• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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Wherein be Donuts and Castles and Books, Oh My!

As harsh as journeying across the frozen wastelands had been, Rainbow began to wish she could return, if only to escape from the blistering heat of the desert. “Please tell me that isn’t another mirror-whatsit,” Rainbow Dash lamented, trying to keep from whimpering.

Spike chuckled. “I don’t think that’s a trick, Dash. I think we’ve finally made it to Fillygaro! C’mon! Let’s hurry up!”

Noting the weariness in her companion’s voice, Twilight tilted her head in confusion. “Why are you so tired? I thought you were an adventurer. Aren’t you used to this? I feel just fine!”

“Because it’s, like, a freakin’ million degrees out, Twilight!” Dash moaned, her body sagging in the air, despite her wings pumping to keep herself airborne. “Not all of us got freaking magic capes, or are cold-blooded! No, Twilight, some of us have these things called feathers, and they tend to trap in the heat whether we like it or not!”

“Cold-blooded? What does that mean?” Twilight asked eagerly.

“It means that I like the heat,” Spike said. “I can move faster to fight back or avoid danger. We eat gems in the mountains to help us stay extra warm, since the cold makes us slow and sleepy. We won’t go into a long sleep like other lizards if we run out, but we won’t be happy, believe me!”

Twilight walked along in silence for a moment, deep in thought, before she asked several more questions, much to the fatigued Rainbow Dash’s irritation. “So how are you going to eat if we don’t have any gems?”

“Well, because we eat everything,” Spike explained, adapting an older tone of voice to sound wiser. Twilight didn’t notice much of a difference. “We can survive anywhere, but we need gems if we want to grow both big and strong. Gems keep us warm inside, and let us breathe fire. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love gems more than anything else, but unless we go somewhere really cold again, I don’t need to have gems to survive.”

Twilight pondered that for a moment, before continuing her tirade of inquiries. “So what is it about gems that keep you warm? How do they let you use ‘flame attacks’? Does the type of gem you eat change what kind of flame you breathe? How big can you guys get if you don’t get sick or have an accident or whatever? Ho—”

“Oh, would you look at that?” Rainbow asked loudly, faking a disappointed tone. “We’re just about there! I guess there isn’t any time to answer all of your questions. Shucks,” she finished, giving a half-hearted swipe in the air with a hoof.

Twilight glared at Dash for a moment, huffing as she muttered quietly to herself. “Fine, I’ll just find somepony else to ask and get answers from!”

Having been denied further answers to her inquiries, Twilight turned her attention to the large structure ahead. It towered above them, many times their height. While there were no side-towers, it still had a powerful presence, the sheer size of the castle adding much to its intimidation. I wonder just how long it would take somepony to walk around this place! It’s huge! Even as fast as she is, I doubt that Rainbow Dash could fly around this place that quickly! Huh. I wonder why this looks so different from Vectorlot. I mean, why aren’t there any additional towers for more living space? How would a king or queen get any privacy if they don’t have their own tower?

She continued to plod along, lost in her thoughts, behind Spike. At the head of the group, Rainbow Dash landed with a flourish of her wings, settling them against her sides as she trotted up to the large castle’s gate. She was stopped, however, when a lone pony barred the way, holding a lance at the ready as he ordered, “Hey! Hold it right there! State your... oh! It’s you!”

The guard relaxed, leaning against the wall, which was covered in shade thanks to the exceptionally large structure. “How’s it going, Dash? Got any cool treasures lately? You can go on in! We can catch up later, alright?”

Rainbow Dash smirked, flicking her tail at the guard’s muzzle as she sauntered past, commenting, “You never give up, do you, Caramel? Yeah, maybe later. I’ve got business to take care of, so we’ll see. Don’t hold your breath though!”

Caramel just sighed dreamily, staring after her, oblivious to the dragon and purple mare that made their way into the castle as well. They were well out of earshot when he came out of his stupor with a muffled curse, closing the gate as he turned back to his duties, looking out across the desert as he sighed in boredom.


Twilight looked around in wonder, her eyes wide as she tried to take in all of the sights of the building, observing all of the arched doorways and stone columns. What are they there for? Why are the doors different from the houses in Neighshe? Where do those stairs lead? What—

“Twilight? Rainbow Dash went this way,” Spike instructed, disrupting Twilight’s thoughts. She nodded, following along in silence, still trying to figure out the answers to all of the questions swirling in her head. Every time she seemed close to an answer, she would be distracted by something else new, and then she would have five more questions take the place of the one she was currently trying to figure out. Finally, in a flash of inspiration, she took to staring at the back of Spike’s head so that she wouldn’t get distracted further.

Twilight noticed belatedly that Spike had stopped walking and nearly bumped into him, almost sending the small dragon sprawling on the grass in front of—wait, grass? I thought we were inside! Where are we?

Chiding herself, Twilight looked around, taking stock of her surroundings. The very first thing she noticed was the large orchard in front of her. Her eyes widened as she tried to count all of the apple trees in front of her, but to no avail. Just how many of them are there? There have to be hundreds…

Twilight’s gaze wandered along the orchard, taking in the wondrous sight of the large indoor farm. Rows upon rows of apple trees lined the pathways, each tree standing tall and strong. As she started to look closer, she noticed that small sections of the orchard were barren of trees, replaced with other produce plants. Trotting up to what appeared to be a carrot patch, Twilight bent down to observe it closer, asking aloud, “Why do they grow different plants right next to each other, Spike? Is that better for them to grow?”

Twilight waited a moment for Spike to respond, growing confused when she didn’t hear an answer or sigh of exasperation. Looking around, she noticed that he was gone, leaving her completely alone. “Spike? Where did you go? What... am I supposed to do now?”


Rainbow Dash rushed ahead of Spike and Twilight once she was out of Caramel’s sight, flying to the orchard in seconds. She slowed down for just a moment, before seeing the pony she was searching for. Diving down, Rainbow Dash smirked as the force of her passing knocked the Stetson off the mare’s head. She settling down on the ground. “Heyya AJ. Nothing new going on around here, I see.”

~ The young leader of Fillygaro Castle and Orchards.
An honest worker, keeper of the peace, and master of the kicking arts. ~

The mare huffed, picking up her Stetson and placing it back on her head. “Heyya to you too, Dash. What do you want; here to steal some apples? Here to ‘borrow’ one’a my trees again for yer naps, perhaps?”

Rainbow Dash bristled, retorting, “Hey, I won those apples fair and square in that race and you know it, Applejack!”

“Ya did not!” Applejack shot right back, thrusting her head forward against Rainbow’s. “You used yer wings! Cheater!”

“Well you never said that I couldn’t use them, so how is that cheating?!” Dash countered, pushing her forehead right back against Applejack’s as they started to shove each other back and forth.

“It was implied!”

“Yeah, well that’s not the same thing as actually saying it, now is it!?”

“Sure it is!”

“Is not!”

“Are too, ya cheater!”

“I’m not a cheater! I’m too awesome to have to cheat!” Rainbow Dash said, wings flaring out.

“Oh yeah? I’ll race ya right now! First one from here to the west side wins!” Applejack proclaimed, getting ready to race. “And no wings!” she added sharply.

Rainbow Dash feigned an air of innocence, folding her outstretched wings to her side, huffing, “Yeah, because that’s the only way you have a chance at all! Bring it, apple bucker!”

“Calm yer horses, apple thief!” Applejack exclaimed, glancing at her from the side. “On three!”

They both got into position, stretching their legs as they got ready to run. They both hunkered down to the ground, glancing at each other from the corners of their eyes, before they both shouted at the same time, “Three!”


Both mares lay on the ground several minutes later, panting for breath as they continued their conversation in a friendly rivalry. “T-the only reason you kept up with me was because I’ve been out in the desert all day long,” Rainbow Dash gasped, weakly wiping her forehead of sweat.

“And... th’ only reason ya kept up with me,” Applejack retorted, also regaining her breath, “was because I’ve been buckin’ trees all day!”

“Truce?” Rainbow Dash offered, holing out her hoof.

“Y-yeah, truce,” Applejack agreed, accepting the help to stand back up. Dash turned around, heading back towards the orchard entrance slowly, Applejack following behind.

They were content to walk in silence for just a moment, watching the other workers bucking trees, pulling weeds, and other such menial chores before Applejack asked, “So, Dash, what really brings ya out here? Ya only ever come over when there’s somethin’ big goin’ on. Didja finally find what ya’ve been searchin’ for?”

“Not exactly,” Dash replied slowly, still leading the way. “I found something... else.”


“I see,” Applejack frowned, trying to figure it out. She wasn’t one to believe in magic, but then again, she couldn’t sense that Rainbow Dash was lying. “That’s a mighty fine tale ya tell, Dash, but I don’t rightly know if that really happened.”

“It did too happen and I’ll prove it! That’s her right over there!” Rainbow pointed to the lavender unicorn off near the entrance, who was staring at an apple tree rather intently.

“You mean that young mare?” Applejack questioned, before trotting over slowly. After staring at her for a moment, unable to sense any malicious intent, she walked in front of Twilight and grabbed her hoof, shaking it vigorously. “Heyya, and welcome ta Fillygaro!”

Twilight, finding her hoof suddenly in the strong grasp of another mare, flinched back, ears flat against her skull as she stammered quickly, “W-who are you?!”

Applejack paused before smiling nervously, trying to laugh it away as she backed up a little. “Oh, sorry, how rude of me! I suppose I should introduce myself first, shouldn’t ah? I’m Applejack, owner of this here orchard and the Guild Master of Fillygaro!”

“So, are you surprised that I’m friends with somepony who rules an entire castle?” Rainbow Dash bragged, buffing a hoof on the fur covering her chest. “Yeah, sometimes I amaze even myself! Well, gotta go now, AJ! Time to catch some z’s!”

Rainbow Dash took off, forcing the remaining two mares to close their eyes and look away as powerful gusts of wind washed over them. Applejack looked back up at the retreating rainbow-hued contour trail, hollering, “Dash, you stay away from my trees, ya... Consarnit,” she grumbled, frowning, as Rainbow Dash was now too far away to hear her.

Turning back to the lavender mare, Applejack’s smile returned. “So, you’re an Imperial soldier, huh?”

When she saw Twilight grow nervous, glancing about guiltily, her ears splayed back, Applejack was quick to continue, “Don’t worry ‘bout that none, ya hear? We trade with all sorts ’a ponies, so y’all can relax as long as ya stay! It ain’t the Apple way ta turn our backs on guests anyways.”

Twilight frowned, asking slowly, “Why are you helping me? Is it because of my... abilities?”

Applejack snorted. “I’ll give ya several good reasons! First of all, like I already said, it ain’t the Apple way ta turn down somepony in need. Second, I don’t need a reason to help somepony else when it’s the right thing ta do. I guess yer... abilities,” she continued, saying it slowly, like it left a bad taste in her mouth, “would be a distant third.”

Applejack then turned away from the apple tree in front of Twilight. Making sure that Twilight was far enough away, she proceeded to lash her hind legs out towards the middle of the trunk, shaking most of the ripened fruit off the tree. Twilight looked at the few remaining apples on the tree curiously, wondering why they hadn’t fallen off as well. “What’s with you, anyway? Why do you kick the tree to make the apples fall instead of just letting them fall once they’re completely ripe? Wouldn’t that be a lot easier, not to mention better for the tree’s health?”

Applejack sighed, muttering to herself, “My technique must be gettin a mite rusty, unless I’m really that distracted.” Turning to Twilight, she answered, “‘Cause if we wait for them to be so ripe that they fall down on their own, then they rot before we can get them to their destination. ‘Sides, fallin’ on the ground bruises them. That’s why we line the buckets with blankets ‘n such. Not only that, but shakin’ the trees like that’s good for `em. Helps the sap flow better, and shakes off the dead limbs.”

“Alright, I guess that makes sense...” Twilight mused as she continued to watch Applejack kick the trees, shaking loose bushel after bushel of apples.

“Oh... But how do the trees grow inside?” Twilight questioned further. “Why do you grow other crops right next to each other? Wouldn’t that make it harder for them all to grow properly? What else do you grow here?”

Twilight paused, realizing that she had been rambling again, attempted and failed to fight the rising heat to her face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to annoy you.”

Applejack blinked, before starting to chuckle, causing Twilight’s blush to deepen further. “Good grief, you’re more curious than a filly on her first day `o school, ya know that? Not that there’s nuthin wrong with learnin’, don’t get me wrong! I just never had time for all of that fancy learnin’. Let me take ya to our library. I’m not the best at describing how things work; I just know they do, so I try not to worry about it. Not that I can’t try later, but it sounds like ya want to know more than just one or two questions, and I’ve got apples to buck. You understand, right Sugarcube?”

“Yeah, I understand!” Twilight agreed readily, not wanting to upset her host. “Thanks a lot,” Twilight continued, remembering her manners as she followed the farmer pony eagerly. “So there’s a lot of answers in the library?”

Applejack chuckled. “Yes, Twilight, there’s a whole heck of a lot ta learn from books. Like I said before, though, I just don’t have the time. Work’s more important. Now come on, daylight’s burnin’!”

“Alright! Thanks!” Twilight smiled happily, following Applejack out of the orchard.


Books. Yes, books, Twilight Sparkle decided, where the greatest things ever invented in the history of ponykind. She quickly lost track of how many hours she sat in the small library. While the room itself was fairly large, much of the space was taken up by large tables, chairs, and desks. Before Twilight showed up, the room had been immaculate, showing just how rarely the room was truly used. Twilight, however, sought to rectify that as swiftly as possible, delving into the books on the shelves. She read book after book as swiftly as she could, trying to expand her sadly small amount of knowledge.

As Twilight took a break to stretch her stiff muscles, her stomach gave a loud grumble in complaint of its emptiness, reminding her to find something to eat. She turned around, heading for the door, when she remembered that she had no idea how to get to the kitchens, or wherever it was these ponies ate their meals. She took but a single step towards the door when it swung open slowly, revealing an elderly mare, her mane wrapped up in a simple bun to keep it out of her face. Her green coat was faded and wrinkled, but her eyes reflected a great warmth, helping to put Twilight at ease. The large tray of food she was carrying certainly helped a great deal as well.

“Hello youngin’, I figured you’d still be here. Always rushing off to work, forgetting that your body needs food just as much as your mind. I brought you some apple fritters, baked apples, some apple juice to drink, and for dessert, some apple pie I made myself. Don’t you waste any of that either!”

“Y-yes ma’am,” Twilight nodded, eagerly levitating the tray away from the elderly pony, setting in front of herself before digging in with gusto.

“Well, at least you’re wise enough not to waste time,” the mare nodded sagely. “And just call me Granny Smith, or Granny. Don’t need any of them fancy titles or nothin’. Don’t do a pony any good,” she remarked, clucking her tongue.

“Alright, Granny Smith. Thank you again,” Twilight said quickly, before returning to eat her food while trying to read at the same time, careful not to get any crumbs on the pages.

Clucking her tongue again, Granny Smith pulled the book away from her, chiding, “No readin’ at the table, youngin! What’s so important that you can’t even leave the book for food?”

“Well... I was reading up on how Fillygaro was founded and how it was decided who would ‘rule’ the town. I’m a little disappointed that it hasn’t explained what happened to the previous rulers though. What happened to them? I’ve read the book at least twice trying to find the answer!” Twilight lamented, before taking a drink of the sweet liquid given to her by Granny Smith.

“Ah...” Granny Smith said slowly, gently resting a hoof on the table, her eyes growing misty. “Yes, what happened to them... That’s something we still don’t know, though we expect the worst.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, slowly setting the slice of pie back down onto her plate, curiosity overcoming her hunger for a moment.

Granny Smith remained quiet for a time, spacing out for just a second before blinking, refocusing as she answered. “Well, since you ask, it all started when my son and his wife left on a trip to the Empire, which was still small at the time...”


Applejack sat at the very same table where Twilight was currently seated, though she was little more than a young filly. She looked up when she heard the door open, revealing a large, red colt, wearing a brown Stetson hat, and carrying a stick with a bag attached to it. Applejack rushed up to him, pleading, “Let me go with ya! I can help ya find `em!”

“Nope,” he replied, shaking his head. “It’s more than you can handle.”

“But... But I’m a big filly now! I can help, I know it! I don’t wanna stay and be the-the maestro thingy! I wanna go with you!”

“Nope,” he repeated softly, hugging her tight. After a moment in thought, still holding the filly, he turned to the side, deftly pulling his hat from his head and placing it on hers in one movement. It was comically large on her, nearly falling down over her eyes, but the look of wonder on her face showed that it wasn’t the size of the gift that mattered, but the idea behind it.

“You want me to watch your hat while you’re gone an’ keep it safe?” she asked softly, swallowing hard as she tried to be brave.

“Eeyup,” he answered softly, opening his mouth to say more, before deciding against it, turning away sharply and beginning to run down the halls.

“Wait!” she called out after him, trying to keep up. She slowed down to a trot when she felt something wet on her foreleg. She stopped completely, noting the small, dark spots on the stone floor. “Were those... tears?” she wondered aloud, her voice starting to break.

~ Applejack’s older brother, who left his home and family
in search of their missing parents, suspecting foul play… ~


“... So we don’t know what happened to my son, his wife, or my grandson. We’ve heard from other travelers, assuring us that Big Macintosh is still alive, but we don’t know anything about my son...”

A groan caught Granny’s attention, snapping her out of her reverie, noticing that Twilight Sparkle was sagging against the table, breathing a little heavily. Chuckling, she asked, “Did you eat too much pie?”

“Never again,” Twilight moaned, though she had a slight smile on her face.

Granny Smith merely laughed, picking up the tray again, saying around it as she left, “Well, at least then maybe you’ll get some meat on your bones! Mares these days, skinny as saplings, the lot of `em...”


“Hey, bartender! Another donut!”

The bartender walked over and gave the baby dragon a weary look. “Haven’t you had enough?”

“Enough?” Spike replied indignantly. “I’ll say when I’ve had enough! Another donut! Extra sprinkles.”

The bartender sighed and rolled his eyes, but trotted away to get his unusual customer his order.

Spike leaned back on his stool and flicked the rest of the donut he was eating into the air. His forked tongue snaked out and wrapped around the sweet confection and pulled it to his jaws. A loud snap was heard, followed by Spike’s delighted moans as he chewed on the donut before finally swallowing it. “Ah. I should have come here ages ago. Maybe they’re not gems, but they sure do hit the spot!” Spike placed his claws behind his head and leaned back further, sighing in contentment.

Too late did Spike realize that he had tilted too far, his body and the stool he sat on falling backwards. With a yelp and a crash he collided with a table set behind him, sending the table and its occupants sprawling over the floor. Spike groaned and slowly picked himself back up, rubbing the back of his head.

“You little runt! Look what you did!”

Spike winced at the loud voice above him and looked up. A pair of stallions glared back down at him. “Uh, what?”

“Our food, you clutz!” one of the stallions exclaimed. He pointed a hoof at the wreckage around him and several uneaten donuts lying on the floor. Sprinkles and cream were no longer the only things covering the donuts, with many now caked in mud and dirt. “What do you have to say for yourself?!”

“Um, sorry?”

“Sorry doesn’t cut it!” the other stallion spoke up. “I hope you have the gil to pay for this!”

Spike looked over all the food that lay on the floor. At least a half-dozen donuts were now ruined for eating. “Uh, I don’t think I have that much on me...”

“Well, that’s too bad for you,” the first stallion stated threateningly.

“Yeah,” the second stallion followed up. “Looks like we may have to take it out of your scaly hide.”

“I’m sure we can buck a few gil out of him.”

Spike jumped to his feet and took a deep breath. With a great exhale, Spike let loose his built up fire and formed his spear.

Only for a small flicker of flame to escape his mouth and fizzle out. Oh, right. I forgot that eating anything but gems makes my fire act funny for a while. “Uh, heh, heh, heh,” he chuckled nervously. “Um, uh oh.”

The stallions advanced on him and Spike backed away. He figured he could make his way towards the exit and make a run for it. However, he hadn’t taken two steps before he bumped into something behind him, stopping his escape. The stallions grinned as they closed in, but a cough from behind Spike brought them up short. As one, the dragon and two ponies looked up and beheld the unamused muzzle of an orange earth pony.

“Corn Row and Plower,” Applejack drawled. “I might’a known you two would be lazin’ around here when you should be workin’. If you’ve got the energy for brawlin’ in my orchard, you’ve got energy to buck them apple trees. Though, if ya wanna start somethin’...."

Two throats gulped simultaneously. “N-n-n-o sir!” Corn Row stuttered. “I mean, ma’am. I mean—”

Plower quickly shoved a hoof in Corn Row’s mouth before he could say anymore. “We were just, um...”

“I don’t want to hear it!” Applejack snapped. “Git your flanks into those fields! If I don’t see at least five dozen bushels of apples from each of ya bucked by the time I come lookin’ for ya, then I’ll be introducin’ Bucky McGillycuddy and Kicks McGee to your hinders! Am I clear?!”

“R-right away, Miss Applejack! I-I was just heading over to take care of a few of them after eating my, um... wonderful donut... No complaints here! Goodbye, Miss Applejack!” With that, the two stallions ran out of the barroom as fast as their legs could take them.

Applejack watched them run off and shook her head. She looked down at the dragon staring up at her with wide eyes and asked, “You okay, partner?”

Spike didn’t answer. He continued to stare up at her with a slacked jawed expression. Applejack was about to ask him if he was alright again, when he threw up his arms and exclaimed, “That was awesome!”

“Beg yer pardon?”

“The way you took care of those jerks, just now. They ran off like a shot! You must be really strong!”

The farm pony smirked despite herself. “Aw, shucks. Weren’t nothin’.”

“No, really! How’d you get them to take off like that?”

“Well, I am the boss. Plus I could take those two at the same time with both of my front legs tied behind my back.” Applejack suddenly snapped a leg out, making a noise similar to a whiplash sound throughout the tavern. “`Course, it’s these babies here that’d be doin’ the fightin’.”

“Wow...” Spike said in awe.

“By the way, I don’t remember seein’ someone like you around here before. You with Twilight?”

“Oh, right! Yeah, my name’s Spike and I’m with Twilight and Dash.”

“Well, I think it’s best we get you back with Twi. She’s over at the library now. I can take you there as it’s on the way to the orchards.”

“Sure. Thanks!”

“Think nothin’ of it.” Applejack looked over Spike’s shoulder and grimaced at the damage left by his accident. “Hey, barkeep! Sorry about the mess. You can put that broken pile there on my tab!” Applejack spun around and headed for the exit. “C’mon. Let’s go before he makes a fuss. Bloke can’t stand takin’ gil from the boss.”

“Huh. That’s weird,” Spike commented, following along-side Applejack. “Pearl and the others don’t make a fuss about accepting gems from me…”

The two fell into silence with their own thoughts. With Applejack setting a brisk pace, Spike was forced to rush to keep up with the quadruped’s longer legs. They made their way through the halls of the castle, passing by guard and work ponies alike. After a few turns and dozens of doors, Applejack stopped beside a wooden door and pushed it open. She walked in, Spike following close behind, when she suddenly stopped, causing Spike to collide with her rear.

“Hey, what gives?” Spike asked in irritation. He stepped around her and gaped.

There, in the center of the room, stood Twilight, her sword drawn and facing off against something further in the room. The only thing Spike could see beyond that were several silver colored feathers drifting in the air...

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