• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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Wherein Dinner is Served

“Raindrops, take a group and help those civilians with that burning building over there, all right?”

Raindrops gave a crisp salute and rushed off to do Mayor Mare’s bidding.

Once the pegasus was gone, Mayor Mare turned to the remaining Returners and Neighshe volunteers. “Okay, we are to continue with the relief efforts as best we can. Do your best not to antagonize any Imperials. I know we came here to conquer but this may give us the opportunity to open peace talks with them. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am!” came the enthusiastic response.

“Let’s get to it then.”

With that, the ponies and chocobos dispersed, heading for areas in need of help. Left alone, Mayor Mare sighed as she took stock of the city around her. Many of the worst fires had been put out, giving way to the more daunting task of picking through the rubble for survivors. After that, the monumental task of rebuilding.

With a shake of her head, Mayor Mare dispelled any thoughts of future plans to concentrate on the tasks at hoof. Just as she moved to sift through the burnt debris, she felt a throbbing next to her ear. Eyes widening, she reached back and pulled out the needle Rarity had given her. It vibrated within the crook of her hoof.

“Oh, no…” she breathed out.

“... ayor… o hea… e?”

Mayor Mare nearly dropped the magic needle upon hearing a faint voice. Carefully, she placed the needle closer to her ear.

“... Mare, you there?”


“Land sakes, it worked!”

Furrowing her brow, Mayor Mare said, “Is that you Applejack? Is everything alright?”

“Yep, it’s me. Yeah, we’re okay. Didn’t mean to alarm ya.”

Mayor Mare shook her head, a useless gesture since Applejack wasn’t there to see it. “No, that’s okay. What’s going on? Did you get into the palace?”

“We did and you won’t believe what happened. Looks like Blueblood is calling it quits. He wants us to talk things over dinner tonight.”

Despite herself, Mayor Mare’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”

“I know! It’s somethin’, right? That’s why I’m calling you. I think you should be here to help since you’re the leader and all. Blueblood’s given the okay to let you in.”

“Applejack, this is all too sudden. And convenient. What if this is a trap to lure us all in?”

There came a pause. Faint voices could be heard on the other end though Mayor Mare couldn’t make anything out. Finally, Applejack returned. “Well, call me crazy, but I believe him. You should see him, Mayor. Blueblood’s lookin’ more tired than a pony after an all night hoedown. I think he wants this over more than anypony.”

Mayor Mare brows furrowed, humming in thought. “Alright, I’ll be there. But some of you should leave and take over out here. That way at least some of us will be able to do something in case the worst should happen.”

“Sounds good,” came Applejack’s response. “Rarity was sayin’ how she needs to get those parts for Pinkie Pie, so that should take care of that.”

“Then expect me in an hour. I need to take care of some things out here first.”

“Yeah, see ya then.”

The needle stopped vibrating, cutting the connection. Mayor Mare frowned and placed it back next to her ear. Taking a deep breath, she trotted over to where she had sent Raindrops, instructions forming within her mind on how to deal with this new revelation.


Inside the palace, Applejack moved the now motionless needle away from her ear and stuck it back into her hat. “She’s on her way.” She turned to regard Blueblood, who had remained silent through the whole exchange. “So, uh, we just wait here, then?”

Emperor Blueblood rose from his throne, stepped down, and headed for a door in the back. “I have a waiting room prepared for you while dinner is made. I’ll have a servant come fetch you when it’s ready.” With that, his horn lit up, opening the door, and he stepped through, lost from sight when the door closed behind him.

“Well, a little standoffish, don’t you think?” Rarity said. “He’s got the royal bearing down, but he could work on his manners.”

Rainbow Dash threw up her hooves. “Whatever, just as long as he meant what he said.”

“Suppose we’ll be finding out soon. Now, I need to get those things for Pinkie, so be dears and behave yourselves.” So saying, Rarity marched down the hall, heading the way they came in. Without a word, the stationed soldiers pried open the large double iron doors and she stepped out, disappearing as she stepped down the stairs into the foyer.

The remaining Returners gave each other uncertain looks until an earth pony stallion dressed in a pressed tuxedo came in from a door next to where Blueblood had left. He purposefully trotted up to them and said, “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your room.” Nose upturned, the pony marched towards a second door next to the first, opened it, and gestured for them to go through.

With nothing better to do, the Returners stepped through the door. The room on the other side simply contained a set of stairs which they all began to climb. Two stories up they reached a balcony overlooking the palace and city. A quick glance across the landscape showed that most of the fires had been put out but smoke still choked the air. A deathly calm had spread over the city, as though its citizens were waiting for another attack to happen.

“The door on your right leads to your room,” the servant said, nodding his head towards a polished wooden door set into the metal wall. “I’ll come get your when we’re ready.”

“So we’re just gonna sit around and wait here?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Boring.”

“It’s better we know you are in one place rather than wandering around the palace,” the servant explained. “There are also many soldiers that are not too pleased that you are here. We don’t want you getting into any unnecessary fights just before peace talks.”

“Can’t argue with that,” Applejack said. She nudged Rainbow Dash towards the door. “C’mon, RD, I’ll play ya a couple round of cards. Twi, Spike, you know any games?”

Spike smirked and puffed out his chest. “I happen to play a mean game of Old Maid. You’re all going down!” He rushed in, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and a chuckling Applejack right behind him.


An hour later, a knock came from the guest room door, followed by, “Dinner is served.”

“Thank goodness!” Spike cried as he threw down his cards. He crossed his arms and huffed, pointedly looking away from Twilight. “I can’t believe you got so good so quick.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly and pushed away the large pile of coasters they had found in the room to use as ante. “Sorry, Spike. I didn’t know I had it in me.”

“Yeah, whatever. Let’s hope these Impie guys at least have some decent food.” Spike got up and stomped out of the room.

Once he was out of earshot, Twilight winked at Rainbow Dash. “Thanks for pointing out his tell.”

“Heh, yeah, his poker face is one of the worst I’ve ever seen,” Rainbow Dash said as she too trotted out.

Outside the room, they found the servant from before. He wasted no time in leading them back to the throne room and then through the door Blueblood had taken. One hallway heavily decorated with Blueblood’s image later, they entered a large chamber with a long table set in the center. A deep red cloth lay over the table, along with candelabras placed a few inches from each other to fill the room with candlelight. However, what really caught everyone’s eye were the plates of food set at each seat. Fruits and vegetables of every sort were piled up, tantalizing the Returners with their aroma. A bowl of glazed pastries lay in the center of the table, no doubt for dessert. There was even a plate covered in polished, glittering gems. Spike’s mouth began to unconsciously drool.

The table was already occupied when they stepped in. Blueblood sat at the largest and most ornate seat in the center of the table, sipping wine. Straight across from him was Mayor Mare, nursing her own glass. Mayor Mare saw them and waved them over. “Oh good, you’re safe. Please, have a seat so we can get started.”

They didn’t need to be told twice and quickly found themselves a seat on the same side of the table as Mayor Mare. The moment they settled in, Blueblood cleared his throat. “Thank you for coming. Don’t hesitate to help yourselves. I’m sure you are all hungry.”

Rainbow Dash leaned over, whispering into Applejack’s ear, “You think any of it’s poisoned?”

Applejack gave a slight shake of her head. “Doubt it,” she whispered back. “Awful lot of trouble if it were.” A series of crunching noises caught their attention, spotting Spike shoveling mouthfuls of gems into his mouth and chomping down on them with his sharp teeth. “Guess that answers that.”

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow Dash returned to her plate, shrugged, and began chowing down on a carrot.

Minutes went by as everyone ate their meal in silence, minus the ruckus coming from Spike’s end. Blueblood watched them with a bored expression, occasionally taking a sip from his glass. Once each plate was clean of food and the servants whisked them away did he finally speak. “Now that you are all full, I think it would be a good time to go over the purpose of this meeting.” He clapped his front hooves together and immediately a side door opened and two equines stepped in. It didn’t take long for the Returners to recognize them.

“Good evening,” Doctor Whooves greeted as he approached.

“Good to see you on this fine night,” Zecora said, taking a seat next to Blueblood. “Especially now that we no longer need to fight.”

“May I introduce my top researcher, Doctor Whooves, and my best general, Zecora,” Blueblood said. “They will help with the proceedings.”

Applejack regarded the newcomers with narrowed eyes. “We’ve met.”

“Good, then this will—Whooves, what are you doing?”

Doctor Whooves stepped up to Zecora, a thin metal rod in his mouth. Without hesitation, he pressed the end of the rod against Zecora’s temple and activated a button with his teeth. A red light flashed, followed by a clicking sound. The Returners blinked as the headband that Zecora wore around her head fell off and clattered to the floor. Doctor Whooves stomped on it, snapping it in half. “There, now we can begin.”

Zecora blinked. Slowly, she began taking in her surroundings, her mouth moving but no words forming. She shook her head and focused on a point in front of her.

“What have you done?” Blueblood said, his glare attempting to bore a hole through Doctor Whooves.

“Why freeing her, of course, and giving a good show of faith to your guests,” Doctor Whooves replied, nonplussed by Blueblood’s stare.

“Was… was that…?” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Yes, Miss Sparkle, that was a slave crown. Much like the one you used to wear. I designed it myself to help the Emperor control ponies, griffons, and this zebra for the war effort.” The matter of fact way in which he spoke was as though he were discussing what he had eaten earlier that day. “Not easy to take off unless you have the right tools and potentially dangerous if removed incorrectly.”

“Whooves, I did not give you permission—”

Doctor Whooves leveled his own glare at Blueblood, far exceeding the ruler’s malice. “I don’t care what you say anymore! You promised that the world would be a safer place and everybody would prosper. But now my niece is dead!” He looked away but wasn’t fast enough to hide the wetness building in his eyes from everyone present. “I’m going to do whatever it takes to bring those monsters to justice. Then I’ll see to every last machine I ever built is destroyed, bolt by bolt. I’ll do it myself if I have to.”

An uncomfortable silence fell over the dining room. The Returners held their breath, waiting to see what would happen next. The tension built until an unexpected voice said, “I have only just become aware, but I would like to know the name of this mare.”

Turning, Doctor Whooves regarded Zecora. “You mean my niece?”

Zecora gave a sympathetic nod.

Swallowing hard, Doctor Whooves looked away, his eyes downcast. “Dinky.”

Applejack nearly threw up. “You… you don’t mean that little filly at the inn, do you? The one with the healing magic?”

Doctor Whooves roughly rubbed at his eyes. “Yes. You knew her?”

“I met her when we came through here a few weeks ago.” Applejack placed her hooves on the table, steadying herself and her tightening stomach. “She was the nicest little gal. No older than Apple Bloom, I think.”

“Yes, she was a sweetheart. You should have seen her face when I gave her her powers. I never have seen a pony more excited than when she cast her first spell. I… I was going to help teach her more… when I wasn’t so busy…” Doctor Whooves trailed off, his voice cracking the longer he spoke.

Another silence enveloped the room. Once again, Zecora broke it. “Very troubling times I have awoken to. Please, tell me all that you plan to do.”

Twilight cocked her head. “Do you remember anything? I had some pretty bad amnesia after the crown came off of me.”

“My thoughts are murky, this is true, but they should become more clear as I talk with you.”

“Like I said,” Doctor Whooves spoke up, “taking off the crown the wrong way can mess up the mind. But, since I did it the right way, Miss Zecora should recover her memories without too much trouble.” He gestured towards Mayor Mare, who took the hint as he settled down into a chair.

Mayor Mare cleared her throat, her expression neutral as she said, “Well, we are here to discuss how to work together in order for this tragedy to never happen again. To do that, the fighting has to stop.” She gave a pointed look at Blueblood.

Having regained his composure, Blueblood took a sip of wine before responding. “I have ordered this war to be over. No more harm will come to anymore of our people.”

“Okay, that’s great, but what about guys like Gilda?” Rainbow Dash said. “She seemed pretty into this war from what I’ve seen. In fact, where the hay is she?”

“In jail,” Blueblood answered. He sighed, a look of weariness draping over him. “I have decreed her a war criminal. She has done things I am ashamed of.”

“Like the poisoning of Domare?” Applejack said through gritted teeth.

Blueblood visibly flinched. “Yes. That was inexcusable. Had I known she was planning that I would have ordered her back here. I have a deployment at Domare now cleaning up the poison.”

“Fat lot of good that’ll do now that everypony’s dead!”

“Applejack!” Mayor Mare shouted, motioning with her hoof for the earth pony to settle down. “I’m as appalled as you are, and believe me that we’ll seek justice, but we must remain calm for us to work together.”

Applejack bristled, looking ready to dive over the table and strangle Blueblood with her bare hooves. She closed her eyes, took several deep breaths, then settled into her seat. The glare remained, however.

“So what’s going to happen to Gilda?” Rainbow Dash asked, steering the subject away from genocide.

“I’m not sure yet,” Blueblood said, once again donning his regal stance. “Right now I’m content with keeping her locked up.”

“Um,” Spike spoke up, raising a claw. “I got an idea. How about we turn her over to the Storm Dragon.”

“The what?”

“Uh, we kinda ran into him when we were in Chozo. We made a deal with him that we’d take Gilda out for him.”

Mayor Mare and Blueblood both facehoofed.

“Spike,” Mayor Mare said in a controlled voice. “Are you telling me you made a deal with a dragon?”

Spike sank into his chair, trying to make himself as small as possible. “Um, kinda. But so did Rainbow Dash! She did it too!”

“Hey, we were in a tight spot, okay?” Rainbow Dash said defensively. “It was either that or get eaten, and I’m not about to kick the bucket over something we were going to do anyways.”

Mayor Mare rapped the table, stopping all discussion. “That’s enough. We’ll deal with that later, I suppose. But I’m with Blueblood on this one. Too much is going on to have to deal with Gilda and this dragon.”

“Fine,” Spike said and went back to eating the rest of his gems.

“Let’s get back on track here. Emperor Blueblood, there is only one thing I wish to hear from you at this time.”

Peering down at her, Blueblood inclined his head for Mayor Mare to continue.

“I want to know for certain that this war of yours is truly over.”

Blueblood closed his eyes and remained still as a statue. A moment later he reopened them and looked at each Returner in turn. Once he finished, he gave Mayor Mare his full attention. “Yes, it is. Continuing it will only bring more destruction to our people. It would be the War of the Magi all over again.”

Mayor Mare nodded, sighing. “That we can both agree on. So what now?”

An uncomfortable silence followed. The Returners looked to each other and then Blueblood, who had his head bowed. The stallion took a deep breath, stepped out of his chair, and walked around the table, stopping in front of Twilight. “I need to ask a favor of you. The only way to truly set things right again is to make peace with the espers. Only you can do that.”

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes narrowed, a hint of magenta swirling around her horn. “How can you say that to me after what you did? You killed my mother. You used me as your weapon. You hurt my friends.” Her horn glowed brighter, a noticeable heat emanating around her. “I hate hurting others, but you’re the first pony I want to… to do bad things to.”

Blueblood looked down, away from Twilight’s glare. “I don’t deserve forgiveness for what I have done. You have every right to hate me.” He raised his head, meeting Twilight’s stare. “But I ask that you think about what needs to be done now. Once this is all over, you may do with me as you wish.”

The two ponies looked into each other’s eyes, Twilight’s fury against Blueblood’s pleading. Twilight’s horn sputtered out and she looked away with a huff. “If I do anything, it won’t be for you. I’ll talk to the espers because I want the fighting to stop.”

Blueblood nodded and stepped away. “That is all I can ask for.” He headed back to his seat, speaking as he went. “Now then, reports from my forces in the east say they saw the espers heading northeast. That means either the Veldt or Crescent Island. The Veldt is far too open for them to hide in, so we shall check Crescent Island first. Now, I noticed that Pinkie Pie isn’t with you. Is her airship available?”

“Unfortunately, no,” Mayor Mare said. “From what I’ve been told, the ship was damaged by the espers as they flew by. Some of our members are getting supplies to take back to her, but I have no idea when it will be able to fly again.”

“That is unfortunate. We can’t wait, though. I will make arrangements for a freighter to leave from Albuck. I’ll have a detail accompany you.”

“I volunteer to go with them and help with their needs,” Zecora spoke up, rising from her chair. “I must begin making amends for my past deeds.”

“But that wasn’t your fault, Zecora,” Doctor Whooves pointed out.

Zecora shook her head, waving him off. “Too much blame has gone around this day. I would much rather do something to help than stay.”

“We’d love to have ya!” Applejack said, beaming. “With you on our side, this whole business with them espers will get sorted out faster than apples on harvest day.”

Blueblood rapped the table with a hoof, regaining everyone’s attention. “Figure out who of you is going then. The ship will leave as soon as you are all ready.” With that, he bowed and headed for the door. Just as he reached it, he turned and regarded the table of creatures before him. “Above all else, we must come to terms with the espers. I trust that you all will do your best. Now excuse me, I have much work to do.” Bowing one last time, he opened the door and left.

The remaining Imperials and Returners remained seated for a time, staring at where Blueblood once stood. Finally, Mayor Mare cleared her throat. “Well, while our host seemed a little standoffish, this went better than expected.”

“I don’t trust him.”

All eyes turned to Rainbow Dash, who had remained mostly quiet until now. “He talks a good game, but I’d bet all of my feathers that he’s got something planned. I mean, we’re going to hunt down espers, the things he uses to power his magitek. We’re going to be leading him right to them.”

Mayor Mare sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Yes, a very good point.”

“If I may,” Doctor Whooves said, walking around to the Returners side of the table. “I offer my services to you in making sure the Emperor keeps his end of the bargain. My niece will rest easier knowing I did all I could to make sure nopony else dies for this stupid war.”

Applejack snorted. “Yeah, that’s big of ya to say, but what are you going to be able to do about it?”

“Blueblood still needs me if he ever plans to rebuild his army. I’m too important to simply dispose of.” He looked to each of the Returners, then scuffed the floor with a hoof. “Though, it would be easier if a few of you stayed to help. It probably isn’t a good idea to have a large group go after the espers. They’ll see you coming and bugger off.”

“Before anypony asks, I’m going,” Spike said, coming up to stand next to Twilight.

Rainbow Dash hopped over to them, grinning. “Me too. We make a pretty good team, if I do say so myself.”

“If this journey is to amend, then I shall see it to its end.”

“Gah!” Rainbow Dash squawked. She whirled, her wings flaring out and glared at the zebra that had snuck up on her. “Hey, a little space! I’m still not sure if I trust you either.”

Zecora nodded, though a smile graced her muzzle. “There is much I need to do to earn your trust. I will travel to the ends of the earth, if I must.”

“Alright then,” Mayor Mare said, stepping down from her chair. “Seems we have things in order. You four head to Albuck and we’ll do our best to keep things in check here.” She looked at Twilight, seeing uncertainty in her eyes. “Twilight, I want you to know that I’m very proud of how you’ve held up through all of this. I just need you to be strong for a while longer, and then this awful war will be over.”

Twilight swallowed, but gave a firm nod. “I’m going to do my best.” She reached down and draped a hoof over Spike and Rainbow Dash’s shoulders. “And I’m sure my friends will make sure I give it.”


With a new mission and purpose, the Returners left the dining room but didn’t get far before their path was blocked by Blueblood’s servant. He pushed forward a black briefcase and gestured towards it. “A gift from his Majesty. He apologizes for not being here in pony to give it to you. Inside you will find documents that date back to the War of the Magi. Many of these have magical properties that Whooves was unable to get past. We hope that you may unlock them and gain some knowledge from that time. It may help with your meeting with the espers.” He paused, catching his breath. “Emperor Blueblood also informed me that our forces will be pulling out of South Fillygaro and the drafted citizens returned. We will also be leaving Domare once the poison has been cleaned up. Finally, all chocobos pressed into service will be released.

“That is all.” Bowing, the servant swiveled and walked away.

The group looked to one another. Applejack shrugged. “Well, guess that happened.”

“Think it’s legit?” Rainbow Dash said, eyeing the briefcase.

Twilight cautiously trotted forward and nudged the case with a hoof. “I don’t know. Should we leave it?”

“My senses are not tingling that this is a malicious device,” Zecora spoke up. “I believe it is what Blueblood said: a plethora of advice.”

Nodding, Twilight lifted the briefcase with magic and let it hover by her side. “We’ll take it to my father. Maybe he can figure it out.”

With their new spoils in tow, they left the palace and headed for the city gates. There, they found Rarity, Fluttershy, Maduin, and the fillies conversing with the chocobos. Wooden carts full of carefully stacked machinery lay nearby. Upon seeing her returning comrades, Rarity beamed and waved them over and gestured towards the carts. “Voilà! I found everything Pinkie Pie needs! It cost just about all the gil we had but it’ll be worth it to get the airship flying again.”

“Excellent work,” Mayor Mare said.

“So, how did it go at the palace?”

It took a few minutes to explain all that had happened during the meeting with Blueblood. Once finished, Rarity gave a curt nod. “I understand. We need to get a move on right away.”

Mayor Mare raised an eyebrow. “We?”

“Absolutely, I’m going. And Fluttershy and the young ones, of course!” Rarity wrapped a hoof around Fluttershy, pulling her close. “They are all natives of Crescent Island. I’m sure they will be able to help find any hiding spot those espers crawled into.”

“Hey, that’s right!” Scootaloo said, giving a hop and a buzz of her wings. “And we can stop by Themaresa and show everypony there our cutie marks!”

“And all the stuff we learned!” Apple Bloom added.

And and… um… and…” Sweetie Belle trailed off, grimacing while tapping her head.

Scootaloo bopped her on the horn.

“Oh yeah, and magic!”

Squirming out of Rarity’s grasp, Fluttershy gave a hopeful smile. “It would be nice to go back. I think we’ve had enough vacation to last us for a while.”

“I should go as well,” Maduin spoke up. He crossed his arms as he looked over the group. “Between myself and Twilight, we should be able to get them to at least listen.”

“Then it’s settled,” Rarity said before anypony else could get a word in. “Just let me do one final check of everything here, have these fine chocobos deliver it to Pinkie Pie, then we’ll be on our way.” She whirled around, heading for Willowgale, and leaving a blinking set of ponies in her wake.

“When that mare decides she wants something…” Applejack grumbled under her breath.

Stardust broke away from the flock, heading for Twilight and Spike. Once he stood in front of them he looked away, a twitch in his wings. “Um… would it be alright if I stayed with these guys for a while?”

Twilight and Spike shared a glance, shrugged, and looked up at the chocobo. “Sure,” Spike said. “Why so nervous?”

“Well, I wasn’t sure if you needed me for this new adventure you’re going on.” Stardust paused, scratching the dirt with a talon. “And… I kinda want to hang around here and see if I can find Moonlight.”

“Oh, that’s your mentor friend, right?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, him. I haven’t had a chance to ask around for him or any of the others from my forest. I… really want to find out if they are okay.”

“Dude, no problem,” Spike said, waving him off. “This whole stupid war stuff is almost over, so yeah, take some time to find ‘em.”

Stardust smiled, as much as his beak allowed him to. “Thanks. That means a lot.”

“Just be sure to introduce us when we get back,” Twilight said, returning his smile.

“Definitely.” Inclining his head in a bow, Stardust turned and headed back to the waiting chocobos.

Moments later, the chocobos hitched up to the carts and began their journey back to the grounded airship. Rarity waved goodbye, then faced the others. “Well then. Shall we be off?”


It took half a day to reach Albuck, the going slow due to Maduin needing frequent breaks. By the time they made it, nightfall had already fallen, which served as a blessing as it was easier to keep the large esper out of sight. Zecora led them towards the docks, where a single cargo ship in an otherwise large port was moored. Imperials and crewponies were already at work getting the boat ready with supplies and equipment. When they saw Zecora they all stopped and saluted.

“Ma’am, we’re almost ready for departure,” one of the soldiers said. “We’ll have everything done by morning.”

Zecora nodded. “That will give us plenty of time to rest. Come the morning we shall be at our best.”

“Ma’am, there’s uh… one other thing that’s come up.” The soldier shuffled his hooves, trying his best not to appear nervous, and failing.

“Please, let’s not make this into a quiz. Tell me what the problem is.”

“Your rhyming hasn’t gotten any less annoying, you know that?”

Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash jerked, swiveling their heads towards the voice. A pony climbed out from below deck and casually walked over, her white cape billowing in an unfelt wind.

Trixie stopped at the top of the gangplank, looked over the assembled group, and snickered. “Well, anyone miss me?”

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