• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 73, Another World. (2)

August 2nd, 2015

Dear Journal,

We woke up at the crack of dawn today. Kaiser and Sunset wanted use to get up early so we didn't get stuck in her world. According to them we should have about to the ninth to decide if we wanna stay here or not.

We all went outside before they did the spell Kaiser and Sunset asked us if we were ready. Me and Alex both silently nodded, Minuette did too. I feel like she considered declining their offer for a moment but decided not to in the end. She still doesn't believe she's from here, does she….?

Sunset and Kaisers horns both lit up in unison and BAM! in a bright flash of light all five of us were whisked away somewhere.

I'm guessing that was some kind of teleportation. It felt so weird… Like, imagine this: one minute you're walking down the street then suddenly you're right at home and you don't even know how you got there. Like you've been misplaced in the world.

Sunset and Kaiser are probably fine with it since they're from a world of magic, but we aren't. I could never get used to that. (I felt like I wanted to throw up…)

But, Welcome to Equestria, the magical land of friendship!

It's a world like ours, except y'know it has magic. There aren't any humans here, never was, never will be instead we have sentient ponies, fucking dragons, griffins, and more! (The qilin like kirins are my favorite, seriously they're so cute!!! Everything here is so cute!!! I feel like I'm gonna die…)

It also has barely any modern technology, guess you can blame magic for that. There's no need for phones when you can just send a letter to someone in a blink of a eye.

This place is just like what I saw in the visions, bright and colorful, absolutely nothing like our world.

We arrived in the outskirts of some kind of small town of sorts. Not really in the middle of nowhere since we could just walk there, it wasn't that far. There was a weird crystalline castle in the distance not too far from it, I wonder who lives there…

But the town is called "Ponyville" according to some denizens. What a weird name…

Everyponys so nice here, and I mean like stupidly nice. They treated me and Alex like we were damn celebrities. (I think they know we're from Earth…)

Kaiser had to shoo some of the paparazzis off.

It probably didn't help that we had a high ranking noble related to the literal royal family of this, and the former student/pupil of one of the princesses with us. Yes, that's right Kaisers a noble just like I thought. (His clothes made that stupidly obvious.)

And Sunset is- was a student of one of the princesses. She told us, but wouldn't tell us why she wasn't one anymore. "It's a long story." in her words.

I don't know if I should even put this here because it's not that important, but whatever.

I got split up from the group, I wanted to see some of the sights before we left alright? Sunset said it was okay.

And there I bumped into a pony, she had a fluffy red velvet mane with a braid on the side, like her tail with red bows in both of them, a pinkish red coat, and these bright pink eyes.

The rose pony (her cutie mark was a rose with two leaves) didn't seem to notice or even care about me like the other ponies. It probably didn't help that it seemed like she was in a hurry and I just happened to bump into her while she was carrying all those flowers.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The rose pony said.

"No, it's my fault. Here, let me help with that." I helped her with picking up the flowers.

She thanked me and galloped off after that saying "there was somewhere she had to be."

What a strange mare…

There was somewhere I had to be too, so I quickly rejoined the others after that.

We reached a train station to take the train to somewhere called "Canterlot."

It didn't take that long for the train to arrive, only maybe a couple minutes really.

I really love looking out the window on trains. I used to do that alot when I was younger, it was cool seeing all the scenery and the inside of the tunnels. Besides, trains are just cool in general!

My God, I can't get over how this place looks like nothing I've ever seen before. It's honestly kinda tempting to stay here…

I wish the others could see this. I wonder what Alyssa would think of this place. Knowing her she would probably say it's too "girly" or something.

Well that's Alyssa for you. Always gotta play tough when she's a real softie on the inside.

It didn't take long to us to reach Canterlot either. This place is where the royalty of Equestria live making it the capital.

Y'know, a lot of these ponies wondered if Alex was my little sister, especially the ones in Canterlot. (Damned snobby nobles…)

Yes, that's what he is! My little sister! Alex didn't take that too well, he yelled at me and told me to shut up again… Meanie… (Tsundere, much?)

Then that got followed up with a question asking if I was Kaisers and Sunsets little sister.

Needless to say, he got his payback…

I'm just short dammit, he's the young one! Seriously, 99% of everyone here thinks we're kids. (I'm gonna kill somepony.)

Kaiser led us to a mansion, a whole freaking mansion. This is where we're staying at for now.

Sunset saw us off after that. She was nice, maybe we'll see her again…

Kaiser has servants too! Or well, a servant. I think she's like a retainer/maid of sorts.

"Peco, can you show our guests to their rooms?"

"As you wish my lord."

Her names Peco Lyntide. She's very nice. She didn't even question why me and Alex were "kids." (Again, I'm just short!)

I still can't believe we're in a goddamn mansion right now. A fucking mansion! This is something I could never afford normally! (Yeah, baby!).

Me and Alex are sharing a room since there's only two guest rooms. While Minuette obviously took the other one.

We don't know if she'll even be staying here for long though because she has her own home here. Her old home, right here in Canterlot.

She said she wanted to go and see it tomorrow. She's been real quiet ever since we got here. I'm sorry Minuette, I don't know what exactly you're going through but I'll try to help as best as I can. I promise.

That aside, Kaiser told us a little more about this world. There's five princesses, not just three. (If we're counting this prince he told me about.)

There's the Princess Of The Sun, Celestia. (That's the one Sunset used to be a student for.)

The Princess Of The Night, Luna. The Princess Of Friendship, Twilight. The Princess Of Love and rightful ruler of the Crystal Empire, Mi Amore Cadenza, or just Cadence.

And lastly, There's the Prince(ss) Of The Stars, Selene.

A lot of princesses and only one prince, wonder what that's about.

The first two I mentioned have apparently lived for over thousands of years, I'm not joking I'm being serious here. I can't even imagine living that long…

They're both like demi-gods of sorts. They both raise the sun and the moon respectively. While that Selene moves the stars. According to Kaiser he's the child of "that luna" (his words not mine) so he's probably just about as much of a demi-god as she is.

This world's sun and moon don't move on their own… That's weird, really weird. I don't think that's even scientifically possible on earth, I'm not an expert though so don't my word for it.


I don't know if Alex will come with us to see Minuettes old home tomorrow. I'm not gonna force him, it's his choice to make. If he wants to go off and do something on his own he can go ahead and do that. I'm not sure he could even go out alone with his current "age."

Maybe Kaiser could pose as his "guardian."

But as always, this is Bliss Flower writing this from another world, peace.

I've been using that name here, it's a lot more "natural" and I don't have to explain to ponies why my name is Emile. Alex has been going by his "other" name too. Lonely Day.

- Bliss Flower

Author's Note:

Wait, when did Equestria have six princesses...? not counting flurry

Well, if it wasn't obvious just as this isn't the same story, this isn't the same Equestria either.

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