• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 31-32, More Survivors And "Bliss Flower."

June 22nd, 2015

Dear Journal,

You won't believe what happened today! We found another survivor too, just like I said! I swear my big mouth has the ability to predict the future.

Anyways, today I woke up to yet another big BOOM! noise. I looked outside to see what it was and saw a new vehicle that looked something like a police car crashed into our barn.

I immediately woke the others up and we all went outside to investigate. And guess what we found? There was an unconscious pony inside with a titled police hat and a officers uniform that barely fit her anymore.

Judging by the id she had in her pockets her names "Madeline Brook" She has a purple white coat, silverish purple hair, and silver eyes. Her Destiny Mark looks like some kind of shield with a star on it with a pair of handcuffs next to it. (Will we have to remake those for hooves?) She's a normal pony like Alyssa.

She's fine, she seems to be still breathing, she's just unconscious. The barn was okay too, she luckily didn't crash into the entire wall and just kinda damaged it a bit. We might have to fix that… Her car, not so much… It looks like it took a fair bit of damage. Oh well, John can probably fix it up nice and easily if we need ever need too.

We took her out of the car and put her down in my bed. She's still unconscious right now as I'm writing this, but we took her clothes off and put them right beside her just on case she wakes up.

I dunno what rank she is but she's high enough to have a pair of handcuffs, a taser AND a gun on her. We just put those in a cabinet downstairs for now.

It's not that we don't trust her. She's an officer of the law, she's probably a good person. (Or a pony like Minuette would say.) It's just that, that kinda stuff is dangerous, y'know?

Alex told me about his day again. The plane girl still isn't up and it looks she's a bit more that just "injured." She lost her horn. Ow…That's gotta be rough, especially for a unicorn. I do not wanna know how she'll react to that.

Madeline isn't injured that much, she gets a few cuts and bruises but it's nothing we can't patch up.

I told him about how we found another survivor only a day after him, he seemed pretty surprised about it.

O' partner in destiny it looks like the hands are fate are moving us in similar directions! For we are the steward heroes who will save humanity and the world! Together, we are unmatched-!

Okay, okay. I'll stop it. Sorry about that, sometimes i just can't help it when I get in the "mood." It's a bit of a habit of mine…

Apparently Alex's name is "Lonely Day" now. I'm kidding, Sky gave him that name. He said it was some kind stupid nickname of hers.

Hmm… Minnie seems to have the same idea of "real" names as her. I should give myself one…. How about, Bliss Flower! After the weird flower mark on my flank.

I like it. Minuette said it sounded good too. So, Bliss Flower it is! That's my new pony "nickname."

Alyssa would probably be something like "Fierce Fire" that definitely fits her well.

John could be something like 'Screw Driver…?" I'm not sure on what his pony name would be. Probably something tool related though.

Alex also said his group might be leaving their base soon but he doesn't know for sure. See, that's what I told you. Living in the countryside/suburbs is better than living in the city in a situation like this. God, who knows what could happen in the city, way too many dangerous things. That's for sure.

Aside from Alex and Ms Mysterious Police Officer, me and John continued work on the well. We finished the pipes for now, now we just have to get started on laying the cobblestone. Alyssa and Minuette (and Buddy) are still working on the fence/gate. They're doing pretty good with that so far. Alyssa's still having a bit of trouble doing things with her hooves and mouth though. (Poor Alyssa…)

It seems like Minnie's trying to help her out the best she can though! Their relationship seems to be getting better… I think Alyssa didn't trust Minuette because of her amnesia, and I'll be honest I didn't entirely trust her at first either.

But over time she's proven herself to be a valiant member of the team. She's one of us now!

God, I make it sound like we're some kind of cult…

Madeline will be too when she uh y'know, wakes up.

Worked on my project again, still not finished but I feel like I'm close. Probably about half way there. Maybe.

Tried to fly again, same result with slight changes. My "gliding" is getting better. I might be able to flutter for a bit in a few days. Alyssa watching me practice is probably gonna be a norm from now on, because she came today too. She cheered me on just like yesterday.

One more thing, Toilet still only works once. We should probably make an outhouse. Let me add that to the list, out house… Alright, it's done! We'll start that sometime in a couple days or something.

You know the drill now, this is Bliss Flower, bye bye.

(I like my normal name better…)

- Bliss Flower

June 23th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Madeline still hasn't woken up yet. We've tried our best to patch her up but she still hasn't woken up. I don't know if she's in a coma or what. My guess is that she probably isn't gonna wake up for a couple of days.

Well when she does wake up I want to have things ready for her, so I took it upon myself to completely remake her police uniform for her current size and Ta-da!

The first police uniform for ponies in existence! I did this all by hoof, all by myself. Yeah, I'm proud of myself. So what?

Let me have this one okay? It was pretty hard to make clothes by hoof at first, but now look! I went from making garbage like those saddlebags to this! I've gotten really good at this…

Maybe I should remake those bags too, they're getting kinda old…. (Let me just add that to my personal to-do list…)

Alright so aside from clothes me and John continued working on the well, we're pretty much done with the pipes and working on the cobblestone now. We're putting down the bricks using some kind glue/paste of some kind since we don't have cement.

This is honestly the easy part, especially since John has his unicorn magic. He can carry a lot more bricks than I can. We'll probably be done with that tomorrow, then we'll just need to put up a little roof, get one of those buckets and tie it to a string and boom! A well!

Alyssa and Minuette are still working on the fence, they're about half way done with it I think. Then after that they'll get started on the gate.

I worked on my project again. I'm almost done, just a couple more days left and I'll be done.

And I tried flying again, I actually got off the ground this time, only by a bit though. I still fell on my face after that.

I was right about Alyssa watching me practice becoming a norm, she came again too. She cheered me on, like always.

Well no matter how long it takes me to fly at least I'll have some emotional support on the way.

Talked to Alex again today. He told me about his day like always. Plane Girl still hasn't woken up, guess that makes two of them…

Apparently he tried a couple stunts to get the attention of survivors, he even posted something online in the first couple days. How come I never saw anything…? Did I check too early or something…? Dammit… That makes me wonder what would've happened if I saw it then, maybe we would've found each other sooner.

He also seemed a bit jealous of how well things were going for us. "Wow, you guys got it pretty good." Is what he said.

He isn't exactly wrong. I just told him we aren't exactly doing too good either.

I might need to go to the store for more food actually.

I'll do that tomorrow.

But as always this is Emile, peace.

- Emile

Author's Note:

Bliss Flower, that's a nice name...

If it wasn't obvious this story is like a very very small part of something bigger. Think of this like a extra long prologue (or don't, I can't force you.)

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