy! Don’t get so bent out of shape.”

“I am not bent out of shape!”

“Right. Look buddy, I’m not saying you can’t follow your dreams and all, but this town probably isn’t the best place to start.”

“So what are you saying?”

“All I’m saying is just travel with us for a little while longer. Hay, we might even come across one of those clans of yours. And if we find a town on the way that isn’t completely owned by Filthy Rich, then you can go on your way. Whaddya say?”

Stardust stared at Rainbow Dash, his wings twitching periodically. Finally, he sighed and said, “Fine. I guess I’ll tag along for a bit longer.”


“Just one thing. What are you getting out of all this—OOF!”

Rainbow, now hovering above him, dusted off her hooves after dumping her saddlebags onto Stardust’s back. “You get to carry all our stuff!”


“Well, that was a bust.”

Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Spike exited the bar, full of cider but light on information. The farm pony checked the sun, doing some quick calculations in her head. “We still have a few minutes before we need to meet back up with Rainbow Dash. There’s one place we have time to go to before then. This way.”

Applejack led them through the streets of South Fillygaro once again, this time leading them near the edge of town. Here, the wooden buildings became fewer and fewer, with buildings made of steel becoming more frequent. Some were several stories tall, with steam coming out of chimneys instead of smoke. The ponies walking by wore smudged clothing with many carrying a satchel of tools on their backs rather than saddlebags.

“What is this place?” Twilight asked, her head turning back and forth in an effort to keep up with all the new sights passing by her.

“The industrial wedge of the town,” Applejack explained. “It’s pretty new compared to the rest of the city. All the latest breakthroughs in technology are produced here. A lot of the ponies that designed Fillygaro Castle moved here after the orchard was done. Engineers are silly folk and can’t stop tinkerin’ no matter what. There’s lots o’ space round these parts so they decided to build up a spot just for themselves.”

“Why are we here then?”

“There’s somepony I gotta meet. It’s a... personal thing.”

They fell silent then, Twilight and Spike content on following Applejack while they took in the sights. After a few more blocks, Applejack came up to a nondescript metal door and pressed a button next to it. A buzzer from inside sounded and a moment later, the door slid into the wall on its own. A middle-aged female donkey stood on the other side. “Oh, what a surprise! Hello, Applejack.”

“G’day, Matilda,” Applejack greeted back. “Yer husband home?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Cranky’s been gone for over a week now. You know how he can get when he’s got a new project on his mind.”

“That I do. I still need to thank him for fixin’ up that problem with the sprinkler system back at the castle. My engineers were scramblin’ like mad trying to fix it `til he came by.”

“Oh, where are my manners?” Matilda moved aside, extending a hoof in invitation. “Won’t you come in? I can get some tea ready for you and your friends.”

“I’m mighty sorry, Matilda, but we can’t stay. I was just hopin’ that... well...”

“About Big Macintosh, right?” At Applejack’s nod, Matilda continued, “Well, Cranky won’t say as much, but I’m sure with all the rumors flying around that you at least heard he’s taken on your brother as his apprentice. It’s not easy keeping things a secret around here when a big colt like him appears.”

Applejack couldn’t hold back the eagerness in her voice. “Do you know where he is then?”

“Last I heard, Cranky was taking his pupils up into Mt. Colt. Apparently, there’s some good minerals up there for one of their new inventions. If your brother’s anywhere, he’s there.”

“Aw, thank you kindly!” Applejack gushed out. She pranced in place, looking ready to run off right that moment. “I wish I could stay an’ chat, but I’ve got ta git goin’!”

“Don’t worry, missie. Give my love to Big Mac when you find him.”

Giving a tip of her hat, Applejack rushed off, forcing Twilight to chase after her before she was lost from sight.

Matilda watched them go, a wistful look to her face. “Ah, kids. I’m going to have to badger Cranky about having them again.”


“What kept ya?” Rainbow Dash asked impatiently at the entrance of South Fillygaro.

“Sorry,” Applejack said once she ran up to the pegasus, with Twilight and Spike behind her and huffing for breath. “Just a little bit of catchin’ up with some donkeys I know.”

“Whatever. Let’s get going, alright?”

“Sure thing! Next stop, Mt. Colt!” Applejack reared up, neighing to the sky and galloped off. Rainbow Dash smirked and followed skyward.

“Wait up!” Twilight called to them. "Why is everypony in such a hurry?" She and Stardust followed, leaving the city for the open plains and towards the distant mountains.

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