• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

  • ...

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Day 65, Second Contact.

July 25th, 2015

Dear Journal,

I finally heard back from Alex how his trip went. I would say it went well for them but…

His family wasn't there. Not his mother or his sister, and everything was still the way it was for the most part at least. He said the door was left slightly open.

He seemed like he wanted to cry… I've never dealt with loss like this before, but I still tried to "cheer" him up the best I could.

"They weren't there… What if they're gone for good…?"

"Wait, you said the door was left open, right? Was there anything else out of the ordinary?"

Wait, now that he thought about it, there was some stuff still left out, like someone was there for a while…

"Yeah, It looked like someone had been staying there… I know we didn't have the best relationship at times but why would she leave…?"

"I dunno, maybe she was looking for you."

I've never had any siblings so I can only imagine what it feels like. I've always wanted one though, a sister, a brother, it doesn't really matter. It would just be nice to have someone like that in my life.

But what matters the most though, is that the one "simple" thing he missed means something; they're alive.

When I told him he'll meet them again he just paused for a moment and asked me "Are you sure?"

I told him "Yeah, I'm sure of it."

I can't see his face over the phone but I feel like he definitely felt better after that. I guess sometimes even the simplest things can make someone feel better, even if it's just telling them they did good.

Like the party Alyssa threw for me…

I should look for my mother, if I don't do it now or tomorrow, I'll do it. Eventually.

Looks like Alex is getting the weird morse messages too, it changed back to the 1st one today so I guess it's on loop or something.

Alex said he could try and have Joseph translate it.

I would've just had John do it but he said he didn't know a lot about morse code. (And here I thought he was a jack of all trades…) He did say he could try though, so that's good.

Guess what, apparently Sky hooked up Alex with an in-person meeting with the HPI on the 27th!

"Why didn't she tell me" is what I would've said if they didn't contact us too, looks like they want me and Alex to meet them in person.

Is that exciting? I dunno, especially with that Dr. Parker around.

It's definitely a good thing though, we can finally get the answers we've been wanting and I finally know for sure if he's my father or not. (I'm pretty sure he is)

Maybe he'll wish me a happy birthday since he missed it.

They want us to meet in some kind of sports stadium or something. It's not that far but it might take us a day or two to get there. (Why couldn't they pick somewhere closer…?)

Me and Alex are gonna go together, we'll get up real early so we won't waste any time.

I don't think we'll take anyone else with us.

Alyssa definitely wasn't too fond of that when I told the others about it.

"You're going alone, but it's dangerous! Who knows what they might try to pull." She says.

I just told her "I'll be fine" besides it's not like I'm going alone alone. I'll have Alex with me if anything happens we'll protect each other. That's what partners do, right?

John was pretty much the only one who was fine with the idea.

Blake just didn't care, as usual. He told me to "stay safe" though.

And Madeline and Minuette… They're fine with it. They're worried but they aren't Alyssa, so they're not gonna stress themselves over it.

I know she cares about me but sometimes… I feel like she's my mom.

I gave Blake that one old map of the city we still have so he could figure out the best route for us, and something shone in his eyes. I don't know what it was, but it was just like he instantly knew what to do somehow.

Hmm… Maybe instead of a lawyer he'll be a cartographer…

I feel bad for Alex, he just came back from a trip and now he has to go on another one. This one probably won't take long though.

Aside from the stuff with the HPI and Alex, today was another pretty normal day.

I knew John was practicing his magic in secret but he's gotten pretty good with it. He was already pretty good with his telekinesis but he actually do something that's kinda like actual magic now.

He wanted to show me it and ta da. He made a barrier of some kind.

When I asked him why we would even need something like that he just shrugged and said "I don't know, for protection…?"

I guess if we're in a dangerous situation he can be our shield. It seems pretty strong, I don't think even a bullet could get through it. More than one bullet is another story though…

He says he's gonna try to move to "other things." now.

I find it funny that we've gotten so used to stuff like this that it's just the norm now. Another thing to add to the list of "things past me wouldn't believe™."

I tried flying again and it went pretty much the same as the other couple days, I tried going slightly higher than usual this time too.

I think I'm okay at it. I don't know how long I can keep it up though. I definitely wouldn't be able to fly for the entire trip but I might be able to do it for a couple minutes. I dunno.

I wish I had someone to teach me.

Am I the leader here…? It doesn't really feel like it, even if I come up with the majority of our plans. Hmm…

I'm the protagonist of this story! Jokes aside, we're all the protagonists of our little stories, kinda.

I don't know what else to write and I should probably get some shut eye if I want to be ready for the trip tomorrow, I'm guessing he'll pick me up or I'll be the one picking him up.

So as always this is Emile (or Bliss) bye.

Is it me or did Alex's voice sound squeakier…?

- Emile

Author's Note:

The bit about Alex not having "the best relationship" with his sister wasn't in the original story, obviously.

Like the morse code it might be important later. Who knows...? me

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