• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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In Which Ponies Gain EXP

Twilight Sparkle sat at the bow of the airship, gazing over the side as the landscape below whizzed by. Beside her, Spike looked over his spear, scrutinizing every inch of it for scratches and dents. The two relaxed together in companionable silence until Twilight let out a long, shuddering breath.

“I’m starting to remember, Spike,” Twilight said. “Before the slave crown.”

Spike looked up from his work, waiting intently for Twilight to continue.

“I’m only getting bits and pieces, and a lot of it doesn’t make sense, but I know these memories are real. I just… I just know.”

“What do you think triggered it?” Spike asked. He gave his weapon one more once over then blew fire over it. The spear disappeared in a flash.

Twilight closed her eyes. “My father. When he was telling his story, I could actually feel his words… I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like he was speaking to me, only me. He called out and I could tell something was changing in me.”

“Do you think it was magic?”

“Maybe, I guess.” Twilight opened her eyes, staring out at the empty expanse of the sky. “I wasn’t a very nice pony back then, Spike.” She sniffed, but kept going. “I did things that were horrible. Blueblood wanted me to be his personal weapon and he let Gilda do everything she could to make me it.”

A pair of claws wrapped around her foreleg. Twilight sniffed again and pulled Spike close, laying her head on his scaly back.

“You’re not like that anymore, Twi,” Spike said into her coat. “That’s all over now. You’re doing good. You’ve got friends.” He hugged tighter. “You’ve got me.”

“Thanks, Spike.” She sighed, her body relaxing. “I’m so glad I met you. I don’t know what I would have done without your help.”

They stayed that way for several minutes, neither willing to break the embrace. It was only the sound of hooves on the wooden deck that pulled them apart. Looking up, they saw Shining Armor heading their way. He stopped several hoof lengths away, shifting his eyes anywhere but on them. “Um, sorry. I can come back later.”

Spike frowned, crossing his arms. “Whaddya want?”

“I um, just wanted to talk. But I can leave. I can see you’re busy.” He turned and started walking away.

“Wait.” Twilight held out a hoof, swallowing against a suddenly dry mouth. “Wait, please. I want to talk too.”

“Twilight?” Spike looked up. “You sure?”

Slowly, Twilight nodded. “I… lost a lot because of the Empire. But I gained a lot tonight. More than I ever dreamed of. I should… try to make the most of it, right?” She picked out a spot and sat down, giving a nervous, but hopeful, smile.

Giving an affirmative grunt, Spike jerked a thumb a few paces away. “I’ll be over there if you need me.”

“Thanks, Spike.”

With a strained smile and a pointed look at Shining Armor, Spike headed over to his indicated area. Once out of earshot, Shining Armor took a seat next to Twilight. “He’s your little protector, huh?”

“And my teacher,” Twilight said with a blush. “He’s been helping me ever since… gosh, ever since the slave crown was removed.” She shuddered and quickly switched gears. “Anyway, um, so… I…”

Shining Armor scuffed the deck with a hoof. “Yeah, I uh, I’m not sure where to begin either.”

“You have a son, right? What was his name?”

“Spotter.” He stopped fidgeting, his body relaxing as a fond smile spread across his muzzle.

“Could you… tell me about him?”

“Yeah. I think that’s a good place to start.”


In another part of the airship, another reunion was taking place. Only this one contained more shouting.

“What the blazin’ saddles are you doing here, Apple Bloom?!”

“Sweetie Belle! How could you be here when you should be in Thamaresa!”

Scootaloo looked around, looking from pony to pony. “Um, anypony going to yell at me?”

A hoof came down on her head, ruffling her mane. “You’re a real piece of work, kid.”

The filly pegasus beamed up at the larger pony. “Gee, thanks… uh…”

“Rainbow Dash.”

“Thanks for scolding me, Rainbow Dash!”


All conversation and chastising stopped. Attention shifted to the pink maned pegasus, who immediately shrunk back. “Um, sorry,” Fluttershy mumbled.

Rarity sighed, trotted up to her, and gently placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s back. “Fluttershy, please explain. I promise I won’t be mad.” The unicorn gave a sharp look at Applejack. “Right?”

Rolling her eyes, Applejack nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

Fluttershy shuffled her hooves, not looking at anypony. She mumbled something under her breath.

“Sorry dear, I didn’t quite hear that,” Rarity said.

“Um, the ah, money you sent. We thought it would be nice to um, use it.” Fluttershy bit her lower lip, gazing up at Rarity with pleading eyes. “I thought it would be a good idea to get the girls out for a while. I didn’t know anything like this was going to happen, I swear!”

“Oh, Fluttershy.” Reaching forward, Rarity gathered up the pegasus in a comforting hug. She looked over her shoulder, beckoning Applejack and Apple Bloom to join. The Apple duo looked to each other, shrugged, and carefully wrapped their forelegs around Fluttershy as well. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, not wanting to be left out, quickly found a spot themselves.

“Oh, gag me,” Rainbow Dash scoffed.

Ignoring her, the pile of ponies held their positions for a minute longer until by unspoken agreement, they pulled apart. “Now,” Rarity said, rubbing a hoof over Fluttershy’s back. “Do continue. And please tell me how it is you know Applejack.”

“Um, well, I actually met Applejack before you,” explained the pegasus. “I was, um, doing some research on sand rays and I rented a room at her orchard. When I was about to leave, Applejack asked me to take Apple Bloom along with her.”

“Hold up!” Rainbow Dash said, raising a hoof. “AJ, who’s Apple Bloom anyway? You never told me you had a younger sister.”

Applejack smiled and pulled Apple Bloom close. “Adopted sister. I had an errand to run at South Fillygaro one day and found this little rascal trying to poach my apple sack. Took some doin’ to catch her, too. She didn’t have a home, and, well, I missed having a sibling. Said she could live with me if she didn’t mind doing some work.”

“And I did!” Apple Bloom said, nodding her head rapidly. “And I did such a good job she said I could be part o’ the family.”

Rainbow Dash quirked an eyebrow. “That’s all well and good but… does Big Macintosh know?”

“Not yet,” Applejack said. “And I’d appreciate it if you don’t tell him. I’ll be the one to do that.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Fine. Doesn’t bother me.”

“But yeah, once the business with the Empire started, I thought it’d be better to send Apple Bloom away. They poisoned my parents and I sure as hay wasn’t going to let them do the same with my li’l sis. Fluttershy leavin’ was perfect.”

“Wonderful news!” Rarity exclaimed. She turned to Fluttershy. “Back to you.”

Fluttershy swallowed as she once again was the center of attention. “Um, so, Apple Bloom and I started heading back to my home. That’s when we ran into you, Rarity.”

Tapping a hoof to her chin, Rarity said, “Hmm, yes I do remember you had a filly with you. I suppose that’s why I entrusted Sweetie Belle with you in the first place.”

“Same with you, huh?” Applejack asked.

“Seems so. Small world, isn’t it?”

“And I’m guessing all the money you make as Mare Do Well goes to support Fluttershy and your sis?”

Sighing, Rarity nodded. “Guilty. It’s not the most glamorous occupation a pony like me could have, but I’ve grown used to it. It doesn’t hurt that I’m good at it, too.”

Applejack shuddered, remembering the times the claim had been backed up.

“So what about you?” Rainbow Dash looked down at Scootaloo. “Whose family dropped you off?”

The little filly smirked and puffed up her chest. “Oh, I already lived in Themaresa with my parents. It was so cool when Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle got there because we set up a secret club! The Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

“Yeah, we wanted to be the first ponies to get cutie marks!” Sweetie Belle piped in. “The first in hundreds of years.”

“Kinda lost that one,” Apple Bloom mumbled, but she looked up with determined eyes. “But that don’t matter so much because we are still going to get one!”

“We just gotta get a hold of one of those rocks that chocobo carries and we’re in!” Scootaloo said. She gestured with a hoof to follow her as she headed for the casino. “C’mon, we’re wasting time!” She sped off, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle squealing with delight as they chased after her.

Rarity gave Applejack a pointed look. “Should we go after them?”

“Nah,” Applejack said, shaking her head. “Seems those esper things don’t bond with any old pony, so I think we’re good.”

“Well, there’s that, but what I meant was keeping them out of trouble with the airship crew.”

Applejack paused, her brow furrowed. A small tremor rocked the airship around her. It could have just been a bout of turbulence. Or it could have been caused by something, or somepony, else.

“Point taken.” With that, Applejack and Rarity rushed off after their siblings.

Left behind without comment, Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy and said, “Wanna see if they have any decent cider around here?”

“Oh, I don’t drink,” Fluttershy replied.

“That’s fine. Plenty more for me!”


Resting on a bed in one of the passenger cabins, Maduin tentatively reached out with his senses. He made it as far as the lower deck before her pulled back his consciousness and let out a sigh. “Still too weak.”

Being trapped within a glass tube and slowly drained of his magic for over a decade had taken a toll on his body and spirit. His magic felt weaker than he could ever remember, and it wasn’t replenishing as fast as it should. It was a miracle that he was still alive.

Maduin rubbed his eyes, letting out a frustrated groan. It was unlikely he would ever regain his former strength. Too much damage had been done to his spirit. He would need to return to the esper world if he were to have any chance to recover. Unlikely, considering how much power Sombra had put into sealing the gate up to keep the ponies out. It would take an exceptionally strong magic user to force open the entrance.

Sighing, Maduin turned over in his bed. It was probably for the best that the esper world was now closed off. The Empire couldn’t invade again and ruin more lives now. Too many of his brethren had perished already.

He smirked despite his darkening mood. If there was one silver lining to this whole mess, it was that any deceased espers were now free of their pain and had chosen many worthy ponies to take up their powers. Cait Sith with the pink one, Ramuh with the grey pegasus, Carbunkle and the white unicorn, Kirin with the unicorn’s son, Seraphim with the shy pegasus, and Fenrir with the large earth pony. More would undoubtedly join together and hopefully use their new magic to stop the Empire once and for all.

“Perhaps I should join them,” he murmured.

It was a tempting thought. It would be a simple act to release what little magic he still retained and become magicite. He could see himself bonding with his daughter, bequeathing his magic to add to her own. They would be together forever.

Maduin had served his purpose. The history of the espers had been passed on, and he had been reunited with his precious Twilight. Perhaps it was time to let her go. She had friends to take care of her now and would see that she was well protected. And, if a higher power existed and felt merciful, perhaps he could be reunited with Velvet.

He lay there for a time, running the idea over and over again. Finally, he shook his head and gave one long, shuddering breath. “Wait for me a little longer, Velvet. I have a few more things to take care of before we can be together again.”


“Everyone find a seat!” came Pinkie Pie’s voice over an intercom. “We’re landing!”

With well-practiced motions and a little intuition, Pinkie Pie maneuvered the Party of One to an open snow field outside of Neighshe. Crew scurried about, throwing down rope over the side and switching off the propeller systems. Soon, the airship was secured to the ground, allowing its passengers to disembark.

Mayor Mare was there to greet them. “I must say, I never expected you all to come back this way. How did you get Pinkie Pie of all ponies to help you?”

“It’s a long story,” Rainbow Dash said, making room for the others to crowd around her. “Let’s get indoors so we can explain everything.”

Nodding, Mayor Mare motioned her head towards Neighshe. “Of course. This—” She trailed off, her jaw hanging open upon seeing one pony in particular. “Applejack!” She ran forward and wrapped her hooves around the smiling farmer’s neck. “Oh, thank goodness! I thought we had lost you.”

Applejack happily returned the hug. “Good to see ya again, Mayor.”

Breaking apart, Mayor Mare beckoned them to follow. “Come! You have to tell me everything!”

“Hold up, we’re missin’ someone important,” Applejack said. She regarded Twilight, who looked sheepishly away. “Is he comin’?”

Twilight shook her head. “Sorry. Father said it’s better to stay behind for now and rest. He doesn’t have the magic to turn into a pony, so he doesn’t want to scare anypony.”

“Fair enough. Lead the way, Mayor.”

The reunited Returners made their way to Neighshe within minutes. Taking to the air, Rainbow Dash did a quick sweep of the town and gave a low whistle when she came back. “Wow. You guys did great fixing the place up. Except for that hole in the mountain, it’s like the Empire never attacked.”

“Yes, we’ve been hard at work repairing and recuperating,” Mayor Mare said. “It’s gone a long way into getting Neighshe to finally agree to join us.”


“Let’s get to the elder’s house and we can swap stories there.”

Within minutes, the group reached the elder’s house and filed in. The room quickly filled up, forcing some to stand. The elder himself greeted them warmly and soon stories were swapped and information exchanged. Mayor Mare hummed after hearing the adventure in Vectorlot. “It’s a miracle you all made it out of there alive. If I had known I would have stopped you, but no sense blaming you all now.

“What we need to do now is come up with a plan to even the odds against the Empire. Even with Neighshe behind us, Blueblood’s army is still too much to handle. I’m not even sure your new magical powers will tip the scales.”

“South Fillygaro is still being occupied,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“And Domare,” Applejack said.

Mayor Mare sighed and began pacing. “Where are we going to find the ponypower to help us? Coltlingen doesn’t have much of a population, and Jidhoof’s full of stuffy rich ponies who’d buy their way out of any trouble. Most of the chocobos are still captive, and the rest of the griffons won’t dare leave their mountain.” She stopped and looked to Derpy. “How about the zebras? Would they join us?”

Derpy scrunched up her face and tapped the side of her head with a hoof. “Dunno. I’ve never seen them leave the Veldt. Well, except for that one mean lady general in the Empire.”

“It’s worth a shot. Would you be willing to ask them?”

“Sure, but that’s a long ways off.”

“Don’t worry!” Pinkie Pie said, wrapping a hoof around Derpy’s neck. “I’ll get you there and back in a jiffy!”

Derpy’s eyes crossed and she cocked her head. “How will peanut butter get me there?”

As Pinkie snorted in laughter, nearby, Twilight jerked, catching the attention of everyone in the room.

“Twilight, are you alright?” Mayor Mare asked.

“Um… yes.” Shaking her head, Twilight’s eyes regained focus. “Sorry, that was weird. My father just contacted me.”

“Oh, yes, the esper that survived.” Mayor Mare walked up to Twilight and sat down next to her. “I’m beginning to see why you are so special.”

A blush formed on Twilight’s cheeks. “Well, not that special. I’m not the only one that can do magic anymore.”

“But you are still the only pony with any experience with it. I wouldn’t sell yourself so short.” Giving an encouraging smile, Mayor Mare indicated Twilight should continue.

“Thank you. Well, you see, father just suggesting where we could find some help. He… he wants me to open the Sealed Gate.”

Mayor Mare stepped back, her eyes wide. “To the esper world? But… but that’s…”

“I’m sorry! I’ll try to tell him that it’s a bad—”

“That’s brilliant!”

The whole room blinked.

Mayor Mare rushed to the center of the room, everyone’s eyes drawn to her. “Don’t you see? They have as much reason to fight as we do. I’m sure once they see what happened to their friends they’ll be sure to join us!” She rounded on Twilight, her eyes twinkling. “And the perfect pony to gain their trust is you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight’s jaw fell. “M-me? Why me?”

“Twilight, you are half esper, half pony. If any one of us can bridge the gap between our two races, it’s you. Your very existence is proof of that.”

A heavy silence followed. Twilight stared back at all the expectant faces waiting for her to say something. Hesitantly, she said, “I… I don’t know. What if I can’t do it? What if they won’t listen?”

Mayor Mare laid a hoof over Twilight’s shoulder, looking deep into the younger mare’s eyes. “I know you can do this. I’m not one to put too much stock into fate, but my instincts are telling me that this is why you are here, with us. You can bring this war to a screeching halt, and no more ponies, chocobos, griffons, or even espers will have to suffer or die anymore. That’s what you wanted all along, right?”

Twilight’s world spun and it took some quick reflexes for her to stay on her hooves. She looked away, her voice shaky. “But… I’m scared.”

She felt a soft and comforting warmth wrap around her back. She looked up to see a blue wing covering her with Rainbow Dash’s smiling face close by. “C’mon. Like I’d let you go do this on your own.”

“She’s right,” Spike said, standing tall. “I’m with ya the whole way, Twilight.”

Applejack smirked and tipped her hat. “Shucks Twi, who ever said you were alone?”

“Then it’s settled,” Mayor Mare said, giving a firm nod. “Derpy and Pinkie will go to the zebras while everypony else heads to the gate with Twilight. That leaves me and the rest of the Returners to get ready for our invasion of the Empire.”

Murmurs of agreement passed through the room, a palpable sense of purpose taking hold. As such, a lone hoof raising up into the air and the timid voice accompanying it almost went unnoticed. It wasn’t until Stardust gave a shrill kweh that the room quieted down.

“Hey, the yellow one has a question,” he said, gesturing towards the cringing pony.

“Fluttershy,” the pegasus squeaked out. She gulped, her words dying before they could form.

Rarity gave her an encouraging nudge.

“Um, well, this might be a stupid question…”

“Darling, whatever it is that you have to say, we won’t make fun of you.”

“Th-thanks,” Fluttershy said. “It’s just that, where is the sealed gate?”

The room of Returners gave a collective blink.

Nervous shifting resulted, the room becoming uncomfortably quiet. That is until Rainbow Dash slapped the side of her head and pointed to Twilight. “Duh. Twi’s dad probably knows. We just ask him.”

Twilight blushed, giving a sheepish smile. “Oh, right. I’ll ah… I’ll try contacting him.” She squinted her eyes, her horn lighting up a deep magenta. A few moments passed as the Returners waited for Twilight to finish. At last, she opened her eyes and grinned. “Wow, that worked. Father says it’s on the eastern side of the Empire’s continent. It’s surrounded by mountains but there should be a cave that leads to the gate.”

“Wait,” Rarity spoke up. “You said the east side of the Empire, right?”

“Yes. Why?”

With a sigh, Rarity said, “This is going to be difficult then. Applejack, do you remember, after we washed up on the Empire’s shore, you had me check out what we thought was a settlement? Well, it’s not a village, but a base. The Empire must have built it to protect the cave we need to go through. I didn’t stick around for long but by my estimate, there must be hundreds of soldiers there.”

“Crud, you’re right,” Applejack said. “I could hear their magitek even though we were a mile away.”

“We’ll need a plan to get by them. Otherwise we’ll have to scratch that whole idea off the list.”

Pinkie Pie gave a giggle, gaining everyone’s attention. “Well, I was planning on dropping you guys off on my way to the Veldt. I can fly you over the base and right into the mountains. Though you’re on your own finding the cave.”

“That’s pretty good,” Applejack said, her features firming. “Better than fighting our way through.”

“Then we better get going! No sense waiting around.” Pinkie Pie bounced to the door, saying over her shoulder, “I’ll get the Party of One ready. You just let me know when we leave!”

Mayor Mare waited for Pinkie Pie to close the door behind her before saying, “Quite excitable, isn’t she?”

“You betcha!” came Pinkie Pie’s voice through the door.

Letting out a chuckle, Rainbow Dash said, “Hey, I like her attitude. Let’s get ready ourselves and then we’ve got a date with some espers.”


The next day, everything was ready and the group piled into the airship. A gathering of ponies, chocobos, and even the dragons waved them off as the vessel ascended into the sky. Soon, the town of Neighshe was lost within the crags of the mountain.

“Okay everyone,” Pinkie Pie announced over the intercom. “First stop is the Veldt. It’s going to be a ways so I’ve got all sorts of games and snacks ready in the casino. Don’t be shy and help yourself!

“Then we make a big u-turn and head to the Empire. Let’s keep our hooves crossed on that one.

“Oh, one more thing. Maduin wanted to talk to us about something, so meet in the lounge please.”

Rainbow Dash lifted an eyebrow at Twilight Sparkle as the two headed for the indicated room. “What’s this about?”

Twilight’s brows furrowed. “I don’t know. This is the first time I’m hearing about it.” She stopped suddenly, waving for Rainbow Dash to wait for her. “Oh, Dash! I meant to give this back to you.” With a tug of magic, Twilight removed the atlas armlet from her hoof and offered it to the pegasus. “Thank you for letting me use this for so long. I really appreciate it.”

Glancing at the relic and then back at Twilight, Rainbow Dash said, “You sure? I don’t mind if you want to keep it a little longer.”

“No, I’m okay. I’ve been feeling really good lately, and I think I’ve got a good handle on my magic now. This will help you more than me.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, took the offered armlet, and slipped it on. She shuddered, falling back a step. “Whoa. Forgot what a rush that was.”

Giggling, Twilight resumed her trot with Rainbow Dash. The pair reached the lounge, finding that most of the others were already gathered.

“Miss Dash,” Maduin said from his seat in the middle of the floor. “Do you have all the magicite you obtained the other day?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, right here.” She shrugged off her saddlebag and set it in front of the esper. “Whatcha going to do with them?”

“Let’s wait for everyone to gather and you’ll see.”

“Uh, okay.” Giving Maduin a confused look, Rainbow Dash nonetheless found a seat and waited.

A few minutes later, Pinkie Pie entered the room with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo before her. “That’s everyone!” she announced.

Across the room, Applejack stood up and marched over to the newcomers. “Wait, what are you three still doing here? I thought I left you back at Neighshe.”

“I hired them,” Pinkie Pie said as the trio of fillies gave Applejack smug grins. “They were going to stow away again anyways, so I thought I’d just skip the trouble and make them my swabbies.” She giggled. “Heh, swabbies.”

“Don’t worry, big sis!” Apple Bloom said, raising a hoof. “We’ll do our best to keep this ship all spick an’ span.”

“Big sis?”

Applejack winced. She turned towards the deep voice, giving a sheepish smile up at Big Macintosh. “Ah, heh. Um, you heard that?”


“Horseapples. This wasn’t how I wanted to introduce ya.”

“Big bro!” With that, Apple Bloom latched onto Big Macintosh’s foreleg and squeezed it with all her pint-sized might.

Big Macintosh looked to the filly attached to his leg and then back at Applejack. “Explain.”

Shaking her head, Applejack pointed to the gathered, and waiting, group. “After this meetin’. I promise.” She pushed Big Macintosh to an empty spot, giving a reassuring smile the whole way. He didn’t protest, but the frown he gave back made it clear this issue was not over. Apple Bloom sat between the two, content.

Maduin cleared his throat, directing all attention back to him. “Now that that’s taken care of, I want anyone who hasn’t bonded with an esper to stand up.”

A few uncertain looks passed through the gathered Returners. Rarity was the first to stand, followed closely by Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Maduin gave a pointed look towards Spike and Stardust. Spike got the hint first and got to his feet. He nudged Stardust in the side, the chocobo jerking to his talons with a squawk.

“Now, I need all of you to make an important decision,” Maduin said. He lifted up Rainbow Dash’s bag, presenting for all to see. “In here are the rest of the magicite. I’m positive that some of you will bond with them. Before you try however, I need to know if you are committed to using the powers that will be bestowed on you responsibly. The marks my kind gives you last forever. You will be different from others, maybe even shunned and feared.

“So, if any of you are willing to live with that, step forward.”

Three fillies were at his side in an instant.

“Us! Us! Pick us!”

“Now wait a cotton pickin’ minute, Apple Bloom,” Applejack said, reaching forward to drag her sister back. Apple Bloom darted out of the way.

“Hey, I’m big enough to choose!” she yelled back.

Sweetie Belle stood beside her, puffing out her chest. “Me too.”

“We’re going to get our cutie marks and kick flank!” Scootaloo said.

A shadow fell over the three. Slowly, they looked up to see a frightening sight.

Rarity glared down at them, her fierce visage causing the crusaders to flinch back. “That is certainly out of the question. This is why I sent you with Fluttershy, to keep you away from danger.”


“No buts!” Rarity cut off her sister. “The Veldt is close to Thamaresa, so we’ll be dropping you off when we get there.”

“Oooohhhhh…” the three moaned.

“Now come along. This farce has gone—”

Quick as lightning, Scootaloo twisted and bucked upwards, striking the bag Maduin still held above them. Four magicite shards flew out, hovered in the air for a second, then dropped down as gravity took over. Applejack and Rairty watched, slack jawed, as the magical rocks fell atop the three fillies.

Blinding white light flashed before everyone’s eyes.

Seconds later the light receded, allowing everyone to blink away the afterburn. Once they were able to see, all eyes fell on the trio staggering on their hooves.

“You… but…” Rarity stopped and started, unable to form words. Instead, her gaze drifted towards Sweetie Belle’s flank. Her features fell upon seeing a gold unicorn’s horn adorned there.

“Whoa, what a rush,” Scootaloo said. She shook her head, forcing away any lingering dizziness. “Did it work? Did we get—” She cut herself off, her jaw dropping, as she saw a white feather made of swirling wind on her flank.

Apple Bloom groaned and rubbed her eyes. “Did what work? What the hay did you do?” She looked up at Applejack but her adopted sister stood comatose, staring at her. “What? What are you looking at?”

Applejack lifted a shaky hoof and pointed at something behind the young filly.

With a worried look, Apple Bloom followed Applejack’s gaze, coming snout to flank with a red eye, an apple stem sticking out the top.

The room remained deathly quiet. Finally, Pinkie Pie’s voice broke the tableau. “So is this the end of the Cutie Mark Crusaders? Because now you’re going to have to come up with a new name.”

The silent moment over, the three fillies whooped and grabbed each other into a tight hug.

“We did it!” Apple Bloom cheered. “We finally got cutie marks!”

Sweetie Belle grinned so hard her muzzle hurt. “This is the best day ever!”

“Wait till I show my parents!” Scootaloo said. “They’re going to flip!”

With a sigh, Applejack fell hard on her rump. “If this don’t beat all.”

A loud snap of claws against claws cut short the merriment, Maduin regaining everyone’s attention. “Congratulations, young ones. May the powers of Catoblepas—” he pointed to Apple Bloom then moved to Sweetie Belle “—Unicorn—” he stopped on Scootaloo “—and Quetzalcoatl serve you well.”

“Cool!” Scootaloo said. “Mine sounds awesome!”

“What do ours do?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I will explain in good time.” Maduin reached down, picking up the last piece of magicite. “This is Cactrot. Are any of you willing to take on his powers?”

The remaining blank flanks looked to each other, giving unsure looks. Twilight stepped away. “I don’t think I should get one. I mean, I’m half esper already.”

Maduin nodded, silently relieved. “How about the rest of you?”

Heaving a sigh, Rainbow Dash sat down. “I already touched all of them.”

“Do not fret, I’m sure you will find an esper when the time is right.” He turned towards Applejack and Rarity. “Ladies? Care to try?”

Applejack eyed the offered magicite with a raised eyebrow. “You think it’s smart for us to take it?”

“I would rather my kin be in your hooves than Blueblood’s.”

Shaking her head, Applejack gestured for Rarity to take her place. “Don’t seem right for some reason. Think I’ll pass this time.”

Rarity cocked her head. “You sure?”

“Yeah, I think I’ll make do without. Been doing fine so far, right?”

“Hmm, perhaps. But, it never hurts to be prepared.” With that, Rarity reached forward and touched the magicite with the tip of her hoof.

Like all the other times before, blinding light filled the room. Once the brightness receded, a trio of green diamonds could be seen gracing Rarity’s flank. The unicorn shuddered, her body trembling. “My goodness…” she breathed out.

“Excellent,” Maduin said, clapping his hands. “I was right in trusting in all of you. Now our work can truly begin.”

“Hey,” came Spike’s voice as he raised a claw. “What about non-ponies? We can still get an esper ourselves, right?”

Maduin nodded. “Yes. Species does not matter. You need look no farther than Gilda. I’m guessing that she received Typhoon’s power somehow.

“Now then, we will be arriving at the Veldt, are we not? If I remember correctly, that place is very open with little in the way of civilization.” A round of nods and a enthusiastic “Yep!” from Derpy confirmed it. “Very good. It will be a good place for you all to start learning how to control your new magic.”

A round of questions started to emerge from everyone. Maduin held up a claw to forestall them. “You must learn this if you plan to go into battle at your full potential. Some of you have never used magic at all.”

“But what about getting to the gate?” Rainbow Dash spoke up. “We can’t be wasting time when we can get the espers to finish this war for us.”

“I understand your eagerness to be done with this fighting. But you need to arrive at the gate first, which means getting past the Imperial base and the cave beyond. It wouldn’t do for you to die before then, correct?” Rainbow Dash scoffed and looked away, not arguing further. “The gate is not going anywhere. And there’s no knowing what has changed in the esper world since I was last there. I can guarantee that Sombra will not take kindly to having his gate forcibly opened after all the effort he put into closing it.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “You may have to fight my people in order to convince them of helping you.”

Rainbow Dash groaned, flopping to her stomach. “Great, on top of everything else.”

“Do not fret. My people may be easier to convince than you think. They will do anything to prevent another War of the Magi.”

A chime sounded, causing everyone to look around in confusion.

Pinkie Pie sprung to her hooves, many swearing they heard a “boing!” sound. “We’re here!” She rushed to the door, holding it open for the others to leave through. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m super excited to find out what I can do with this butt symbol. So c’mon, let’s get this party started!”

“Yay, a grind party,” Rainbow Dash muttered as she and the rest of the Returners headed for the exit.


“This will be perfect.” Maduin swept his arm over a broad stretch of land with nothing but short grass and a few spindly trees in the distance. “Nothing for miles to interrupt us and plenty of space to practice.”

Derpy Hooves stared over the landscape, a hint of wetness building in her eyes. “Wow. It’s like I’m seeing it all over again, and I’ve lived here my entire life.” She ran her hoof through the short grass, giggling at the ticklish sensation.

Nodding sagely, Maduin said, “Yes, I know the feeling. There were days when living in the Crystal Empire that I couldn’t fathom just how beautiful everything was. It’s good to appreciate what you have when you still have it.” He knelt down and placed a claw over Derpy’s shoulder. “Now, when you are finished with the zebras, head right back here. You will need to learn how to use your new magic too.”

Derpy firmed her stance and saluted, accidentally swatting herself in the muzzle. She shrugged off the sudden dizziness and took off into the sky, heading east.

“Now then,” Maduin said, turning back to the group at large. “We will begin.”

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof and spoke before being called on. “Can I sit this one out? I don’t have any fancy shmancy magic.”

“Even if you don’t, you should stay to become more familiar with how magic works and what it can do. Otherwise, you will be ill-prepared in case you face Gilda or Trixie again.”

Growling and baring her teeth, Rainbow Dash kicked a rock unfortunate enough to be too close to her. It skidded across the ground several hoof lengths away. “You had to bring her up, didn’t you?”

“Apologies, but that is something you will have to keep in mind for the future.

“Now, esper magic is generally divided into three categories: attack, healing, and support. Depending on which esper bonded with you will determine which category you are strongest in. I will do my best to remember which of my departed friends did what, but I’m sure with a little experimentation we’ll be able to figure things out. Twilight.” He motioned for his daughter to come closer.

The unicorn flinched, looking around nervously. Slowly, she walked up to Maduin and gave a sheepish smile. “Um, yes?”

“Of all the ponies here, you are the most experienced with using esper magic. I would like your help.”

“Oh, uh, sure.” Her smile became more genuine as she stood a little taller.

Maduin wasn’t done. “And you will need to learn how to morph into your esper form without losing control.”

“What?!” came a collective shout.

“My… esper form?” Twilight said, quickly sinking back down.

“You do remember what happened the last time Twilight lost control, right?” Rainbow Dash said.

Ignoring her, Maduin continued, “Yes. It is a part of you that you can not afford to ignore.” He bent down and ran a claw through Twilight’s mane. His daughter leaned into the touch, giving a small whimper. “Don’t worry. I promise that I will be with you the entire way. You can master this, I know you can.”

“But…” Twilight began, her body shaking. “But what if I don’t? I-I could hurt somepony just by being near them.”

With a flick of his fingers, Maduin produced a tiny red flame at the tip of a claw. He chuckled. “Hey, your father has some experience dealing with fire. You and everyone else will be fine.” He gave her one more gentle stroke through her mane, then stood up to face the others. “Let’s get you all into groups.”


"I’ll start with you two," Maduin said, pointing at Shining Armor and Rarity.

The two unicorns gave each other unsure looks, but marched up to the hulking demon regardless. They stood before Maduin, heads held high but their stomachs performing loop-de-loops against their wills.

Maduin tilted his head towards Shining Armor. "You, sir, have already manifested some of Carbunkle's power. He specialized in shields. Try to create one now."

"Um, okay," Shining Armor said, planting his hooves solidly into the ground. "Here goes." Squeezing his eyes shut, his horn lit up. It blazed pink energy and he let out a low growl.

Next to him, Rarity took a step back. "Uh, Shining, darling, it looks like you're constipated."

Shining Armor let out a whoosh of air, the glow around his horn fading. "Sorry," he panted out.

"Yes, I was afraid of this," Maduin said, one clawed hand cradling his chin. "You are trying to cast using your horn. That's how unicorn magic works but not how esper magic works. Try again, but without channeling any magic to your horn."

"Easier said than done." Still, Shining Armor firmed up his features and focused on the space in front of himself. Unseen by him, a string of white pearls flowed from his horn and back. However, he did see a pink, translucent ball materialize before his nose. Blinking, he reached out to touch it, only for it to pop like a bubble. "Shoot."

"Much better. Try again but keep it solid this time. With enough practice you should be able to generate barriers that can hold up to the most powerful of attacks." Turning away from the stallion, Maduin regarded the mare. "Now for you. Cactrot's powers generally took the form of cactus needles. Try—"

Three glowing spikes popped into existence at the tip of Maduin's nose, making the esper stumble back.

"Like this?" Rarity said with a grin.

"Yes, just like that." Clearing his throat and regaining his posture, Maduin smirked down at the pony. "Something tells me you have experience with this sort of thing already."

"I've dabbled. How do you think I can make such fabulous outfits like my Mare Do Well costume?"

"Then it looks like Cactrot is a perfect fit for you."

"Oh you," Rarity said, waving a hoof airily at him.

Maduin glanced at Shining Armor, who was grunting at the effort to maintain a pink, concave shield no bigger than his head. Tilting his head towards the stallion, Maduin said, "Give him some incentive, will you?"

Rarity blinked. "You sure?" An affirmative nod was her answer. Swallowing, Rarity willed her three needles to point towards Shining Armor. "Think fast!"

"Huh?" was all Shining Armor could get out before he caught sight of three deadly projectiles flying towards his throat. With a surprised cry, he threw up his hooves and prayed for the best. He heard a sound like rocks scraping against glass but no pain. Taking a peek, he gasped at the large wall of pink magic surrounding himself and the three bolts careening away.


Apple Bloom looked up and down at her new instructor. All five hooves nothing of him. "So why do we have to follow you?"

Puffing up his chest, Spotter peered down at the filly giving him lip. It would have been more intimidating if he didn't have to stand on the tips of his hooves to do so. "Because the big guy said I have more experience with magic than you. So there!"

"But why aren't we learning from him?" Sweetie Belle pointed out, waving her hoof towards where Maduin was lecturing Shining Armor and Rarity several paces away. "He seems to know this stuff."

"Yeah, what makes you so special?" Scootaloo said. "Just because you got a cutie mark before all of us?"

Spotter glared at the pegasus, his face scrunched in anger. "That's right! I'm the big boy here and you have to do what I say."

"Whatever, I'm going to see what my sis is doing over there." With that, Sweetie Belle trotted away, heading towards Rarity.

"Look out!"

Sweetie Belle's world spun as something impacted her side, sending her sprawling to the ground. In a daze, she looked up to see three glowing needles sticking out of the dirt mere inches from her nose. Giving a shrill shriek, Sweetie Belle jumped to her hooves and ran behind Scootaloo.

"Oh, Sweetie, are you all right?" came Rarity's panicked voice. The older sister picked up the younger, intently inspecting Sweetie Belle for any injuries. "I'm so sorry! It's all my fault, I should have been more careful."

"I-I'm fine," Sweetie Belle said, her voice shaky. "What happened?"

"It was wild!" Scootaloo shouted next to her, her body quivering with excitement. "You were running off but then Spotter knocked you out of the way. He saved you!"

Rarity set down her sister and ran over to where the young colt lay in a heap. "Oh, Spotter dear, I'm so sorry! Please say you're not hurt."

"I'm fine," he mumbled and spit out a mouthful of dirt.

"Son!" Now it was Spotter's turn to be fussed over as Shining Armor checked him over.

"I'm okay," Spotter insisted, trying to push his dad away. "I saw it coming."

"I take full responsibility for what transpired."

Everypony looked up to see Maduin standing over them, frowning. "I simply wanted to shock the young stallion here. I've found that to be a good way to get stubborn powers to activate. Seems I was correct, but at a cost." He sighed, swiveling his gaze over all the other ponies spread out that still needed his help. "Perhaps this was a bad idea."

"No, it was just an accident," Spotter said, trotting up to the esper towering above them. "C'mon, I wanna teach them!"

"And I wanna teach under him." Scootaloo came up beside Spotter, giving the colt a smile. "What ya did back there was pretty cool. You've got my vote!"

"I suppose I can give you another shot," Sweetie Belle said.

Their eyes found Apple Bloom, who sat silently on the side. She shrugged. "Sure. He does seem to know what he's doing."

"Don't worry, we'll keep watch over them," Shining Armor said, Rarity at his side. "Heh, guess even my son can teach me a few things."

Maduin crossed his arms and nodded. "Very well. But help and learn from each other. There's more than just what you've seen so far. I haven't even shown you how to summon the very spirit of the esper you hold. I need to check on the others, but come and get me if you have questions."

Hearing a round of affirmatives, Maduin left Spotter to be the pony in charge.

"Okay!" the colt chirped. "It's official now. You have to listen to me!"

Shining Armor and Rarity shared another look, then both broke out into laughter.


"That's it. You're doing great!"

Twilight Sparkle could barely contain her excitement at witnessing Fluttershy extend her wings and send a soothing wave over Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The two non-bonded ponies had decided to spend their time sparring rather than watch everypony practice. Though, sparring may have been too generous a word for Fluttershy, as the two seemed to be trying to kill each other. Bruising and shallow cuts littered their bodies, but somehow the earth pony and pegasus were smiling as though they had just shared drinks at a bar. Whatever the case, it gave Fluttershy plenty of opportunities to use her new magic to heal them up.

“I see we’re doing fine over here,” came Maduin’s rumbling voice.

Twilight looked up to him with the widest smile he had ever seen from her. “Oh, father! Did you see Fluttershy? She’s a natural!”

“Yes, I believe her disposition helps channel her magic. She wants to heal others, and so it happens.”

“How are the others doing?”

Maduin paused before speaking. “Some are having an easier time than others. I’m concerned about the fillies since they are so young, but they were chosen so there’s nothing to do about it. I’m hoping to ease them into their magic with the colt’s help. I think he will be a good influence.”

Twilight hummed an affirmative. “That’s good.”

“I need to check on the airship captain next. See me in ten minutes.”

“Oh. Okay.” Twilight involuntarily shuddered.

Reaching down, Maduin laid a claw over her shoulder. “Relax. Things are going better than I could have hoped.” He patted her back, gave her a reassuring smile, then headed towards where Pinkie Pie was practicing.

“I hope you’re right,” Twilight said to herself as she watch her father walk away.


Flying over the Veldt after weeks of being away was unlike anything Derpy Hooves had experienced in all her life. She never realized how much she missed soaring over the planes until she didn’t have it anymore. She giggled and performed a cartwheel in midair, unconsciously letting loose a lightning bolt that struck an unfortunate hydra head below. The other heads all had a laugh at their crispy comrade’s expense.

Unaware of the drama below, Derpy scanned the vast expanse of the Veldt for her friends. Given how her eyes worked, many would assume her sight was impaired, and they would be right, up to a point. However, having lived next to eagles and hawks for years, she had managed to pick up a few tricks to compensate. Right now both eyes were righted correctly, searching for any sign of where the Returners were practicing.

Flashes of light against the horizon gave her a clue. Putting on a burst of speed, Derpy headed for the source.


“And a one, and a two, and a three!”

Pinkie Pie slammed her hoof down, stopping the spinning wheels of the slot machine she had set up outside. She gave a whoop as all three slides stopped on seven. An avalanche of candy spilled out of the machine as her reward. “Yes! That’s ten in a row. I’ve never been this lucky before.”

“Uh huh, yeah, that’s great,” came Stardust’s unenthused voice. “Ah, how exactly is this supposed to help learn your new magic?”

“I don’t know, but I’m on a winning streak and I’m not about to stop now!”

Spike, standing next to Stardust, shared a look with his avian friend. “Why’d she even bring that stupid thing out here anyway?”

The chocobo shrugged and went back to mixing potions together. “At least she’s giving me plenty of ingredients for these. It’s amazing what a little sweetener has done to make these x-potions taste better.”

The sound of heavy footsteps caught their attention, the duo spotting Maduin heading their way. “How are things?”

Spike gestured towards Pinkie Pie and her eleventh shout of victory. “See for yourself.”

“Ah, very good. I see she’s got the hang of it.”

“Huh?” Spike and Stardust said in stereo.

“Cait Sith always had a knack for amazing luck,” Maduin explained with a smirk. “He called it a sixth sense and it bordered on precognition. He could always find a way out of any trouble he was in.” He stopped, letting out a sigh. “He also had a bad habit of getting himself into that trouble.”

“So… that’s his magic?” Spike asked. “Just luck?”

“Oh, he knew plenty of spells and I’m sure Miss Pie will discover them. Her tapping into his more latent power is more impress—”

“Twitchy tail!”

That was all the warning they received before Pinkie Pie plowed into the three creatures just as a ball of electricity detonated in the area they had been standing. They all quickly got back up, weapons and magic ready to defend themselves. As the smoke cleared from the impact zone, a single, light grey hoof poked up from the crater and lazily waved.

“Hey guys!” Derpy greeted. “I’m back!”


Minutes later, Derpy sat around the Returners, reporting on the zebras. “They seemed to be pretty excited that I was back, but they wouldn’t let me show off my new magic for some reason.” She scratched at her chin, a puzzled look coming over her features. “I think I heard a few say that this was some type of punishment…”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s great and all,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “But did they say they were going to help or what?”

“Oh! Um, kinda.” She set down her saddlebags and pulled out a long piece of parchment. She hoofed it over to Rainbow Dash. “Here. They said they wouldn’t be very good in a fight, but they did give me this. They said it’s a list of some of the best potions and poisons they’ve found. I hope it helps.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head and sighed. “Great, it’s in their language. How are we going to use this?”

“I’ll take that!”

Rainbow Dash blinked at the empty spot in her hooves where the list had been. She followed the retreating figure that had taken it, blinking again at seeing Apple Bloom pore over the list with a gleeful smile. “You know about that stuff?”

“Yeah, I do!” Apple Bloom said, not taking her eyes off the parchment. “Fluttershy took us on a trip to the zebras a little while ago since they’re so close to Themaresa. They taught me all sorts of things! I’ll have this stuff ready to go in a jiffy!”

Stardust plopped down next to her, craning his neck to get a look at the list. “May I look? I don’t speak zebra but I want to see what kind of potions they have.”

“Sure! C’mon, let’s find the stuff we need!” Apple Bloom gave a pleading look towards Applejack, forestalling any disagreements.

Rolling her eyes, Applejack gave a tentative nod. “Okay, but only if I come with you. This place is still dangerous, no matter how out of the way we are.”

Apple Bloom thrust a hoof into the air. “Yes!”

Standing up, Maduin said, “Good, this will be a perfect time to take a break and let Twilight have her turn.” He motioned for Big Macintosh, who had spent his time so far tinkering with his new drill, to follow him. “You too. Your powers will give Twilight good target practice.”

Big Macintosh gulped, his ears flattening against his head. “Um, target practice?”

“Don’t worry. You’ll see what I mean very soon.”


Maduin came to a stop a mile away from the airship and the other Returners. He turned to Big Macintosh and said, “Fenrir was quite adept at creating duplicates of himself. He used it to help him hunt and confuse his prey. I want you to create images of yourself for Twilight to fire against. You’ll stay safe and get some practice in yourself.”

“Um, kay,” was all Big Macintosh could think to say. He looked down and scuffed the ground with a hoof. “Um, how?”

“Do you remember how we escaped the Magitek Research Facility? That was you. Try to recall that time and how it felt.”

Big Macintosh grimaced. “Not too keen on rememberin’ that time, but I’ll try.” He closed his eyes and slowed his breathing. Minutes passed as he remained motionless. Finally, he sighed and opened his eyes. “Sorry. Can’t do it.”

“Oh really?” Maduin sounded amused. “Look to your left.”

Big Macintosh arched an eyebrow but did as he was told. He did a double take at seeing another him standing nearby. He reached up with a hoof, his double doing the same. “That is weird,” he said. The mimic mouthed the words but no sound came from it.

“Try to make it move on its own.”

Frowning, Big Macintosh stared at his double, neither stallion nor image moving beyond that.

“Just imagine yourself running and it should do the rest of the work.”

No sooner had Maduin finished his suggestion than the second Big Macintosh rushed off at a gallop. The real Big Macintosh’s eyes widened. “That was easy. Nothing to this magic thing.”

“Yes, well, time to see how my daughter manages.” He regarded Twilight, who looked back with a quivering lip. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here the whole time.”

“But what if that’s not enough?” Twilight said, her eyes downcast. “I d-don’t want to lose control again.”

Maduin bent down, coming eye to eye with his daughter. “Think of it this way. The best possible conditions are here, rather than on a battlefield where you could injure friend and foe alike. If you don’t try now, there’s no telling how bad it could be if you’re unprepared.”

Twilight looked away and scuffed at the ground. “You make a lot of sense… but I’m still scared.”

“I would rather you be scared than cocky. Fear has its uses when controlling ourselves.”

“Alright, alright. I’ll give it a try.” Letting out a long, shuddering breath, Twilight Sparkle walked towards the Big Macintosh clone several paces away. Once she reached it she looked back, seeing her father giver her an encouraging nod. Focusing back on the clone, she took one last, deep breath and closed her eyes.

As though the Veldt itself were holding its breath, no wind blew, no insects buzzed, and no birds chirped. For minutes Twilight remained motionless, her chest barely moving to indicate she was still breathing. A flicker of orange appeared briefly over her back and disappeared just as quickly. Seconds later a yellow gout of fire fluttered past her flank.

Without warning, Twilight arched her back and let out a wail as two flaming wings erupted from her shoulders. Her coat rapidly changed to a light yellow and her mane and tail blazed with orange fire. She snapped open her eyes, revealing bright red pupils that gazed balefully at Big Macintosh’s image. With a loud roar that had no right coming from a pony, Twilight aimed her horn and—

—she let out a long, drawn out sigh.

Twilight remained stooped over, her body still morphed. Slowly raising her head, Twilight stared at the waiting form of Big Macintosh. Reaching out with a hoof, she gently swept it through his image, scattering the magic holding it together. Once the duplicate completely dissipated, she turned towards Maduin. The esper had his arms crossed, but there was no hiding the wide smile on his face.

Unconsciously, Twilight flexed her wings, startling her. She peered at them, her mouth hanging open. Tentatively, she reached back with a hoof and ran it through the flaming appendage, finding only a gentle warmth. She gave a few experimental flaps but couldn’t get enough momentum to rise off the ground.

A shudder passed through her body and in the next instant her esper form evaporated, leaving behind a singed, but perfectly fine, unicorn.

“Well done,” came Maduin’s voice.

Heaving for breath, Twilight sat down on the grass and took her time recovering. Her body glistened with sweat with smudges of soot covering parts of her coat. After a few seconds she stood up on wobbly legs and headed back towards Maduin. Once she reached him, she gave a tired, but proud smile. “I… I did it.”

“Yes,” Maduin said, sitting down in front of her cross-legged. “I had faith you would. Don’t be afraid to trigger your change when you feel you need it. Though it looks like it takes a lot out of you to stay that way. You will need to choose wisely when to morph, but I think it will be easier each time you do.”

“Thanks, father.” She leaned forward and nuzzled him on the chest.

Maduin embraced Twilight in his muscled arms, cradling her like an infant. “You’ve all made remarkable progress today. I think we’ll be ready for the cave very soon.”

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