• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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In Which Chairs Go Kweh!

Left alone in the rapidly fading light, Twilight turned to read her books once more. The torches on the wall left enough light to read by, though they caused the shadows to jump about. When Twilight looked up, rolling her neck in hopes of releasing the tension, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye that had escaped her gaze before. In the far back corner of the library, situated nicely between two sets of bookshelves, was a large, fluffy, silver ball. She turned to look down another row and saw another one, though smaller, and decidedly less feathery. “Huh, those must be some sort of pillow chairs, maybe?”

Curiosity getting the better of her, she stood up, trotting to the smaller of the two chairs, before slowly setting herself down. Oh wow, this is soft! This seems better for sleeping than it does reading!

Looking to the side, Twilight observed the bigger, fluffier chair, an impish grin making an appearance over her muzzle as she made an impulse decision, deciding to assault the bigger, better floor pillow with a gigantic pounce. As she landed, however, she did not sink into the ”chair” as she expected, getting comforted by hundreds of soft, fluffy feathers. Instead, she was sent flying through the air, a loud, startled ”Kweh!” echoing in the small room.

Twilight landed heavily, the wind knocked out of her for a moment as she struggled to her hooves, when she saw the ”chair” scrambling upright. It towered over Twilight, her head only coming up to what seemed to be its torso. It had two long legs that seemed far too fragile to handle its body weight at first glance, the feet composed of three claws in the front, with one talon pointed backwards. It had large, wide wings, which were flapping madly. Its long, sinewy neck rose above her, though Twilight was unable to see its face that well.

She scrambled backwards a step as it started speaking, spooking her in the process. “Gah! What in Tartarus just... Hey! What’s the big idea?! Can’t a guy take a nap around here? What did I ever do to you?” it exclaimed as it stretched, the pitch identifying it as being masculine.

Twilight felt like time was slowing down as the large, silver bird stared at her, anger in its eyes. Choking back a whimper, she worked to regulate her breathing as she stammered, “I didn’t mean to. I mean, I did mean to jump, but I didn’t know that you weren’t a chair, because you looked like that one over there, so I—”

“Thought it would be okay to assault me?!” the large bird interrupted, voice growing more and more heated. “What kind of pony does that?!”

Twilight panicked when she saw the bird suddenly get bigger, drawing her sword in fright as she backed up. “I-I...”

“Hold it right there!”

Twilight nearly dropped her sword in shock, barely keeping her aura around it active as she stared at the two figures in the doorway, before melting in relief. “Spike!”

“Twilight! What’s going on?!” Spike yelled as he rushed over to the lavender unicorn, prepared to help defend her, when he remembered once more he couldn’t fight until his stomach had settled.

“You with the jerk, shrimp?” the large bird asked antagonistically, ignoring Applejack as she started to move towards him.

“Who are you calling a shrimp, bird-brain?” Spike shot back, refusing to back down from a fight.

“You, midget! What, are you deaf and stupid? I guess you would have to be, being a lowly lizard and all. Have any good sun-baths lately?”

Spike’s eyes narrowed, his eyes almost glowing in anger. Oh, it is on! “I don’t know, have you had a nice flight recently? Oh, that’s right! You can’t fly, can you fatty? Didn’t think so!” Spike taunted, sticking out his long, snake-like tongue while pulling down an eyelid with a claw.

The large bird froze just a moment before starting to rush the small, purple dragon, preparing to fight, when it was jerked off-balance, falling to the ground with a startled ”Kweh?!”

“When I say ta hold it, I mean it!” Applejack exclaimed, securing the other end of the rope to the large, stone table in the middle of the room, preventing her prey from moving far. “Now I wanna know what in tarnation is goin' on! I thought I had yer word that ya wouldn’t go and start nothin’ while you were a guest here, chocobo!”

“I didn’t start anything!” the silver chocobo shot back, jerking his head back and forth, trying to snap the rope. “But if you think I’m going to come quietly, you’ve got another thing coming! I didn’t come this far just to get caught!”

“Whoa Nelly!”

Applejack took a step backwards despite herself, the chocobo twisting and tearing at his restraint, trying to break free, whether it be by breaking the rope, cutting it free, or anything else he could think of.

“Hey, calm down, you’re gonna hurt yourself, idiot!” Spike yelled, watching in horror as the rope grew tighter and tighter around the chocobo’s neck, making it harder and harder to breathe.

“S-so what! I’d rather be dead than a slave! You’ll never take me alive!” the chocobo retorted, starting to cough.

Twilight’s eyes widened in shock, her body freezing up as the chocobo’s words registered in her mind. “S-slave?! W-what... how... why—”

“I don’t answer—” the chocobo rasped, straining against his ever-tightening restraint “—to Imperial scum! Y-you think... you can enslave me and my family with false promises? I’d... rather die... than help you.”

“What in tarnation... Slavery?” Applejack asked Spike, confused. “The Empire deals in slaves? Since when? There ain’t been any slavery fer, what, since that War of the Magi or whatever? Wait, Twi, what are ya—”

Twilight, ignoring Applejack’s protests, started undoing the lasso’s knot as quickly as her magic would allow, freeing the chocobo gasping for breath. “What do you mean, being a slave?” Twilight asked the chocobo, leaning in as close as she dared, her eyes wide open in fright and wonder. “The Empire is taking slaves? How did you escape? What were they going to make you do? When did they start? Where are they keeping them? Who ordered it? Why—”

“Twilight, calm down, you’re gonna scare him!” Spike chided Twilight, pushing against her chest in an attempt to move her back. He didn’t get very far before exhausting himself, but at least the chocobo had room to breathe. Spike turned around, marching up to the chocobo, still laying on the cool, stone floor as he gasped for breath.

Spike opened his mouth to start asking questions of his own, when the chocobo asked hoarsely, “W-why did you let me go? I’m not going to talk! You can try to torture me, but it won’t work! I’ll die before I become a slave!”

“Why do ya keep sayin’ that?” Applejack asked harshly, thrusting her face forward. “I don’t take kindly ta guests insultin’ my hospitality with nonsense like slavery! That ain’t even a good joke! So long as I’m in charge `round here, y’all do what I say! Now you tell me why you were gonna attack Twilight here, or I’ll throw ya in the dungeon to cool off! I had your word that y’all wouldn’t try to start trouble, so you’re gonna tell me why you were attackin’ poor Twilight here!”

“She started it,” he coughed, his breathing returning to normal. “She jumped on me! I was just defending myself!”

Twilight withered under the stern glare she was receiving from Applejack. “Twi? Is that true?”

Twilight wilted further, squeaking meekly, “Y-yes...”

“What?!” Applejack shouted, shocked. “Ya mean to tell me... What `n tarnation didja go and do that for?! I thought I wouldn’t have needed to tell ya not to go—”

“I-I didn’t mean to!” Twilight cried out, hiding under her forelegs. “I thought he was a chair, like that one over there! H-how was I supposed to know he was a... a—”

“Chocobo?” Spike offered helpfully, trying to guess what she wanted to say.

“Y-yeah! How was I supposed to know? I thought he was just a bigger, fluffier pillow, and I wanted to have some fun after studying for so long `cause my eyes were hurting and I thought it... I just wanted to jump on a fluffy pillow for awhile, that’s all! It sounded like fun,” she whimpered, curling up.

Twilight wrapped her tail around herself firmly as her ears flattened against her head. She fought a stray tear or two, praying that Spike wouldn’t be too disappointed in her foalish actions. Much to her surprise, Spike started laughing.

Turning to the silver bird, the dragon asked breathlessly, “Are you serious? You were going to attack her because she jumped on you? I thought chocobos were supposed to be tougher than that!”

“Yeah, cause you would be oh so happy to be woken up by somechoco attacking you, yeah!” the chocobo shot back, glaring at the small dragon in front of him.

“Well at least I wouldn’t recklessly attack them for making an honest mistake when they feel horrible about it. Unlike you, you heartless little—” Spike started to shout back, before Twilight silenced him with a hoof.

“I-it’s alright, Spike. It... It was my fault, okay? I should still apologize to him, even if he tried to attack me.” She stepped forward slowly, trying to swallow the lump in her throat as she stammered, “M-mister Chocobo? I’m... sorry that I kind of accidentally jumped on you. And woke you up. And kind of hurt you. And...”

“Alright, alright! I... uh...” The chocobo stared at the lavender unicorn in front of him, caught off-guard. “I... forgive you?”

“Oh thank you!” Twilight sighed in relief. “I really didn’t mean to hurt you, Mister... Umm, what’s your name, anyway?”

~ A fugitive of the Empire, this rough-around-the-feathers chocobo has
traveled the land with a pack on his back, forced on the run. ~

“My name is Stardust, from the Silverlight Clan,” he said proudly. He shifted to his left slightly as he offered his right talon to shake Twilight’s hoof.

Twilight’s eyes grew wide as she backed up involuntarily, her sight locked onto his large, dangerous, foreboding talons. “B-big talons...” she noted idly, trying to convince herself that he was being friendly, and not threatening her.

Spike started laughing again at Stardust’s indignant expression, as the chocobo tried to figure out how he had insulted the purple pony. “What? What did I do?”

“Don’t you worry none, Stardust,” Applejack interrupted, offering her hoof in place of Twilight. “Twi’s jus’ easily to startle, it seems,” she remarked as she shook the chocobo’s talons firmly. “Got a nice, firm grip, at least. Hoofshake tells a lot about a pony’s character. Might wanna watch that temper o’ yours, if ya don’t mind some advice.”

“I do not have a temper!” Stardust retorted quickly, eyes narrowing slightly.

Applejack just grinned even wider, raising an eyebrow, allowing the silence to eat away at the chocobo, until he finally caved. “Fine! Nochoco’s perfect, and I like me just the way I am! If someone else has a problem with me, then they can deal with it!"

“Y’all still need to stay calm as long as you’re in my castle, got it?” Applejack asked firmly, narrowing her eyes.

Barely managing to not roll his eyes, Stardust nodded, replying in a bored voice, “Yeah, I got it. No rough-housing, name-calling and all that other stuff that makes life fun, got it. I will do my very best to be both bored and boring so long as I’m here. Can I go now? I still need to write my depressing poem of the day to make sure I don’t have any happiness in my soul when I go to bed,” the chocobo mocked.

His eyes widened moments later, however, as he practically danced away from a half-hearted punch from Applejack. “Whoa! O-okay, I was just kidding, chill! Geez, and chocos tell me that I need to lighten up!”

Grumbling to himself, Stardust made his way back to the corner where he had been resting previously, and picked up a bag and set it on his back. He started to walk towards the door, but was stopped by Applejack’s hoof once more. “What, can’t a choco get some sleep around here?” he asked, rolling his eyes as he joked.

“I don’t think so, sugarcube!” Applejack said firmly, moving to sit in front of the door. “And I ain’t budging `til you explain what all of that slavery stuff was about.”

The chocobo looked away nervously from Applejack, only to face Twilight and Spike, both of whom also seem interested. “W-well... I-it’s nothing! I’m just being paranoid, that’s all! Certainly wouldn’t be the first time, heh heh.”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Applejack insisted, pointing at a seat cushion. “You don’t get to make wild claims like that and just strut away! Now—” she said firmly, sitting on the cushion closest to the door “—tell us what you’re talkin’ about.”

Stardust glanced towards the exit, but a shake from Applejack’s head stopped him from making a move towards it. With a sigh, Stardust settled himself down on the floor and faced the occupants in the room. “Well, if I’m going to explain this, I’d better start at the beginning...”


“Potions! Antidotes! We have the best travel items gil can buy!”

“Oh, I’m so glad you came to town today. I was just about to leave for Jidhoof. I’ll take five of each, please!”

“Coming right up! Stardust! You heard the lady. Get to it!”

“Yes sir, Moonlight!” Stardust saluted with a wing. The young chocobo turned from the elderly black feathered merchant and rummaged through a pack at his side. He plucked out the required items and placed them down in front of the mare.

“Thank you, lad,” Moonlight said. “That will be one-thousand eight-hundred fifty gil, ma’am.”

The pony quirked an eyebrow. “That seems rather high. I can get potions at the local store for three hundred gil.”

“Yes, that’s true,” Moonlight replied. “But our supply is distilled from the purest spring water of Chickadee Forest. Not to mention that our antidotes come from the extraction of the rarest exorays in the deepest parts of the woods. I guarantee that our products are worth the extra price. Not unless you want to trust your life to the local stuff...”

“I...” the mare hesitated. “Well, when you put it that way...”

Behind Moonlight, Stardust watched the exchange carefully. Each time the Silverlight Clan came to Coltingen, Stardust quietly observed how Moonlight would haggle the price to get the best possible deal. It was an art form in of itself, and required a sharp mind to keep the customer from bantering in their favor.

“Sold!” Moonlight exclaimed. He pushed the requested items towards the mare and Stardust accepted the offered gil. The younger chocobo swept the gil up in his wing, and with practiced ease, dropped them into a chest. When the mare trotted off, Moonlight turned towards Stardust. “And that’s how it’s done.”

“Nice going, Moonlight!” Stardust held up a wing, which Moonlight gave a hearty slap to. “When do you think I’ll be ready to start selling?”

“You’ve got a few more years to go, but I think you’ll be more than ready when I finally hand over the reigns.”

“Really? But I know I’m ready now!”

“Patience, Stardust. That kind of eagerness doesn’t help. A customer will take advantage of that and swindling you out of every potion you have for mere chicken feed.”

“I’d never let that happen!”

“Not on my watch, you wo—” Moonlight cut himself off as a new pony stepped up to his item stand. “Welcome, traveler! What can I offer you today?”

“Actually, it’s not what you can offer me,” the brown coated stallion said. “It’s what I can offer you.”

Moonlight eyed the newcomer warily. “How so?”

“I come from the continent in the south. The new empire there is growing quickly and is in need of merchants such as yourself to keep the economy going. Towns are springing up from one side of the land to another. Some are even attracting some well-to-do’s from Jidhoof. I’ve come to offer you a place there.”

“Really...” Moonlight drawled.

“Here, look at this.” The stallion pulled out a piece of paper from his saddlebags and placed it on the counter. “These are my profit margins from just the last month.”

Moonlight eyed the pony briefly before looking down at the paper. His eyes widened before he had finished reading halfway down the page. “This... This is...”

“Impressive, isn’t it?” the stallion finished. “And I’m expecting to make double that next month.”

Moonlight stared at the paper a few seconds longer then shook his head. He pushed the paper back at the pony with a talon and said, “Yes... impressive. But I don’t understand why you are telling me this. Wouldn’t more merchants like myself be competition for you?”

The stallion laughed. “Oh, I’m not worried about that. I’m overwhelmed with orders as it is. In fact, the merchant guild in Albuck paid me just so that I could travel abroad and hire more merchants to handle the load.” The stallion placed his margins back in his bags, pulled out a new piece of paper and placed it down. “Here. This is the contract the guild has written up for new members. If you agree, you’ll be part of the guild and given the chance to make more than you ever dreamed of.”

“Which is usually the point where I wake up,” Moonlight stated.

The stallion blinked. “Beg pardon?”

He pushed the contract away with a talon. “This is all, how does the phrase go, ‘Too good to be true.’ I’m sorry my good pony, but you’ll have to rise even earlier than this bird to get the worm.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing out on.”

“Let me put it to you bluntly. I’m not signing any contract. The Silverlight Clan does not work under anyone but ourselves.”

The stallion stared at Moonlight as though the chocobo had egg on his face. “I see. Well, how about a first-hoof demonstration? You don’t even have to sign the contract if you don’t want to. Just go to Albuck and see for yourself. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.”

Moonlight flapped his wings irritably. “Pushy one, aren’t you? My answer is no and that’s final.”

The stallion grumbled something under his breath, picked up the contract, and trotted away. “You don’t know what you’re missing,” he said in parting.

Once the stallion was out of sight, Stardust rushed in front of Moonlight. “Why didn’t you agree? That was a ton of gil on that guy’s margins! We could make a fortune in no time!”

“Stardust, that eagerness of yours is acting up again,” Moonlight warned.

“But Moonlight! This is a chance we can’t afford to lose. We’re stuck here barely making any profit when ponies like him are living the high life!”

“We’re doing just fine the way we are—”

“C’mon, how dumb can you be? Have you seen our numbers? We risk our lives to make our potions and sell them just high enough to scratch out a living.”

“Stardust, that’s enough—”

“Let’s check it out, just for a little while. If it’s a bust, we can always come back.”

Moonlight shoved Stardust behind him and towards the back of the stall. “I’ve heard enough out of you. You’re hardly out of the egg and yet you talk as though you’re the cock of the block. I decide where we go, not you. Now get back there and take inventory. I don’t want to hear anymore of this, got it?”

Stardust hung his head and sulked towards their stock. “Fine. Whatever.” Under his breath, he muttered, “Don’t see how we can get by for much longer though.”


“It turned out I was right,” Stardust sighed. He fidgeted where he sat on the floor to find a better position and regarded his audience. “Sales weren’t very high for two weeks, no matter how Moonlight pitched them. Our clan traveled to every settlement between Coltingen and Jidhoof but customers were spending their gil on the imports from the southern continent. They were cheaper and more plentiful, no matter their quality.”

“That’s awful,” Twilight said quietly.

Spike raised up a claw. “So... when will you get to this slavery thing?”

“Geez, I’m getting to that,” Stardust responded with a huff. “So, one night, I managed to finally convince Moonlight to take a trip and check out this goose that was hatching all these golden eggs. Turns out that traveling merchant was right. There were plenty of opportunities on the south continent to make gil. The folks there were handing out gil wing over talon to get stuff moved from one place to another. So Moonlight sent word to the rest of the clan and they all sailed in soon after. We signed up with the local merchant guild and started peddling our wares. Things were going great... until one night...”


Stardust peeked from around an alleyway corner, checking for any guards or citizens. The streets of Albuck were usually deserted at night, but just one overlooked pony could ruin everything Stardust was planning. Nochoco was around, so he cautiously stepped out and into the city streets proper. When no alert was heard, he made his way down the street towards the city entrance. Luck was with him as the Imperial guardsponies were not patrolling the area, no doubt drinking themselves under the table at the local bar. The guards had been spending more and more time there, abusing their position and ignoring the duties they were given.

Not that I care, Stardust thought. It just makes it easier for me.

He turned his head to make sure the pack strapped to his back was secure, then dashed out into the countryside. Traveling by night was a risky venture, even for a chocobo, but Stardust was confident that he was fast enough to outrun any monsters lurking about. He wasn’t going too far anyway, at least not by chocobo standards. Vectorlot was a hop, skip, and a jump away for somechoco like himself.

Stardust raced through the night, heading north towards the capital. At night, the lights of Vectorlot shone so brightly that a compass wasn’t necessary. He just had to run towards the glow on the horizon. A half-hour later, the giant obelisk of the castle came into view, its sharp edges and metallic sheen standing out against the night sky. Stardust poured on the speed, the sight of his destination giving him a burst of energy.

Minutes later, Stardust stepped through the large metal gateway that lead into Vectorlot’s square. Despite himself, Stardust gawked. Even though he had been to Vectorlot with his clan before, he had never seen the city at night. Countless electrical lights glinting through house windows, attached to poles, or hanging over the streets on metal beams illuminated the soot covered streets. Hundreds of ponies, despite the late hour, walked the brick pathways. Many of the ponies wore work clothes covered in smudges and grime.

Stardust grimaced, remembering that above all else, Vectorlot was an industrial complex. The enormous factory that produced the magitek armor used by the army never closed. From what Stardust had heard from the locals that Moonlight dealt with, the factory was staffed all day and all night, churning out a new piece of equipment every hour of every day. Looking up at the sky, Stardust saw the large, dark cloud that never seemed to evaporate looming above like an oppressive shroud. The large smokestacks of the Magitek Factory constantly belching out smoke guaranteed that the cloud was here to stay. It was rumored that the sun hadn’t shone upon the city in over ten years.

Stardust shook his head to clear his thoughts. No time to lose, he thought. Time to show Moonlight I’m ready to work the counter. He strode into the throng of ponies, looking side to side for a good place to set up. A spot revealed itself next to a crate set next to brown brick house. It was close enough to the walkway but not too close that he wouldn’t be trampled should the traffic of ponies increase. A few strides took him over to the crate and he set his pack down onto it. With his beak, Stardust opened his pack and spread out a half-dozen potion bottles. Giving a satisfied nod, the chocobo turned towards the passing crowd.

“Step right up, ladies and gentlecolts! Are you tired from a hard days work? Need a pick-me-up for the trip home? Well, I have here the finest potions distilled from the tastiest spring water that you will ever find! I have limited supply so get them while you can!”

Most of the ponies ignored him, seemingly content to pretend he didn’t exist. Others glanced his way but didn’t change course as they continued on to their destinations. This continued for several minutes, Stardust maintaining his enthusiastic pitch to all ponies in range of his voice. Finally, a weary eyed colt broke from the pack and trotted up to him.

“I sure could use a drink after the day I had,” the colt said. “How much for a bottle?”

Stardust beamed and waved a wing over his wares. “For you good sir, three-hundred fifty gil. I promise that you will not be disappointed.”

“Three-hundred fifty? Hay, I pay only two-hundred at the Watering Hole. Forget it.”

“Hold on!” Stardust cried out before the colt could leave. “I know my prices are a little high, but that’s because my potions easily beat out whatever they sell there.”

“Feh, I doubt it.” Without another word, the colt walked off.

“Why that know-nothing mule!” Stardust fumed. “Whatever! Who needs him? There are plenty of others where he came from.”

“Is everything okay here, birdie?”

Stardust snarled and whirled on the speaker. “You want to start something you... big...?”

Two ponies, dressed in Imperial armor, stood before him. One was a tall yellow colt while the other was a shorter colt with a green coat. The short one smirked up at him. “You have permission to be selling stuff here?”

Stardust couldn’t suppress a gulp. “Um... permission?”

“Yeah,” the taller one said. “You need to get a license to sell anything. Unless you’re already part of a guild.”

A sigh of relief left Stardust’s beak. “Oh, then there’s no problem. I’m part of the Starlight Clan and we’ve signed up with the guild in Albuck.”

“Got any proof?” the short guard asked.

“Yeah, right... here...” Stardust trailed off as he searched through his pack but couldn’t find the card that identified him with the guild. He poked through his feathers, hoping that he had slipped it somewhere within their silvery confines. To his growing dread, nothing was found.

“What’s the holdup?” the tall guard said.

“Um... well... it seems that I’ve... misplaced it. I know I have it here, somewhere...”

“Hey, Snails,” the short guard spoke to his companion. “Do you know what we get to do when we find someone selling in the city without permission?”

“We get to arrest them, Snips?” Snails cheerfully suggested.


“Wait! Wait!” Stardust held out his wings. “I really am part of the guild! Let’s talk this over!”

Snips and Snails glanced at each other and grins simultaneously appeared on their muzzles. Snips stepped forward and smirked up at the chocobo. “Well, how about this. You give us all the potions you brought here and we’ll forget we ever saw you.”

“But... this is my chance... to prove to Moonlight—”

Snails reached into his armor and pulled out a set of hookcuffs. “I wonder if we have a cell big enough for you. I guess we can just stuff you into one until you—”

“Okay! Okay! Here!” With a flick of his wing, Stardust slipped the potion bottles into his pack and presented the bag to the soldiers. “Just take them!”

Snails put away the hookcuffs and took the bag with his mouth. “Nife doing business wiff you.”

“Heh, heh, yeah,” Snails chuckled. With that, the two guards began walking away.

Stardust waited for the two to head towards the walkway before he turned and kicked at the house behind him. Keeping his voice down he cursed out, “Those no good, tick infested, four legged jerks! I should’ve pecked their eyes out!”

“You know, I almost feel sorry for them.”

Stardust turned his head a fraction at hearing Snip's voice. The soldiers were standing next to the walkway, waiting for a chance to slip into the crowd. Both had their backs turned to Stardust and didn’t appear to be aware that their voices were being overheard.

“How shoo?” Snails mumbled through the bag in his mouth.

“What, you didn’t hear? The higher ups are getting tired of paying the chocobos all this money running around. The guilds are charging us so much they could probably buy the whole city!”

“So, what’s haffening?”

“Tomorrow, some soldiers are going to go round them all up in each of the major towns. Then they’re going to force `em to work without having to pay them.”

“How shey going to do fat?”

“Hold some of their families hostage I guess...”

Stardust had heard enough. With a “Whark!” he charged at the two. Snips and Snails spun around just in time to be bowled over as Stardust rammed into them. However, the chocobo didn’t stay to continue the fight. He lowered his body then jumped up into the air. At the apex of his jump, he spread his wings out and glided over the heads of the startled Vectorlotians. He landed next to the city gate and charged through it before any guards could stop him.

Once out of the city, Stardust ran as hard as he could. He didn’t spare any energy for thought, only to move forward. Any monsters roaming the area saw only a silver streak zip by. Stardust’s breath rushed out in great heaves but he forced himself to continue on. Within minutes, the lights of Albuck came into view. However, the town quickly became irrelevant.

A procession of Imperial ponies and magitek armor led over two dozen chocobos away from the port town. The chocobos were chained together at the talons and were being prodded to move by sword point. Despite the gloom of the night, Stardust saw Moonlight within the middle of the pack. Moonlight had his head bowed, as though unwilling to face the circumstances he was suddenly in the middle of.

“Let him go!”

The ponies whipped their heads towards the voice, startled to see a chocobo charging at them. Stardust took advantage of their surprise, leapt into the air and came crashing down onto two ponies’ heads with his talons, slamming them into the ground. A pony rushed up to him with a sword drawn but Stardust kicked the Imperial away before he could take a single slash.

“Stardust!” Moonlight called out to him. “What are you doing?! Run!”

Stardust ignored him and pounced onto a magitek suit turning towards him. The pilot yelped in surprise and then shrieked as Stardust lifted him off his seat with his beak and tossed him to the ground. “You blasted Impies aren’t going to get away with this!”

“Wanna bet, you dumb chicken?”

Stardust whirled on the speaker, intent on pecking him to death for that comment, when he felt an impact from behind. The distraction from one guard allowed another to throw a metal ball at Stardust’s unprotected backside. The ball burst open and a net encased Stardust, trapping him in a nylon mesh. With a “Kweh!” Stardust toppled from the magitek armor and to the ground, where he was immediately surrounded by more troopers.


Twilight stared up at Stardust, waiting for the chocobo to continue. He had grown silent for over a minute with a downcast expression on his face. “And?” Twilight prodded.

Stardust didn’t answer and continued to stare at floor. Another few moments passed and Twilight wondered if he was going to continue. Finally, Stardust raised a wing and brushed it against his cheek, wiping a stray tear away. “It... it wasn’t pretty,” he said. “The Empire forced us to work for them, without pay and barely any food. They held some of my clan members in prison and said they’d keep them there if we didn’t do what they said. For months we carried their supplies, day in and day out.”

He grew silent again. Spike raised a claw and asked, “But you escaped, right? You’re here now and not back there? How’d you do it?”

“I... don’t want to talk about it.”

“Huh? How come?”

“I just don’t, okay?!”

Spike fall back from Stardust’s unexpected outburst. He cautiously got to his feet and held up his claws in placating manner. “Okay. Okay. I got ya.”

Stardust settled back down on the floor, his feathers slowly unruffling.

“Well, I can respect not wantin’ to unload a bunch of bad memories and all,” Applejack said. “But it sure would be nice if'n you explained what you’re doin’ here.”

“Fine,” Stardust replied, letting out a huff. “After getting away, I managed to get back to Coltingen to warn the other clans there to stay away from the south continent. I was thinking I could even convince a few to help get support in getting the Empire to let my clan go. But when I got there, all the clans had already left, probably to the south. I didn’t know what else to do until I heard that this castle was in the region, so I hopped aboard. Now, here I am.”

“What do you plan to do now?” Applejack asked.

“Um. I’m... not sure. I haven’t thought about it much.”

The group fell silent, absorbing the tale that Stardust had shared with them. Applejack rose from her cushion and stretch out her legs. “Well, I think that’s enough. I’m much obliged that you shared this with us, Stardust. Reckon it wasn’t easy.” She regarded Twilight and Spike and nodded. “You two should be headin’ for bed. It’s getting late and we all have a big day tomorrow. I’ll find Dash and she’ll show you where you can sleep. Till then!” With that, Applejack trotted out of the library.

Twilight and Spike rose soon after and bowed at Stardust. “Thank you for telling us your story, Stardust,” Twilight said after rising from her bow. “And I’m, um... sorry I jumped on you.”

Stardust grimaced, but shook his head and waved a wing at her. “It’s fine. No harm done in the long run, I guess.”

Twilight smiled. She turned and began heading for the door, Spike right behind her.

It was just as she was leaving the library that she suddenly stopped and said, “Wait. What did he mean by the castle being in the Coltingen region?”

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