• Published 17th Dec 2022
  • 531 Views, 58 Comments

Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 44-46, The Way Back Home.

July 5th, 2015

Dear Journal,

I'm okay… For the most part… I've been trying my best… We all have…

Ever since yesterday everyone's been super tense, even Joseph's toned down his smug act a bit.

We're packing up everything we can right now. It's not that hard since we have about 4 stallions here, and two "mares."

Alex is with me in the truck right now, I think he's writing something in his own journal. He's been trying my best to cheer me up.

I don't wanna involve him in my problems… Those are mine to deal with and mine alone.

I guess the satellite commutation project is canceled… It's a given with the situation right now. I'm guessing John and Joseph will have to finish whatever they were doing later.

We need to get home and cast. I don't know how long it'll take us to get back. Maybe a couple days at most? It really just depends on how many stops we take, especially with that "HPI" group out there.

We don't know what their objective is, but with what we've seen from them so far, they definitely aren't good.

Alex called Sky to check up on her. She said she's been doing "good" and that Alyssa and Minuette were "fine the last time she saw them."

I know that they could probably handle things themselves, especially Alyssa but I'm still worried about them. It's just… I just hope they're okay, stay safe, please…

Sky has it worse though, aside from Moriah she's pretty much alone. I don't know a lot about her but she's not "strong" like Alyssa. We shouldn't have let them alone… This whole trip was one big mistake.

Alex seems worried about her. I'm trying the best I can to make him feel better, if I can't make myself happy then I might as well try to make others happy. That's what friends are for, right?

It's funny… That's what he was trying to do earlier…

I'm tired, so very very tired…

Sky's apparently staying in some old farm somewhere. I don't know about Minuette and Alyssa though, but knowing them they're probably still at home. I know we don't want to abandon it, but…. Now isn't the time for things like that…

God, I'm probably getting repetitive aren't I? Well, that's what exhaustion does to you…

It's cramped in here… We might be decently small but 7 whole ponies is a bit too much for only two vehicles. At least Alex is here with me, it could be worse, I could be with a complete stranger instead. (Sorry Blake and Oliver.)

Alright, it looks like Olivers beginning to pull off, I'll have to stop writing for a bit. But for now, you know the drill.

- Emile

June 6th, 2015

Dear Journal,

We're about halfway there but we've stopped at a reststop for now. Sky said she saw the trucks head into the city, Alyssa too. Sky gave her and Minuette phones so they could contact us so thank god for that.

The airships went to god who knows where, we didn't see them. Sky and Alyssa didn't either. I'm guessing they returned to wherever their headquarters is.

We might have to hide here until they go away.

What the heck do they want with us…? It's like they're intentionally searching for us… They haven't done anything hostile to us, yet…

We need to stay on guard though, who knows what could happen with those people….

- Emile

June 7th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Alex wanted us to lay low for just a bit longer, but we can't hide forever. We're basically almost home now, just a couple more blocks…

So, according to Alyssa one of the trucks entered town so she decided to follow it, and guess what they did. They just left them there. She didn't go closer to investigate just to be safe. But they just left them there.

Same thing happened with Sky too.

They definitely did it on purpose, but why…? I guess we'll find out when we get home.

Joseph has some kind of weird system on the phones. Basically, they shut down automatically after five minutes on the line. I guess that's one of things him and John were working on.

It's smart. It saves time, power, whatever.

Maybe I'll ask him to fix up our radio when we get home…

I really hope everyone's safe. Even if those HPI people "left" I still can't help but worry about them.

Just stay safe everyone… We're almost there…

"Never falter from your path" sorry mysterious lady, it's too late for that…

I killed someone. They probably had friends and a family… For all I know they could've just been following the orders of whoever their higher ups are, and I killed them. I'm no better than them now… Irredeemable trash…

I hate myself.

Y'know, Minuette has been calling me "Bliss Flower" more often when I told her that was my new "pony nickname."

Bliss Flower… It's a nice name… It's a way better name than Emile.

- Bliss Flower

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