• Published 17th Dec 2022
  • 531 Views, 58 Comments

Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

  • ...

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Day 36, Heartfelt Moment and The First Meeting.

Author's Note:

Welp that last notes were a bit stupidly dramatic, but you get the point. This chapter breaks off from the usual diary entry style for a moment.

It should be obvious by the text colors who's who's but I'll tell you anyway.

Purple = Emile

Green = Jonathan

Red = Alyssa

Blue = Minuette

Weird pinkish color = Madeline

June 27th, 2015

Dear Journal,

We still have a decent amount of time before Alex and Joseph come to pick us so I decided to get some things done before that.

First things first, those other two saddle-bags were getting old so I made new ones. One for me, one for John. They're a nice slick black like those socks I made a while ago.

We packed everything we needed, food, water supplies, just anything we might need that Alex might not have. And a couple other things I brought were the laptop, a book, and my bat. John has his tools and Madeline's gun.

And guess what else I did before we left today. I finished my project! Before Alex picked up I called everyone outside so they could see it, even Madeline. She's part of the family now too after all.

"Was it you wanted to show us…?"

"Just wait for it… A little further back, anddd there!"

Everyone opened their eyes and before them was a garden of Roses arranged to spell out the words "We're here."


"Heh, nice work kid…"

"It's beautiful!"


Everyone was in awe, even Madeline was (almost) completely speechless. It may have not been something super grand or super extravagant but it was something meaningful with love and care put into it, and that's all that mattered.

"How long did this take you…?"

"Just a couple days at most!" Emile said with a chuckle.

"Well someone seems proud."

"How couldn't I be?"

Alyssa turned to Jonathan with a big old stink eye.

"Just let him have it."

"Alright, alright, geez…"

"We should take a picture! I'll go get the camera!"

Minuette quickly ran off to get the camera and back.

"Well that was quick, alright everyone say pony!"

"Pony!" And… Snap! Another picture of everyone together. This time to remember the moment and to celebrate how far they've come together…

Let me just put this on the journal and…. Done!

It's right on the cover. Hopefully we don't get any more members after this. Well, if we do I guess we'll just have to take it again! Hehe…

We've all come so far… It feels like it's been years since everything started… Welp, no time to be moody!

It wasn't long before Alex and John arrived to pick us up. A decently sized RV pulled over, then the window rolled down…

Me and Alex just kinda stared at each other for a minute. It's so strange seeing someone you've been talking to for so long in person for the first time, especially when they're a small green pony. He looked exactly like described himself. I think he's a bit taller than me though. I've always been decently short, becoming a pony might've amplified that…

I'm not THAT short though. I think… I don't know the exact number for pony heights.

I tried to break the awkward silence with a quiet "Hey…." Alex just said "Hi…" back. Welp, I guess that's what happens when you take someone as antisocial as me and have them meet someone they were mostly talking to "online" in person.

When me and John hopped in the back Joseph handed us two satellite phones. "Here, we had extras, for you." Is what he said.

Well, Geez… He seems a bit, cold… Yeah… Maybe he has his own weird little way of "caring" about people… Like Alyssa!

I barely know him other than the couple times I heard him, and the stuff Alex told me. I probably shouldn't be judging him this quickly.

There's a uh dog in the front with Alex… I'm guessing that's Huan… He's a bit big… I uh, still haven't gotten over my fear of animals… Yeah… Help me lord.

Me and John waved goodbye to Alyssa and Minuette as we drove off. "Come back safe!"

I'm kinda sad they couldn't have come along but we need someone to watch the place (and Madeline) while we're gone. Hopefully they won't argue too much while we're gone…

I've been reading that book I got at the library lately, the one about King Arthur. Honestly this might be one of the greatest stories I've read ever. I hope the writers still alive out there

Suddenly, Arthur heard a voice behind him, it was none other than Merlin, the grand sage.

"Wait, are you sure about this?"

Arthur felt as if he knew exactly what Merlin was gonna say before he even said anything. He didn't come all this way to heed his warning, he came here to pull out the sword of choosing and become the new king of Britain needed.

"Once you pull out that sword, you'll stop being human. The moment you'll pull out that sword, only a cruel fate awaits you ahead."

Arthur didn't heed the grand sages warning, it didn't matter if he had to give up his humanity or even his own life. If he could do what he needed to do with this sword, that was all that mattered.

"No, if I can make people happy with it, then I'm sure it's the right choice…"

And so he pulled it out anyway….

This story is really inspiring. Excalibur chose Arthur the moment he even attempted to pick it up. Only death and despair awaited him, and yet he still went along with his chosen "destiny" just for the sake of the people of Britain…

I don't usually believe in things like "destiny" but if my path was already written like that, I would've tried to defy it no matter what. Yet Arthur didn't even try to do that, he even try to see if there was another. He went along with what Destiny had in store for him…

Arthur's fearless, brave, strong… He's someone I inspire to be. Plus he's about as young as me!

This makes me think… Can I really do it…? Can I really save humanity…? There's millions of people on this planet, can we really save them all…?

Ugh… All this destiny mumbo jumbo is making my head hurt.

Well anyways, Alex stopped at a reststop. "He didn't want us to be tired when we got into town." he said. He? She? They? What do I call him…? (He I guess….)

I wonder what Alex thinks of me, maybe I'm like a friend to him? Nah, he probably thinks I'm a fucking weirdo.

I'm still excited about tomorrow. We're gonna go on an adventure! And I'll finally get to put that bat to the test…. Hehe… (Hopefully I won't actually have to use it.)

Welp, this is Emile, peace!

I accidentally said some of this stuff out loud, I hope Alex didn't hear me.

- Emile

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