• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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In Which Swords Grow

Trixie gazed up at Gilgamesh with a half-lidded stare, the swordsmare grinning down at them with glee, then turned to Big Macintosh. “Are you surprised?”

The stallion shook his head. “Nope.”

“Didn’t think so.” Heaving a weary sigh, Trixie raised her sword that still dripped tentacle blood and readied herself.

“Ah, just what I’ve come to expect from you,” Gilgamesh said, brandishing her sword with a flourish. “Let our epic battle commence within the confines of this rising castle—”

“Orchard,” Big Macintosh corrected.

“Whatever! You’re ruining my moment!”

Trixie spoke up before Gilgamesh could continue. “You seriously think you can take us on, three to one? Trixie thinks you didn’t think this through.”

Instead of showing concern, Gilgamesh smiled wider. “Ah ha, how correct you are. Let’s say I even the odds to a more favorable position.

“Enkidu, now!”

That was the only warning before a streak of green tackled Big Macintosh, sending the large stallion tumbling across the floor and crashing into Trixie. The two ponies fell, Trixie losing her grip on her sword. Enkidu came in again, her jaws snapping, but an icicle shot out from Trixie’s horn, forcing the dog to hop away. The small breather allowed the ponies to get back to their hooves, just in time to meet Enkidu’s next attack head on.

Only a few hooves away, Sunset clenched her teeth, drawing out Flame Sabre with her magic. She took a single step before a figure dropped down in front of her.

“My pet can deal with them long enough for me to strike you down.” Gilgamesh gripped her sword tightly between her teeth but still managed to maintain a smile. “'Tis a pity that I stain my blade with the blood of a coward. Gilgamesh shall be merciful and make it quick.”

Sunset stepped back, swallowed, and readied her own sword. “I’m no coward.”

“Says the mare who stood aside whilst her comrades fought a pitiful beast. Give yourself a happy favor and expose thine neck. It won’t even hurt.”

Sunset responded by giving a cry and thrusting Flame Sabre forward. Gilgamesh twirled, striking the incoming weapon with her own and sending it spinning into the sky. As Sunset grimaced, trying to get her sword back under control, Gilgamesh darted in, her katana singing through the air. Giving a startled yelp, Sunset flattened herself to the ground. A silent moment passed, then Sunset felt a tickling sensation on her nose. She crossed her eyes, spying a few strands of yellow and red hair gently sliding down her muzzle.

“Amateur,” Gilgamesh scoffed somewhere above. “Such folly to send your sword so far out of your guard. It leaves you wide open should one such as myself get past it.”

Not wasting her breath to retort, Sunset pushed hard against the floor, rolling away from her opponent. She got to her hooves, spied Flame Sabre nearby, and levitated it over. Sunset quickly faced Gilgamesh, expecting an incoming attack, though one didn’t come. Gilgamesh hadn’t moved from her spot, instead eyeing Sunset with contempt.

“To think I waste my time facing off with you. I should have sent Enkidu to fight you instead. I could be having a duel that would test my mettle to the utmost limit, but instead I get this.” Gilgamesh set herself, her sharp blade gleaming with anticipation. “My next attack will cut more than your mane.”

“Just try it!” Sunset reared back, her horn blazing with red light, then thrust with both her sword and her horn. Flame Sabre came in low while a fireball streaked high. Gilgamesh crouched, parrying the sword while letting the fire pass overhead. She came in again, but this time Sunset pulled back her weapon in time to fend off Gilgamesh’s furious strikes.

“Ha! Perhaps you do posses some spine!” Gilgamesh laughed and continued her deadly dance with Sunset.


Enkidu let out a howl, falling end over end on the floor. She whined in pain as she picked herself up. Across from her, Big Macintosh righted himself back to all fours after delivering a solid buck. Next to him, Trixie readied a spell.

“Think you can pin it down so I can freeze it?” Trixie asked.

Big Macintosh gave a nod and trotted towards the hound. He only made it a few steps when Enkidu hopped high into the air, spreading all four legs wide. Before the ponies’ eyes, the dog’s limbs extended, its paws elongating into bony claws. That wasn’t all, as Enkidu’s body morphed into a humanoid form while her head took on a more avian appearance with two yellow horns forming above. The beast landed back on the floor, grey wings sprouting from its back and a long mass of copper hair growing from the back of its head, completing the transformation. The new harpy like creature stood up and gave a shrieking cry.

“Of course it can transform,” Trixie muttered. She rushed forward, hoping to strike the monster before it could act. Enkidu put its new wings to use as she took to the air, flying over Trixie’s lunge.

It dove for Big Macintosh, its claws reaching out to tear into the pony’s flesh. He quickly lifted up the Noise Blaster but wasn’t fast enough. Enkidu crashed into him, the beast thrashing at the device in order to get through it and the kill beyond. She swiped upwards, nearly knocking the machine out of Big Macintosh’s grip, but the stallion held on. Sensing an advantage, Enkidu grabbed the Noise Blaster by the horn end, intent on pulling it away.

Big Macintosh simply had to press down on a button to activate it.

A billowing blast of intense sound washed over Enkidu at point blank range. The creature let go of the offending device immediately and wailed at its ringing eardrums. It was helpless to stop Trixie from freezing it on the spot.

Trixie gave a quick inspection of her newest ice sculpture and nodded. “This should keep it trapped until we deal with Gilgamesh.” She turned towards the sounds of fighting coming from the other side of the room. Trixie cocked her head, half expecting to see Sunset Shimmer near death, but the unicorn was managing to hold her own. Grunting, Trixie readied her sword for more battle.


Sunset blocked a strike from above, quickly flipping her blade to parry the one from the left side. A spin put some distance between her and her opponent, but Gilgamesh closed it within seconds, continuing her furious assault. Several cuts littered Sunset’s body, tiny rivers of blood dripping down her coat. No time was spared thinking about her body’s condition, only action to keep herself alive for another minute.

“Hark! Your skill be commendable, but it is for naught!” Gilgamesh said between attacks. “I see you tire. Gilgamesh need only a single opening to finish this!”

If all her concentration hadn’t been on survival, Sunset would have choice words for the swordsmare. As it was, she held in her barbs to instead focus on sucking in haggard breaths of air. If something didn’t change within the next few moments, she’d be a body on the floor.

Movement out of the corner of her eye signaled a change.

Gilgamesh must have noticed too, as she broke away from Sunset and faced the newcomers. Trixie strode up, her sword at the ready while Big Macintosh circled around. Soon, Gilgamesh stood at the center of a triangle of ponies.

“Surrender or die,” Trixie said.

Gilgamesh matched Trixie’s confident stance with one of her own. “Ha! You think you have me cornered, do you?”

“It’s three on one, so yeah, I kinda do.”

“And what of Enkidu? Have you slain my poor companion?”

Trixie inclined her head but kept her eyes on Gilgamesh the entire time. “Your pet’s back there, stuck in ice. Put down your weapon and I’ll unfreeze it.”

“So it has come to this.” Gilgamesh lowered her head, not meeting anypony’s gaze. Trixie began to inch forward, watching the swordsmare for any sudden movements. Gilgamesh snapped her head back up, a feral grin plastered over her face. “I salute you, this day! Not many have driven me to such lengths, but I always felt something special about you in that tavern. Now behold, my true strength!”

“Nope!” Big Macintosh charged, drill at the ready to stop whatever Gilgamesh had planned. Gilgamesh responded by throwing down a pellet that broke upon impact against the floor. A blinding flash filled the spot where Gilgamesh stood, forcing the ponies to shield their eyes.

“Nice try, but Gilgamesh will not be denied!”

Sunset recovered first, blinking away the spots dancing in her vision. She found Gilgamesh standing just a few hooves away, grimacing as though she were in pain. Sunset made to attack but stopped short when something moved under Gilgamesh’s armor, trying to push its way through the bands covering her back. Recoiling from the sight, Sunset saw more bulges forming, the grotesque movements becoming more frantic. Sunset, unable to look away from sheer disgust and fascination, stared at the scene until Gilgamesh let out a guttural yowl. Her armor burst, allowing the things underneath to break free. Four long muscled grey arms, each ending with a hand, now adorned Gilgamesh’s back. Each hand snapped its fingers and a sword appeared out of thin air for each to grab hold of.

Gilgamesh’s grin returned. “A sight, is it not? With these, I will slay you all with ease. I have collected these weapons from countless fallen warriors who tested my mettle. Once I am through with you, I will add your blades to my collection and grow ever stronger!”

Still in shock, Sunset stared at the abomination in front of her. “Wh-what are you? Are you even a pony?”

Her vision returned, Trixie got her first look at Gilgamesh’s transformation, making a disgusted face. “Probably more of Discord’s magic.” She lifted up Save the Queen, readying herself.

“Ah, I will make that blade the crowning jewel of my collection,” Gilgamesh purred, eyeing Trixie’s sword with naked lust.

“Over Trixie’s dead body.”

“Exactly!” With that, Gilgamesh charged, her new limbs swinging. She bombarded Trixie with swift and deadly strikes, each arm acting as though it had its own mind rather than being part of a single entity. Trixie rapidly lost ground, unable to spare a single stroke for anything other than defense.

Big Macintosh didn’t stand idle. His drill whirling, he rushed into the fray. Two arms broke off their attack with Trixie to intercept his charge, expertly deflecting the drill bit. His advantage of surprise gone, Big Macintosh put his considerable weight into pushing against Gilgamesh’s swords, but the arms that held them proved surprisingly strong. He broke away, coming at a different angle, but the arms tracked him with unnerving ease and stopped his attack again.

“Yes, fight on!” Gilgamesh cried, manic glee radiating from her. “I will have bards write songs about this battle and sing til they are hoarse!”

Trixie, despite having fewer swords to deal with now, still couldn’t get past Gilgamesh’s guard. The arms would not let a single strike get through and retaliated too fast for her to concentrate on a spell. “Sunset! If you’re not too busy being useless, we could use some help!”

Only a few hooves from the action, Sunset bristled. “I’m not useless!”

“Then get in here and prove it!”

“Yes, prove it,” Gilgamesh drawled, her hooves skipping along the floor to keep her arms positioned to fight off her opponents. “By all means, better to die foolishly than dying a coward.”

Snarling, Sunset let off a stream of fire, aiming for a spot where Trixie and Big Macintosh were not fighting. A single sword broke off its duel with Trixie, intercepted the fire and deflected it downwards. The fire spread across the floor and streaked underneath Trixie’s legs. The general shrieked and hopped away, parts of her coat singed from the near contact.

“Trixie said help, not get me killed!”

Gilgamesh laughed, a deep and genuine sound. “Please, do continue. Your efforts to stop me truly do bring delight.”

“That’s it!” Roaring in rage, Sunset galloped in, swinging Flame Sabre with all her might.

Gilgamesh broke off her attack on the others, willing all four of her arms to cross and intercept Sunset’s sword. The blades clashed, Flame Sabre coming to a complete stop. Gilgamesh smirked. “Your weapon, I don’t find nearly as impressive.”

Before Sunset’s eyes, Gilgamesh’s weapons blurred. A snap of metal filled the room, followed by the clang of steel against the floor. Sunset stared at the hilt of her sword. Where a red serrated blade once adorned, now lay broken in three pieces at her hooves. A sudden silence filled the room, all watching. Sunset continued to stare at her empty hilt, small, intelligible gasps escaping from her mouth.

“Did it mean something to you?” Gilgamesh asked. She raised up a single arm, its sword pointed towards the unicorn. “Then I shall end your life now to spare you further grief.”


Sunset diverted her watering eyes away from her broken sword in time to see both Gilgamesh’s attack and something blue and golden thrown her way. Reacting on pure instinct, Sunset grabbed the object and held it before her just in time to intercept the sword that would have pierced her heart. Both Sunset and Gilgamesh’s gaze fell upon the new artifact that had saved her life.

The Ultima Weapon’s short transparent blue blade sparked as it held Gilgamesh’s sword at bay.

Gilgamesh’s eyes widened. “What is that?”

“I have no idea,” Sunset replied, just as confused.

The tableau broke as Trixie and Big Macintosh took the opportunity to attack Gilgamesh’s blind side. Only for the arms to come back to life and intercede. Gilgamesh whirled around on them, a manic expression unlike anything they had seen plastered over her muzzle. She attacked the duo with brutal ferocity, knocking them back. One of the arms came down, punching Big Macintosh across the face and sending the stallion down onto the floor, hard. The same arm twisted, aiming its sword down, but a wall of ice sprang up between it and its target. Gilgamesh swiveled and bucked, catching Trixie in the side before she could react. She cried out and fell next to Big Macintosh, gasping and holding her side. The two ponies were down and at Gilgamesh’s mercy.

The swordsmare turned away from them, her sights on Sunset. Gilgamesh stalked towards her, any sense of jovialness gone. “That weapon. Gilgamesh desires it. Give it to me, now!”

Sunset backed away, her eyes flickering to her companions. Trixie’s horn pulsed with white magic, presumably a heal spell, but there was no telling how long it would take for her to patch herself up. Darting her gaze back to Gilgamesh, it appeared she wasn’t aware, as her full attention was on Sunset and her sword. “If I give you this, will you leave us alone?”

“Don’t you dare!” Trixie yelled.

A casual backhand from one of Gilgamesh’s arms silenced the blue unicorn.

Gilgamesh continued her march forward. “Gilgamesh has seized the day. This castle, your weapon, all of it belongs to me. Relinquish it, and maybe I shall be merciful.”

“That doesn’t sound very convincing,” Sunset said.

“It matters not what you think! I shall take what is due!” With a cry, Gilgamesh launched herself, all four of her swords pointed at Sunset.

Sunset scrambled to the side, barely missing the initial lunge. She lifted the Ultima Weapon up in time to deflect a sword slice but the short energy blade made it impossible to follow up. Another thrust came in, intent on running her through, though a quick fireball managed to divert it enough for Sunset to roll away. Scrambling to her hooves, Sunset frantically waved the Ultima Weapon in front of her as though trying to swat a fly.

“Pathetic, but my mercy is at an end!”

Looking between her weapon and Gilgamesh, Sunset grimaced. The Ultima Weapon wasn’t strong enough to defend her for much longer and fire would only make things worse. Gilgamesh charged again.

A calm settled over Sunset, even as her imminent doom rushed at her. She took a breath, flared her horn, and pointed it at the oncoming swordsmare. “Last spell I know. Might as well.” In her next breath, she loosed her magic.

Several yellow spheres appeared around Gilgamesh. In the next instant, they converged on her. Gilgamesh took notice and swiped at them but the yellow spheres passed through her swords as though they weren’t there. The spheres centered on Gilgamesh’s very core, causing her to shudder, then a much larger red sphere pulled out of the mare and floated towards Sunset. The sphere enveloped her completely, a radiant glow surrounding her. Then the red glow vanished.

Gilgamesh dropped to her knees, panting heavily. “What… what have you done? Verily, tis as if… the very v-vitality hath been sapped from me.”

“Wow, that actually worked,” Sunset said, all her aches and pains clearing away even as she spoke. She lifted the Ultima Weapon, ready to put it to use, but stopped. Her eyes traveled to the energy blade. Then traveled up further.

The Ultima Weapon’s blade, once only a few hooves long, was now three times that length. Its blue energy pulsed brighter than before, and even the handle itself was more intricate. Sunset lowered it closer, marveling at its power.

She wasn’t the only one, as Gilgamesh took notice, too. “It grows?” Giving a grunt of effort, she pushed herself back to her hooves. “'Tis more splendid than before. It will make all other weapons I gather insignificant.” Gilgamesh took a step, testing her footing, then took another, more confident, step. “Fall!” With that, she rushed forward, bringing two swords to bear.

Sunset yelped and swung at the incoming blades. She felt no impact, but heard a hiss of melted metal followed by two clangs against the floor. Her jaw dropped as she beheld both of Gilgamesh’s swords cut completely through, wisps of smoke wafting off the stunted weapons.

“Glorious…” Gilgamesh said, almost reverently.

Her revelry was cut short as Sunset came in, the sword she so prized thrusting for her heart. She sidestepped away, bringing her remaining weapons down on the unicorn. Sunset raised the Ultima Weapon again, passing through them like a hot knife through butter, then shot a gout of flame point blank at Gilgamesh’s face. Gilgamesh screamed, her helmet taking the brunt of the attack, but searing pain against the rest of her muzzle preoccupied her.

It was the opening Sunset needed to pierce Gilgamesh through the chest.

Gilgamesh gave a wet gurgle. Even with blood welling up her throat, she managed to sputter out, “Mag… nif… i… cent…” Sunset wrenched out the Ultima Weapon, leaving behind a blackened hole, and Gilgamesh fell to the ground.

All was silent in the engine room within Fillygaro. Absently, Sunset noted that the machines had stopped running, though she had no idea when. She stayed still, her eyes pinned on Gilgamesh’s body. How long she stood there, she didn’t know. The next thing she experienced was the sound of hooves walking up to her.

Trixie and Big Macintosh came up on either side of her, looking down on Gilgamesh. Trixie reached down and nudged the corpse but no reaction came. She turned to Sunset, favoring her side. “What was that spell you used? Trixie hasn’t seen it before.”

“Drain,” Sunset said, no emotion coming forth.

“Trixie guesses it steals health and gives it to you?”

“... Yeah.”

Nodding, Trixie shifted her attention to the Ultima Weapon. It still maintained its improved length and brightness, humming with power. “Trixie also guesses this thing grows stronger the stronger the wielder is. Cute.”

Sunset didn’t respond.

“Okay, what’s the matter? You just won the day and gained my respect back. Is this your first kill or something?”

Swallowing against a dry mouth, Sunset said, “My first time… killing a pony.”

Trixie made a thoughtful sound, observing Sunset. She then turned to leave. “Trixie will leave you be then. Keep the sword for now, but do not lose it. It belongs to somepony else.”

Once again, Sunset didn’t reply, remaining as she was.

Big Macintosh gave one last look at Gilgamesh, patted Sunset on the back, and followed after Trixie. The pair reached the engine they had fought to regain, inspecting it for any damage.

They had barely begun when clapping could be heard from above. Everypony swiveled their gaze upwards, spotting Discord lounging on a steel chain. “Bravo!” he called down to them, his clapping becoming more intense. “Great show and I got the best seat in the house. I’d ask for an encore, but it looks like some of the actors won’t be up for it.”

Trixie resisted the urge to fire off an ice spell. Instead, she pointed to the corpse on the floor. “This is your work, isn’t it? Are you happy you just killed an innocent mare?!”

“Oh, she was hardly innocent,” Discord replied smoothly. He slid off the chain, slithering his way down to stand next to them. “In fact, she was responsible for many deaths before I ever met her. Though to be fair, she saved just as many lives, so it balances it out, I guess.”

“What are you talking about? Who was she?”

“Better to show than to tell.” He snapped his fingers and Gilgamesh rose off the floor. There came the sound of flutes and a tiny golden dot descended from above and entered Gilgamesh’s body. A small angel appeared briefly over her, sprinkling sparkly dust before disappearing. The hole left by the Ultima Weapon closed up, new skin and tissue growing at a phenomenal rate. Discord floated over to her and flicked his talon against her forehead. The gray coat of the pony washed away like wet paint, revealing orange hair and a blond mane. The four arms and hands faded away and the genji armor repaired itself from where the arms had burst through. The pony gently levitated back down to the floor, small chest movements revealing that she was breathing again. “There, all better. I’ll leave it to her to explain things as I’ve got places to be and chaos to sow! Au revoir!”

Discord gave one final laugh then disappeared in a flash of white.

The others barely noticed, their attention fully locked on the pony laying on the floor. Big Macintosh acted first, galloping over and cradling the pony in his forelegs. “Applejack!”

The sound of her name roused the farmer, blinking open her eyelids and revealing green pupils. Applejack looked up at her brother’s astonished face and gave a small chuckle. “Heya, Big Mac,” she said, her voice low and tired. “Been a while.”

Big Macintosh failed to hold back a sob and held Applejack close.

“Whoa there, big guy. Take it easy. I ain’t feelin’ so keen at the moment.”

The stallion loosened his grip but didn’t let go, continuing to cry into his sister’s mane.

Applejack sighed happily and returned the embrace as best she could. “There, there. It’s alright, now.”

She heard hooves approaching. Looking up, Applejack saw Trixie and Sunset walking over, Trixie with a bemused expression. Applejack gave a tiny wave. “Howdy.”

Trixie shook her head. “Trixie is totally confused and yet not surprised. What the hay happened to you?”

“We on the surface?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. Why?”

Letting out a long sigh, Applejack said, “Well, I’d rather catch up with y’all in a more comfortable place.” She tilted her head at the room around them. “Never felt welcome in this here room, anyway.”

Big Macintosh finally released Applejack and rubbed at his eyes. “Eeyup.” Saying no more, he carefully placed Applejack over his back and headed towards the elevator. Trixie and Sunset shared a look, shrugged, and followed after them.

They had only made it a few steps before the sound of cracking ice came from across the room. Soon, a shape came barrelling out of the shadows and launched itself towards Applejack. Trixie and Sunset readied their weapons, only to stop as they saw a brown and white dog happily licking at Applejack’s face.

“Winona! Girl, take it easy! I’m fine.” Despite Applejack’s gentle protests, Winona continued to lap at the farmer.

Trixie stared at the scene a moment longer before rolling her eyes and sheathing her weapon. “Definitely need to know what the hay happened.”


The orchard was abuzz with ponies when Trixie, Big Macintosh, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, and Winona stepped out of the engine room. The citizens that had hunkered down during the orchard’s prolonged submersion were now running from place to place, checking equipment and shoveling out piles of sand. The personnel became even more animated when they spotted Applejack and Big Macintosh.

“Boss!” many of them cried and crowded around the Apple family. Questions and congratulations flew out of them at a breakneck pace and it took several minutes for the Apples to calm them down.

“I’m happy y’all are all alright,” Applejack said to her citizens. “As soon as I heard Fillygaro was stuck under the sand, I promised I’d do anything to get you out. Well, I ain’t no liar, that’s fer sure. I kinda made a deal with Discord when I was at my most desperate and, well, it didn’t go like I thought it would. But, thanks to my brother and his friends, things turned out okay, I guess.”

More cheering and queries erupted from the Fillygarians.

“Thank ya, kindly. But if y’all don’t mind, I need to rest somethin’ fierce. Listen to Big Macintosh, he’s in charge for now. Let’s get this place spic and span, alright?!”

A rousing cry came from the orchard, louder than anything before it. With renewed vigor, the orchard folk dashed off to do their employer proud. The sounds of hard work accompanied by a merry song were a soothing balm to Applejack’s ears.

The group headed for Applejack’s room, finding Granny Smith waiting for them there with a self-satisfied smirk. “Knew ya be the one to get us out of this fix. Reckon South Fillygaro could hear those rascals hootin’ and hollerin’ out there.” She stood aside, allowing Big Macintosh to lower Applejack onto her bed. The earth pony mare sighed heavily, sinking deeply into her mattress. Winona joined her, laying next to her owner. “The sam hill happened to ya?”

Applejack didn’t respond right away, savoring the feeling of her bed and collecting her thoughts. “Well—”

The door burst open, a sand covered and frazzled Stardust nearly collapsing into the room. “I’m here! I made it!”

The group stared at the chocobo for several moments. A round of chuckles followed soon after.

“Glad to see ya again,” Applejack said with a smile.

“You’re here!” Stardust rushed up to the bed, sand spilling from his feathers with every step. “Big Macintosh’s hunch was right!”

“Actually,” Sunset said, using her magic to push some of the sand towards the door, “she was Gilgamesh the whole time.”

Stardust gawked, looking between everypony for any sign of a prank. “Really?”

“Eeyup,” Applejack confirmed. “Sit down and I’ll explain.”

“Hold on a minute.” Stardust set down his bags and rummaged around until he pulled out a bottle of blue liquid. He unstopped it and tilted Applejack up to have her drink it down. “This’ll help.”

Once Applejack finished, she lay back on her sheets. “Much obliged, though I don’t even know how I survived. Thought I was finished for good when that sword went through me.”

Off to the side, Sunset looked down and shuffled her hooves. “Sorry.”

“Not yer fault, hon. With the way I was actin’, you did the right thing.”

Trixie took this opportunity to pipe up. “So, going to explain what happened?”

“Yeah. Guess the long and short of it is that I heard Fillygaro got stuck and needed to find some way to get it back up. Didn’t have a clue since I didn’t have a way to get here. That’s when Discord appeared and made me a deal.

“Said he’d help if I did something for him. I didn’t right trust him but I was plum outta options. He used some weird magic on me and I became that varmint Gilgamesh. I heard and saw everythin’ but couldn't control myself. It was like I was taking a ride in my own body but had no way to steer. The only thing that seemed to be working was that Gilgamesh wanted Fillygaro as bad as I did.”

Applejack looked away, her eyes watering. “I’m sorry. I put you all in a heap of trouble. Worse, I still owe Discord.”

Giving one of her trademark smirks, Trixie said, “Trixie doesn’t think that will be a problem. You already gave Discord everything he wanted; a little entertainment.”

Applejack blinked and wiped away her tears. “Really?”

“Yes, really. He seems to do things to amuse himself at the expense of everypony else. Trixie’s sure that he’s plotting something right now that we’ll need to deal with down the line.”

“So, why would he go to the trouble of saving Applejack, then?” Sunset asked.

Trixie flipped her mane back, smile in full force. “Easy. Fewer ponies means fewer opportunities to mess with us.” Her grin faded and her eyes darkened. “It’s going to be the end of him, I swear.”

Nopony had anything to say to that.

Stardust coughed into a wing, breaking the awkward silence. “So… what do we do now?”

“Simple,” Applejack said, trying to sit up. Big Macintosh and Granny Smith reached over and helped her. “Thanks, y’all. Ahem, anyway, once the orchard’s back in shape, we can use it to cross under the mountains. Coltlingen’s that way.”

“And what’s special about that place?” Sunset asked. She missed the way Trixie bit her lower lip.

“Dunno, but we can check to see if any of our pals are there.”

Trixie nodded. “Great, sounds like a plan. Big Mac, let’s get out there and make sure this rust bucket gets fixed. Stardust, make sure she stays in bed and gets better.” Her gaze shifted to Sunset, making the orange unicorn’s eyes narrow.

“What? You got a problem with me again?”

Trixie shrugged. “Not right now. Trixie’s sure something will come up sooner or later. But for now, let’s put all that energy you took to use. I’m sure Mac here could use some fine tuned magic help.”

Sunset’s eyes narrowed further. “And what will you be doing?”

“What Trixie does best. Ordering you around!” With that, Trixie rushed out of the room, cackling maniacally.

“Why that—” Cutting herself off, Sunset chased after her, swearing better uses for Trixie’s mouth the whole time until her voice faded away.

Applejack looked up at Big Macintosh with a tired expression. “I know I just put the whole orchard on yer shoulders, but could you also keep those two outta trouble?”

Strapping on his tool belt, Big Macintosh headed out, a small smile gracing his muzzle. “Nope.”

Once he was gone, Applejack sank back into her bed. “We’re doomed.”

Winona barked in agreement.

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