• Published 21st Dec 2011
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Filly Fantasy VI - The Return of Magic - The Wyld Stallynz

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Wherein the Truth is Revealed (April Foals)

“F-Fire!” Twilight Sparkle cried out. A searing stream of flame launched from her horn and struck the nautiloid full on. The octopus-like creature let out a wail of pain before falling back into the water from whence it came. Twilight let out a shuddering breath while wiping her forehead of sweat.

“Duck, Miss Twilight!”

The unicorn squawked in alarm and flattened herself on the wooden raft. A pair of cross bolts whizzed past her head and impacted against the hide of an exocite coming up from behind her. It crumpled in a heap of chitinous skin.

Big Macintosh walked up to the monster and pushed it off the raft and back into the Lete River. He turned and smiled down at Twilight and offered her a hoof. “Sorry ‘bout that. You hurt?”

Twilight accepted the hoof and pulled herself up. “Y-yes. I’m fine. Thank you.” She cast a weary glance down the river and sighed. “I’ll be better once we get off this raft.”

“Just a little longer,” Mayor Mare assured her. She stood at the front of the raft, a wooden pole in her hooves and doing her best to steer the raft as it floated down the Lete. “In fact, if I remember correctly—Ah ha! There!” Mayor Mare pointed a hoof further ahead where the rocky cliffs that surrounded the river finally came to an end.

With Big Macintosh’s help, Mayor Mare managed to push the raft towards a grassy bank just past the cliffs. No sooner had the raft touched the riverbank than Twilight rushed forward and jumped onto the solid ground. The mare fondly caressed the dirt with her hooves and even gave the ground a quick kiss.

“And this is supposed to be the wicked witch that’s killed countless ponies,” Mayor Mare said, though a smirk and a glint in her eye gave away any hurtful intent. She scanned the area, taking note of the fading daylight, and nodded her head. “We’ll make camp here. Get rested up because we have a busy day ahead of us when we get to Neighshe.”

No complaints came from the others and soon a fire and tent were set up. After a quick dinner of rations, the ponies settled down and let sweet slumber wash over them.


The entrance to Neighshe loomed over the gathered Returners, the dull-grey stone archway seamlessly blending into the mountain from which they were cut. Beyond the archway was a town of simple wood and brick houses surrounded by metal heaters spewing steam into the cold air. Beyond even the town rose the mountains the contained hundreds of years worth of coal that would heat the mining town for generations to come.

As long as the town managed to live that long, that is.

Twilight Sparkle shuddered as a memory of passing under this same entrance and riding Magitek Armor flashed through her mind. It seemed like a lifetime ago when she was nothing more than a tool for destruction. Now she had returned, this time with the intention of waking up an esper and asking its help to stop this senseless fighting. She couldn’t let what happened here, Fillygaro or at the Returners’ base happen ever again.

“Let’s get a move on,” Mayor Mare said and trotted forward. “Everypony, be on your best behavior. I don’t want—”


Three Neighshe guards walked up to the entrance, blocking the path of the Returners. “What business do you have here?”

Mayor Mare turned and held up a hoof at the Returners. “Stay put. I’ll take care of this.” She strode purposely up to the guards and gave them a bow. “I’m Mayor Mare and I would like to have a meeting with your elder.”

The guards looked at each other briefly, sharing a look, then faced the mare again. “No.”

Mayor Mare pinned her ears back and gave them an incredulous look. “No? But we—”

“We said no!” the guard yelled in her face. “No get out of here. If you don’t...” He and his companions pulled out swords from their scabbards and pointed them at the group.

Mayor Mare waved her hooves in a placating manner. “Alright! Alright! We’re going.” Grumbling under her breath, she turned and motioned with her head for Twi and Big Macintosh to follow her. They walked away from the town and its dangerous guardponies until the guards were lost in the billowing snow falling from the sky. Silently, she pointed back the way they came but over to a rock formation to the west of town. They made their way over to the mountain wall and began inspecting it.

“Um,” Twilight spoke up, biting her lower lip. “I think I know how to get in. You see...” She explained how Rainbow Dash crashed into the library, toppling countless books from the impact of her failed landing.

Wait a minute...


Rainbow Dash let out a pained groan and gingerly picked herself up and out of the mountain of books that had fallen on her. “Sorry, Twilight. You know, you should really think about putting in a landing strip for me when I want to stop by. Think about all the work you’ll be saving by not having to keep putting things back!”

A low, dangerous growl escaped from Twilight Sparkle’s mouth. She deftly paused her game and stomped up to the disaster prone pegasus. “If you would just use the door like any normal pony, this wouldn’t keep happening!”

“Hey, I can’t be stopping for little things like doors and windows,” Rainbow Dash defended. “I’ve got placed to be and ponies to meet. Besides, I’ve seen you magic all this stuff back. It doesn’t take that long.”

“Ugh! That’s not an excuse.” Twilight punctuated her statement with a not-so-gentle hoof to Rainbow Dash’s chest. “You have got to stop crashing into things like my poor tree. What if you were to get hurt? What then?”

“Chillax,” Rainbow Dash replied, waving off Twilight’s concerns with a hoof. “So, are we on?”

“You’re kinda early,” Twilight said, looking up at the clock. “Your turn isn’t scheduled for another thirty minutes.”

The pegasus let out a loud huff. “Aw, c’mon. I’ve been waiting all day and you’ve got it all to yourself. Can’t we switch turns just this once?”

“That’s what you said yesterday.”

“Then just this twice!”


“Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!”

Twilight threw up her hooves in exasperation. “Okay! Okay! I’ll save my game and get yours set up.” Shaking her head, Twilight stepped over to the Super Fillycon Entertainment System, picked up the controller with her magic and proceeded to walk her character on the screen out of town. One quick save later, she switched off the SFES, pulled out her vintage copy of Pony Fantasy VI and carefully placed it in its box.

Behind her, Rainbow Dash rubbed her fore hooves together while grinning from ear to ear. “Oh, I can’t wait! I’m finally going to get that sword and totally blow through Nightmare Moon’s castle and beat this game!”

Twilight hid a smirk from her friend as she placed in the game that Rainbow Dash had grown so fond of the past few weeks. The pegasus was really getting into the story just like she would a Daring Do novel. Twilight couldn’t blame her; it did have an exciting premise. A flick of the SFES on switch booted up the system and game, displaying a golden pendulum swinging back and forth across the screen in time with a metronome.

“All right!” Rainbow Dash snatched the controller from Twilight’s magic and sat down to load up her save file. “Now to beat up those hairless monkeys that attacked the village. They’re goin’ down!”

Soon, Rainbow Dash was battling her way through the world of My Little Chrono Triggers Are Magic.


“Hey, Stardust, isn’t that the name of some other fanfic? You know, the one with all of the time jumping and stuff?”

“Oh, yeah, you’re right! Say,” the chocobo continued, frowning thoughtfully. “Isn’t it because of that story that we even exist? Who was it that said something in the comments about how awesome a Final Fantasy VI crossover would be? Ponysomething Fancyslacks?”

“No, it was Ponydora Prancypants!” Spike corrected, giving the chocobo a head smack. “I swear, Magical Trevor is just too easily riled up. Anyway, enough about that, though! What’s going to happen to the real Twilight? How will they fare surviving the rest of the rapids, and then on to Neighshe? Will they be able to convince Neighshe to help them in their plight?”

“That’s what I want to know!” Stardust complained, digging out a potion to drink. “I’m so bored! It takes forever just to get one measly chapter written, and the only thing to do around here is lose to you in clic-clac-claw, and drink potions!”

“Then stop drinking them all! We’re going to need those!”

“Whatever. I’m sure we’ll be fine. I mean, Twilight can cast Cure now! What could possibly go wrong?” Stardust laughed.

Spike paled, gaping at Stardust. “You... you... you...”

“What? Are handsome? Brave? Suave?” Stardust prompted, smirking.

“Are an idiot!” Spike shouted, lance held at the ready as he looked around. “Don’t you know better than to go saying something like that?! Now something bad is going to happen, and I’m not going to wait around to find out!”

Stardust stared at the retreating dragon for just a moment before he followed in a strangled wark. “H-Hey, wait for me!”

Author's Note:

Alright, we couldn’t resist. Can you blame us? At least we kept it short so you knew it was an April Foal’s Day chapter! Originally we were going to work with Pav Feira to make our chapters coincide, but then Magical Trevor dropped the ball on the organization, so we fell back to this. Hope you enjoyed it, short as it was! We’re already at work on Twi’s segment, so don’t worry! It’s going to be done here eventually, and we’ll do our best to make sure it’s worth the wait!

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