• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 9(.5), Super Awesome Roadtrip Part Two!

May 31th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Sorry for skipping a day.

I'll try to catch you up to speed on what happened. Alright, I'll just be honest and just say we slept in all day. Nothing too interesting happened too, that's why I didn't write anything.

I probably shouldn't do that too much, if this is gonna be a record for future generations I'll want to document every little thing I find, right? God, what is this journal anymore? This started out as a personal diary to vent my thoughts and I just happened to start writing it a day before the end of the world.

Imagine writing a diary the day before the end of the world…

So, it turns out Jonathan can drive the truck we brought, he just has to slouch a bit like I said. That's good, now we have more room for everything!

No strange dream today. I guess I'm not a herald of the future after all then… Sad… Well, I'm still a savior of humanity though! Hehe….

Right now we're finishing packing our stuff up. We can't take everything so we're only taking the stuff we REALLY need. Personally, I'm taking my books, the sewing machine, and the last bits of food we brought on the way to the car shop. (Alyssa ate all the chips I liked… PS: Get payback on her for that.)

John took his radio with us, he stopped trying to use it to find survivors yesterday, but if "nobody in the city that doesn't stop him from trying on the road!" He says.

Alright so, the plans all set, everything ready, meaning we're all good to go. It's gonna be a real road trip this time. Instead of just two friends it's two friends, a dog, and their dad! (God, PLEASE don't let John see this.)

We put everything we could in the cargo bed, Alexander Hamilton III Buddy and Alyssa are in the back while John and I are in the front.

Woot, woot! Let's get this show started, pedal to the metal, baby! I sound like Alyssa…

12:15 AM

Looks like my theories yesterday were true, it's raining. It's pretty soft right now though. I don't think it'll get worse any time soon.

John isn't having any troubles driving in it but I'm here with him in the front if he ever needs help.

There's really nothing else for me to do, so I'm reading to pass the time. "Records Of Myths And Legends…" This books pretty interesting. It's not a one to one retelling of the legend of King Arthur, it's more like a story based off of it with elements from other things than anything.

Here look,

"Oh, back again? Alright… Today I'll tell you a story, one from legend and one you might recognize.

This story is about a young boy determined to save the world, and a mystical sword."

A young boy determined to save the world… That's kinda like me, right? Well I don't have a mystical sword, but close enough. Instead I have close friends, who'll help each other no matter what….

Thanks guys.

Other than that, I've been messing around with my mom's laptop. It still has a bit of battery left. I might have to charge it when we go somewhere with solar power though… Wherever that is. (A farm?)

Solitaires fun. I have no idea how to play Minesweeper though.

It's something to do at least. I should ask Alyssa how to play minesweeper later…. Nah, she'll just laugh at me.

speaking of Alyssa, she doesn't have much to do like me so she's been singing this one stupid song. It has lyrics that go something like "Oh baby, why won't you love me?" Well that's something she likes other than metal and rock, pop.

It's pretty annoying though… Should I tell her? Nah, I don't wanna hurt her feelings.

1:00 PM

Yo, not Emile here but Alyssa instead! I've always seen Emile writing in this journal thing so why not try it out myself?!

And don't worry, Emiles right here, he's asleep right now. So yeah, I'm here!

This is pretty hard… Alright so, wow. Just wow Emile put a lot in here… Like ALOT ALOT. And I didn't even know, damn…

So, it's been 9 days since everything's happened. We're doing pretty awesome, I've been helping John out with the heavy work since Emile isn't good at lifting things.

And I've been taking care of Buddy, just like I said I would! (He's not a "damned mutt" he's a dog Emile!)

This are supposed to be used to vent my thoughts right? So getting a little "personal" is fine, right?

Okay so, I've been doing pretty good since the event happened. I was a little bummed at first with the whole everyone disappearing thing but I've been getting better! Look, we have Buddy, Jonathan, and Emile!

As long as we're together we're unstoppable!

The only reason I decided to be friends with Emile is because he was such a loner, it made me feel bad for him, y'know? Plus finding out about his family situation just made me want to be friends with him even more! He's like me! (I had a decent amount of friends though.)

My mom and dad got divorced resulting in this whole thing where I had to choose from one from both of them! In the end, I ended up with mother, my brother did too.

I'll be straightforward and just say my mom wasn't the best person. She manipulated the damned court to get me and my brother… I was only a kid then, so I didn't really get it that much… But I'm older now, so who's laughing now, huh?!

My brother was the one who took care of me after that, he was basically like my new dad! He was the best… He was brave, strong, absolutely awesome!

Someone I always inspired to be! That's what made me join the music club.

I was a bit sad when he went to college, but look at me now!

Brother, I wish you could see this, I'd tell you about all the awesome things that happened so far!

I know you're out there, somewhere. You wouldn't let yourself disappear easily…

Woah, I didn't mean to tell my whole life story there! Uhhhh…. How do you do this…

Well this is Alyssa Thompson heading out, goodbye!

(That's how Emile does it right?)

I'll teach him how to play minesweeper later, that idiot… (I'm joking…)

(Also, that song isn't stupid Emile it's a song about the power of true love!)

- Alyssa

3:00 pm

Hey, I'm back. Did you miss me? I take one short nap and suddenly Alyssa's using my journal as her own. I swear, that girl…

And wow, I knew some of how her life was like but I never knew it like that. That definitely explains a lot…

Alright, back to the important stuff. I've been thinking about it and the marks on our flanks/butts seems to be similar to our talents…

Alyssa's music… And John's Mechanic skills… Mines just a purple flower though, it's a red spider lily, or a lycoris flower, whatever you wanna call it. But, according to this book I have here these flowers are associated with things like "death" and "last goodbyes." Well, that's a bit grim…

It probably doesn't mean anything like that though.

Calling them "butt marks" is stupid so we need a better name for them. How about "destiny marks?" Sounds good.

The destiny marks don't seem to be removable or anything. It's like they're magically embroidered in our fur. Weird…

We're definitely not like any horse on earth. Some of us have magic, wings, horns… It's so strange…

I wonder if normal horses turned into ponies too. That'd be funny.

Once we stop somewhere I'll try to do more "research." Science is pretty interesting so this would be a good opportunity to actually use some of the stuff I've learned in school.

But for now this is Emile, wiedersehen.

- Emile

Author's Note:

Fun fact: Alyssa wrote her entry by taping a pencil to her arm! I'm not kidding, that's what actually happened.

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