• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 47, Reunion.

June 8th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Sorry for not writing much yesterday. I've just been tired these past couple days.

But we're home now. Everyone's fine, and everything's just how we left it. For the most part at least, Alex said his base got damaged a bit.

It seems like those strange people, invaders, aliens, whoever and whatever they are are left too.

Thank the gods nothing bad happened, I was worried sick…

It seems like Alyssa felt the same way too. God, you should've seen everyone's reactions when they saw us, it was beautiful. In a good way.

"You're back!"

Woah, woah, woah… He got that she missed him but geez… Did she really have to hug him so tightly…? "Alyssa, you're crushing me… Alyssa!"

"Oh, right… Sorry…"

Well at least now he knew she was alright…

Minuette just stared at the two for a moment with her eyes on the verge of tears, but the second Emile turned to her she quickly wiped them away. "Welcome back…"

While Madeline just stayed silent with a soft smile on her face.

And Jonathan, of course, couldn't help but tease Alyssa a bit. "So, you do like me-"

"Shut up."

Usually she would've punched him in the face for something like that, but after everything that happened in the last couple days she decided to let it slide for now.

She was happy that they even came back.

Soon after Alyssa quickly turned her attention to the unfamiliar orange stallion that came out after John.

"Who are you…?"

"Blake, Blake Adams, and I'm…"

Blake just trailed off for a moment and didn't even bother finishing his sentence.

So Emile just finished it for him… "He's a survivor we bumped into on the trip."

Well that's one way to make a first impression I guess…

God, it feels damn good to be home. Alex probably feels the same way too. I can only imagine how he and Sky reunited… (She wasn't there with Alyssa :( )

Blake's staying here with us right now, he was a bit awkward at first when I introduced him to everyone but he's better. He's getting there, I think…

Blake… Blake… Speaking of him, he's a bit quiet and he doesn't have a destiny mark. (You should've seen how happy Alex was.) but he's been pretty good with helping us plan and organize things so far!

Everyone we've found so far has some kind of special talent… A doctor, a police officer, a programmer… Heck, even Alex has his mechanic skills. While I'm not really good at anything.

Isn't that weird? Maybe this was all planned by whatever did this to us. (Eh, I doubt it. That doesn't mean it isn't possible though.)

Alex and Joseph stayed for a bit before they went home themselves.

Alex's still jealous of how "good" we have it here, especially now that he's actually seen our base in person.

He had things like a fridge, phones, and even guns! There's no way he's jealous of us…

I had Joseph take a look at the radio and he just looked at it for a bit like he had seen the most disgusting thing in his life. I wish I took a picture of him or something.

He asked me "what is this?"

And I told him "a radio…?" His disgust got even worse after that.

I'm guessing I didn't properly set it up, even with John's help… Well uh… Oops. Good thing he was there to help us set it up properly this time though, so it's a bit better now.

I still don't get how he does it… Computer magic… Maybe I should've paid attention to those computer classes in school…

Alex and Joseph didn't stay for long since they had to go check on Sky.

I had to go investigate that truck though, and you wouldn't believe what Alex gave me. a pair of shoes and a gun, a p90 to be exact. I'd rather not touch any weapons especially after something like that, but just in case…

Honestly, I would've preferred something like UMP-45 but this'll do for now.

I went from being scared of myself to specifying what gun I wanted. What the hell is wrong with me…?

I hate myself.

After they left I had John drive me to town in the truck.

It was right there, one of armored military trucks we saw right by a local corner store just like Alyssa said.

I had John stay inside just in case something happened.

I felt the same weird "tense" feeling I had back when we first saw them, and it just kept getting worse as I got closer but I had to investigate so….

If there was a bomb or anything like that inside, it would've gone off the moment I opened the back door, and of course I wouldn't be here writing this right now.

Opened the back door, and there was nobody inside. They really did just leave this here…

There really wasn't anything inside. There was a big crate of sorts and some kind of commutations device. But on the crate was a handwritten note, it read:

"Survivors, we're sorry if our arrival frightened you, we just didn't think there'd be anyone else left.

In the crate are supplies, enough to last you about a couple weeks.

When you're ready, please contact us. The survival of humanity depends on you."

There's no name signed so I don't know who wrote it.

Apparently Alex found a similar note too.

In the crate was some kind of "care package" . It had food, water, just about anything you'd need to survive in a situation like this…

I don't get it. First, they want us dead and now they're trying to be all buddy buddy with us…? What's their goal here…? What the heck do they want with us…?

"We just didn't think there'd be anyone else left." Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. They knew there were survivors, if they didn't they wouldn't have killed Blake's group.

Do they think we're some kind of alien creatures or something? We're not! We're all human, each and every one of us…

None of us wanted this to happen, we all had our bodies stolen from us!

Did they know this was gonna happen? Why didn't they do anything…?!

Dammit… Dammit…

I feel so….

I hate this.

I'll have to talk over this with the others later.

Everything's gonna be okay…

  • Emile
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