• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 7, Storm Clouds.

May 29th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Yeah, I'm calling this a journal now. I should probably be more "serious" about this whole thing if I want it to be an archive for our findings. I'm trying my best, alright? We all are.

I had another strange dream again, this time it seemed to be a direct continuation of the first one. No, it was more like a prequel. The same vanilla colored unicorn faced the same weird purple unicorn, now with wings.

I couldn't interfere this time though, I was hopeless to watch as the two fought each other and- It cut.

I didn't even wake up to Buddy licking this time. Dammit. I guess my body just naturally woke up. I wonder if they're really just "dreams" though. Like visions? Haha, that's what they are visions from the far flung future for I am the herald that'll save the world!

Of course, they're not visions. I dunno, dreams are weird they could just mean nothing. Well, if even my dreams don't even have people in them anymore, I dunno what that says about me.

So today we all made a list of sorts, a list for all our ultimate goals and our plan for everything really.

So first, we gotta preserve human history, find a place to call "home" and ultimately become human again. We all pretty agreed on it.

Our true ultimate goal is to set up a "colony" of sorts. If we really are the last people on earth we'll have to repopluate and all that good stuff. I'm still hopeful there's more people out there though. (Please let there be more people out there…)

The only reason I wanted to go to farm is because it might be safer, that's not saying bad things can't happen in the city. They can, it just might be safer out there, that's all. Jonathan pretty much agreed, farms have all sorts of neat stuff we need for this situation anyway.

Alyssa was the only one who didn't, she actually kinda likes the city. I'm guessing its because she's used to living here. It's not even really the "city" anymore. This places a ghost town!

The first I did on the smaller list of important things to do was make saddle bags. Jonathan gave me some of his old clothes since the only thing that fits him now is those overalls.

I had Alyssa let me take her measurements, I used her and my body as a base since we're probably the standard for weirdly colored small ponies. He's got his magic, he can just use that to carry stuff.

Plus with how big he is he could probably be mistaken for our dad. (Dad… Can I call him that?)

When it was my turn to be measured Alyssa just let out this little gremlin laugh. She took as payback for making her do all those poses I guess. I swear that's what she's like sometimes, a gremlin.

Did some shoddy patchwork here and there and ta da, saddle-bags. It's made from a bunch of random fabrics and looks absolutely ugly but it'll do the trick. I tried using my mouth and hooves for it and boy sewing is a lot harder than it seems, I think I got the basics down though. (Hopefully. Maybe. I think…)

There was only enough to make two, guess Jonathan will have to go without one. Again, like I said before he'll be fine. He has magic… (Sparkle, sparkle…)

I had him test whether he could or not. He can still drive the car, he can even reach the pedals and everything. There's actually something weird about seeing a pony acting like a human and doing human things. That car is his too, I asked him and he told me he was fixing it up just the day before everything happened.

I'm debating on whether we should use the car or the truck. John can drive his car but I dunno about the truck though. Plus it has more storage…. I'll have to check with him later.

We've been pretty much just packing everything up, nothing too exciting. We'll have to leave by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow if we want to reach there by the end of this month.

I wonder if Jonathan can use actual magic, that's a thing Unicorns can actually do, right? Well, like in myths And legends anyway. Unicorns don't exist in real life. (Now they do.) That's another thing to ask him tomorrow I guess. I could probably teach him, with the magic expert I am! (Nah….)

John's been pretty helpful these past couple days, it's been nice to have extra hands (hooves?) on board. Thanks, dad mr stallion. (I'm not calling him that.)

I asked Alyssa about the "weird feeling" I felt towards Buddy yesterday. She said felt the same way. The animals seem to be getting smarter, and we're starting to feel weird towards them… What the heck is going on…? (I hope we don't drive by a zoo on the way, that would be hell.)

Speaking of Alyssa she said she wants to try and learn music again. "It's not like I have anything better to do with everyone else gone." In her words. Well, actually you do. I know how much music means to her so on the way we'll probably stop some kind of instrument store. What do you call those anyway? Guitar shops…? Drum center…? I dunno.

I'm starting to sew some clouds forming outside. I hope it won't delay our trip. Jonathan says it probably won't be bad, but we can't know for sure. Usually I'd just check the news to get some kind of accurate info on the weather but, we can't exactly do that anymore…

Anyways, I'm getting tired so I'm gonna head to bed.

As usual, you know the drill. This is Emile, over and out.

I hope everything goes okay…

- Emile

Author's Note:

Strange dreams and a storm on top of that. What in the world is going on...?

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