• Published 17th Dec 2022
  • 528 Views, 58 Comments

Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 43.5, Approaching Storm. (2)

July 4th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Blake woke up. The first thing I did was question him. His memory was a bit foggy but he tried his best to remember everything that happened.

So apparently, him and his friends had only woken up a couple of days ago, they only lived a few miles away. They went deeper into town to get supplies and to mainly look for survivors, on their way they heard a plane overhead followed it to the airport. Three men came out of the plane, all wearing white suits, with the letters "HPI" on them. Blake and his friends called out to them and got their attention.

Instead of welcoming them with open arms though, one of them pointed a gun right at Blake and shot him.

They ran as fast as they damned could, but they even followed them deep into the city… And…

They… They… They killed them. They killed the rest of his group. He's the only survivor. It's just like that dream…

Dammit, Dammit, Dammit…. DAMMIT!

I don't know who they are, and I don't care. The HPI… They're wrong. They'll pay. If they took the innocent lives of Blake's friends then who knows how many people they've killed…

Needlessly to say, all of us felt uneasy after that. Joseph and John went back to the office while me and Alex (and Oliver) stayed in the hospital with Blake.

Blake's doing fine now, Oliver managed to get the bullet out of his leg and he's doing pretty okay now, he needed some stitches though.

We might have to tell John and Joseph about the whole thing with Blake and his group. God knows if we don't he'll probably tell them anyway.

Wait…? What's that…?

Alright, so update. It looks like Oliver was right, there's planes passing overhead here in this city. Except, these ones didn't just fly above us, it seems like they landed too.

We're in Oliver's little garden in the hospital right now, me and Alex only came here to check up on Blake and really didn't have anything better to do.

But that's when we heard them, the loud motor sound of several air vehicles that sounded like they were coming from somewhere in the north(?) heading straight towards us.

Me and Alex immediately ran outside to get a better look at them.

Out there we saw three strange airships. I'm no idiot but those were definitely some kind of military vehicles.

Alex said he hadn't seen them before though, and he studied those kinda things.

I don't know who or what they are, but this definitely isn't good. They might be that "HPI" group Blake was talking about, if they really are… We should prepare for the worst.

The first thing Alex did was call John and Joseph. I couldn't really hear much over the phone but it sounded like Joseph was gonna argue with Alex about something, but then John butted in and muttered something to Joseph that made him change his mind.

Alex told them to "turn off everything and just hide, anywhere. Just anywhere, anywhere where they couldn't be found."

Again, I couldn't really hear much of Joseph and John's side but it seemed like they agreed.

I might be just a "kid" but I'm not dumb. I know what's going on. That anger and fear in Alex's voice… That was genuine…

After that I told Oliver to get Blake and hide somewhere, Alex told Huan to stay with them before and he just… Listened… Maybe that dog isn't so bad after all…

I don't know if we'll- No, I shouldn't say things like that… Idiot…

I don't know if those airships were actually the "HPI" but if they were, they're in a lot of trouble. I swore to Blake I'd make this right and thats what I'm gonna do.

We ditched pretty everything we brought to the hospital, Alex just grabbed his gun and the radio while I got my bat.

We're heading out now so I'll have to stop writing for a bit. I'll update you on anything we find once we get back but for now, you know the drill.

Alex wanted Emile to stay somewhere and hide but he insisted on coming.

The two galloped as fast they could, Emile didn't have anything to muffle his hoofsteps so he just "flew" halfway there. He didn't know if it was the adrenaline or just the tenseness of the society, it might've been. But he was able to "fly" longer than he usually could.

Soon enough the two made it to the airport. Alex hid somewhere where he was far enough out of sight but could still see the airport. Emile wanted to get a closer look though.

Before he ran off Alex looked at Emile one last time and told him something. "Don't do anything stupid."

He cared about him, he worried about him… After all, that's what friends do right?

It wasn't a promise Emile could keep though, he already knew that. So he just looked back at Alex one last time and gave him a slight smile. "I'll try my best."

Three decently sized airships landed at the airport, the backs of them opened revealing ramps, and out came several armored vehicles. They looked like big vans of some kind.

They were all the same jet-black as the airships and had the three letters painted on them. "HPI." Just like in the dream, and just like how Blake described on their suits…

Two drove towards the roadway access while one stayed behind. It seemed like something was wrong with it…

Someone went out of one of the vehicles to investigate. This was his chance. It was now or never. Badump. Badump.

The weird tense feeling they both had before got worse as Emile got closer, but he had to do this. He had too!

Emile tightened his grip on his bat, and rushed forward…

The man quickly turned around, but it was far too late for him to do anything.


The blunt object came towards him and hit him with enough force to crack his skull.

The blood poured out from his now damaged suit, and on to Emile. Drip, drip, drip…

…. Emile went silent for a moment, and realized what he just did. He killed someone. It wasn't an animal this time. It was a real, living human being…

Alex came rushing out from his hiding place and saw Emile on his knees looking down on a dead body with a cold dead look on his eyes, with blood all around him.

It didn't take long for him to realize what happened. Alex grabbed Emile and laid him down in his lap, brushing his mane out of his face. "Hey, Emile…"

No response. Emiles almost emotionless face remained unchanged.

Those trucks… They were heading practically the same way they came in… That's where-

Dammit… DAMMIT!

5:00 PM (?)

Hey, Jonathan here… Or as Emile likes to say "John."

Me and Joseph hide in some random old building with a basement away from whoever those people are. We turned off the power in the office, brought everything we could, me and Emile even got some little mats for us to sleep on, just in case. Hehe… Heh..

I don't know what happened back there, Alex won't tell me. But he came in with Emile laying on his back… Emiles up right now. But he won't talk. Not even a word…

I'm worried about them, the kid… And Alex…

Alex said that it looks like they were heading for both of our bases…

The way he described them scared me. "Devoid of magic, like they were sucking it up like a black hole…" Joseph seems to feel a similar way. Is it because we're unicorns…? Emile said something about unicorns being magical before…

We might have to pack everything, go pick Oliver and Blake and head out tomorrow…

- Jonathan D. Carter

11:50 PM

Hey, did you miss me…? I can't sleep… Especially not after that…

I… I killed someone…

That flower thing wasn't supposed to be just an art project, it was supposed to be a way to attract survivors too. But now…

I'm sorry… I'm sorry everyone…!

Alyssa, Sky, all of them… I hope they're okay…

Please be okay…

- Emile

Author's Note:

This chapter was a bit "heavy" on content wasn't it?

If you go back to day 41 you'll see I changed Blake's appearance, that's actually because I redesigned him so he wouldn't look too much like Emile.

Emile was actually supposed to sign off as "Bliss Flower" at the end there, but I decided against that.

Well, not much more to say here but I hope you enjoyed this.

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