• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 74, Another World. (3)

August 3rd, 2015

Dear Journal,

We all went downstairs and had eggs and haycakes with some orange juice for breakfast this morning. (Peco made them.)

A pretty standard breakfast if you're a magical equine in a magical land of friendship. And yes, I said haycakes. They're like pancakes except made of hay. (I think.) Never thought I would ever be eating things like this but here we are…

I legitimately cannot tell the difference. I think one might be sweeter(?) but other than that they're practically the same.

This mansion has a pretty big dining room, I mean like SUPER big like it was meant for several ponies, even though it's only Kaiser and Peco living here. (We're temporary guests.) I should ask him about that later…

I wonder how many bits this place cost. Bits, the standard Equestrian currency. That's what these ponies use instead of dollars and stuff.

After our breakfast we all went out, Alex said "there were some places he wanted to check out" so he didn't join me and Minnie. We saw him off, waved goodbye and temporarily went our separate ways.

Well, whatever. I can't force him to come, besides I think he did fine alone plus the ponies in Canterlot might leave him since they're classier and nobler than regular old townponies. (sparkle sparkle, also please pretend I never said that.)

So, like I said yesterday me and Minuette went to go check out her old home.

It was just a couple blocks from the mansion, nothing more than a short trot away.

And there we found a decently sized blue house with a hourglass at the top, like her cutie mark. Surprisingly, the door was left unlocked so we just both just went ahead and went inside.

It looked like nopony had been in here or even used this place in a while, it was decently messy like someone ransacked the place heck, I think I even saw some cobwebs.

We just kinda dug through everything, not to find anything specific, we were just curious. I went ahead and looked through what I'm guessing what was her bedroom and found a framed photo of seven unfamiliar ponies. It seemed like it was taken recently. One of them was obviously Minuette. While one of them had wings alongside a horn…?

Kaiser said only the princesses had both wings and a horn, so I'm guessing that's one of them? Why would Minuette even be friends with a princess though? (Not to be rude.)

It's probably either that "Twilight Sparkle" or that Selene he mentioned with the way he talked about them. He made them seem like they weren't as important as the others. Especially Selene, god you should've seen him. I could almost feel the disgust in his words. I wonder if he did something to him…?

Knowing Kaiser, he might've done nothing to him. I think that guy just hates everyone, at least he's still respectful though. Being a noble probably did that to him.

But as I was saying before, we checked the house. We were probably just gonna leave and go back (or meet up with Lonely Day) after that but we got stopped by somepony on the way out.


Twinkleshine, one of Minuettes former childhood friends she met in Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.

She didn't bother questioning or even noticing me for that matter and immediately dashed towards Minuette to hug her.

"Oh, Minuette it's been so long since I last saw you! I've missed you so much…"

However, Minuette didn't seem to feel the same way. She seemed bewildered and confused…

"Who are you…?"

That one thing she made Twinkleshine as confused as ever.

"What do you mean silly, it's me, Twinkleshine!"

It seemed like her name rung a bell and triggered something in Minuettes head because it definitely seemed like she knew who she was after that. She still probably doesn't remember her fully though, or even them for that matter.

Twinkleshine noticed me after that, I had to get her attention with the good old "Ahem…"

"Oh, sorry. And who might you be?"

I introduced myself as Bliss Flower and explained the situation to her, how Minuette lost her memories. She didn't take it too well of course… She just looked at me with a quiet "I see…"

Her mood picked up literal seconds after that though. "We'll just have to help her get them back then! C'mon, let's go!" Is what she said as she literally dragged me and Minuette out of the house with her unicorn magic. We had no say in this.

I swear, these ponies… I could never get used to being around them. Old me probably would've died by how stupidly friendly some of them are.

She took us to meet Minuettes other former friends, Lemon Hearts and Moondancer, also from Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. Two of them weren't here today, apparently they're both "busy" with something and those two ponies are Lyra and Twilight Sparkle. Looks like I was right about that purple pony in the photo being her.

Apparently she wasn't always a princess, she used to be just a regular old unicorn. As for how she became one I have no idea. We should really go to a library tomorrow so we can learn more about this world's history…

We spent the day with them and went out to some little donut shop. God, I missed these pastries… I had some for myself at home, yeah. (Before it burnt down.)

But those were store bought, not freshly made. Sweets really are the best…

Ok, ok! My sweets addiction aside, Minuettes friends were all very nice.

Lemon Hearts is a kind and gentle soul, Moondancer is a big stupid nerd (like me) and Twinkleshine… She's a bit like Minuette to put it simple.

Minuettes attitude didn't really change though… Even when we were with her friends. I think her memories might be slowly returning to her, I'm not sure. But even if she does get them back, she won't be the same pony she was before.

When you erase someone's memories you're essentially killing a person. This Minuette experienced many different things the old one never went through. Even if she somehow goes through the same things the old one did, even if she got her memories back they would never be exactly the same.

Moondancer said she look for a spell that could help Minuette regain her memories, "heck, I could even ask Twilight to help!" (Who she really seems to like based on how she talks about her)

These ponies seem really hopefully they'll be able to get their old friend back. We'll have to leave eventually. I don't want to make Minuette choose between her old friends and her new ones but…

I hate this.

After that we said our goodbyes and went back to Kaiser's mansion. Met back up with Lonely Day there too, his day went fine. I asked him if he could find/saw Sunset Shimmer anywhere and he just responded with a simple "Nope."

And that marks our second day in Equestria, I wonder what tomorrow will bring…

But you know the drill. This is Bliss Flower, bye.

- Bliss Flower

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