• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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In Which Reunions Are Best Served Chilled

“We’re getting close to Neighshe. Better start looking for a place to land.”

Pinkie Pie nodded at Maud’s words. The mountains surrounding the isolated settlement were grouped close together, creating harsh and biting winds. Space for landing the Paradise would be limited, forcing Pinkie to land several miles away from Neighshe’s entrance. Once securely anchored, the Returners grouped together before departure.

“Everypony, ready?” Pinkie asked. “I’ll come along, too. I don’t get too many chances to visit Neighshe so this will be exciting!”

“Sure, I don’t mind,” Twilight Sparkle said. She looked at the gathered members, noticing an absence. “Where’s Trixie?”

Stardust inclined his head towards the cabins. “Last I saw, fast asleep. If you want her, better do it yourself. She’ll probably just yell at me to go away.”

Twilight shook her head. “No, let her sleep. She probably needs it. I don’t think her ice magic will help here, anyway.”

Cocking his head, Moonlight asked, “You think you’re going to run into trouble?”

“We can only hope!” Pinkie thrust a hoof into the air, smiling widely.

Sunset Shimmer glared at the pink pony, drawling out, “Trouble tends to find us no matter where we go. It’s not something I’m thrilled about.”

Moonlight clucked, turning to Stardust. “If it’s so dangerous, why don’t you stay here where it’s safe?”

Rather than shuffle or stammer an excuse, Stardust raised a wing. His feather tips glowed briefly then faded back to their normal hue. The ponies got the impression the chocobo would be grinning from ear to ear if his beak would allow it. “Did I forget to mention I have magic now?”

Moonlight cocked his head the other way. “I suppose that helps. However, you can still get hurt. Aren’t these ponies enough?”

“Hey, Stardust has been with us a very long time,” Twilight said, giving the silver chocobo a pat on the side. “Even before he had magic he’s been a dependable companion. He takes care of us and we take care of him.”

“That doesn’t really answer my question…”

This time, Stardust did shuffle his talons. “Well… Spike was one of the first friends I ever made after I escaped the Empire. It just… feels right going in to see him again myself.”

Moonlight starred at Stardust with a raised eyebrow. Shrugging, he said, “I don’t get it, but whatever. Just remember that we’re the last of our clan. If anything happens to you, we’re through.”

“Oh, don’t get too worried,” Pinkie said as she bounced towards the gangplank. “My Pinkie Sense has a really good feeling—”

“Don’t finish that sentence!” came the combined voice of the Returners.

Pinkie stuck out her tongue. “You guys are no fun.” With a precise snap-kick of her leg, the gangplank lowered to the ground. “Okay, everypony that’s going, let’s do this!”

Twilight, Sunset, Big Macintosh, and Stardust all walked forward and headed down the plank. Derpy stayed where she was next to Maud, Limestone, and Marble, waving a hoof and wing. “I’ll stay behind and make sure everything’s just as you left it!” Derpy called after them. “I don’t like the cold, anyway.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie said and followed after the others.


An hour of travel later, the Returners reached the gates of Neighshe. Immediately, a sense of foreboding washed over them.

“Okay, my good feeling is definitely gone now,” Pinkie said, ears pinned to her head as she looked up at the cold, empty walls of the settlement. No guards came out to great them or even call out, “Halt, who goes there?!” Pinkie frowned at the missed opportunity.

“Should we go in?” Sunset asked, keeping alert for anything suspicious.

Stardust fluffed his wings and scratched at the ground as though ready to dart off. “I could… try running in quick and back out. Not that I really want to.” He felt a pat on his back as Big Macintosh stepped past.

“No need,” the stallion said, standing in front of the group. “I think I got somethin’ safer to try.” He closed his eyes and stood still. A few seconds passed as nothing happened except for the howl of the arctic winds around them. Just as the group began to grumble and shuffle around, Big Macintosh’s form shimmered. To their astonishment, a second Big Macintosh stepped out of the first and galloped through the entranceway.

“What the…?” Stardust cocked his head from the retreating Big Macintosh and the one still standing still in front of him. “Hey, what did—?”

“Shush!” Twilight scolded, waving a hoof at him. “Let him concentrate.”

Minutes passed as the group waited. Big Macintosh continued to stand stock still, making a good impression of a pony frozen from the icy environment. Their wait ended as the second Big Macintosh emerged from under the archway. It ran straight for the first Big Macintosh, disappearing into its duplicate brother. A second later, the fully reformed stallion gasped and blinked open his eyes. After taking a few heavy breaths, he managed to compose himself and turn to the others. “It’s deserted.”

The matter-of-fact statement took the Returners off guard. Recovering first, Sunset said, “You mean, like, everypony’s gone?”

“Eeyup. Only thing I saw moving around were monsters.”

A round of fitful looks passed between them. Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat before saying, “Where there… any bodies?”

“Nope. No bones, either.”

Pinkie Pie kicked at a lump of snow. “Well, this is a real party pooper.”

“Are we going in or not?” Sunset asked, her magic ready to bring out the Ultima Weapon.

Heaving a sigh, Twilight said, “Where you able to check any of the houses?”

Big Macintosh shook his head. “Nope. My magic can’t do that yet.”

“Then we better go in and check. I don’t want to leave anypony behind. Besides, we gotta see if Spike is here. C’mon, everyone.” Twilight marched forward purposefully, her posture making it clear that any monsters in her way would meet a fiery death. The rest followed after her, readying weapons and magic alike.

They made their way to the first set of houses, opening the doors and calling out for anypony listening. Nopony answered back. Their loud actions did attract the monsters Big Macintosh warned them about, nastidons and red wolves wandering out of the mines and hills in search of an easy kill. They found red hot fire shooting their way instead. The wave of monsters got the message and scurried back to their dens. With the threat currently taken care of, the Returners were free to continue their search.

A few doors later, Pinkie rapped a hoof on the smithy’s entrance, yelling out, “Anypony home?!” She waited a few seconds, sighed, then turned to leave.

“Who’s out there?”

Pinkie froze mid-step. She craned her head back at the door, staring at it in incomprehension.

“If ye’ve come to rob me you won’t find anything useful.”

Gasping, Pinkie rushed over to the door. “No, no, no! We’re not here for that! I’m a Returner! We came to see how everypony was doing!”

The sound of locks being undone came from the other side of the door. It creaked open, revealing a small middle aged earth pony with a deep blue beard and mustache. “Returners, you say?”

“Uh huh!”

“Reckon I haven’t heard you guys in over a year. Name’s Big Daddy McColt. What can I do for ye?”

“Oh, wait one second and let me get the others!” Pinkie Pie bolted off, reappearing exactly one second later carrying three befuddled ponies and a chocobo and dumping them in front of the entrance. “Okay, now I’m ready.”

Big Daddy McColt chuckled and stepped aside. “Y’all best come in. Pretty dangerous around these parts nowadays.”

Once the confused Returners shuffled inside and the door securely shut behind them, Big Daddy McColt turned to them and said, “Okay, so what’s the story?”

Twilight cleared her throat before saying, “We’re here to see if one of our friends is around. Do you know if a little dragon named Spike came by?”

Big Daddy McColt gained a thoughtful look, absently stroking his beard. “Hmm, don’t recall seeing any of the little tykes, lately. They tend to keep to themselves, so it's possible he popped in without me knowin’. Not that I’d go out to check the way the town is now.”

“Yeah, what’s up with that?” Pinkie asked. “Where is everypony?”

His face falling into a deep frown, Big Daddy McColt trudged over to the fireplace, stoking the fire with a poker. “That big dumb lug appeared and spirited them all away. The elder, Bill Neigh, the marshal, even that boss of yours. Mayor Whatzits?”

“Mayor Mare?”

“That’s the one.”

As one, the Returners fell silent and looked to each other. No words needed to be said, the looks on their muzzles saying it all.

“Ya know, I always wondered why I was the only one left behind,” Big Daddy McColt continued, his gaze lost in the fire. “But now I’m wonderin’ if it was meant ta be.”

Breaking eye contact with the others, Twilight turned to the stallion. “What do you mean?”

Big Daddy McColt’s answer was to reach deeper into the fire with his poker. He routed it around for a few seconds before hitting something more solid than wood and rolling it out of the flames and onto the floor. A magicite crystal came to a stop next to Twilight’s hooves. Big Daddy McColt came up next to her, nudging the magicite with a hoof. “This here rock has been in my family fer generations. Nopony knows where it came from, but every now and again it gives off a weird glow. I’m thinkin’ it was waiting fer this moment for y’all to find it.”

Blinking, Twilight reached out with her magic and lifted up the green rock. Like all the others before it, a red core lightly pulsed within. She reached out with a hoof and touched it, but nothing happened. Frowning, she turned and presented it to the others. “Anyone want to try?”

“Not sure what good it will do us,” Pinkie said, shrugging her shoulders. “Everypony here already has an esper. Unless there’s a way to bond with two?”

Twilight shook her head. “No. One is it. Guess we’ll hang onto it until we find somepony that the esper accepts.”

“I reckon I was right giving it to you,” Big Daddy McColt chimed in. “But it sounds like you can’t use it. How about this? With your help, I could melt that sucker down and use it to forge a sword.”

Sunset cocked her head. “You can do that?”

Big Daddy McColt nodded. “My family has studied that thing for a long time. It can melt, but the temperature has to be hotter than what my mere fire here can make.”

“Why didn’t you do this before?” Stardust asked.

“Like I said, it’s been waitin’ fer this moment. Jest seems right, is all.”

Brows furrowed, Twilight looked down on the magicite. For just a moment, she swore she could feel it reach out as though encouraging her to go through with the forging.

“Jest one problem, though,” Big Daddy McColt continued, heaving a sigh. “Don’t have a hilt to go with it. My stock’s been bare ever since the world went loopy.”

Within the group of ponies, Sunset Shimmer looked down and shuffled her hooves. “...”

“What was that, Sunset?” Twilight turned to give the other unicorn a questioning look.

“I… I… might… have something.” Keeping her eyes down, she levitated open one of her saddlebags and lifted out the broken Flame Sabre. Swallowing, she blurted out, “Sorry! I didn’t mean it! Some weirdo nearly skewered me. I-I was going to get it fixed, but I didn’t know how and—”

A hoof reached up and covered her mouth. Sunset looked up to see Twilight’s encouraging face. “It’s okay.” Twilight reached out with her magic and took the remains of her old sword. She smiled forlornly at it. “I’ve lost a lot of things dear to me, Sunset, but I’d rather lose this than you. This is only a weapon and can be replaced. You can’t. There’s nothing to be sorry about.” Giving one last smile, she swiveled around and presented the handle to Big Daddy McColt. “Will this do?”

Big Daddy McColt came up and gave a critical inspection. He only needed a few seconds before giving a firm nod. “Aye. This’ll do. Still need help with the fire.”

Twilight looked back at Sunset with a crooked grin. “Oh, I’m sure that won’t be a problem.”


Throughout the night, Big Daddy McColt and the Returners worked to combine magic and technology. Twilight and Sunset cast their fire magic on Big Daddy McColt’s smelter, making it hot enough for the blacksmith to work with. Big Macintosh helped by working on the handle, preparing it for the eventual joining with the magicite. Pinkie Pie and Stardust also provided assistance, fetching requested tools or running out to get more wood for the fire. After hours of toiling and testing, the moment of truth came when Big Daddy McColt placed the magicite into the smelter using the longest tongs he could find.

“Boy, if this ain’t the hottest this baby’s gotten since it was built,” he commented, wincing at the heat pouring from the red hot liquid metal within the pot. His suspicions were confirmed when he pulled the tongs out only to see the ends had completely melted away. “Well, don’t that beat all.”

He whinnied and jumped away as a gout of green hued steam belched from the pot. A sizzling and crackling could be heard from within the smelter and the faint traces of magical energy being released. As quickly as it started, the liquid in the smelter settled down.

“Dunno if that was a good thing or bad thing, but here goes.” With Big Macintosh’s help, Big Daddy McColt tilted the smelter, the thick superheated contents spilling into a prepared mold. Before their eyes, the liquid metal flowed through the mold at a rapid pace, filling in the empty spaces as though willfully doing so. The moment the smelter emptied, the liquid cooled and hardened. Within seconds, a fully formed blade sat within the mold, precisely shined and sharpened. A red tint lay over the blade, giving it a hazy, otherworldly look.

“Okay, this is getting freaky,” Big Daddy McColt commented. “It’s like the thing’s alive.”

Twilight closed her eyes and lowered her head. “It used to be.”


“The magicite we just melted, it used to be an esper, just like the one your town found in the mines.”

Big Daddy McColt stroked his beard. “Really, now? Huh, never woulda thunk it.”

Raising her head and opening her eyes, Twilight’s gaze pierced the blacksmith’s. “It gave its life so that it could help us. Don’t ever forget that.”

“Hey, hey, now.” Big Daddy McColt waved his forehooves in a warding manner. “Didn’t mean no disrespect. This is all news to me and I ain’t had time to mull it over.”

Twilight grimaced and looked away. “Sorry. It’s a… sore subject for me.”

“Well, I ain’t gonna pry, none. If what you says is true, perhaps we should finish and let the old boy fulfill its destiny.” Receiving a tiny nod from Twilight, Big Daddy McColt huffed and pushed the mold away from the smelter, allowing the end of the blade to be exposed. Turning to Big Macintosh, he said, “Okay, now. Here comes the tricky part. We gotta somehow attach this here thing to a hilt that don’t exactly match. Lass, have that magic ready.”

With each stallion holding an end, the two aligned the Flame Sabre hilt to the exposed end of the blade. The moment it touched the newly formed sword, the metal reached out and grabbed it.

“Yowza!” Both Big Daddy McColt and Big Macintosh let go and jumped back.

As one, the group watched as the two separate sword pieces merged. The esper metal fully engulfed the hilt, locking it in place. The seemingly living blade then retracted back, revealing a new pommel design that was an even deeper shade of red and more ornate than it was before. A final pulse of magic radiated from the completed weapon, then became still.

Big Daddy McColt looked at the fully formed sword, swept his gaze over the stupefied Returners, then back to the sword. “Well, tonight has been a night of firsts.” He slowly crept up to his newest creation and gingerly tapped his hoof against the new hilt. Nothing happened. Growing more bold, he reached forward, clamped down on the handle with his teeth, and lifted the sword up for all to see.

“It’s beautiful…” murmured Twilight.

The sword pulsed again, nearly making Big Daddy McColt drop it. Getting the idea, he laid it out on his forehooves and presented it to Twilight. “Reckon it likes you the best.”

Twilight stared at the offered sword. Her eyes roved over the finely honed blade down to the handle that once was a gift from her father. A twinge from her cutie mark spurred her on to take hold of the weapon in her magic and lift it up. She could feel the magic brimming within, as though the esper was still alive. Twilight hoped it still was, in a sense.

Lowering it, she bowed deeply to Big Daddy McColt and Big Macintosh. “Thank you. It… I promise this won’t go to waste.” She heard hoofsteps behind her, Sunset coming into view with the scabbard Flame Sabre used. The new sword was too long for it, but on a hunch, Twilight tentatively began to slide the blade in. As with the pommel before it, the scabbard morphed, becoming longer and wider, with a starburst motif forming over it. The sword clicked into place, a perfect fit.

“Magic’s mighty convenient, ain’t it?” Big Daddy McColt side whispered to Big Macintosh.

The stallion nodded. “Eeyup.”

Louder, Big Daddy McColt said, “So… what do you think of the name Ragnarok?”

“Huh?” came Twilight’s response.

“My grandpappy once told me that he swore he heard a voice coming from that rock. It only said one thing: Ragnarok. If whatcha say is true ‘bout them espers, that was the name of that thing before it died. Seems fittin’ that your new sword be called that.”

Tilting her head, Twilight gained a far off look before nodding. “Yes, that seems right.”

“Splendid.” Big Daddy McColt addressed the group as a whole. “Looks like that’s it then. Much obliged to give me the chance to see my family’s legacy fulfilled. It’s been an honor.”

Twilight blinked and gave a concerned look. “You’re not going to stay here, are you?”

“Yup. Been here my whole life and see no reason to leave. Besides, somepony’s gotta stay in case the folk come back.”

Pinkie Pie bounced over to him. “You could stay on my airship. We’ve got plenty of room.”

“Naw,” Big Daddy McColt waved her off. “This old dudder has played his part. I reckon it’ll be ponies like you that will make this world right again and I’m jest happy to have a hoof in it.

“And don’t you be worryin’ about me. I made it this long, ‘spose I can make it a little longer. Now git, and find that dragon friend of yours.”

“Spike!” Twilight’s head shot up, her forlorn expression quickly changing to panic. “Yes, we gotta go. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!”

Big Daddy McColt smiled as the Returners filed out of his house. He cocked his head when Stardust dropped a bag in front of his door. “Some potions to tide you over.” With that, the chocobo followed after the others, leaving a chuckling Big Daddy McColt behind.


“Oh, I have some really bad memories here,” Twilight moaned as the group traveled through the abandoned mines of Neighshe.

Pinkie trotted up next to her and patted her back. “Then this is the best time to make some good ones! Finding Spike will be a good start.”

Twilight smiled at the excitable pony. “You’re right. I’ll try not to be too much of a downer.”

“That’s the spirit!”

“So, uh, where exactly are we headed?” Sunset asked, her gaze sweeping the rocky corridors for any signs of monsters.

“Well, if I remember correctly, the dragons live pretty deep in here, but I’m hoping we’ll find Spike before we get too far.”

They walked in silence for several minutes, their clopping hooves and the distant sound of dripping water the only noises in the winding caves. A pony form appeared up ahead, startling them briefly, before recognizing the magical construct of Big Macintosh. The silent copy trotted straight for its owner and merged with Big Macintosh seconds later.

“That is really freaky, you know that?” Stardust commented, soothing down his feathers.

Big Macintosh shrugged, his eyes becoming more focused as the mind of his double settled into place. “Not much ahead. Most tunnels lead to dead ends.”

Sunset held back a sigh. “Sorry, Twilight, but I don’t think your friend is here. We haven’t found any clue yet and we haven’t exactly been subtle moving around like this.”

“Just a little longer,” Twilight insisted, already trotting away.

This time, Sunset did sigh. Biting her tongue to keep from commenting further, she and the rest followed. More minutes passed with Big Macintosh occasionally steering them away from the dead ends his copy found. Both Twilight and Pinkie took turns calling out Spike’s name, the echoes of their cries swallowed up by the oppressive weight of the mountains above them. Just as Sunset made to suggest they head back, a distant rumble could be heard.

“You feel that?” Stardust asked, his feathers once again rising.

The rumble came again, a little louder than before.

“I definitely felt that,” Pinkie said.

A third rumble was heard, this one punctuated by the ceiling shaking and small strands of dust being dispensed.

Sunset unsheathed the Ultima Weapon. “It’s getting closer.”

The others readied their weapons, even as another rumble came, this one sounding more like an explosion. The very ground they stood on shook.

“Here it comes…” Twilight lifted her new sword, feeling the anticipation growing within it to be put to use.

Several minutes of silence followed.

Pinkie cocked her head. “Uh, did it move on—”

The wall beside them exploded outwards, sending huge chunks of rock to shatter against the opposite wall. The ponies whinnied and backed up as a figure, as large as the hole it created and obscured by the dust left behind from the collapsed wall, lumbered its way through. Humanoid in shape, the creature's head almost touching the ceiling and nearly as wide, the figure turned its head towards them and gave a low growl.

“Have some of this!” Sunset cried out and shot off a ball of fire.


To everypony’s astonishment, the fireball seemed to slow down in midair. Slow enough that even the creature taking up most of the space available in the tunnel had time to turn to the side and let the magic pass by it. The fireball splashed against a wall behind it where it harmlessly dispersed. A few grey hairs on its bulky chest got singed but otherwise the creature was fine.

Before anypony could react, Stardust ran forward waving his wings frantically. “Hold up! I think I know him!”

“You think you know him?” came Sunset’s annoyed reply.

“Just give me a sec, would ya?” Not waiting for an answer, Stardust took a cautious step towards the creature. “Um… hi?”

“Birdie…” came the low grumble of the creature’s voice. It lifted up a hand the size of Stardust’s body. Stardust stood rock still, silently glad his feathers hid the sweat rolling down his neck. The creature’s hand opened palm up, revealing a weathered bone sharpened to a point. “Old bone wore out. Got… new one?”

Stardust felt his entire body sag in relief. “S-sure. I never let down a client.” Taking a moment to unhook a bag from his back as long as his leg, he set it down and untied it. Reaching in with his beak, he pulled out a bright white femur and presented it to the creature. “I found another one in case we ever saw each other again.”

The yeti beamed. It dropped the old bone and plucked the new one from Stardust’s grasp. The yeti brought it up to its face, twirling it around in its meaty fingers. “... Good.” It looked back down on the chocobo, gently patting him on the head with his other hand.

“Um, glad that you’re okay,” Stardust said once the yeti pulled back. “Last we saw you, we thought you were Ice Dragon chow.”

~ Admirer of bone-carvings, as strong as a gigas, a sasquatch pal with muscle! ~

The yeti made an affirmative noise. “Got away. Leave mountain for new mountain.” He beat his chest with his hand, making a sound akin to thunder. “Umaro.”

“Stardust! Glad to finally make your acquaintance.”

Umaro gave what Stardust hoped was a pleased smile, before turning away and waving at him to follow. “Other friend near. Come.”

“Wait!” This time Twilight rushed forward, her eyes wide and hopeful. “Do you mean Spike?!”

Looking down, Umaro nodded. “Cute horsies, follow.” With that, he walked off through the entrance he had made, each step rocking the tunnel.

Twilight made to follow but a yank on her tail stopped her. “What?!”

Sunset cringed back and let go of her magical hold. “Um… are we really going to follow that thing? Can we trust it?”

“Yes,” came Stardust’s confident answer. “He once saved Spike’s and my life.” Without hesitation, he jumped through the broken wall.

That’s all Twilight needed to hear. “C’mon. Not all things we find are monsters.” She followed after Stardust, quickly catching up.

“Oh, this has gotten really interesting!” Pinkie said, hopping after them. “What kind of party do you throw for a sasquatch? Something snow related?”

Big Macintosh wasn’t far behind, pushing away some of the debris to make a path for him and Sunset to follow. Taking up the rear, Sunset sighed, sheathed her sword, and plodded after him.


Umaro led the Returners further into the Neighshe mountains, deeper than even the citizens had mined. Their course led upwards, the chill of the air seeping into their bodies despite the pony’s coats. Twilight and Sunset lit their horns, forming a small area of heat that the others crowded around. Meanwhile, Umaro lumbered on, seemingly unperturbed by the drop in temperature. After over a mile of traveling, Umaro stopped at a huge boulder set in the path. Giving a grunt, the yeti pushed the two-thousand pound rock out of the way, revealing a cavern lit by torchlight. In the center of the otherwise empty cavern, sat Spike and a white and lavender dragoness, tending to a fire.

As soon as Twilight set eyes on him, she bounded forward, crying. “Spike!”

Caught off guard, Spike was helpless as Twilight scooped him up and hugged him tightly to her chest. “T-Twilight?”

“Oh, Spike, I missed you so much,” Twilight said, refusing to ease up on her hold.

Laughing weakly, Spike tried his best to return the hug, though the position he was in made it awkward. “I’ve missed you too, Twi.” He looked up and saw the others filing in. “Hey, guys!” he waved.

Stardust ran up to the pair, patting the helpless dragon on the head. “It’s great to see you, again! You won’t believe some of the stories I’ve got to tell you.”

“Oh, I think I’ll believe them,” Spike said with a chuckle.

A polite cough from the other dragon in the room stopped any further conversation. “Um, Spike, I’m not sure if I’ve had the pleasure…”

“Oh! Sorry, Pearl.” Spike gave Twilight one more reassuring squeeze, then slipped from her grasp. He presented a claw towards the dragoness. “Everyone, this is Pearl, my older sister. You’ve met her before, haven’t you Twi?”

Twilight bit her lower lip. “I think so? Didn’t you help out when we were still fighting the Empire?”

Pearl nodded solemnly. “Yes, but I’m afraid we weren’t much help.” She sighed, looking over the expansive cavern. “Not that it seems to matter much, now. The rest of our kind scattered when that creature came and spirited away the townsponies.”

“Yeah…” Spike said, his face falling. “They had already gone when I found my way back here. Pearl and Umaro were the only ones left. Oh!” He smiled again, turning towards the yeti who was busy sharpening his new bone. “I see you met him.”

Stardust nodded. “Yup. Luckily he recognized me.”

Stepping forward, Sunset said, “Great, now that we’ve all got caught up, how about we head out. I’ve freezing here.”

Pearl looked up sharply. “Are you leaving again, Spike?”

“Um…” Spike looked away, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. “Well, I kinda want to get back into the fight. I’m not getting anything done here and maybe our brothers and sisters will come back if we take care of that… that… thing.”

“Discord,” Twilight said. She missed the wince from Sunset, Big Macintosh, and Stardust.

“Yeah, whatever he is.”

“But… you just got back…” Pearl wrung her claws together, her shoulders slumped.

Pinkie bounded forward, slapping the unprepared dragoness on the back. “Hey, you can come with us! Have you ever ridden an airship, before? Because I’ve got the fastest one in the world!”

“Yeah, that’s a great idea!” Spike seconded. He took one of Pearl’s claws into his own. “C’mon, it’ll be fun and you’ll see so many new things, just like Twilight did.”

The suggestion only made Pearl draw back like she had been slapped. “I… Spike… I… I mean… I don’t…”

“What? What’s the matter?”

Pearl opened her mouth, closed it, and looked away. “Nothing. Just… just go. I’ll wait for you to get back.”

Walking up to her, Spike searched her face, trying to make eye contact. “No, seriously, how come you don’t wanna come? It’ll be a little scary at first but you’ll make lots of new friends and won’t be all alone here.”

She didn’t answer, heading towards the exit. “I’ll see you out.”

Spike blinked, watching Pearl leave the cavern. Clicking his jaw shut, he quickly picked up his spear and sack and rushed after her. The others watched him go, glanced at each other with concerned frowns, then followed after. Umaro took up the rear, pushing the boulder back into place and sealing up the cavern once again.


Pearl remained silent during their trek through the caverns and mines, despite Spike’s persistence to get her to talk. Eventually, Spike gave up, but a concerned frown remained stamped on his face. Umaro led them back down the mountain paths, casually pushing aside large swaths of snow or ice blocking their way. It was as they reached an open field that sloped gently down to the valley below that Pearl stopped. “This is as far as I’m going. Good luck, Spike.”

Arms crossed, Spike narrowed his eyes at the dragoness. “Okay, there is definitely something wrong. Are you going to tell me or what? We’ve known each other since we hatched and now you’re acting weird.” Seeing the downcast expression on Pearl’s face as he spoke, he sighed and dropped his arms. “Jeeze, I’m sorry. I… I don’t know what you want from me. I can stay, if you really, really want me to.”

Pearl shook her head, looking away. “No, you need to go. Really, it’s probably for the best, anyway.”

“You’re not making any sense. Just come with us!”

Fully turning her back to him, Pearl hung her head. “I can’t.”


“Because she’s your enemy."

The Returners looked up, spotting a tiny blue figure where the nasally, high pitched voice came from.

“Oh, crap!” Spike summoned his spear, taking a defensive position in front of Pearl. Umaro and Stardust reacted as well, Umaro flanking Spike while Stardust ran behind the yeti’s bulk. “What are you doing here?!”

Twilight and the rest readied their weapons, though uncertain as to why. “Spike, what is it?”

“The Ice Dragon,” Spike hissed.

“Suppose I should be flattered that you remember me, thief,” the Ice Dragon said. “I sense some of my brothers’ powers in you so you weren't content with just stealing my gem?”

“Would you believe me if I said they were given to me?”

The Ice Dragon snorted, the puff of wind instantly solidifying the air in front of him, causing ice and snowflakes to fall. “No, but I don’t care either way. As to why I’m here, I have a little family matter to clear up with her.” The Ice Dragon sneered and pointed a puny claw at Pearl. “I’ve given you plenty of time to leave my lands and yet you lounge around playing with your little dragon horde. Well, times up. Go back to where you belong now or I’ll have words with the master.”

Pearl let out a huff, waving a claw dismissively. “As though that will do you any good. The master hasn’t been around for over a thousand years.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” The Ice Dragon grinned, showing off rows of tiny, needle like teeth. “He’s coming back and then our conquest will begin once again. If you hadn’t been wasting time here, you’d know that.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Spike waved his arms, gaining everyone’s attention. “Pearl, do you know this guy? What the heck is he talking about?”

The flippant look while addressing the Ice Dragon disappeared from Pearl’s face. She grimaced, not meeting Spike’s expectant gaze. “Please, Spike. Leave while you still can.”

“Not until you tell me what’s going on!”

Behind him, the Ice Dragon let out a hearty cackle, slapping the rock he stood upon with a claw. “Ha, this is rich! You haven’t told him! This almost makes up for everything.” A cruel smile spread his mouth wide, flashing even more teeth. He leered down at Spike, his voice thick with smug mockery. “She’s one of us, drake. Your precious Pearl is the White Dragon.”

Some of the Returners gasped whereas Spike gained a confused look. “Wait, that can’t be true. Both of us hatched at the same time, Pearl just a few minutes before me.” He laughed, grinning up at the Ice Dragon. “You got the wrong dragon, buster.”

“You’re really committing to this, aren’t you?” the Ice Dragon said, ignoring Spike. “Just how far are you willing to go, I wonder…” Sucking in a breath, the Ice Dragon then blew a torrent of frigid air at the group. Twilight and Sunset gathered their magic to counter, but they needn't have bothered.

In a flash, Pearl disappeared from her spot behind Spike and Umaro, another flash in front of them heralding her return. Whereas before a dragoness no larger than Spike was present, now stood a colossal creature twice the size of Umaro. Her white scales shimmered and a barrier appeared, parting the freezing wind and forcing it away from the Returners. The White Dragon shook herself, as though adjusting into a suit that hadn’t been worn for some time. “Why do you have to make things so difficult for me, Spike?” the White Dragon asked, her voice a soothing chime to the ears.

Spike didn’t answer, too busy staring up at the dragon that once upon a time had been his clutch sister. Now, she looked more like a pure white version of the Red Dragon. Slack jawed, the only thing Spike could do was sputter out confused denials.

Craning her neck to look back at him, the White Dragon gave a mournful gaze. “Why couldn’t you just leave when I asked you to? Things wouldn’t have had to go this way.”

“Bah! You’re deluding yourself!” came the Ice Dragon’s mocking voice. “How else could this have gone? Were you going to parley the master to let him live?”

The White Dragon’s eyes flashed. She whipped back around, boring a hole through the Ice Dragon with her hateful stare. “You shut up! I had everything under control until you came and ruined things!”

“Pheh, still delusional, I see.”

“I said, shut up!” A pillar of white energy erupted underneath the Ice Dragon, sending him spiraling backwards. The White Dragon made to follow up, but a tug on her tail brought her up short. Turning, she saw Spike holding onto her, a desperate plea in his eyes. “Spike, you and the others need to leave Neighshe. I’ll hold him off.”

“Pearl…” Spike kept eye contact, not budging in the lease. “I… What is going on?”

Shaking her head, the White Dragon flicked her tail, sending Spike flying back to land in Umaro’s outstretched arms. “I enjoyed being your sister, Spike, even if it was pretend. I don’t know if things could have gone any differently, but I don’t regret the time we shared.” Twin motes of milky light flashed before him, resolving in a crystal clear white gem and a polearm topped with a point shaped in the form of an ornate angel. “Take these and go.”

Her words knocked Spike out of the trance he was in while accepting the offered treasure. “Wait, we can he—”

“Go!” With that final roar, the White Dragon stomped down on the snow. Everything below her shifted, beginning a cascade of tumbling snow and ice. The Returners and Umaro were swept up before anyone could react. The last thing Spike saw before his world became a chaotic tumble of white was the Ice Dragon bounding towards the White Dragon, their magic colliding in a kaleidoscope of colors.


The hills and mountain sides of the Neighshe range shook and trembled as tons of snow, rock, and ice crashed its way down to the gentler slopes below. For minutes the thundering avalanche echoed throughout the land, only coming to an end once the momentum petered out on a long stretch of flat plains. The silence that followed was profound, as though the world itself was holding its breath.

Sound returned as a growl from somewhere beneath the snow became louder and louder. With a surge of immense strength and a roar of defiance, Umaro burst out from underneath the sea of white. He clambered forward for a few steps, sinking to his knees. His arms, tightly wrapped against his body, relaxed, dumping ponies, chocobo, and dragon alike onto the fluffy surface below him. Disheveled, shaking, and completely out of sorts, the Returners allowed themselves several minutes to recover from the ordeal. Umaro sat by, gaze unfocused.

Through a combination of shear will and necessity, Twilight Sparkle called up her magic, dowsing the group in as many healing spells as she could cast. Bruises and busted lips faded away, leaving a sore, but alive, set of Returners laying in the snow. Feeling as though she had just been through the world’s biggest tumble dryer, Twilight propped herself up. “Is… is everypony okay?”

A series of affirmative grunts came back and a quick headcount found that everyone was there. Turning her attention to the battered yeti that had just saved all of their lives, Twilight reached up on her hind legs and kissed Umaro on the cheek. “Thank you.”

A deep blush spread across Umaro’s face, made all the more apparent by his bluish coloring. “Cute pony… welcome.”

Casting another healing spell for good measure over him, Twilight addressed the recovering Returners. “Alright, what’s next?”

Sunset spoke up before anypony else could. “Before he says anything, no, Spike, we’re not going back up there.” She waved a hoof to preempt his rebuttal. “If we do, we’ll just get thrown off again and I doubt we’ll all be lucky enough to survive a second time.”

His face contorting in frustration, Spike let out a pent up howl of rage that range throughout the valley. The others stepped away from him, waiting for his cry to die down to a barely conceivable whimper. Twilight was at his side at once, holding him close and rocking him back and forth. Spike held on as though his very sanity depended on it, crying softly into her coat. The scene lasted until Spike pulled away, slumping down into the snow. “None of this makes any sense.”

“I’m so sorry, Spike,” Twilight said, voice thick with emotion. “I don’t know what else to say.”

The rest of the Returners kept quiet, keeping a fair distance to let the two have their moment.

Spike sniffed, stood up, and blew a gout of fire, the White Dragon’s gem and her spear materializing in front of him. He took hold of the gem, twisting it around in his grip and finding it completely flawless. Sighing, he placed it down and lifted up the spear, finding it perfectly balanced. The tip shone with a soft light as though a solitary beacon in the dark plains. Frowning, he blew fire over it, letting it return to his dragon pocket space.

Quickly, before he could stop himself, Spike jammed the gem into his mouth. A few chomps and a gulp later, the magic of the White Dragon flowed through him, a soothing feeling after the turmoil of the past hour. With a lighter step, he reached over and patted Twilight on shoulder. “Thanks Twi, for being here.”

Twilight smiled, returning the gesture. “I wouldn’t have made it far without my number-one teacher.”

Despite himself, Spike gave a half-smile. “Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything more for me to teach you. Let’s fight together as equals from now on, okay?”

“Sure thing.” They drew each other into a final hug. Once satisfied, Twilight stood up and addressed the patiently waiting Returners. “Thanks for putting up with us. I suppose we should head back to the airship?”

A shadow fell over her. Looking up, Umaro towered above. “Me come too?”

Spike cocked his head. “You want to leave your home?”

“Mountain really dangerous now with dragons. And boring. Life not boring with cute ponies around.”

A giggle escaped from Twilight’s mouth. “I guess you could call it that.” She looked at the others. “Any objections?”

“Not me!” Pinkie piped in. “It might be a little hotter than here, but I can always install an air conditioner.”

“Or just use Trixie,” Stardust quipped, earning a few chuckles from Sunset and Big Macintosh.

Twilight nodded. “Then it’s settled.” She looked back up to the yeti. “Welcome to the Returners, Umaro.”

Umaro reached down and patted Twilight on the head. “Happy.” He trudged past, making a path through the snow for the others to follow.

They did so, with Spike lagging behind. He took one last look at the Neighshe mountains, trying to spot anything that stood out against the dark silhouette. Nothing appeared. Giving a salute to his old home, he turned and rushed after his friends.

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