• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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Wherein We Start With the Longest Frickin Scenario

On a sandy beach where the Lete River met the blue ocean lay an unconscious earth pony. The cool breeze gently fluttered the hairs on her blonde tail while the water lapped at her toned hind legs. A few seagulls landed next to the orange mare and curiously pecked at the stray strands of hair that fell out of the brown Stetson hat that had somehow managed to stay in place during the pony’s journey. The seagulls continued to peck at her mane, growing more and more bold as they pecked closer and closer to her head.

Without warning, Applejack shot to her hooves and lashed out at the birds surrounding her. “Scram, you flying varmints! My mane ain’t no worms, ya hear?” The seagulls shrieked in surprise and flew away in a frenzy of feathers.

Once all the birds were gone, Applejack shook herself like a dog, shaking off as much water and sand as she could. Seconds later she took stock of her surroundings. The wide open ocean lay before her in one direction and plains that stretched as far as her eyes could see lay in the other. The river that had brought her here poured hard and fast into the open waters. Following its source revealed that the flow came from between two steep, high cliffs.

Applejack sighed. There was no way she’d be able to go back the way she came. That meant crossing the plains and hoping a settlement could be found that would lead her to Neighshe. Figuring that there was no sense in wasting time, Applejack stretched out her legs and then galloped off towards the east.


“Landsakes! There ain’t nothin’ out this way except monsters, plains and more monsters!”

A crushing kick impacted against the head of a beakor—an ostrich-like bird with feathers that drooped over its frame as though it were draped in seaweed—and fell to the ground in a heap. It gave a pitiful whine before closing its eyes and remaining still. Applejack didn’t stay to admire her hoofwork as she ran off before another set of monsters popped up to ambush her. The tall grass of the plains made it nearly impossible to spot upcoming dangers until she was nearly on top of them. Bites and scratches covered her body from when she had stumbled on a pack of stray cats and the nasty little things had fought like demons to protect their den. Needless to say, Applejack was more than ready to quit this place.

Gazing ahead, the displaced earth pony spotted a structure sticking up from the endless green around her and gave a whoop. Applejack doubled her speed, racing for the house and her possible salvation or at least a chance to rest for a while. The latter sounded especially good to her right now.

With a final push of her hindlegs, Applejack burst through the grass and into an open field—

—and slammed headfirst into a stone well.

A pained groan escaped from Applejack’s mouth as she slid down the unyielding surface until she laid splayed out on the ground.

“My goodness. That certainly looked painful.”

Slowly and wearily, Applejack opened her eyes to stare up at the source of the voice.

A purple face with blank blue eyes stared back at her.

“Holy horseapples!” Applejack shrieked. All her pains and grogginess vanished in an instant as she sprang to her hooves and kicked out against the strange creature standing before her.

With surprising nimbleness, the creature jumped back and out of range of the attack. “What’s the big idea?! How dare you attack me!”

Applejack shook her head, clearing her senses and managed to get a good look at her opponent. The figure was a pony but a purple jumpsuit completely covered its body. A purple cape, wide-brimmed hat, black wrapping around its hooves and a black mask with two blue eyepieces completed the ensemble. It was impossible to tell whether the pony was an earth pony, unicorn or pegasus. The only thing Applejack could tell, given the light voice and small size of the figure, was that she was a mare.

Applejack eyed the masked pony warily and asked, “And who might you be?”

The figure scoffed, a high pitched sound that Applejack had heard coming from one of the rich snobs from Jidhoof once. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this,” the mystery pony said. “Haven’t you ever heard of the Mysterious Mare Do Well?”

“Mare Do Well?” Applejack repeated. “Can’t say that I—” She stopped herself, her jaw hanging open and her eyes widening. “Wait. I do know ya! You’re that weirdo that goes around selling yourself to the highest bidder!”

“You make me sound like some cheap harlot.”

“Ain’t that what you are?”

“Absolutely not! I am a very expensive harlot!”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Right...” She turned away from the costumed pony and took stock of her surroundings. The stone well she was acutely aware of and beyond that lay the house she had seen on her way here. It was a simple wooden building with a shingled roof and stone chimney. Two vegetable gardens could be seen behind the house, each looking as though neither had been attended to properly for some time. Nothing else of interest could be seen so Applejack rested her gaze on the only other sentient being nearby. “So, um, any idea how I can get to Neighshe from here?”

“Neighshe?” Mare Do Well asked, a small peel of laughter following her statement. “You must be joking.”

“I ain’t. I have friends waitin’ for me there and I need to get there as soon as possible.”

Mare Do Well shook her head. “Honey, I don’t think you realize just where you are. You’re on the eastern side of the continent. The nearest civilization is Domare to the south and last I heard no ships are going there. Especially now that the Empire is laying siege there.”

“So it’s true then,” Applejack sighed and stomped the ground. “They’ve been our best supporter and now the Empire’s going to crush them to get to us.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Nothin’. Is there no way to get to the west?”

The caped pony seemed to mull the question over. “A landslide cut off the path that I took to get here from Nikhay but there may still be a way to get to there. You’ll have to go further south though, past Domare. If you can reach Nikhay there should be ships still sailing out that can take you to Neighshe.”

“Shucks. That’s quite the round trip. Well, I better get a move on then. Thanks for the help.” Applejack made to move but stopped when Mare Do Well stepped in front of her.

“Dear, you can’t be thinking of heading off on your own. You look like a wreck as it is.”

Applejack snorted and moved around the other pony. “Thanks for the concern but I’ve got no time worryin’ about that. Time’s a-wastin’ and I’m going to be late as it is.”

“Need a hoof?”

The farmer eyed Mare Do Well skeptically. “You wanna help me?”

“I’m on my way to Domare myself. There should be plenty of opportunities for me to offer my services to the poor ponies there. Traveling alone is never much fun and two sets of hooves are better than one. What do you say?”

Applejack still didn’t look convinced. “And what can you do ta help?”

Mare Do Well sauntered away. Applejack had the strange impression that if the pony’s mane wasn’t concealed by the mask, Mare Do Well would have flipped it in derision. “Come with me and find out.”

“Give me one good reason to.”

Suddenly, the door to the house burst open and a blue mare with a wild grey mane jumped out. “You there! If you’re not here to fix that stupid lawn mower out back, get off my property!”

“Reason enough!” Applejack yelped and ran after the masked mare.


“What do you think of my new duds?”

“Other than they are the most garish things I’ve ever seen? Really, you have no sense of style.”

“Comin’ from somepony dressed in pajamas.”

“My costume is not pajamas! I designed it to be a terror that dashes into the night. I am the mare that makes grown stallions quake in their horseshoes! I am Mare Do Well!”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Applejack waved off Mare Do Well’s speech and inspected her new horseshoes adorning her hooves. The dull grey metal glistened in the sun and their sturdiness were a blessing through the long trek of the plains. Simple workhorse hoofwear but they certainly did their job. And bucking monsters in the head became its own sport! She couldn’t wait to tell Rainbow Dash about the three-hundred yard punt that she gave to a rampaging rhobite.

“Really, I can’t believe you spent your money with that chocobo on those and... that.” Mare Do Well pointed a hoof at the lasso looped around Applejack’s neck.

The earth pony smirked and grabbed the end of the rope in her teeth. A quick flick of her head sent the lasso into the air where Applejack expertly twirled it above her in greater and greater circles. “Hey,” Applejack said through the rope. “Ya never know when a little rope will come in handy.”

“If you say so.”

The two traveling mares grew silent after that exchange, content with their own thoughts as they moved further south. They passed several farms on their way and many ponies working in their fields but didn’t stop to visit. The brief encounter they had with the traveling merchant chocobo allowed them to stock up on supplies and gear, enough to get them to Domare. Both ponies were anxious to arrive for their own reasons, leaving no time to dawdle and chat with the locals. Still, even with the decent pace they were setting, nightfall came before they had reached Domare lands and were forced to make camp. Mare Do Well had come prepared and produced a tent for them to sleep in from her saddlebags, although the method in which the vigilante set it up raised Applejack’s eyebrow.

“So you’re a unicorn,” the farmer stated upon witnessing the sparkling blue magical aura surrounding the white tent canvas and retractable support poles.

“Why, yes,” Mare Do Well responded as she thrust the poles into the ground and draped the canvas over them. “Is that a problem?”

“Nah, jest making an observation. I’m more curious as to why your tent’s white. Doesn’t seem to match your costume very much.”

“Well, my outfit is best worn when I’m on assignment and helps me blend in during the night. However, I have a fondness for the purity of white, so allow me my indulgences.”

Applejack shrugged. “If you say so. I do appreciate a roof over my head in case it rains, so thank ya kindly.”

Mare Do Well stopped her work, her magic dissipating from the tent and craned her neck around to stare at Applejack’s hooves. “You are not stepping in here with those muddy things.”

Applejack blinked and followed the other pony’s gaze. “Wha? These?” She held up a forehoof and the dirtied horseshoe attached to it. “I can’t exactly just take ‘em off. Besides, a little mud ain’t gonna hurt your tent.”

Mare Do Well shook her head. “My tent. My rules.” She turned away and resumed her work. “Go find a stream or something to wash up. Otherwise, you aren’t stepping one hoof in this.”

“Oh, c’mon! We’re outdoors! How the hay am I supposed to keep dirt offa me?”

“Find a way.”

A low growl emanated from the back of Applejack’s throat as she sat back on her haunches and raised a forehoof to her mouth. “Fine. How about this?” She pursed her lips and spat over the horseshoe and rubbed it against the other forehoof. Once she was satisfied she presented them forward for Mare Do Well to see. “Now that’s a spit-shine!”


“Not the reaction I was hoping for...”


“Stupid, fussy, clean-freak unicorn...” Applejack groused as she made her way back to the camp. Her hoovers dripped with water from a brief dip in a nearby stream, leaving a trail of droplets behind her. But, they were clean and so help her, if Mare Do Well didn’t approve, then somepony would be getting a wallop that would end all discussions for the night.

By the time Applejack returned, the tent was set up and Mare Do Well sat in front of it on a blue quilt. The masked pony was busy trying to get a fire started with some dried sticks and grass collected nearby by striking two stones together with her magic. The pony seemed to be having a tough time of it, as no matter how many times Mare Do Well struck the stones, no spark could be produced.

“Hey, need some help there?” Applejack asked once she reached the camp.

“Not... necessary...” Mare Do Well answered, her voice strained. “I’ll... have this... fire... up... momentarily.”

“Maybe, but I’d like to be warm without havin’ to wait for the sun ta come up.” Picking up two rocks laying on the ground, Applejack smacked them together, producing a small spark that landed on the grass between the sticks and quickly lit a fire. With a satisfied smirk, Applejack tossed her rocks away and presented her hooves. “Barely even got my hooves dirty. See?”

Mare Do Well turned her head at the earth pony, seemingly glaring at her through her mask. “Indeed.” She tossed her own rocks away and settled herself on her quilt.

An uncomfortable silence fell upon the two ponies, each ignoring the other and concentrating on warming themselves up by the fire. After a few minutes, Applejack looked over at her companion. Mare Do Well seemed quite content with the quiet atmosphere, though it was hard to judge anything about the caped pony with her face covered up. Unable to stand the silence anymore, Applejack cleared her throat. “I, uh, um... was wonderin’... ah somethin’. Do ya mind?”

“What is it?” Mare Do Well said curtly.

“Well, I was just wonderin’ why it is... you wear a mask and all.”

“Hmph. Is that all? From the way you were stuttering, I thought you were going to ask me if I was into mares.”

“Are ya?”


“Sorry. But you brought it up.”

Mare Do Well shook her head and groaned. “Honestly, I don’t know why that’s the first thing others ask of me. As if wearing a costume automatically makes me butch or something.

“Anyway, to get back on topic, I wear this fabulous outfit to protect myself. I do a lot of things for my employers that make other ponies, griffons, chocobos or whatever angry at me. I wouldn’t be able to walk down the street without somepony that I offended seeing me and trying to end me. A girl likes to let her mane down and enjoy the simpler things in life from time to time without having to watch her back.

“Not to mention I get to look spectacular while wearing this.”

Applejack nodded. “Okay. Sounds legit. Well, as legit as a pony wearing pajamas can get anyway. But... why do you do it? Money? Fame?”

“I have my reasons,” Mare Do Well answered simply.

Applejack made to respond, but stopped herself. The way Mare Do Well said that made it clear that she wasn’t going to elaborate further and the earth pony wasn’t in the mood to try and force it out of her. Shrugging it off, Applejack opened her mouth to ask something else, but movement from behind Mare Do Well caught her attention. Jumping to her hooves she cried, “Watch out!” and dove forward.

Something white burst out underneath Mare Do Well’s cape and attached itself to Applejack’s face. The farmer only had a moment to wonder what it could be before the biting and scratching started. Applejack gave a strangled cry and ran around in a panic, bucking and shaking her body to dislodge the thing attacking her.


The thing screeched once and sprang away from Applejack’s face. The earth pony fell to the ground and held her scratched and bleeding muzzle in her hooves. She timidly peeked out through her hooves to see a white cat sashay towards Mare Do Well and sit next to her. The cat lifted her paws and licked off the blood coating her claws as though nothing had happened within the past minute.

“Wha... what in tarnation?”

“Opal, that’s no way to treat a pony,” Mare Do Well chastised the cat still grooming herself. “She was just being protective. Now, say you’re sorry.”

Opalescence hissed towards her newly bloodied victim before climbing atop Mare Do Well’s cape and settled in for a nap.

“Opal says she’s sorry.”

Applejack let out a pained breath and gingerly dabbed at her fresh wounds. “What kinda beast do you have there?”

“This is my partner, Opalescence. She’s been with me since I started. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for her.”

“Well, keep that fleabag away from me. I’ve had enough of cats today to fill a lifetime.” With that, Applejack headed for the tent, giving Mare Do Well and her cat a wide berth. “I’m heading to bed. This day has been one disaster after another.” She disappeared through the tent flap and minutes later there came the sound of light snoring.

“What do you think, Opal?” Mare Do Well asked the cat on her back. “Think it’s worth our time traveling with this country pony?” Opalescence merely yawned in response. “I suppose we can put up with her for a little while longer. Once we reach Domare, I’m sure we’ll be going our separate ways.”


Noon the next day found Applejack and Mare Do Well climbing a grassy hill as they continued their journey south. According to Mare Do Well, on the other side of this hill marked the beginning of Domare lands. Applejack brushed a hoof across her face, wincing slightly as sweat rubbed into the scratches from last night, and rushed ahead of her companion to reach the top. Moments later she finished the ascent and stared out at the scene before her.

More grassy plains stretched out in the valley below but the sight that caught her attention was the Imperial camp set up like a patch of dead grass within a field of green.

The camp was massive, and by Applejack’s quick estimate, around three thousand troops could be contained within. Platoons of ponies marched from one end of the camp to the next with more still running drills or checking equipment. The massive forms of magitek armor could be seen, sleeping giants against the tents surrounding them. Humming generators were hooked up to machines with claws the likes of which Applejack had never seen before and could only guess at their use. The growing activity could only mean that the attack against Domare was imminent.

Applejack heard Mare Do Well step up next to her but didn’t acknowledge her presence. Her eyes were glued to the Empire’s war machine.

“You look surprised,” Mare Do Well commented, her gaze also upon the camp. “You knew this was coming. Why the long face?”

Swallowing to regain some moisture in her mouth, Applejack said, “I... I just never realized until now... what it is we’re up against. The Empire... I knew they had the advantage, but this...” She hung her head and scuffed the ground with a hoof. “We need that esper’s help more than ever. I can’t see us winnin’ without it.”


“It’s a long story and I don’t have time to explain it. We need to get past that camp. Have any ideas?”

“Hmm, I might. I was thinking of this very thing on the way here. Stay low and follow me.” Mare Do Well trotted forward, keeping to the taller grass. Applejack gave one last look at the Empire camp before following.

Progress was slow and cumbersome but necessary in order to stay hidden. An hour went by and Applejack had no idea if they were getting closer or not. All she could focus on was keeping track of Mare Do Well’s movements and signals. Stopping when the caped pony stopped and laying low when the other motioned for her to get down. How Mare Do Well was keeping themselves concealed when her outfit clashed with their surroundings so much was a mystery, but she seemed to know what she was doing, so Applejack was forced to trust her instincts.

Another hour later and Applejack’s legs burned with having to keep them bent for so long. Just as she was about to ask that they stop for a rest, Mare Do Well halted and beckoned Applejack to come closer. After carefully creeping up to her, Applejack peered through the grass that Mare Do Well had parted before her. Less than a hundred hooves were between them and the outskirts of the camp.

“The soldiers wear those bulky suits of armor,” Mare Do Well whispered. “If we can get ahold of a pair, then we can put them on and walk right on through.”

“Trick is to get ahold of some without being seen,” Applejack said back.

“Leave that to me.”

“Huh? H-hey!” Before the earth pony could stop her, Mare Do Well hopped from their hiding spot and into plain sight. Applejack cursed the crazy pony and set herself to jump out and pull her back. She missed her chance as Mare Do Well pulled back the collar on her mask. Her hat kept Applejack from seeing the face underneath but she was in full view to a pair of soldiers walking by. They passed a tall wall of sandbags that removed them from sight of the rest of the camp.

“Yoohoo! You there! I was wondering if one of you fine stallions could help me?”

Applejack facehoofed. “This is her plan?”

“I am so terribly lost and could use some help finding my way,” Mare Do Well continued to say. “I have a map here so if you could just point me to where I need to go, I’d be eternally grateful.”

Applejack heard some muttering, presumably from the soldiers, followed by two sets of hooves coming closer. Her body tensed, ready to spring into action and tackle one of the soldiers, but the opportunity was taken from her. The moment the two soldiers reached Mare Do Well, a series of sickening squelches were heard, followed by a muffled cry of pain and then two bodies falling to the ground. Seconds later, the dead armored ponies were dragged into the grass followed by a remasked Mare Do Well. A bloodied knife hovered over her head before being cleaned off by a rag and placed away under her cape.

“Quick, put their armor on and hide the bodies,” Mare Do Well ordered. She began pulling off the helmet and armor covering one of the soldiers and affixed them over her costume.

Applejack just stared at the soldiers, noticing that their throats had been slit and were spilling blood onto the ground.


Mare Do Well’s urgent hiss jolted Applejack into action and she began stripping the other soldier down. “Remind me never ta get on your bad side.”


“I feel more exposed than a sheep without its wool.”

“Don’t be thinking that. You have to act as though you belong here. Besides, there’s no sense in turning back now.”

Applejack winced at those words, her head turning back and forth within the confines of an Imperial helmet. Everywhere she looked she was surrounded by the Empire’s war machine. Ponies and even a few griffons moved past her as they carried out their assigned tasks to prepare for the invasion. Weapons were being sharpened, magitek were checked for mechanical errors and mess halls were giving out rations for the coming march. Even at the height of Applebuck Season, Applejack had never seen so much activity. She was a solitary ant within a colony that expected all its drones to go out and fight for their queen.

Or at least she would be if she weren’t already a part of another colony struggling to overthrow this one. Applejack had felt such hope when she learned that the Returners were expanding to over five hundred members just last week. Those numbers would barely fill the tented sleeping quarters she had just passed.

Her thoughts on the scale of opposing forces were interrupted by a siren sounding from horns atop wooden poles. Immediately, the soldiers around her and Mare Do Well stopped what they were doing and gathered into groups. Commanders quickly inspected their groups and marched them off towards the west end of the camp.

“You two!”

Applejack jerked to attention as a pony in blue armor trotted up to them, a frown visible from the bottom half of his helmet.

“What are you doing standing around? What squad are you assigned to?”

“Um... ah...” Applejack stuttered.

“We were just on our way!” Mare Do Well said, hooking a hoof around one of Applejack’s and pulling her off with the rest of the soldiers.

“Negative,” the commander said and stood in their way. “You’re coming with me. It’s too late to track down your squad so I’ll assign you to a new one, temporarily. Then, I’ll be sure to dock your pay for this lack of protocol.” He walked behind them and stomped a hoof. “Move!” The two disciplined soldiers quickly ran forward with the commander keeping right on their coronets. “Darned new recruits.”

The two mares were led to an open space filled with Empire troops. A wooden stage was set up on the far end with a podium placed in the center. The commander pushed Applejack and Mare Do Well into a group of soldiers near the middle of the pack, gave them a quick order to stay put and trotted off.

Applejack waited for the pony to walk out of sight. “Now what do we do?” she whispered to Mare Do Well.

“I’m working on that,” Mare Do Well replied. “Just don’t make a scene. Got it?”

“Yeah, I got it,” Applejack grumbled.

Minutes later, a figure climbed up on the wooden stage and approached the podium. Applejack sucked in a breath.


“Old friend?” Mare Do Well asked.


Up on stage, the griffon placed her claws upon the podium and spread her wings. A gust of wind suddenly swept past the crowd, carrying an ear-piercing whine. Several ponies and griffons cringed and flattened their ears until the wind abated.

“There, now that I have you dweebs’ attention, time to get this briefing started,” Gilda said, her voice sending out a burst of air that reached every ear in the square. “You should all know the plan of attack from your squad chief so I’ll make this quick. Domare’s going down, no matter what. Those losers think they can try and take us on? They think they can try and keep it a secret that they are supporting those terrorist calling themselves the Returners? Well, that ain’t gonna stand! We’re the greatest fighting force this world has seen in a thousand years! And we’re going to show them by leveling that piece of rock they call a castle to the ground!”

The army erupted in a roar of approval, stamping their hooves and claws to the ground and cheering at the top of their lungs. Applejack forced herself to remain still and not cover her ears to try and block out all the noise threatening to deafen her.

“How is she doing that with her voice?” Mare Do Well said above the ruckus. “It’s like she controls the winds themselves.”

“That’s because she does,” Applejack replied.

“What was that?”

“Ponies of the Empire, be at ease! I have words to say to you, if you please!”

The new voice carried over the army, silencing everyone and directing their attention back towards the stage. An equine climbed up onto the wooden structure and trotted up to where Gilda was standing. The new figure was a female zebra, wearing a blue cloak with golden trim and a grey circlet on her head, just below a mohawk mane. The zebra looked upon the crowd, her steely gaze commanding all present to pay attention.

“General Zecora, a pleasure as always,” Gilda said with a carefully controlled tone. “But I have everything taken care—”

Zecora thrust a hoof in Gilda’s beak, silencing her. “While your words do inspire, they come off as most dire. Allow me to say a few things and impart what war brings.” She stepped away from the fuming griffon and looked out among her soldiers. “We are here to spread the glory of the Empire, that is true. But a word of warning to all of you. When the time to fight has come, do not forget where you are from. Please remember that you are here to fight for friends, family and home. I do not wish for your loved ones to read your names within death’s tome.

“Emperor Blueblood would not want you to waste your lives upon the pounding of hooves and the stabbing of knives. Follow your leaders and do not overly strive and I promise you that you all will go home alive.”

The gathered soldiers looked at each other, a murmur building throughout the crowd as to what to make of their general’s words. Then came a hoofstomp from somewhere near the front. Another hoofstomp joined the first and then another and another. Soon, the entire army was stomping and hollering. Zecora smiled and bowed to her soldiers.

“Well whaddya know?” Applejack said. “I guess not all these Impies are rotten to the core.”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t help us much,” Mare Do Well stated.

“Alright! Move out!”

The order from Gilda galvanized the army into action. Squad after squad of soldiers began to march out of the camp and towards the west. Applejack and Mare Do Well were forced to follow, caught up in the flow like two leaves in a stream.

“Don’t worry,” Applejack said. “We’ll get our chance to get away. I ain’t gonna let ourselves get killed after coming this far.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Mare Do Well replied as the army marched closer to the kingdom of Domare.


“They’re almost here.”

Comet Tail lowered the telescope from his eye and handed it off to a guard next to him. The yellow-coated unicorn grimaced at the dark wave slowly making its way towards the castle. In under an hour, the Empire would be banging on their doorstep and they would be in for the fight of their lives. The castle of Domare had withstood the brunt of many an army throughout their hundreds of years of history, but no army had the technology like the one heading for them.

The only consolation that Comet Tail could think of was that the Empire had taken its time in starting their attack, allowing the surrounding villages and outlying farmers to be evacuated and sequestered into the confines of the castle. Now it was just a matter of keeping the invaders out for as long as they could and hope they gave up and went away.

“Fat chance of that happening,” Comet Tail muttered. “I knew helping those rebels would lead to trouble. Why’d we ever have to get involved, anyway?”

“Because if we don’t do something, then who will?”

Comet Tail stiffened. He whirled around and bowed to the white coated, blue maned pony that walked out on the parapet. “My liege! What is thy command?”

~ Faithful prince and proud husband, with the courage and strength of a hundred stallions... ~

“At ease, Comet Tail,” Shining Armor said down to the cowed pony. “You’re slipping into ancient Domarese. Keep doing that and I’ll sic Cadence on you. You know how much she loves teasing ponies when they do that.”

“Sorry, Prince Armor.” Comet Tail stood up and rubbed the back of his head with a hoof. “I’m just... it’s just...”

“I know. I know. The Empire’s coming and we don’t have much time.” Shining Armor reached over and laid a well-muscled leg over Comet’s shoulder. “But don’t worry. I’ve got an idea that may keep those horses from getting in. Come in and we’ll go over it.” He turned to the other pony nearby and gave him a nod. “Come get us when the army gets within a mile of us.”

The guardspony saluted smartly. “It shall be done, my liege.”

Nodding again, Shining Armor led Comet Tail into the castle proper. They stopped in the main foyer just before the steps to the throne room. Inside, a group of guardsponies stood in a circle speaking excitedly with each other. Surrounding them on the gray brick walls of the castle were dozens of tapestries, many depicting the kingdom's victories in battle and the heroes that rose from them. Shining Armor briefly wondered, should they survive this latest war, if he or somepony else would be honored with their own.

“Gentlecolts, can I have your attention?” Shining said, his voice carrying over the others’ talking. All the guardsponies snapped to readiness, forming a line before their prince. “Good. Now, the Empire’s on their way and will be here soon. They have a lot of numbers on their side and from what our scouts say, some weaponry that has never been seen before. But that doesn’t matter, because I have in mind something that will make them think twice about fighting us.”

He stopped, taking in the ponies that had served him ever since he had taken the position of captain of the guard. They were good colts, loyal to the crown and willing to face any danger to protect the land from outside threats. They had several battles to their name through skirmishes with monsters, each proving their worth dozens of times over. Shining Armor would need that dedication if his plan were to work.

“The way I see it, those ponies think they can walk in here with their fancy armor and big numbers and take us over easily. But what I see are a bunch of young and inexperienced foals that will break the moment things go wrong. They need the orders from their leaders to tell them how to fight or else they’ll have no idea what to do. If we take out the ones in charge, the rest will surely run off with their tails between their legs.”

The guardsponies looked to each other and nodded their heads, murmurs of agreement coming from their mouths. One of them raised a hoof.

“Yes, Greystone?”

“Sir, how do we tell the commanders from the regular soldiers?”

Shining Armor smirked and gave a knowing look. “It’s rather nice of the Empire to give blue armor to the ones in charge, isn’t it?”


The castle of Domare was now in sight and Applejack and Mare Do Well were still trapped within the confines of the marching army around them.

“Alright, this is what we’ll do,” Mare Do Well whispered. “It’ll be chaos when the fighting starts. We should be able to slip away then.”

“Yeah, that’s what I figured,” Applejack replied. “Though it rustles my jimmies to run away from the ones helping us.”

“Do you want to get back to Neighshe or not?”

“I know, I know. I don’t have much choice.”

A horn sounded from further ahead and the ponies around them began picking up speed.

“What, are they just going to charge against the castle?” Mare Do Well asked as her pace quickened.

“I reckon this is only the first wave to soften ‘em up. They left all their fancy machines back at the base. Probably use them to finish the job.”

“Hmph. And after all that talk from that zebra of not wasting lives.”

No more was spoken as the army increased its speed into a full on gallop, the earth shaking as hundreds of armored soldiers rushed towards Domare. Many began unhooking swords and spears while others brought out grappling hooks and hammers. Unicorns with bows and arrows readied to fire and lightly armored pegasi and griffons took to the sky. The army roared a battle cry that rent the air and charged the final stretch to the castle.

Squads of ponies quickly slung their hooks up onto the stone walls, finding purchases and started the arduous climb up the vertical defenses. Others crashed against the large metal doors that made up the main entrance to the castle, ramming their bodies against it over and over again. Ponies with specialized tools worked on chipping away at the edges of the doors, weakening their connection with the rest of the castle walls. Up above, pegasi and griffons dropped stones and threw spears.

Retaliation came swiftly and brutally.

Hidden compartments in the walls of the castle opened up, revealing unicorn guardsponies with their own bows and arrows held within their levitation magic. The element of surprise was with them as they rained down a hail of arrows at the attacking army. Many of the arrows harmlessly bounced off the thick armor that the Imperials wore but some slipped through the gaps in the plating, felling ponies left and right.

Domarians positioned behind the castle parapets threw rocks down on the ponies scaling the walls. Some managed to knock a few Imperials off their ropes, causing the unfortunate victims to crash down on their fellows below. The ones that made it over the wall were quickly engaged in hoof-to-hoof combat.

The castle’s own pegasi took off to counter the Imperials dropping weapons, engaging their foes in an aerial dance of bucking, biting and clawing. Occasionally a volley of arrows from either side would pierce through an unlucky pegasus or griffon caught in the wrong place, sending them plummeting to the war torn land below.

Slowly being forced towards the center of it all, Applejack cursed her inability to do anything. Lashing out at the Imperials surrounding her would be a quick way for her to be overwhelmed. There were too many even for a master bucker like herself to take on and manage to get away. With every step taken she was pushed closer to the front lines where she would be drawn into the battle against the very ponies that had helped the Returners get to where they were today. She would need a miracle to get out this mess.

The doors to the castle suddenly burst open, tossing the Imperials that were hammering on it away like stuffed dolls, and a platoon of Domarians headed by a large white unicorn charged through the melee. So sudden was the attack that the invading army paused to stare at the ponies rampaging through them like demons from the deepest pits of Tartarus. It cost many their lives.

The lead unicorn was merciless, cutting through any Imperial in his way with a gleaming katana held in a magical grip and barreling past the rest. No movement was wasted as he sliced through the barrel of a blue armored Imperial only to follow up with a thrust into the neck of another trying to rush him from the side. His cavalry tore through the ranks, pushing deeper into the heart of the army and targeting any pony wearing officer’s armor.

And they were heading straight for Mare Do Well.

“Look out!”

Applejack dove and tackled into her companion. The force of her desperate ploy pushed them end over end until they rolled to a stop several hooves away. They both lay on the ground, panting and shaking from the close call. Finally, Applejack raised her head and sighed at the sight of the Domarian brigade moving past them in search of more high profile targets. She looked to the one she had saved and gave Mare Do Well a gentle shake. “You okay, there?”

Mare Do Well groaned as she sat up and shook her head once to clear it. “I-I think so. Thank you, darling.”

“Shucks, I wasn’t going to let you get trampled by those nutcases. But boy do they have guts for chargin’ in like that.”

“Indeed.” Mare Do Well took stock of their surroundings, noticing that few soldiers were in their area. Those nearby were too busy running towards the castle or to catch up with the Domarians to give them a second look. “I think this would be our best time to slip away.”

“Couldn’t agree more.” The two mares stood up and headed for an opening in the fighting. The attack from the Domarians caused a shift in the battle, leaving large sections of the field empty of any living thing.

It wasn’t long before the two disguised soldiers entered one of these safe zones and turned to head south. That is until Applejack came to a screeching halt with Mare Do Well nearly ramming into her.

“What are you doing?!” Mare Do Well exclaimed. “Move!”

“Wait, look over there,” Applejack said and pointed a hoof back towards the castle. A lone figure had detached from the main force and was skulking around the west side of the building, out of sight of the battle. Even from this distance, Applejack could make out the red outfit that the figure wore. “Gilda.”

“What are you—hey! Come back!”

Applejack ignored Mare Do Well calling after her. She took off and raced towards the griffon without a glance back. Mare Do Well gave a cry of frustration and followed after her.

It didn’t take long for Applejack to make her way towards Domare Castle. Nopony challenged her or gave a token effort to stop her. The intense fighting in front of the castle entrance gave her the perfect opening to beeline straight for her target. Her eyes narrowed and her teeth bared as she saw Gilda edge around a stream of water next to the castle foundations, looking for something.

Gilda's ears twitched and the griffon tilted her head, catching sight of the soldier heading her way. “Hey, you there. I’ve got a job for you.” Gilda reached under a wing and pulled out a flask filled with black liquid. “I need you to help me find a drain or some—OOF!”

Gilda’s speech was cut off from the hoof striking her across the face. She fell back to her hind legs, a red welt in the shape of a horseshoe forming where she was struck. Gilda held her face in a claw and glared at the pony responsible. “What the hay is wrong with you?! Do you know who I am?!”

“I know perfectly well, ya gutless chicken.” Applejack reached up and tore off her helmet, allowing her blond mane to spill out and billow in the wind. She reached into the helmet, pulled out her normal hat and placed it on her head. “This is for torchin’ my home.”

“Applejack,” Gilda hissed. She set herself back on all fours, one claw still holding the flask. “Come to help your Returner friends here? Well, you’re just in time to die along with them.”

“What are you up to? Whatcha got there?”

“What? This?” Gilda grinned and held up the flask, swirling it around and making the oily substance within it slosh around. “Just a little something abstracted from one of our new toys. Wanna see how it works?”

“Give it here!” Applejack darted forward, reaching for the flask.

Gilda hopped away and with a flap of her wings, a gust of wind blew towards Applejack. The pony braced herself and rode out the sudden burst of air, but this allowed Gilda to put plenty of space between them.

“Gonna have to be quicker than that, mud pony,” Gilda said with a smirk. An opening in the castle wall next to her caught her attention. A small grate that let the water from the stream flow into the castle lay before her. “Too late.” With a flick of her claw, Gilda hurled the flask at the water.

A white blur shot over the stream. It landed a few steps away from Gilda, revealing itself to be a cat. It held the flask within its mouth with all the liquid still inside.

“Good work, Opal,” came a voice from behind. Gilda whirled around to see a pony in a purple costume walking towards her. “Now, bring that to Mommy, please.”

“Oh for Pete’s sake,” Gilda grumbled and buried her face in a claw. She winced when she touched the sore spot on her cheek. “Ah! That’s it! You’re both history!” The griffon raised her claws and a strong wind began to form around her. Opalescence yowled as she was suddenly picked up and whirled around by the invisible force, letting go of the flask in the process.

“Baby! Hold on! Momma’s coming!” Mare Do Well jumped forwards and reached for her cat with her hooves. She fought against the wind by pumping her legs as though she were swimming and managed to snag Opalescence just as the cat whizzed by her. “Got you!”

“No,” Gilda said with a dark smirk. “Got you!”

Mare Do Well cradled Opalescence to her just as she was flung from the mini-tornado and tossed through the air. She let out a pained grunt as she landed on something soft that helped cushion her fall.

“There! I got ya!”

Mare Do Well looked through the eyepieces of her mask and noticed a coat of orange acting as pillow against the ground. She turned her head to see Applejack’s face beaming back at her.

“Nice catch,” Mare Do Well said.

“Thanks,” Applejack replied. “I’ve had a lot of practice lately with saving ponies.”

“How touching.”

That was their only warning before a gust of wind blew them back and slammed them against the castle wall. Dazed, Applejack attempted to push herself up but Mare Do Well and Opalescence lay atop her, unconscious. A shadow fell over her prone form.

Gilda raised a claw, her talons glinting in the sun. “I never liked apples anyway.”

From across the land, a horn blew.

Gilda hesitated and looked over her shoulder. Past the edge of the castle, she could see the Imperial army was on the move. It was heading towards the east.

“Of all the times,” Gilda muttered and lowered her claw. She gave one last contemptuous look at her downed opponents before rushing off after the retreating army.

Now alone, Applejack gave a mighty heave and rolled Mare Do Well off of her. She rolled her neck causing a few pops to be heard and regarded the pony laying on the ground. “Now what do I do?”

“You get to go to sleep.”

“Wha—!” Applejack’s startled cry was silenced by a sword hilt impacting her skull. She dropped to the ground and remained still.

Shining Armor slid his blood-soaked sword onto the ground. Once clean he placed it into a sheath and turned to a pair of guardsponies. “Tie them up and take them to the dungeon. Make sure you strip them of any weapons and armor. I’ll deal with them later.”

“Yes sir!” The guardsponies saluted and went to work on securing the new prisoners.

None of them saw an empty, broken flask laying on its side near the intake stream of the castle.


“Holy guacamole! AJ wasn’t expecting that!” Spike said, once again standing on a black background.

“Well what did she expect?” Stardust scoffed. “She only tried to take on the end boss at low level.”

“Hey, I’ve heard a few can do a LLP just fine.” Spike coughed in his claw and turned towards the screen. “Anyway, we’re going to step away from Applejack and Mare Do Well for a while to once again open it up for voting! That’s right! Leave a comment for either Rainbow Dash, Twilight, or myself and Stardust and our authors will get hard at work on whichever has the most votes after two weeks!”

“And leave more votes for us!” Stardust cried out with a cross expression. “We only had, like, one or two votes last time. Show a chocobo a little love!”

“Personally, I’m enjoying my time off. This adventuring stuff leaves me stiff in the morning.” Spike raised a claw and waved at the screen. “So long! Till next time!”

Stardust also waved at the screen with a wing. “Vote pro-chocobo! Bye!”

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