• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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In Which Ponies Bond

Pinkie Pie’s parade may have ended, but the afterparty was in full swing.

“Come on, everypony! The night’s still young, even if we can’t see the moon through all that smog. Who’s up for another round?”

A thunderous cheer of approval answered her.

“Just what I wanted to hear!” Pinkie Pie pulled back a curtain covering a trolley full of bottles of cider. Pinkie picked one up, popped off the cork, and took a deep gulp. “Aaaaahhhhhh,” she sighed after coming up for air. “Nothing beats the eighty-fours.” She hopped aside and gestured to the trolley. “Don’t be shy. Come and get ‘em!”

The crowd didn’t have to be told twice. Ponies quickly crowded the trolley and picked up a bottle, drinking down the sweet and slightly alcoholic beverage.

“Don’t worry, there’s plenty for you all! Especially for our Empire’s finest.”

A group of Imperial soldiers trotted up, large smiles across their muzzles. They gladly accepted the offered cider and drank heartily. Soon, the whole crowd had sampled Pinkie Pie’s cider and began singing and dancing in the streets. The party went on and on and would become one of the most talked about parties in the Empire for some time to come.

All the commotion made it easy for Stardust to slip by without being noticed.

Unnoticed, except by a trio of tiny shadows following his every move.

Stardust stuck to the side streets, even though the few ponies he passed didn’t give him a second look. Chocobos were a common sight in the Empire, especially in Vectorlot were dozens would walk the streets on errands for their masters. He caught sight of one such chocobo out and about, a dull yellow female carrying sacks of food on her back. Stardust followed her, keeping a discreet distance away. After a mile of tailing her, she reached a nondescript house within the residential section of the city. She opened the door and walked in.

A few minutes passed, with no pony or chocobo leaving or entering the house. Swallowing, Stardust made his way up to the door. He raised a talon up, but hesitated, and set it back down. “C’mon, Stardust,” he muttered to himself. “Don’t chicken out now.” Again he lifted a talon, this time rapping it against the door.

Moments later, the same female chocobo opened it and cocked her head. “Yes? May I help you?”

“Um… ah… I’m not sure,” Stardust said. He looked down, shuffling his talons upon the ground. “This is going to sound really strange, but I was wondering if you could give me some information.”

“What kind of information?”

“Well, you see, I’m not owned by anypony here. I’ve come with some friends that might be able to help.”

The female gave him an odd look. “Help with what? You are saying some very strange things.”

“Look, I don’t think it’s safe if I speak outside like this. Is it okay if I come in?”

“No.” She stepped back and shut the door. A second later a click was heard on the lock.

Stardust hung his head and sighed. “Crap.”

“Whatcha doing?”

Letting out a loud squawk, Stardust whirled around, coming beak to muzzle with three tiny fillies. “You guys again?! How the heck did you get here?”

Apple Bloom held up her nose. “Just because we’re small doesn’t mean we don’t know how to get around.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said. “It wasn’t that hard to sneak on that airship.”

“But enough of that.” Apple Bloom narrowed her eyes. “Where’s that unicorn, the one that knows about cutie marks? She was with you guys and then we lost her.”

Stardust held a wing to his head and groaned. “This again? Look, Trixie is off doing whatever and there’s no way you’re going to get to her. You’re better off going back to the airship and waiting for her there. If she lives, that is.”

“What do you mean by that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“She’s doing stuff that’s very dangerous, that’s what. Now, go back to the party or airship or whatever. Stop following me around.”

Scootaloo pumped her tiny wings, managing to lift off the ground and hover in front of Stardust’s beak. “Why, chickenlips? You up to something bad?” She gasped, her wings finally giving out and she fell with a flop back to the ground.

Stardust flicked her nose with a talon for good measure. “No! Now go away!”

“Hey, mister! That’s no way to treat somepony smaller than you!”

Stardust drew back as a pair of cyan eyes filled his vision. The pair belonged to a vaguely familiar yellow pegasus, but all his facilities were focused on the glare he was receiving.

“You’re bigger than she is. You should know better. Say you’re sorry right now!”

Comprehension of the words didn’t matter, only the primal compulsion to follow them. Stardust nodded.

“Good. Now, what do you have to say for yourself?”

Blinking, Stardust became aware of his surroundings again. As his first conscious act, he bent his head down towards Scootaloo and said, “Sorry.”

A hoof gently patted his back. “There. That’s better.”

Stardust jolted at the sensation, drawing back and getting a full look at the newest arrival. “Oh, it’s you. Butterfly butt.”

“Um, it’s… it’s F-Fluttershy,” the pegasus said.

“Yeah, well, good seeing you again, I guess.” He waved a wing at the three fillies watching them. “So uh, you going to take them and go?”

“Now hold on,” Apple Bloom spoke up. “You haven’t told us what you are doin’.”

Stardust let out a long breath, shaking his head. “Look, if I tell you, will you all just go away?”

Sweetie Belle stood straight and saluted. “Cutie Mark Crusaders’ honor!”

“Fine. Whatever. All I’m doing is trying to help the chocobos here. They’re all slaves here and getting them free is important. I’m trying to find any information I can to help. That’s it.”

“Oh, that’s very noble of you,” Fluttershy said.

Scootaloo buzzed her wings, gaining everyone’s attention. “Hey, Fluttershy, how’d you find us anyway?”

“Um…” Fluttershy rubbed her hooves together, looking away. “Um… I’m not really sure. I just sort of felt my way to you. I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Probably something to do with your new butt symbol,” Stardust said, pointing at her flank.

“Oh, right. I forgot I had that.”

Any further conversation came to a stop when the door they had been loitering next to opened, revealing the female chocobo Stardust had spoken to earlier. “Excuse me, but are all of you going to stand in front of my home and talk all night?”

“Oops, sorry,” Stardust said. He gave a sheepish chuckle and turned to walk away.

“Actually, I have something to say to you. Could your friends give us a moment?”

“They’re not my—”

“Oh, girls, let’s check out that fountain over there, shall we?” Fluttershy said, herding her charges away.

“But I want to hear what they say,” came Sweetie Belle’s fading voice.

Once all the ponies were out of earshot, the female chocobo regarded Stardust. “Listen, I happened to hear what you were saying. About helping chocobos, I mean. Now, I’m not part of any group or anything like that, but the Imperials around here talk. I don’t think they know how good our hearing is or they just don’t care. From what I’ve heard, there were some chocobos that were freed a few days ago and haven’t been found.”

Stardust leaned in, his eyes wide. “Really? Do you know if one of them was called Moonlight?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know anymore about that. My point is, is that even though those chocobos got away, they’ve been in hiding. As long as the Empire is around, nochoco is going to be safe. If you really want to help us, the Empire has got to go away.”

“Well, yeah, but—”

She held up a wing, forestalling what Stardust was going to say. “I hear there’s a group that’s fighting back. If you want to help, join them.”

Stardust let out a long sigh, rolling his eyes. “Yes, I know. The Returners.”

“Yes, them. If you look hard enough, I’m sure you’ll find them.”

“I don’t have to. I already am one.”

She blinked and gave him a quizzical look. “Then why are you wasting time with me?”

“Because they’re taking too long!” he burst out, flailing his wings into the air. “I want to help the chocobos now. I want to find Moonlight and get him out of here so we can go back home. It’s my fault he’s stuck here and why I’m free and he’s not!”

The female chocobo reached up and clamped down on his beak, silencing his growing tirade. “Keep it down!” she hissed. “You’re going to get us in trouble.”

“Sorwe,” he mumbled through his beak.

“Okay, you need to leave. I’ve told you everything I know. Get back to your friends. Do what you can. Bye.” She pushed him away and made to close the door.

“Wait!” Stardust snapped out his talon, stopping the door. “You can come with me.”

“No.” She nudged Stardust’s talon away. “I’m not a fighter or anything else useful. Good luck.” With that, she shut the door, the lock clicking into place once again.

Stardust stood still, looking at the closed door before him. At last, he hung his head and started walking away.

“Didn’t go well, huh?”

He twisted his head, catching sight of Scootaloo and the others trotting beside him. “How could you tell?”

“Now Scootaloo, don’t pry,” Fluttershy said, giving the filly a sharp look. “It’s none of our business.” She looked up at the chocobo, who had already turned away, his eyes downcast. “So, I don’t mean to impose, but do you mind if we go back with you? I’m going to see if the captain of that airship will take us back home.”

Sweetie Belle snapped her head up. “We’re going back already?!”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, we’ve had our fun, but it’s time to head back.”

A series of pleading cries and teary faces assaulted her, but her stance remained firm all the way back to Pinkie Pie’s party. Stardust remained quiet the entire time, his gaze distant and forlorn.


Applejack kicked off the floor, launching herself high into the air. Derpy caught her, swung around, and launched the earth pony towards three golden robots hanging from chains attached to the ceiling. The three globe like robots fired at her from mounted guns attached to their sides, but the bullets ricocheted off the built-up wind surrounding Applejack. She plowed through all three hind leg first, knocking them off their chains where they crashed to the floor in piles of useless junk. Landing gracefully on her hooves, she turned to face the next threat.

Nothing presented itself for now. A trail of broken magitek led back the way her friends had come from, but more would be on the way soon. Applejack took this brief moment to wipe her sweat covered brow and catch her breath.

“I feel so useless,” Shining Armor said, coming up to her, Spotter close behind. “Without my sword, all I’m good for is distraction.”

Rarity ran up to them, her horn aglow and a half-dozen objects ranging from sheared metal to broken glass levitating around her. Opalescence clung to her back. “You and me both. We’re not going to last long like this.”

“Don’t give up!” Derpy said, landing next to them. “I’d rather fight my way through like a cornered badger than let them catch us again.”

Having had a moment to rest, Applejack said, “I know, I know. But it seems we’re not getting any closer to findin’ our way out.” She gestured around, indicating the vast array of moving equipment around them. Conveyor belts carrying heavy magitek armor, hooks and pulleys lifting up cannons and limbs to assembly lines, and the sound of constant welding surrounded them on all sides. “We’re in some kind of factory by the looks of it. I guess this is where they make all their stuff.”

“Yes, and too bad we don’t have time to mess it all up,” Rarity spoke up. “So let’s not dawdle, anymore. Onward!”

“But to where? I’m plum lost.”

Spotter nudged his way past them, Shining Armor keeping a sharp eye out for any dangers. “Um, for some reason I’m getting the feeling we should head that way.” He pointed towards a walkway higher up that led to the far side of the cavernous factory room. “There’s something back there, I just know it.”

The overhead lighting, a sterile yellow, now began flashing red. Alarms from overhead speakers began blaring. The sound of voices from a short distance away could be heard over the din.

“Well, better than staying here!” Applejack shouted. “Derpy, Rarity! Can you two get those chains up there closer to us? Maybe we can use them to climb up.”

“On it!” Derpy saluted and flew up, grabbing the gold colored chains. She quickly brought them down where Applejack, Shining Armor, and Spotter managed to grab hold.

Rarity tossed aside her makeshift weapons and directed her magic to another set of chains. These she pulled down and wrapped around her midsection. Together, Derpy and Rarity began lifting themselves up along with the others. With one giant push, Derpy swung the ponies over to the walkway, allowing them to let go of the chains and land safely.

“Good job, everypony!” Rarity cheered.

“Yeah, now run!” Applejack said, rushing down the elevated walkway. The others followed, the sounds of Imperials all around them. A griffon landed in front of them, but a brutal pummeling from Applejack left the poor creature unconscious before he hit the floor. More probes dropped down from the ceiling but none could get a lock on the fast moving ponies. At the end of the walkway, a wall of glass stretched from wall to wall of the factory. The walkway split left and right, following the glass walls and looping back where they came.

“We gotta get through that!” Spotter yelled.

Applejack looked back at her companions and winked. “Everypony, close your eyes.” She put on a burst of speed, leapt forward, and covered her face with her forelegs. With a loud sound of shattering glass, Applejack burst through the wall and through the other side. The others followed quickly after her.

It was as Applejack descended that she realized, too late, that there was no walkway on this side of the wall.

A chorus of shocked cries left the ponies as they plummeted towards the floor below. Applejack twisted her body, trying to right herself, but a quick glimpse downward revealed that she wasn’t going to make it in time. Closing her eyes and bracing herself, she prepared for the worst.

The impact came, but much softer than she expected. And louder. Almost as though someone was screaming at her to get off.

Applejack opened her eyes. A shock of bright color flashed across her muzzle. Looking down, she identified the sounds and the reason why she didn’t feel the cold, hard floor.



“Somepony get this Impy off of me!”

Rainbow Dash’s pleas were ignored as Big Macintosh, Twilight Sparkle, Trixie, and Spike moved to catch the ponies falling from high above. Big Macintosh pulled a string on his pack which inflated a life preserver. He tossed it below Spotter just in time for the colt to bounce harmlessly off of it. Shining Armor found himself softly set down by the combined levitational efforts of Twilight and Trixie. Finally, Spike blew a gust of wind, slowing Rarity’s fall enough for him to catch her in his arms.

Derpy bounced off a glass tube, then toppled to the ground. In less than a second, she bounced to her hooves. “That was a great landing, guys!”

“My hero!” Rarity said, wrapping her hooves around Spike and planting a kiss on his cheek. The little dragon stiffened, his purple scales taking on a deep red hue.

“A-Applejack!” Twilight rushed for the earth pony and hugged her with all her might. “You’re okay!”

Not one to be left out, Big Macintosh took Applejack’s other side and joined in on the group hug. “Eeyup!”

“Huh? Whu?” came Applejack’s coherent response. “You… you guys are all right?”

“What the?” Twisting around, Rainbow Dash looked up into the startled face of her long-lost friend. “Applejack!” With one mighty heave, Rainbow Dash pushed Twilight and Big Macintosh away and gave Applejack the tightest embrace yet. “I knew you were kicking flank! I just knew it!”

Eyes watering and lips quivering, Applejack buried her muzzle into Rainbow Dash’s hair. Sounds came out of her mouth, incoherent mumblings that nopony could interpret, but sounded happy all the same. After a minute of embracing, Rainbow Dash and Applejack pulled apart, the widest smiles anyone had ever seen on their faces. “I heard about Neighshe. I that y’all were dead.”

“C’mon, Applejack,” Rainbow Dash said, lightly bopping her on the shoulder. “Ya think we’d be that easy to knock off? Give us some credit.”

“How the hay did y’all get here, anyway?”

Big Macintosh cleared his throat. “Well, we—”

The goodwill and catching up was cut short as two panels situated on opposite ends of the lab lifted up, revealing a pair of Guardians. The two behemoths lumbered forward on their thick bipedal legs, their twin mini-guns and primary canon aimed directly at the ponies clustered in the center of the lab.

“Oh, fiddlesticks,” Applejack cursed. “Not more of these things.”

“What are they?” Rainbow Dash said, pulling out Thunder Blade and holding it at the ready in her mouth.

“A trap, you rainbow dunce,” came a voice from the lab entrance. All attention switched to the newcomer, the group further tensing up as Gilda strode down the metal flooring. The griffon smirked at her quarry, her gaze taking in all the Returners before her. She finally settled on Trixie and beckoned her with a talon. “I guess you weren’t lying, Trixie. You actually pulled it off.”

“Wha—” was all Rainbow Dash got out before a pair of light blue hooves bucked her in the head. The pegasus cried out in pain and fell back into Applejack, her sword clattering to the floor.

In one smooth motion, Trixie levitated her sword and slugged Spike in the stomach with the pommel, knocking him and Rarity a few feet away. The next swipe placed the bladed end up against a wide-eyed Twilight’s throat. Trixie quickly wrapped her hooves around Twilight’s barrel and began dragging her hostage away from the stunned Returners. Keeping her eyes pinned on the group, she said, “All of you stay back! Don’t any of you try a thing.” Her sword pressed up harder against Twilight’s skin, nearly drawing blood.

Twilight whimpered, forcing herself not to swallow. Her breathing came in short bursts and tears began welling up in her eyes. “T-Trixie,” she said. “Why?” Twilight yelped in pain as Trixie yanked down on her mane, exposing more of her throat.

“You shut up,” Trixie hissed.

By now, Rainbow Dash was back on her hooves, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. “Trixie, what the hay are you doing?!”

Trixie didn’t answer, instead focusing on moving Twilight closer to Gilda, little by little.

“Well, since Trix has her hooves full, I’ll be happy to tell you,” Gilda said. She chuckled, a victorious grin on her face. “Ya see, just the other day a letter was delivered to me. Your pal Trixie here slipped it in one of our soldier’s armor. It said she’d be bringing little Twilight and all the rest of you here for us to capture. In exchange, she’d hoof over Twilight back to us and we’d grant amnesty to the rest of you.”

A stunned silence followed Gilda’s speech. Then, a low growl began to emanate from the center of the Returners. The growl grew into a roar of rage as Spike leapt forward and charged, his face contorted with hate and malice. “You traitor! I’ll kill you!”

In response, Trixie’s sword pressed harder against Twilight’s throat. This time, a trickle of blood began to run down Twilight’s coat. Even in his hate fueled state, Spike took notice and stopped before he had reached even half way to Trixie. From the side, one of the Guardians took aim and let loose a thin white laser that sliced through the floor panels directly in front of Spike. The dragon yelped and stumbled back.

“I said stay back!” Trixie shouted. “You'll all be dead if you don’t do exactly as I say!”

Spike glared, flames leaking out of his mouth. “I swear, Trixie, if you harm her anymore, you’ll be the one that’s dead!”


Twilight’s panicked eyes widened even more.

“Trixie, listen to me!” Rainbow Dash yelled, gaining everyone’s attention. “Whatever you’ve got planned, it won’t work. You can’t trust them.” She swallowed, beckoning Trixie with a hoof. “Please, don’t do this.”

Twilight. Free us.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash,” Trixie replied, still inching her way towards Gilda with Twilight in toe. She hiccuped, her voice coming out thick. “But… but this is the only way. W-we can’t beat them! The Empire’s too strong. Maybe… maybe if we had beaten them at Neighshe, I… could believe we had a chance.” She blinked her eyes, tears dripping down her muzzle. She dragged Twilight a little faster. “But that didn’t happen! We lost, badly! The Empire’s going to take over the world no matter what we do. This is the only way we have to be safe.”

You can do it. You have the power.

A burning feeling began to build within Twilight’s body. She felt it once before, in Neighshe.

“And what about Twilight?” Applejack asked. “You just going to give her up?”

“I'm willing to sacrifice one pony if it means we all stay alive.”

“Heh, just as pragmatic as always, Trixie,” Gilda said. “It’s like you never left.”

“Be quiet, Gilda.” Trixie looked over her shoulder, only a few paces away from the griffon. “You’re not helping.”

Trixie’s momentary distraction was all that was needed.

Rarity’s horn lit up and a pin from inside her hair lifted out. She needed little time to aim and fire it like a bullet. The needle streaked past Trixie’s cheek, drawing a line of blood and causing her to screech in surprise. Her hold on Twilight weakened and her sword drifted away.

The terrified unicorn did what came natural to her. With a wild look in her eyes, Twilight Sparkle let out a wail and her body burst into flame. The sudden shock wave of power knocked Trixie away, an act that saved her from being burnt alive. Twin jets of flame sprouted from Twilight’s back, completing her alternate form.

“Oh horseapples, she’s going ballistic again!” Rainbow Dash cried. She turned to the others. “Find a spot to hide!”

The two Guardians took note of the new threat and opened fire. Lasers and cannon fire flew through the air, but Twilight snapped her hooves out, sending two giant gouts of flame to incinerate the incoming projectiles. She pressed her attack, her magical fire impacting the Guardians, pushing them back.

“No you morons, I want her alive!” Gilda frantically reached into her jacket, fumbling for a remote. She managed to pull it out just as Twilight screamed again and sent fire in all directions. Gilda cursed and ducked behind a glass cylinder holding one of the espers.

Her choice of hiding spot mattered little. Twilight’s chaotic and unfocused power crashed against the cylinders, control panels, and anything unfortunate enough to be in her proximity. Soon, the entire laboratory became a giant oven.

A floor panel near the Returners slid open and a pony rose into view via a humming elevator. Doctor Whooves' jaw dropped as he beheld his smoldering facility. “What the bloody Tartarus is going on here?!” He ran towards the nearest control panel, doing his best to keep away from the flickering flames. He swore again after seeing all the flashing lights and alarm signals covering the display screen. “You fools! Stop this fighting! You’re going to—”

One of the cylinders burst, spilling the liquid contained within on the floor, along with the esper it held. Another tube exploded, then another and another. The released espers floundered on the floor, most too weak to move. One, however, humanoid in shape, began to slowly crawl towards Twilight’s raging form. It ignored the searing heat pouring from her body, using what little magic it could summon to protect itself. After several excruciating seconds, the esper reached up and touched Twilight’s hoof.

“Be calm.”

All at once, Twilight Sparkle’s magical outburst ceased. Her flaming wings receded and her body regained its lavender coat. She gave one final moan and then collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

“Twilight…” the esper groaned before it too passed out.

Despite the end of Twilight’s attack, the fires around the lab still raged on. At the panel, Doctor Whooves frantically punched buttons and flipped switches in a desperate attempt to regain some semblance of control. “Bollocks to you all! This whole place is ruined. We have to get out, now!”

Gilda hopped out from behind the destroyed cylinder, her body and red jacket smoldering from close calls with the fires. “Gah, you stupid idiots! You had to go and make things difficult, didn’t you?” She stood up on her hind legs and raised her talons. A green glow surrounded her body and soon a harsh wind blew through the facility. Raging fires were scooped up and snuffed out as fast as Gilda could manage. Little by little, the out of control flames were reduced to tiny smolders. Once the worst of the blaze had been dealt with, Gilda turned her attention back to the Returners huddling in the corner. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you.” She gave a shrill whistle and the two Guardians, burnt but still functional, began to lumber forward. They plowed past any wreckage in their way, heading for the group of ponies.

“Gilda.” The griffon looked down, raising an eyebrow as Trixie picked herself up, a thin layer of frost dissipating off of her body. “Remember, don’t hurt them.”

“Trix, shut that fat trap of yours. I’ve got this covered.” Gilda pulled out a small remote and began pushing buttons, sending commands to the magitek weapons. The miniguns and laser ports transformed, morphing into taser guns and net launchers.

Even as the two Guardians rumbled into position, another esper, this one in the form of a green, one-eyed boar, crawled towards the Returners. Rainbow Dash’s eyes swiveled between it and the approaching machines. Taking a deep breath, she rocketed out of her hiding spot and grabbed hold of the esper around its neck and tried to pull it back to the others. She grunted and flapped her wings as hard as she could, but the esper was twice her size and too weak to lift its own weight.

“The red pony…” it wheezed, its voice so low that Rainbow Dash barely heard it. “Call it over… Now….”

“Big Mac!” Rainbow Dash yelled over the sound of the approaching Guardians. “Get over here!”

Big Macintosh hesitated for a second, then rushed to Rainbow Dash and the esper. “Now what?”

“Fenrir,” the esper said, its breathing becoming shallower. “Summon him.”

Rainbow Dash threw up her hooves. “How?! It’s dead!”

The Guardians finished their preparations, aimed, and fired. Thin, electric bolts arced out from one while the other shot small black orbs in an arc over the ponies’ heads. The orbs split in midair, spilling out a large fish-net that fanned out and descended.

The boar esper jabbed a hoof into Big Macintosh’s cutie mark and sent a weak pulse of magic into it.

The whole room went pitch black. A wolf’s howl rang throughout the lab. The sounds of electricity and nets hitting their targets followed. Even Gilda’s griffon eyes couldn’t make out what was happening. At last, the all encompassing darkness lifted, revealing espers and ponies alike caught in the nets and unmoving.

“Yes!” Gilda roared, raising a fist to the sky. “You twerps are mine.” She let out a deep laugh and walked over to the pony closest to her, Twilight Sparkle. “Ah, my little pet. Shame on you for running away for so long. I’m going to have to make sure I bolt down the next slave crown I put on you.” Beaming, she reached down and ran a claw through the pony’s mane.

Gilda’s claw passed right through Twilight’s head. Blinking, Gilda felt around but the only tangible material she could feel was the net. Her beak dropped as Twilight’s image began to fade away until nothing was left except an empty net.

“No…” Her face contorting into a sneer, Gilda reached down for the esper laying beside Twilight, but her talon once again touched nothing but empty air. “No!” Even as the esper disappeared, she rushed down the lab, checking each pony and esper. Each one failed to be real. “This is impossible! What happened?! Where are they?!”

Behind her, forgotten by Gilda’s growing anger, Trixie slumped to the floor and sighed. “Gone.”


The world spun around Rainbow Dash in a confusing and nauseating manner. It was impossible to tell up from down and left from right. She held her mouth closed, convinced that she’d throw up at any moment if reality continued to shift around her. At last, her surroundings stopped spinning, allowing her to finally get her bearings. She hobbled on her hooves and fought back the urge to hurl. Little by little, her senses came back to her and she was able to take stock of the situation.

She was in a different room from the lab. Rainbow Dash blinked several times, her vision coming into sharper focus. Faint lighting from a half-dozen hanging light bulbs illuminated walls of dull metal brown. Her friends lay nearby, disoriented but otherwise seemingly fine. She moved to go to them, but her hoof bumped into something soft and warm. She looked down, noticing the esper that had somehow called forth the power bound within Big Macintosh. The large boar lay still, with no sign of breathing.

“Hey,” Rainbow Dash said, nudging the esper. “Hey, wake up.”

Her prodding produced a result, but not one she was expecting. She yelped and hopped back as the esper’s body gave a blinding flash of green light, forcing her to look away. The light lasted only a few seconds, and as soon as her eyes adjusted she looked back to see a magicite shard laying on the ground.

Rainbow Dash swallowed through a suddenly dry mouth. Slowly, she reached forward and picked up the magicite. It was warm to the touch. “Oh, no. No…”

More flashes of lights erupted around her. Where an esper once lay was now a piece of magicite, glowing faintly in the room. Rainbow Dash slumped to the floor, staring at all the pulsing stones as her eyes began to tear up. “No, no, no, no! You can’t die! We were gonna save you! We… we…”

A hoof wrapped around her neck and pulled her close to a warm body. Applejack held Rainbow Dash as the pegasus let out a wail of despair.

The others picked themselves up, not meeting anyone’s gaze. Most were content to stay put and allow Rainbow Dash to mourn. Spike quietly worked his way towards Twilight and rested a claw on her chest. He sighed in relief to find her heartbeat steady.

“Young dragon,” a weak voice next to him said.

Spike looked down and did a double take to see that one of the espers was still alive. It was humanoid, with bulging muscles and wild purple hair. Two horns sprouted from its head, giving him the appearance of a minotaur. Its breathing was shallow, but its eyes held such vitality that Spike unconsciously took a step back.

“Are you… her friend?”

“Wh-who, Twilight?” Spike said. “Yeah, I’m her teacher.”

“Teacher… How odd.”

“Uh, here.” Spike let out a breath of green fire, the fire swirling and coalescing into a canteen. The dragon popped open the stopper and held it next to the esper’s mouth. “Looks like you could use some water.”

“Ah, thank you.” The esper opened its fanged mouth and let Spike pour the water down into its maw. The esper drank deeply, emptying Spike’s canteen. “Oh. I haven’t tasted something so good in a very long time.”

“Um, you’re welcome.” Another stream of fire sent the canteen back. “So, what’s your name?”


“You’re… not going to turn into a stone too, are you?”

Maduin sighed and shook his head. “Not yet. I have things I must say to Twilight.”

“Hey, how do you know her name?”

The esper gave a weak smile. “Get us out of here safely, and I’ll tell you.” Taking a deep breath, Maduin closed his eyes, entering into a serene slumber.

Unnoticed by anyone, Doctor Whooves peered at one of the magicite laying on the floor. “Fascinating. I never knew this could happen.” He reached forward and picked up the magicite.

“Don’t touch that!”

Doctor Whooves was pushed away, the magicite flying up into the air only to be scooped up in Rainbow Dash’s hooves. In the blink of an eye, she gathered up the remaining shards and held them close to her chest. “These are coming with us. You can’t have them!”

“Whoa, settle down there, missy,” Doctor Whooves said, waving his hooves in a placating manner. “Let’s all calm down. I believe there’s much for us to talk about.”

“Who are you?”

Spotter hopped forward, pointing an accusatory hoof at the stallion. “That’s the guy that poked my butt!”

“What?!” Shining Armor stomped forward, his angry expression promising pain.

Doctor Whooves frantically backed away until he was stopped by a wall. “Hold up, you lot! Let me explain!”

“You better start now,” Rarity said, her horn alight.

“I’m Doctor Whooves. I’m the administrator of this facility.”

“Hold up.” Rainbow Dash set the magicite down behind her. “I remember Trixie talking… about you.” She trailed off, her expression becoming distant. “Trixie.” She tightly shut her eyes as another round of tears began to build. “Why?” Stamping her hooves, Rainbow Dash yelled, “Why did she betray us?!”

“Ah yes, General Trixie,” Doctor Whooves mused, rubbing his chin. “I thought that was her. Only she could make such a mess of everything.” He regarded the pegasus, who seemed on the verge of a mental breakdown. “So, I must ask. What are your intentions?”

Applejack stepped forward, leaning a distraught Rainbow Dash into Big Macintosh’s embrace. “We need to get out of here. Out of the capital. Are you gonna help us or you gonna cause trouble?”

The magitek expert looked around, finding Returners on all sides. He cleared his throat, hiding a nervous stutter. “Why, help you, of course. I’m plum out of work now without any espers. I think it prudent that we be on our way. It won’t take long for Gilda to find us.” He calmly walked over to a wall panel and flipped a switch. A large section of wall lifted up, revealing an industrial strength elevator. “If you would all climb on, this will take you to a railway system. It’s where we ship out our heavier equipment. You’ll be able to slip out that way.”

“That so?” Applejack trotted up, invading Doctor Whooves’ personal space. “You won’t mind me keeping close, would ya? Just to make sure you ain’t double crossin’ us like that unicorn back there.”

Doctor Whooves swallowed. “Not at all. Shall we?”

It took some doing, as Twilight Sparkle and Maduin were still out cold, and Big Macintosh wavered on his hooves. He had never used magic before and summoning the spirit of an esper had left him in a tired daze. The magicite were stuffed in a bag and slung over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. The adventurer didn’t meet anyone’s gaze, simply keeping her muzzle forward.

The trip down proved uneventful, everyone keeping to themselves or watching for trouble. The elevator reached the bottom of the shaft and the group stepped out. Just as Doctor Whooves said, an underground rail station and an unguarded supply train waited for them. Doctor Whooves headed for the small booth station, all the while shadowed by Applejack. He manipulated the buttons on the panel and the train lit up and began to hum. He motioned towards the empty flatbed attached to the train. “All aboard, and good luck to you.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “You not comin’?”

“Somepony has to stay to get the train to run. Since I’m the only one here that knows how, then yes, I’m staying. But don’t worry, I’ll set the tracks so that you will be sent straight out of Vectorlot. You’ll be on your own then.”

Applejack looked over at where the others were climbing onto the flatbed. “You okay with that Dash?”

The pegasus frowned, giving Doctor Whooves a sharp look. “Just so you know, I’m the fastest pony alive. If we run into trouble before we get out of here, I’ll fly all the way back and deal with you. I’m not in the mood for anymore double crosses.”

Doctor Whooves bowed his head. “Duly noted, ma’am.” The sound of approaching hooves caused him to look back up, into the unamused face of Shining Armor. “Uh, yes?” His head snapped back from a sudden hoof to the face. Stumbling back, Doctor Whooves rubbed his jaw and shied away from the large stallion.

“That was for Spotter,” Shining Armor said. “If Applejack’s friend doesn’t finish you off, then I will.” With that, he headed for the flatbed.

Once the Domarian and Fillygarian were a safe distance away, Doctor Whooves grumbled and reached for the panel. “Brutes, the lot of you.”

“Says the pony who put living things inside tubes to drain their energy,” Spike shot back as he laid Twilight down on the flatbed in as comfortable a position as he could.

Doctor Whooves declined to comment. A few more button presses and the train jerked, disengaging from the platform. With a screech of steel on steel, the train began to move down the tracks. Within moments, the ponies lost sight of the platform and the pony they left behind.

“Think he’ll keep his word?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash sat down, unsheathed Thunder Blade, and began polishing it with a rag. “He better.”

Applejack sat next to her, watching Rainbow Dash work. A minute passed, the only sounds being the train moving down the tracks. “So, what’s new?”

It started with a noncommittal grunt. Rainbow Dash tried to fight it, but a small smirk grew on her muzzle. That smirk developed into a full-fledged grin, shortly followed by a repressed chuckle. It didn’t take long before a laugh escaped through her lips. Finally, Rainbow Dash set down Thunder Blade and let herself go, guffawing as though she’d heard the funniest pun of her life.

It took her a while, but Rainbow Dash finally managed to get her laughter to die down. “Heh, I could ask you the same thing, AJ.”

“Sure. I ain’t got nothin’ but time.”

“Yeah. Well, after we split up… wow that feels like a long time ago, I had to be all spy-like and get into South Fillygaro.”


“There you guys are!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed once Stardust, Fluttershy, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders returned to the party. “We were just about to play pin the tail on the pony.”

“Pass,” Stardust said and headed for the trolley of cider. All around, citizens and Imperials were still mingling and dancing, reveling in the festivities.

Pinkie Pie followed after the chocobo. “Aw, c’mon. It looks like you could use some cheering up.”

“Oh, really?” Stardust popped off the cork to a bottle and took a hearty drink. “How do ya figure?”

“It’s because I have this really nifty gift called Pinkie Sense. I get a little tingle in my body that lets me know certain things are going to happen.”

Stardust took another long drink. “Hmm, sounds like magic to me.”

“Maybe,” Pinkie Pie said, nodding. “I don’t know how else to explain it.” Her eyes drifted to Stardust’s bag, where a green glow emanated. She pointed to it and said, “Hey, something’s going on in your bag there.”

Looking over, Stardust nearly spit out his cider. Forcing down the beverage in a painful gulp, he tossed the empty bottle aside and placed down his bag. Reaching in, he pulled out the glowing object, a magicite crystal. “Um, I ah, think this is for you.” He held it out with his wing.

Pinkie Pie gasped and grabbed the magicite. “Really? For me? Wow, and it’s not even my birthday! Thanks!” She turned the magicite over in her hooves, inspecting it at every angle. “It’s warm. What is—” She got no further as the light intensified, obscuring her form.

Stardust was ready this time and shielded his face with a wing.

Once the light died down, he peeked out to see Pinkie Pie sitting down, her eyes wide and her mane even poofier than before. “Whoa. What a rush.”

Bending down, Stardust waved a wing in front of Pinkie’s muzzle. “You okay?”

Pinkie Pie blinked and produced a grin so wide it nearly touched her ears. “Okay? I’m better than okay!” She hopped to her hooves, a cloud of confetti bursting out of… somewhere. “I feel great! I feel spectacular! I—” She interrupted herself as her whole body shook and contorted in ways that no pony should ever be able to do.

“Ah!” Stardust shied away from the spasming pony. “What’s going on?!”

As soon as it began, Pinkie Pie’s body settled down, returning her to normal dimensions. “Wow. That’s never happened before. What a doozy.”

Stardust risked asking, “A… doozy?”

Pinkie Pie nodded, a far away look in her eyes. “Yeah, I think something big is about to happen.” She suddenly stood up, her features firming. “We gotta get back to the Party of One. I don’t know how, but something tells me we’re going to be needing it really soon. C’mon.” She turned away, heading towards her crew members mingled among the crowd.

Having turned away, Stardust managed to get a look at Pinkie’s flank. Adorned there were three balloons, each the shape of a smiling cat face.


“And that about wraps up my side of things.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. She looked over to Shining Armor, giving the stallion a sympathetic gaze. “Jeeze, poor guy. I didn’t think the Empire could get any lower.”

Applejack nodded. “Yeah. He seems to be doing better. He lives for his kid, now.”

A tiny gleam out of the corner of Rainbow Dash’s eye caught her attention. She looked down, noticing that it had come from the sack holding the magicite. She untied the sack’s cord, reached in and held up one of the green crystals. It sparkled on one side, as though reaching for something… or somepony. Rainbow Dash followed the direction of the sparkle, smirking at the pony her sight fell upon. “Hey, big guy!”

Shining Armor, who sat nearest the train, looked up and saw Rainbow Dash waving him over. Giving one last look at the train, he trotted towards the pegasus. “Yes?”

“Could you do me a favor?” Rainbow Dash held up the magicite. “Could you touch this?”

The stallion glanced at Applejack, but the earth pony merely shrugged. “Why? What’s going to happen if I do?”

“Nothin’,” Rainbow Dash said, fighting back a grin. “C’mon, nothing’s happening to me. What, scared of a little rock?”

Shining Armor huffed. “I’m not scared, just cautious.” He stared at the magicite offered before him, taking note of the way it gleamed at him. Slowly, as though caught between intrigue and indecision, Shining Armor raised a hoof. Something compelled him to want to touch it, like accepting a hug from a long lost friend. The moment his hoof came into contact, his world became a bright pink light.

Once his vision returned, the first thing Shining Armor noticed was that the magicite was gone. He blinked a few times and set down his raised hoof. “What just happened?”

Rainbow Dash no longer repressed her grin. “It seems like you made a new friend.” She got up and stepped around to get a look as Shining Armor’s flank. “Yep. Looks like I was right.”

Shining Armor followed her gaze. His jaw dropped. Adorning his flank was a dark blue shield with a pink starburst crest. Above the shield were three blue stars. “How…”

“Heh, congrats dude!” Rainbow Dash said, slapping him on the back. “You just bonded with an esper. That means you’re going to have a bunch of cool powers to use.”

“I don’t underst—”

From the cabin of the train, Spotter poked his head out and yelled back, “Hey! I think the exit is coming up!”

The group stood up and looked down the tunnel. A tiny dot of white light lay far down the tracks. Second by second, it grew bigger. The shape of an arched opening took form and soon the train passed by the tunnel exit and into daylight. The Returners threw up their hooves and cheered.

A cheer that turned into screams when a magitek armor unit appeared standing on the tracks around a sharp bend.

“Spotter!” Shining Armor cried as he rushed forward and telekinetically plucked his son from the train. Seconds later, the train collided with the unsuspecting magitek unit. The resulting collision produced a giant explosion of fire and shrapnel.

Smoke and fire obscured the desolation. An errant wind swept by, blowing some of the smoke away, revealing the flatbed still intact. A transparent, pink barrier surrounded it. Everyone inside was shaken, but otherwise fine.

“Um, Dad, you’re squeezing me.”

Snapping open tightly shut eyes, Shining Armor eased the pressure on his son. His horn, alight with pink magic, drew his attention next. He shook his head and the glow dissipated along with the barrier surrounding the flatbed. Immediately, the heat from the burning train and magitek armor washed over him. “We have to get away,” he said, levitating his son on his back. Quickly, he began to rouse the others, helping them get up and off the flatbed.

As the group headed away from the wreckage, they took notice that they were inside an army depot. Large crates and containers surrounded them on all sides, making it impossible to see into the distance. Cries from approaching Imperials and the sound of a siren soon followed.

“Great, can anything go our way for once?” Rainbow Dash said, readying her weapon. Soldiers and magitek began to appear on all sides of them, cutting off any avenue for escape.

Rainbow Dash tensed, ready to start cutting down anything that got in her range, when a soldier a few dozen hooves away went down. She stared, nearly dropping her sword when she realized the Imperial was covered in cake frosting. That was when she heard the roar of engines and looked up to see the Party of One descending from above.

“Hang on, I’ll get you guys out!” Pinkie Pie yelled down to them. She barked orders to her crew who began firing at will on the Imperials.

Completely caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the airship, and the bombardment of pies, cakes, and other confectionery delights, the Empire’s forces were pushed back. Ropes and hooks lowered from the hull which the Returners quickly grabbed hold of. Once they were all safely secured, the Party of One’s turbines whined, lifting the airship higher into the sky.


Gilda was not a happy griffon.

“You’re all useless!” she screamed as she raced through the military depot. She headed for the largest building, a place used for loading and unloading equipment onto the trains. A quick glance over her shoulder confirmed that the Party of One was heading this way, slowly gaining altitude. She didn’t have much time.

She barged into the building, knocking aside ponies and griffons alike in her haste. Gilda headed for the control room situated a floor above. Once there, she reached for the communications radio and said, “Whoever’s manning the cranes, listen up! I have a job for you bozos.”


“Wow, Pinkie, your timing couldn’t be better,” Rainbow Dash said to the airship captain.

Pinkie Pie smiled and took a bow. “Don’t just thank me, thank your friend Stardust. If it wasn’t for the rock he gave me, I wouldn’t have known you’d be here.” She presented her flank, showing off her new cutie mark.

Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped. “No way. You bonded with an esper too? That’s unreal!”

The little fillies trotted up to them, each sporting an unhappy frown. “Yeah, how come everypony else is getting a cutie mark?” Apple Bloom asked.

“You’d think being called the Cutie Mark Crusaders would give us priority!” Scootaloo added.

Sweetie Belle declined to comment, but nodded her head in agreement.

Rainbow Dash did a double take. “Wait, didn’t we ditch you all at the opera house?”

“They’re stowaways!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, gathering the fillies up in a hug. “That’s so great because now I can tick that one off the list of things a true airship captain has to experience! I’m still waiting on a cosmic horror attacking my ship out of nowhere, but really, what are the odds of that happening?”

The airship suddenly rocked violently as the sound of crunching wood on both port and starboard reached their ears.

Rainbow Dash facehoofed. “You just had to go there, didn’t you.”

“Dash! Pinkie!” Spike yelled as he ran up to them. “We got trouble! There’s a giant machine attacking us!”

“Not just one, but two!” Rarity said and pointed to where a large mechanical arm lifted into view and grabbed hold of the airship, sinking its claws deep into the deck’s wooden panels.

“We’ve got them, brother of mine!” came a stallion’s voice over the crane’s intercom.

The crane operator opposite the other responded, “Well done, Flim! We’ll be getting back into the Emperor’s good graces after this!”

Applejack and Big Macintosh groaned. “You gotta be kiddin’ me. These guys again?”

“They mock us, Flam!” Flim said. “Let’s show them what we got.”

“Right with you!” the twin stallion replied.

The cranes rocked back and forth, shaking the airship with them. Any creatures without wings tumbled to the deck. Rainbow Dash lifted off, brandishing her sword and began whacking one of the cranes. Thunder Blade tore through the machine, producing a cascade of sparks and debris to rain down to the ground below.

“Think you’re hot stuff, eh?” came Flam’s voice. A panel slid open near the base of the crane arm, revealing a nozzle. “Not as hot as this!” The nozzle began spewing fire, forcing Rainbow Dash to fly back.

“Seriously?!” the adventurer grumbled. “Who builds in a flamethrower on something like this?”

The airship lurched again, now losing altitude as the cranes began to pull it down to earth. Stardust squawked and tripped, sending the contents of his bags scattering everywhere. He caught sight of his final magicite bouncing across the deck. “No! Grab that! We can’t lose it!”

“Don’t worry, I’m on it!” Derpy said. She flew after it, making several attempts to nab it, but each time she tried, the airship would shake and send it careening somewhere else. “Come back here, you little crasshopper!” She dove, this time catching it in her hooves, only for the airship to rock again, causing her to lose her grip. The magicite slipped from her grasp and tumbled over the side. “Ack!” Narrowing her eyes, Derpy jumped after it.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash zipped past a crane, leaving a deep gash in its side. However, the damage wasn’t enough as the cranes continued to hold on. Only a few hundred hooves remained before the airship was pulled completely down and into the waiting army of Imperials below.

“Almost there, Flam!”

“Right you are, brother! Nothing can stop us now.”

A flash of light below the airship was all the warning they received. Arcs of lightning suddenly lanced out, striking the long, unprotected base of the cranes. The machines began to smoke and seize up.

“What’s going on, Flim? I’m losing control!”

“Me too! Give it all you got, Flam!”

The two brothers pounded on their control panels, putting all their muscle on the levers controlling the cranes’ decent. Another round of lightning struck, sending hundreds of volts of electricity through the delicate systems. Despite the best efforts of the brothers to regain control, the cranes stopped, no longer responding to their commands.

“Now’s our chance!” Applejack cried. “Get those claws off!”

Galvanized, the Returners picked themselves up, two groups rushing for the clawed hands of the cranes. Bucks, hacking with weapons, and a chainsaw finally managed to dislodge the claws, sending them crashing to the docking building below. The airship lurched a final time, clearing the depot and rising high into the sky.

A collective sigh of relief passed through the tired group. Rainbow Dash landed on the deck, covered in sweat and panting for breath. Seconds later, Derpy crashed next to her, her coat singed and her eyes rolling in their sockets. Bubbles with lightning bolts within them now adorned her flank. “Wowy. That felt weird.”

“Most spectacular.”

The Returners looked up to see Maduin awake in the center of the deck. The esper had Twilight in his lap as he gently stroked her mane. Twilight herself slept soundly, a content smile on her muzzle. “You ponies are wielding the powers of my brethren quite well. I am both grateful and in awe.”

Spike walked up to him, an eager look on his face. “Um, you said you’d tell us more about Twilight once we got away, right? I think we managed to do that.”

“Yes, I believe I did,” Maduin said with a rich chuckle. “Very well. This is Twilight Sparkle. She is my daughter.”

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