• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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In Which Twilight Returns to Neighshe

It had only been less than a day since leaving the Returner Hideout and already Twilight Sparkle was sick of water.

Sitting on a raft and dealing with the occasional river monster didn’t equate to a good time in her mind. Slaying creepy critters didn’t even help keep her mind off of what had befallen Applejack, who had ended up who knows where when the sea serpent had thrown the farmer down a separate channel of the Lete. Twilight hadn’t known Applejack all that long, but she could see the farmer had a good heart and wanted to make things better for everypony around. The last thing Twilight wanted was to see her hurt or worse after coming this far. Friends were in short supply lately and it pained her to think of losing even one.

The unicorn felt the raft shift slightly. She looked up to see Big Macintosh walking over to her with a concerned look on his muzzle. He sat down next to her and said, “You’re lookin’ down, Miss Twilight. Got somethin’ on your mind?”

Twilight frowned and looked away. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s Applejack, isn’t it?”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she whipped her head around to stare up at the stallion. “How did you know?”

“I didn’t,” Big Macintosh said with a smirk. “I guessed. Though it looks like I got it right.”

“Oh... yeah.” She gave a small, nervous chuckle before lowering her head and went back to staring ahead of the raft.

“I’m worried ’bout her too,” Big Macintosh continued. “My sis always took on more than she could chew but managed ta find a way to get by. She’ll be back, mark my words.”

“I hope you’re right.”


The two lapsed in a companionable silence, both content to let the other act as a silent anchor to the turmoil of their thoughts. The minutes slipped by and Twilight was content to let it stay this way, secure in the knowledge that her newfound friends cared for her safety, and she for theirs.

I don’t know why, but even on this raft with just Big Macintosh and Mayor Mare, I don’t feel so alone right now, Twilight thought. Even if I’m the only pony that can control magic and talk to espers, it doesn’t feel so bad. It’s strange. Is this... what it’s like to have friends? I... I hope that when I’m done and this fighting is all over I can enjoy this feeling again and again.

The sound of Mayor Mare clearing her throat brought her out of her pleasant daydreaming. “We’re almost at the end,” she said. “Don’t let your guard down, though.”

Indeed, the river’s current gradually slowed down and the rocky cliffs surrounding them gave way to open plains. A wind from the north blew past them, carrying a chill that made Twilight shudder. It was a familiar cold, reminding her of why she was here. Not too far from here, somewhere nestled in the mountains looming in the distance, was Neighshe. Her goal was there, the esper that had started this whole thing. She felt her heartbeat quicken, though if it was from anticipation or dread, she couldn’t say.

The rafts carrying the Returners ahead of them steered towards an embankment and the ponies on them quickly set about to tie the rafts down. Soon, the raft carrying Twilight and her group joined the others, allowing her to finally set her hooves down on solid ground. She didn’t get much time to enjoy her relief from the water when Mayor Mare spoke up.

“Everypony, can I have your attention? It’ll be getting dark soon so I want some of you to scout ahead and look for a good spot to camp for the night. Tomorrow we’ll reach Neighshe so be prepared for colder weather.”

Two Returners readily volunteered to scout and galloped off. The rest busied themselves with securing their gear from the rafts and hitching up for the journey ahead. Once the Returners were satisfied that they had everything, the small troupe of a dozen ponies left the river, heading west towards the snow capped mountains.


The road leading to Neighshe spread out before the ponies in a never ending landscape of ice and snow. The Returners had thought ahead, bringing enough heavy clothing for the trip through the tundra-like conditions leading to Neighshe. However, even the insulated jackets couldn’t keep the biting cold winds from penetrating through to the ponies underneath. Many could already feel their limbs going numb or their noses freezing up. It wasn’t so bad that frostbite was a worry yet, but they were miserable enough to want to get to the town soon and warm up.

All except one.

“Arn’t you cold, Miss Twilight?”

Twilight blinked and looked up at the pony who had spoken. Big Macintosh traveled next to her through the snow-covered grounds leading to the mountains. “Don’tcha want one o’ them jackets the others brought? I could lend ya mine.”

She smiled up at him. “Oh, no. I’m very comfortable. This cape,” Twilight said, running a hoof through the pink cloth draped over her body, “protects me from hot and cold temperatures. Spike gave it to me when I first met him.”

“Oh.” He nodded and continued trudging through the ankle deep snow. “Mighty useful, that.”

“Yep! Spike even gave me this sword, but I’m not very good with it yet.” Twilight looked away with a frown. “I actually hope that I never have to use it. I don’t even want to think about hurting somepony else with it.”

Big Macintosh gave a grunt of agreement. The two ceased conversation and continued traveling through the harsh weather. A short time later, at the head of the pack, Mayor Mare’s voice could be heard.

“Hang in there! Just a little further and we’ll be in Neighshe. I hear their outdoor furnaces run all day long to keep the whole town warm.”

The thought of a literal warm reception seemed to cheer up the traveling Returners and their pace quickened. Minutes later, against the gloom of the mountains, small pinpricks of light could be seen flickering like stars. The sight was enough to urge the travelers into a steady gallop until at last they reached the stone entrance to Neighshe.

“Finally,” Mayor Mare sighed out. “The coal they mine here must be worth a pretty gil for anypony to live in a place like this.” She turned to her companions and gave them a stern look. “Now then, we need to see the elder so be on your best behavior. It’ll be tricky enough to convince them to help us as it is.” All of the gathered Returners gave a sharp nod and stood a little straighter. “Good, now let’s go.”

With that, Mayor Mare whirled and marched forward—


—right into the chest of a large, armored earth pony.

The local guardspony looked down his muzzle at the mare rubbing her now sore nose. “Can I help you, ma’am?” he drawled.

Mayor Mare recovered quickly and cleared her throat. “Yes, yes. You can. We need to see the head of your town as soon as possible. Can that be arranged?”

The dispassionate guard opened his mouth to respond but a glance through the rest of the group before him brought him up short. His mouth dropped as he stared at the small unicorn mare within the traveler’s ranks. He raised an uncertain hoof at her and said, “Wait. Weren’t you here a while ago with that dragon ambassador?”

Twilight Sparkle blinked and pointed at herself. “Who, me? Dragon ambassador?”

“Yeah, you and that mouthy pegasus with the weird mane. You were supposed to open up a trade route to Fillygaro.”

Twilight gulped as she racked her brain as to what happened on that fateful day. So much had happened so quickly that she wasn’t sure just how she had gotten out of Neighshe in the first place. “Um... it’s... in development?”

“Oh, really?” the guard replied, his features hardening. “Where’s your dragon friend, then? Seems he should be here to—”

“That will be enough.”

The guard started and backed away to let another guardspony by, this one wearing a golden insignia on his armor. He strode purposefully towards the Returners, heading towards Twilight, but stopped when Big Macintosh stepped in his way, the large earth pony towering over the Neighshe Marshal. The Marshal stood his ground, unperturbed by the red stallion. “She,” he said, pointed a hoof at Twilight, “the witch, is coming with us.”

“Now hold on!” Mayor Mare spoke up, shoving herself between the two stallions facing off. “We didn’t come here to start a fight. We need to—”

“The moment you brought that... creature here,” the Marshal cut in, “is the moment you endangered us all! She killed some of us the last time she was here and now you have the gall to bring her back? She’ll be seeing the elder, but as a prisoner.”

Throughout the Marshal’s tirade, Twilight shrank back, wincing at every harsh point he made. She bowed her head, ears laid back, and eyes tightly shut. A choked sob escaped from her mouth as tears streaked down her cheeks.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. It seemed everywhere she went, Twilight caused trouble. Why did this have to keep happening? Why did everypony’s lives keep being disrupted whenever she came into contact with them? Why couldn’t she just be a regular unicorn and live in peace?

Her swirling thoughts were interrupted when she felt a hoof rest on her withers. She blinked her tears away and looked up, into the smiling face of Big Macintosh. He patted her back gently, but didn’t say a word. Twilight attempted a smile of her own, but it died before it could form completely. She settled for simply nodding and leaning into his hoof. Somehow, his quiet act was enough to quell her emotions enough for her to compose herself. She sniffled and wiped her tears away and turned her attention back to the two ponies still arguing.

“Don’t you get that we don’t want your stupid war?!” the Marshal was shouting. “Leave us out of it!”

“You can’t seriously think Blueblood would ignore this town,” Mayor Mare countered. “He wants that esper and he’ll send an entire army here to do it!”

The Marshal bared his teeth and scuffed his hoof against the ground. “Then we’ll give them that too. Nothing has gone right since we found that thing.”

Mayor Mare shook her head in exasperation. This encounter wasn’t going smoothly in the slightest and tensions were rising quickly. If something wasn’t done to lower everypony’s growing emotions, a fight was bound to break out. These ponies were supposed to be the Returners’ new allies, not their enemies!

“Now, you can come quietly and without a fuss,” the Marshal said, “or we can do this the hard way.” The guards behind him pulled out their weapons, readying them for battle.

Several Returners did the same while Big Macintosh stood protectively over Twilight. The Neighshe guards inched closer, waiting for an opportunity to take down anypony that tried to get by. A standoff ensued, with neither side looking ready to back down.


The Marshal flicked his ears at the voice and groaned. “Back to your house, Bill Neigh. Or I’ll have you arrested too.”

A brown-coated earth pony stallion ran through the entrance archway and stood in front of the Marshal, wheezing as he took in air. The Marshal sighed and motioned a hoof to one of his guards but the stallion took a deep breath, raised a hoof and said, “Wait! These ponies are with me!”

The Marshal narrowed his eyes. “Start explaining, Bill.”

Bill Neigh took a moment to regain more of his breath before continuing. “I’m one of them, Marshal. I’m a Returner. I can vouch for all of them. These ponies just want to make the world a safer place. I swear that they mean you no harm.”

The Marshal’s features only darkened further. “And when were you going to tell us this, Bill? When it was the right moment to betray us? Huh?”

“Never!” Bill Neigh exclaimed and frantically shook his head. “I’m as much a Neighshean as I ever was!”

“And what of that witch?! She’s responsible for all of this!”

In response, Bill Neigh reached into a saddlebag draped over his back and pulled out a metal headband. “She’s not at fault, sir. This is a slave crown. Twilight Sparkle wore this when she came here. It allowed the Empire to control her actions. She’s as much a victim as everypony else.” He placed the slave crown back and looked earnestly at the Marshal. “Please, sir. Give them a chance to explain themselves. I take full responsibility for their actions.”

The Neighshean Marshal scowled at the old stallion before tracing his eyes over the ponies who had come here. They all had wary expressions, but also a sense of pleading. The Returners didn’t want this fight any more than the guards did.

“I’m going to Tartarus for this,” the Marshal grumbled and turned to face his guards. “Put your weapons away. We will escort them to the elder.”

Mayor Mare and Bill Neigh both shared a sigh of relief. Mayor Mare motioned for her own ponies to sheath their weapons as well.

“You had better be right about them, Bill,” the Marshal said over his back. “Because if you aren’t, all you have done is send us to an early grave.” With those words spoken, he and the guards marched into Neighshe.

“C’mon,” Mayor Mare ordered the Returners. She trotted forward, stopping when she stood next to Bill Neigh. Without warning, she wrapped her legs around the old stallion and gave him a tight hug. “Thanks, you old fool.”

Bill Neigh’s cheeks reddened, standing out completely from his coat. “Ah, shucks. Nothing to it.” He felt Mayor Mare give him one last squeeze, before she trotted off after the guards.

The rest of the Returners quickly followed. Only one hesitated, falling back as she watched all the ponies walking together into the town. A small smile graced her muzzle.

“Ponies solving their differences and working together without violence,” Twilight Sparkle murmured to herself. “... I... I don’t know why, but I think this is how it should be. Maybe this will all work out for everypony.” She nodded to herself, then scampered after her fellow equines.


“Well everypony, that’s it,” Spike said, giving a somber wave of his claw. “This is the last of the scenarios before we get to the finale with AJ.”

Next to him, Stardust also gave a wave with a wing. “We hope you’ve enjoyed this little bit of fan involvement! We know we did!”

“Yep!” Spike seconded. “We go back to our regularly scheduled plot. Be sure to be around for it!”

Stardust’s waving stopped suddenly. He looked down at Spike and said, “Hey... did we ever get paid for these extra bits?”

“We sure did!” Spike reached down and pulled up a bag bursting with gems. “These babies will last me ‘til next month!”

“Maybe if they were all yours, but half of those are mine,” Stardust pointed out. “Gimmie!” He lunged for the bag but Spike quickly pulled it away and ran off into the never-ending blackness.

“No way!” Spike called back, sticking out his forked tongue. “Mine!”

“Come back here!” Stardust screeched and ran after the fleeing baby dragon. The two took off into the background, their squabbling voices slowly fading away.

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