• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 80, A Promise To Meet Again.

August 9th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Well that was certainly something… We learned the truth. I honestly don't know how to take this… There's a lot going on, alot to unpack…

In the end I didn't even try to convince the others to stay in Equestria. Luna said something about "some humans staying behind." That's understandable, it's fine.

I just couldn't do it, okay? I shouldn't have even thought of trying to do it in the first place. Earth is our home, I can't leave it. When our families come back, which they will. Eventually… We'll have to be there to welcome them into this new world.

Besides it would be kinda stupid if I decided to stay after that whole thing with the princesses.

Those saddlebags they gave us have a lot of things in them, history books (even some of that "restricted" stuff that was hidden in the castle library) spell books on things like weather craft, which is pegasus magic, I doubt I'd ever be able to do it though. Just a lot of books, and many many things to help us survive.

Lonely Day didn't get it when Twilight explained it but I do. Kinda. I think it's like some kind of pocket dimension of sorts. I dunno, so I lied when I said that… Whatever, who cares. It's magic, which I also understand now too. I guess all those years of being obsessed with myth and legends really did pay off after all.

Kaiser, Sunset, and Minuette all came onto the train back to Ponyville with us. Lonely Day got her cutie mark. We both didn't even notice. I don't really know what it means but I think it has something to do with our "mission" at least she has a talent…

I understand mine now too. I used to think that it meant I was just a burden, and that my existence was bad luck in itself. But lycoris flowers, don't just represent death. Only the red ones do.

They can also represent things like friendship and courage. The yellow ones do at least.

Mine is a purple one, one that does not naturally exist in this world. A unique and special case. I'm not saying I'm unique. I dunno. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Who's to say?

But, they all said goodbye to us. And Minuette… She chose to stay, oh well. There's nothing I can do about it. Equestria is her home. Earth is mine.

But before she said goodbye… She gave me a little something…


What, what was it? They couldn't wait forever, any longer and they might not be able to get home! Bliss turned to face Minuette, confused at what she possibly wanted.

"I want you to have these."

Minuette took two purple bows out of a small bag, and carefully put them on Bliss with her levitation. One in the ponytail in her mane, and the other on her actual tail. I see… A memento, something to remember her by.

"And promise me something. Promise me we'll meet again."

Bliss just smiled at Minuette, there's no way she could keep a promise as outrageous as that but as always, she'll try her best. "It's a promise."

Minuette smiled back at her until they both heard someone call out Bliss. "Hey, you coming?"

Oh crap… Can't wait, or else the portal might close! With that, Bliss galloped off and rejoined with Day.

Sunset and Kaiser said a similar thing too, we'll probably see them again. That's right. We'll meet each other again, no matter what. Even if it takes a thousand years…

Yggdrasil… Y'know, it's pretty weird but alot of things like, mythical weapons, legends and stuff were all named the same things as stuff here on earth. Like for example: one poneish (their equalivent to old English) seemed to be derivative of things like old norse and latin. Which is why I recognized the runes back then.

Day was just about as confused as I was when I pointed it out to him. I don't think the world's are connected in some way, but it's definitely something to think about… Hmm…

The spell to take us back was apparently pretty costly, it took Celestia, Luna, and Selene just to hold the damn portal open! Wow… But after that, we went through goodbye Equestria, hello home.

The warehouse was exactly how we left it. Yes, Huan was okay too… Day seemed pretty happy about that, but I was more worried about our friends.

So we both hopped in our Madeline's police car and set off… They were, indeed, perfectly fine! They were right where they left them, thank the gods. But, according to Fierce Fire, Blake suggested that "they might have to go on without us if we don't come back soon."

Thankfully, Sky and her didn't agree with him, nopony did actually, the only one who even thought his idea was good in the slightest was Rune but even he had his doubts.

I'm not too mad though, Blake was right. It would be smarter for them to go on without us if we didn't come back. They couldn't wait forever.

We saw something and met someone on the way back though. A RV that definitely hadn't been there before. Me and Alex hopped out to investigate.

There, we met another pony, a pegasus. His names Adrian. He's an alright guy, not a lot to say about him since we just met him today, especially since he's just chilling in his RV right now.

It didn't take that long for us to get back to the apartment building, when we got back the others wanted to know everything. And I mean, everything.

When we told them what we saw in Equestria, Moriah in particular said it "That sounds like a bunch of baloney." Blake also added on it. "And it isn't logical either."(Like anything about this is logical.)

Me and Day promptly, shoved them both into the saddlebags and sentenced them to whoknowswhere™

They weren't very happy with us later… I'm sorry… Fierce said "I shouldn't have done that." I'm sorryyy… Hey, look it's their fault it's not like they worded it nicely!

The bags just kinda become heavy as a rock when there's something alive in them, I'm gonna assume that either Twilight or Selene made them that way as some kind of "defense mechanism." I'll ask Blake and Moriah what it was like in there later…

We told them our story and showed them our memories with those memory crystals. They saw me and Day's little "moment" and they know her and my full true names now. Well, it had to come out eventually. I'm surprised I managed to even hide my last name from Alyssa this long…

We got about the reactions we expected. John, seemed about conflict as I did back there, Madeline too. Alyssa seemed angry… While Blake was the most understanding out of them. Of course he was, he lost his friends to the HPI. He's probably happy he's lucky to be alive right now.

Sky asked what happened to Minuette when I told her the truth about her she just looked at me with a sad face and said. "Oh, I see…"

There was one thing we didn't show them. One crystal we kept to ourselves, our "deal' with the princesses and what happened after… Me and Day both promised to never tell them about it ever, unless we absolutely have to.

But we'll have to tell them eventually right…? They'll grow old while we…

Did we make the right choice back there? I can't help but feel like, like maybe, maybe that wasn't the right decision…

No, I shouldn't doubt myself. I made this choice, I chose to bear this burden alongside Day for a reason. I can't give up now.

Whatever awaits us ahead, we'll be ready for it.

Day pulled Sky to the side to ask her why she lied about Sunset Shimmer. When came out she had slightly watery eyes. When I asked Day what she did to her she just said.
"Nothing, I tried not to be too hard on her."

I believe her but geez…

Apparently, Sunset just told her "not to tell anyone about her" and Sky didn't even question it because she was so "nice."

She also said she was looking for "a regally dressed stallion with bright blonde hair" before she left. We all know who that is…

You know, I don't get those ponies in Equestria. They're so weird, why would Sunset tell her that…? Ugh…

Their world is just about as "weird" too. I'm looking through one of their history books right now. Specifically one of the "restricted" ones Selene entrusted us with.

Let's see… Vala, the land of light. Home to pony-like beings known as the Aesir and the Vanir said to be like the opposite of the "Umbrum."

Seior, the god(des) of hope and magic… Wait, that name. Seior. It sounds familiar. Where have I-

My gods, that's her! That's the mare I saw in my dreams a while back! What the hell…

I got visited by none other than a god… How exciting… What did she want though? What did she entrust me and Day with?

Mysteries upon mysteries..

Well, we're gonna set out tomorrow. We'll try to find a place similar to how me and my group had, it shouldn't be that hard. We also might have to meet with the HPI too.

So, as always this is Bliss Flower, bye.

- Bliss Flower

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