• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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In Which The Next Step Is Taken

Trixie headed down the gangplank of the Paradise, her eyes flicking over the small caravan that had gathered in front of it. She quickly took notice of the zebra children mixed between the ponies and chocobos that made up the troupe. “Trixie very much hopes they aren’t planning on coming.”

Bon Bon stepped forward and shook her head. “No way. Lyra and I are staying behind with them, along with the chocobos. They just wanted to see Twilight off.”

“Oh.” Huffing in annoyance, Trixie made to turn and was nearly bowled over the side of the gangplank as Twilight rushed past.

“I’m so sorry!” she said, all evidence of her earlier fury washed away. “I didn’t mean… I mean I did… I mean—”

Bon Bon gently covered Twilight’s mouth with a hoof. “It’s okay. We know and so do they. They just wanted to see you one last time.” Bon Bon stepped aside, allowing the children to crowd in front of Twilight.

For the second time that day, Twilight sat down in front of her wards. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. We beat the bad monster just like I said we would but there’s an even worse monster that I have to help deal with. I… I don’t know how long I’ll be gone this time.” She sighed, frowning and looking down at the ground.

A red cap flopped in front of her.

Twilight cocked her head, looking back up and seeing that Zecora now added herself within the huddle of zebra. Zecora gave an encouraging nod and gestured her hoof. Biting her lower lip, Twilight levitated up the cap and placed it over her head. “Thanks.”

One by one, each zebra came up to Twilight and gave her a hug. Twilight whispered her thanks as they did, uncaring of the wetness trailing down her cheeks. Once they had all had their turn, Zecora stood next to Twilight and faced the children. “This one needs to leave as well. For how long, who can tell? Until Discord is slain I’m afraid our people’s curse must remain. Look after each other day and night and sing a prayer for us as we go off to fight.”

As if on cue, the zebra began to hum. After a few hymns some of them broke off and chanted, creating a triumphant melody that reached to those within the airship. Twilight wiped her eyes, gave an encouraging smile, and headed up the gangplank.

The zebra continued singing even as the Paradise lifted off and sped away.


Within the small lounge area the Paradise had below deck, two chocobos busied themselves making nests. Small twigs and straw were carefully arranged and patted down to make two comfortable resting areas. Comfortable for chocobos, that is.

“I’m so glad you decided to come with us, Moonlight,” Stardust said. Finished with his makeshift nest, he settled down into it, relishing the feel of straw brushing up against his feathers after so long.

Moonlight let out a grunt, then sat down in his own nest. “Yes, well, it was looking kinda crowded at that village. Plus, I wasn’t going to pass up on riding in an airship.”

“Right?! I don’t care what other flocks might say, being in the sky like this is awesome!” Stardust reached over and pushed his bags in front of him. “And look! I finally finished that formula you were working on.”

“Oh, really?” Moonlight watched as Stardust lifted out a bottle with red liquid. “Remind me what that was, again?”

“X-Potion,” Stardust happily replied.

Light dawned on Moonlight’s face. “Oh, right, that. Wow, that was a tricky one. You’ve certainly outdone me there.”

Stardust nodded rapidly. “Yep! But it was your directions that got me to the end, so I don’t mind sharing the credit.”

Moonlight waved a wing dismissively. “Bah, who cares as long as it benefits the flock. Speaking of, once this is all over, do you want to go back in business together?”

“Do I?!”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Moonlight said with a chuckle. “And with all the new things you’ve been able to create, we’ll have the best lineup ever.”

“Hear, hear!” Stardust raised a wing, giving Moonlight an expectant look. Moonlight stared at the wing for a few seconds before getting the idea and slapping his own wing against it. Satisfied, Stardust said, “You just wait, Moonlight! We’re going to be the highest flock around!”


Trixie mumbled in her sleep, occasionally gesturing with a hoof as though conducting a crowd that only she could see. The bed she lay on was the best purchase she’d ever made in her life; soft cotton cushioned her body on all sides. Here, she could relax. Here, she could let down her guard.

A knock on her cabin door jolted her out of her sleep, keeling over and landing on the floor with an undignified thump.

“Um, Trixie?” came Twilight Sparkle’s infuriating voice on the other side of the door. “Are you awake?”

“I am now!” Untangling herself from her covers, Trixie marched up to the door and yanked it open, revealing Twilight’s nervous smiling face. “What?!”

Twilight began to take a step back but stopped with her hoof in the air. “Sorry. I just wanted to talk with you. I can come back later if now isn’t a good time.”

“Trixie just wanted to get some sleep before the next catastrophe. Is that so much to ask?” Despite her words, she stepped aside and gestured for Twilight to enter. “But, since she’s up now, better say what you want to say.”

“Thank you.” Twilight stepped inside, observing the beginnings of a furnished room, with a bed and desk, along with a small coat rack where Trixie’s cloak hung. Save the Queen was prominently displayed on the wall, held up by an ornate set of hooks. “Um, nice place you’ve got here.”

“Skip the small talk,” Trixie said as she closed the door. “What do you want?”

Twilight took a breath, facing Trixie directly. “Okay, so, I wanted to say that I’m glad that you’re taking on this quest to deal with Discord. If anypony’s qualified to do this, it’s you.”

For a few seconds, Trixie stared at Twilight, her mouth hung slightly open. She snapped it shut, giving Twilight a shrewd look. “Of course. Trixie’s exalted experience makes her the obvious choice.”

“I mean it. I know everypony around here expects me to be the magic expert since I’m part esper and all. But, well, it wasn’t that long ago where I had trouble knowing even simple things. It’s taken time, everypony’s help, and a lot of books, but I think my head is finally in one piece again.

“So, I just wanted to say you have my full support.”

Trixie continued to stare. Twilight bit her lower lip and avoided her eyes.

“I’m not used to getting these types of compliments from you.”

Twilight gave a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of her head. “Um, yeah. It’s a little strange for me too.” She sighed. “I remember a lot of our time in the Empire. It’s like seeing things from a totally different pony’s eyes, but I know it was me.” She closed her eyes. “I remember those soldiers.”

Silence fell between them. Trixie opened and closed her mouth several times, but no words spilled out. This time, she waited for Twilight to make the next move. The other unicorn took a shuddering breath before continuing. “I also remember you saying somewhere that we have some unfinished business once this is all over. I promise I’ll do whatever you want once we take care of Discord.”

Trixie grimaced and waved her hoof. “Forget it, it’s not important. Keep your mind on Discord. Was there anything else?”

“No, I think that was everything.” Twilight smiled, then headed for the door. She gave one last look to Trixie, waved and made to leave.

“Wait, Twi—”

“Hey, everypony!” came Pinkie Pie’s voice over the airship intercom. “Can you all come up here?”

“Great, what now,” Trixie mumbled. She donned her cloak and strapped on her sword, then made for the door.

Twilight still stood by it. She tilted her head. “Were you about to say something?”

“It’s nothing, forget it. Let’s figure out what she wants.” Without giving Twilight a chance to respond, Trixie opened the door and headed out. Twilight sighed and followed.

Once on top, the Returners had already gathered, spread out on the deck. Sunset Shimmer and Applejack saw them emerge and trotted over to them. Sunset eyed the two warily. “What were you two doing?”

Trixie sniffed and made to retort but Twilight beat her to it. “I was just reassuring Trixie that she’s in charge and I’m not here to replace her.”

A chuckle escaped from Applejack. “Shucks, I think we all knew that already. You’re the one that came up with the plan to take out Tirek, after all.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Okay, I’ll give her that.”

“Don’t forget making sure you slackers keep up your magic practice,” Trixie said. She walked past them before they could respond, trotting up to Pinkie Pie. “What is it?”

Pinkie Pie locked the Paradise's controls, keeping a steady pace but not covering much distance. “Well, you might be a general but I’m still captain of the ship. Uh, I need a little direction, ya know?”

Trixie smirked and swept her cape back dramatically. “Trixie hears you. Returners, assemble!”

Everypony blinked. Some cocked their heads.

“Ugh. Everyone, just get over here!” Once they had all gathered together, Trixie continued. “Before that, do we still want to call ourselves the Returners? Trixie feels something more appropriate could be thought up.”

Twilight raised a hoof. “Actually, I think it’s more appropriate than ever. We’re helping return the world back from Discord’s chaos.”

“I agree,” Applejack said. “Let’s just keep it as is. Would be a real hassle to tell ponies who already know the Returners from the war that we’re called something else now.”

A round of nods and general agreement passed through them.

Trixie shrugged. “Fine. I’ll let you have that one. So then, any suggestions on where to go? Trixie hasn’t learned anything new on Rainbow Dash’s whereabouts.”

Twilight raised her hoof a second time. “Um, anyone seen Spike?” When no one answered, she pressed on. “Then could we head to Neighshe? He may have headed back there and I really want to be sure he’s okay.”

“Me too,” Stardust said.

“Yeah, and we can check to make sure the citizens there are okay, too,” Applejack added.

Trixie tapped her hoof to the deck, regaining their attention. “Now, before we get too ahead of yourselves, let's remember that Trixie has final say. And she says… sounds good, even if I don’t like the little twerp. Do it.”

“Aye, aye!” Pinkie Pie revved up the engines and turned the wheel, putting the Paradise on a northeastern course.


Thirty minutes later, a cry came up from Limestone. “Incoming!” She reached over and slapped a button on top of her cannon. A blast that lightly rocked the airship rang out and seconds later exploded next to a black figure flying through the sky. “It’s that crazy chick again!”

Nightmare Moon banked hard to avoid the shrapnel singing through the air. She realigned herself, aiming for the deck.

“Try to keep her at a distance!” Pinkie Pie yelled back. Banking the Paradise away from the approaching pony, she attempted to maneuver so that her sisters could keep a clear shot. The airship was fast, but Nightmare Moon wasn’t a slouch in speed either. Pinkie flipped a switch on the console, activating the intercom. “Returners, get your fannies up here!”

More cannon shots peppered the sky as ponies scrambled to get into positions. Trixie grabbed hold of Derpy and dragged her over to where Twilight was watching Nightmare Moon fly closer to them. “Okay! You two are the only fliers we got. Think you can hold her off?”

Twilight took a breath and swallowed. “Maybe. From what you told me she’s got very powerful magic. Really wish Rainbow Dash was here.”

“Well, she’s not so you’ll have to do.” Trixie rounded on Derpy, taking note that the pegasus was already beginning to shake. “Hey, just pretend you’re the predator and she’s the prey.”

“Easy for you to say,” Derpy said, her eyes never leaving Nightmare Moon’s position.

Trixie reached over and tilted Derpy’s head until she was looking into her eyes. “Remember, you have powerful magic, too. She’ll never see it coming.”

“Derpy.” Twilight walked up to her, giving a hesitant smile. “Um, we haven’t fought together before, but I’d be happy to have you by my side.”

“See? Even your friendly neighborhood half-esper thinks you can do it.” Trixie pushed Derpy towards the railing. “We’ll support you as best we can. Go!”

“C’mon!” Twilight hopped over the railing, her body quickly morphing. She banked upwards sharply, readying her magic. She heard Derpy flapping behind her, giving a brief look back to see that the pegasus was following and that her wings were glowing. Satisfied, Twilight focused all her attention on the black figure making its way towards them. When Nightmare Moon was only a short distance away, Twilight shouted, “Don’t come any closer or we’ll be forced to defend ourselves!”

Nightmare Moon responded by sneering at the glowing pony before her. The cannon fire stopped, allowing her to hover in place. “What’s this? Another alicorn? You are certainly not my sister so what are you?”

“That doesn’t matter. Just leave us alone.”

Dark magic fired from Nightmare Moon’s horn, forcing the pair to evade. “Nopony orders me what to do in my own skies!” Baring her fangs, she shot forwards towards Twilight.

The half-esper met her charge, the two colliding with fantastic force, creating a shockwave that shredded nearby clouds to mere wisps. Black magic strained against fire, the two combatants locked in a magical struggle. Twilight gritted her teeth as Nightmare Moon relentlessly pressed on, the dark alicorn not letting up her assault. A twinge within her core made Twilight falter, the contest of wills ending with her giving one last push then breaking off.

Twilight gasped for breath and cast a healing spell but that did little to ease her aching body. Nightmare Moon didn’t give her the chance to rest. Diving down, her long, sharp horn leading first, Nightmare Moon made to skewer her opponent like a hawk to a dove.

A lightning fast blur passed in front of her, barely missing being pierced. The next thing Nightmare Moon experienced was flying through a bubble of green miasma and suddenly feeling very ill. She tumbled through the air, coughing and hacking to get the horrible gunk out of her system.

Her slower speed and linear flying made her a much easier target for the Paradise’s cannoneers.

Nightmare Moon wailed as cannon balls exploded all around her, sending sharp shrapnel at high speeds into her flesh. She magically lashed out but her unexpected sickness did her no favors. Bombarded on all sides and with her health deteriorating, she decided that a strategic retreat was in order. In a flash of deep indigo, she vanished.

The crew on the Paradise swept their gaze across the sky but no black ponies reappeared to attack at a different angle. They let out a rousing cheer that quieted quickly as Twilight and Derpy were seen flying back. Derpy was supporting Twilight by holding her side, the heat and flame wings seemingly not bothering her. As soon as Derpy set Twilight down, the unicorn let out a long, shuddering groan and de-morphed. Sunset and Stardust were at her side in an instant, offering an ether and potions for her to drink down.

Twilight eagerly gulped down the offered concoctions, letting out a content sigh once she finished. “Thanks, I really needed that.”

“Are you going to be okay?” Derpy asked, her wings fidgeting.

“Yeah, I should be. Transforming like that takes a lot out of me and I don’t think I rested enough after we beat Tirek.” She sat down, giving Derpy an appraising look. “Thanks, by the way. You really saved me back there. What did you do to her?”

“Poison!” Derpy happily replied. “I don’t use it very much because I gotta get close. That black meanie nearly got me.” She involuntarily shuddered.

Twilight smiled back and tapped her hoof against Derpy’s shoulder. “You did good. Nightmare Moon was just as strong as the others said she was. We’re going to have to train a lot to match her.”

“Wow, somepony else offering to train,” Trixie said, smirking. “Will wonders never cease?”

“Let’s hope not. But first, I need to take a nap.”


In an abandoned castle, a disembodied voice giggled to herself. “Daddy’s finally coming home.”

Three lights, one yellow, one purple, and one blue winked into existence.

“You know what to do.”

The lights fidgeted, as though nodding in acknowledgement, then faded away. The voice giggled again.

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