• Published 17th Dec 2022
  • 531 Views, 58 Comments

Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 6, The Plan!

May 28, 2015

Dear Journal,

I had a strange dream today.

The sky was dark, and I was in an empty field. I saw a strange purple unicorn crying over the body of another vanilla colored unicorn. His hooves were covered in blood and there were all these strange purple feathers around him.

I called out to him, he turned towards me and… That's where it ends.

I woke up to a small husky licking me on the face. That was gross to say th
e least. Damn mutt… Buddy really seems to like me alot, even if I don't like him.

He definitely didn't deserve such a pristine name like "Alexander Hamilton The Third." (It's still a better name than Buddy at least.)

Today I discussed with John where we should stay for the long term. He figured we should stay somewhere like a "farm." I already thought about doing the same thing so of course I was aboard with him already.

Thing about that though is that we can't just blindly go out on the road like I did. We need an actual plan. We need food, supplies, and most of all a map. I figured we could probably get a map at a library, and if not we could still get some books from there.

John agreed, and with that we were off, me, Alyssa and Buddy went to the library while John stayed at the car shop just in case someone else heard his distress call.

The library trip went swimmingly and pretty much how you'd expect a trip to the library to be, except not quite. There was a pack of dogs, most likely strays nearby. It seems like most of the animals are really getting out now. It's only been six whole days and the world's already crumbling… I should've expected this honestly, cities need people to survive. Without them, everything will come crumbling down.

We hid in an alleyway while we waited for them to pass by. Alyssa tried really hard to keep Buddy from barking, and I mean, really hard.

I thought it would be helpful to get a dog and all he's done for us so far is cause trouble. It's not like he can help much though, he's only a puppy, kinda like us.

Still, as much as I bad talk to that dog I feel like I have some kind of weird bond with him. Like when he was barking back there, it felt like I could feel he was angry… What's going on…?

I'll ask Alyssa if she felt the same way later…

I stuffed those bags with almost everything my little wings could carry. Cook books, survival books, geography books, just anything that would be helpful to us. I even picked up a book in that series Alyssa recommended to me, it's called "Records Of Myths And Legends." This one's about the legend of King Arthur. Well, no wonder she recommended this to me, that's one of my favorites.

The library (thankfully) had maps, just maps of the city though. It's better than nothing, and if we need a bigger map we have those geography books.

Next on the bucket list, supplies. We didn't have much food left so we went for a run. Alyssa offered to stay this time around in case anybody came back. So it was just me and Jonathan.

Seems like the dogs didn't go this way, that's good. We ransacked the store and grabbed almost everything we could, canned foods, bread, milk, heck even chips and candy were good. We were both able to get a lot thanks my wings and Jonathan's magic. (Poor Alyssa, she doesn't have a conventional way of holding things)

I actually grabbed one of little sewing machines while we were there. It was supposedly on sale until "May 23th" (Welp, we know how that turned out.) Sorry mr store owner, this is mine now!

Well, I said I was gonna make pony friendly clothes but it's probably better if I use this for something more important… We don't even really need clothes right? We're animals er- People…? Are we still people if we're ponies now? I think so… Does people refer exclusively to just humans?

Eh…. Getting off topic again… I was thinking of making us saddle bags instead. We've just been using things like paper bags and shopping bags so those would definitely make carrying things easier. We can use Me and Alyssa's old clothes for that, and whatever Jonathan can spare for us…

Then… Next I can make socks! To make us more stealthy! Those would muffle the clip clip sound our hooves make and it might even make walking easier! Yeah, those would be good…

We've pretty much all gotten the hang of walking, galloping is still pretty hard. Me and Alyssa can't do it without tripping, I dunno about Jonathan though. I haven't seen him try yet.

So saddle bags and socks… That's the list for the important "accessories" we need. Proper clothes and shoes can come later. Besides we don't need clothes, our fur is probably enough to cover anything private. (What? I'm just being realistic…)

As for where we're going to settle down we've got that figured out too. Using the city map Jonathan figured out a route for us. If we go through downtown we can reach some suburbs on the edge of the countryside and there we might be able to find a farm.

And if we need a place to stay on the way we can go to a hotel or a homeless shelter.

Our ultimate goal is to reach there by the end of this month, or if we can't then we should be there by sometime into next month at least.

Finally, a good plan! It's definitely way better than whatever mine was at least. We probably could've reached the countryside easier if we stayed at home.

Ugh… Yeah, it was pretty stupid to go on that "road trip" like that… But if we didn't do that, we wouldn't have met Jonathan. May it's fate for us to meet like this!

Psh, I doubt it. Speaking of, that "road trip" wasn't really a road trip. It was more like a road wreck. We didn't even go that far!

We'll probably settle out tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I asked Jonathan if he could drive a car at his size, he just shrugged and said "I dunno."

Welp, I guess we'll have to try it. That's for tomorrow though.

Now, this is Emile probably heading to bed, bye.

We're still going strong.

- Emile

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