• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,623 Views, 278 Comments

MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 8: Meanwhile back in Equestria

While Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were enjoying their time on Sodor, Sunset Shimmer wasn’t happy, she was determined. Determined to find the real Princess Cadence. It was the day of the wedding and she had to hurry, soon Shining Armour was going to married the wrong Cadence if she didn’t hurry.

“Hello?” her voice echoed around her as she called out for Cadence, “Cadence, are you here?”

“Did somepony call me?” came an evil reply, as the Fake Cadence appeared on a large crystal, her eyes glowing green.
“What do you want?” Sunset snarled, venom dripping in her voice.

“Ha, ha I just need you to say down there a little while longer, I’ll be marrying Shining Armour shortly,” she cackled.

“Don't you DARE do anything to my best friend's brother, you... you monster!” Sunset snapped her horn glowing with a red aura.

“Only way to stop me is to catch me!” Fake Cadence laughed as she moved from one crystal to another taunting Sunset. Sunset shot a blast over magic at a crystal which it bounced off the gem and almost hit Sunset. “Over here!” she taunted before moving to another gem, “Nope over here! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!”

“That does it,” Sunset muttered, she locked onto Fake Cadence and charged to the crystal she was on, smashing through it. But in the process she damaged her right shoulder and foreleg pretty badly as she skidded on the hard ground, grazing her injures even more. “Ow… that wasn’t worth it. Ow,” she said as she slowly got up.

When she looked up she was both shocked happy to see…

“CADENCE!” she yelled limping towards her former foalsitter. Cadence was laying on her side, but she was breathing, which was a relief, but she seemed dehydrated. Sunset luckily had a bottle of water on hoof, so she rested Cadence’s head on her lap, and she made her carefully drank the water. After she downed the bottle of water, Cadence slowly open her eyes to meet with the happy smile of Sunset Shimmer.

“S…Sunset?” she asked weakly.

“I’m here to rescue you Princess,” Sunset said as she help Cadence to her hooves. “We need to get OW!” Sunset shouted as she fell to the ground, her injured limb made in hard to walk, let alone stand.

“Sunset!” Cadence yelled running to Sunset’s aid, “are you alright?”

“No, I think I broke my foreleg”, Sunset retorted, Cadence lowered her head and as her horn lit up and started to heal Sunset’s limb.

“My magic is weak, so you’ll heal slowly,” Cadence said as she lifted Sunset onto her back, “come on, let’s get out of here and save my wedding”. So with that Cadence galloped off with Sunset on her back to try and find a way out.

Little did anypony know, Lady was in the streets of Canterlot looking to the sky to see a black cloud moving fast towards Canterlot.

“That’s not good,” she thought, “I think our heroes are going to need some help. And I know just the team”. And she opened a golden portal and walked through it.

Back on Sodor, Twilight had just finished her passenger train on Thomas’ Branch line and was now chuffing back into Knapford Station. The Fat Controller had just came out his office.

“Ah, on time like usual Twilight,” chuckled Sir Topham Hatt.

“Yes sir,” Twilight replied with a toot of her whistle.

“Well you can go and rest if you want Twilight,” The Fat Controller said, “there isn’t a job that need to be done yet.”

“Thank you sir,” Twilight said back, but before she could puff away, she heard a familiar whistle, then Lady shot up behind her followed by Pinkie and Fluttershy.

“Sorry Twilight, but you’ll going to have to wait for that break,” Lady puffed, the Fat Controller was very confused to see her.

“Lady? What are you doing here?” he said scratching his head.

“Sorry sir,” said Lady, “But I need to borrow the steam team for an important mission”.

“Well if it’s about you then it must be important,” the Fat Controller pointed out.

“What’s worry anyway?” Twilight asked, as the four engines puffed off to get the team.

“Canterlot is being invaded Twilight,” Lady explained.

“What!” Twilight yelled, “By who?!”

“It was had to tell, but we need you Twilight”, Lady told her. Twilight became to puff slower.

“I… I can’t go back”, Twilight muttered, clearly scared, “I… I can’t face them.”

“Twilight I know you’re both scared and angry at them, but you need to defeat the imposter and win back Equestria,” Lady chuffed.

“Please Twilight,” Fluttershy softly responded.

“We can’t do this without you”, Pinkie said.

Twilight didn’t know what to do, then she remember what Luna had said to her in one of her dream.

‘Remember Twilight, you can face you’re fears with your friends and that will show that you are never alone’.

“Ok let’s do this!” she yelled as she began to puff faster.

First the four met Thomas and Percy in a station and told them.

“We’ll stop them, we’re with you!” they puffed.

Then they saw Edward and Henry in the forest.

“We shall take down this evil!” they shouted.

They found Gordon and James resting in a siding.

“We shall not let anyone get hurt!” they declared.

They met up with Emily, Rebecca and Nia at the Docks.

“We shall not be nice; we’ll force them out if we have to.”

Finally they found and told Toby, Duck, Donald, Douglas and Oliver.

“We will never give up!”

So the whole Steam Team were puffing down the track that led to the magic buffers which would take them to Equestria and one by one the engines puffed through the buffers and starting with Lady and ending with Oliver. Soon the engines were puffing through the magical place known as the Magic Railroad towards Equestria.

“Onward to Equestria, Steam Team!” Twilight shouted and whistled. All the other engines whistled in agreement and Lady led them another set of buffers. Buffers that will take the engines to Equestria, the Steam Team all charged towards the buffers and soon the engines all disappeared through the buffers.

Meanwhile in the main hall, the whole room was full of many guests and with the organ playing the music as Princess Cadence walked up the aisle.

“Hey guys,” Sonata whispered, “have you seen Fluttershy or Pinkie anywhere.”

“I heard they went back to Ponyville to apologise to Twilight,” Aria replied.

“What if Twilight and Sunset were right,” Rainbow thought out loud.

“What do you mean, my darling?” Rarity asked.

“What if Sunset and Twilight we’re both right about this whole thing. I’m starting to think the same thing they’re suspecting,” Rainbow replied. Just as the wedding started.

“Mares and gentlecolts,” Celestia began, “we are gathered here today to witness the union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor.”

Underground Cadence and Sunset could hear Celestia starting the wedding.

“Oh, we're never going to save him,” Cadence winced.

“We will,” Sunset declared, “we just have to find... There!” She pointed to an exit. Cadence teleport them up to the exit, but were greeted by Minuette, Lyra Heartstrings, and Twinkleshine all hypnotized.

“You're not going anywhere,” they said creepily.

“Princess Cadence and Shining Armour,” smiled Celestia, “it is my great pleasure to pronounce you…”

“STOP!” yelled Sunset, everyone was very confused to hear her.

“Ugh! Why does she have to be so possessive of Shinning Armour?” Cadence said before realizing she said that aloud, “Why does she have to ruin my special day?” she pretended to sob.

“Because it's not your special day! It's mine!” cried the real Cadence. Everypony was shocked to see two Cadences.

“What? But how did you escape my bridesmaids?” the Fake asked angerly.

“I have my ways”, Cadence smiled, looking at Sunset.

Back in the cave Sunset and Cadence were cornered by the three bride’s maids. Cadence then had an idea, she teleported some flowers, the three ponies eyes locked onto the bunch of flowers as Cadence threw them away.

“I want it!” Minuette, Lyra and Twinkleshine shouted as the drove after the flowers.

Cadence and Sunset shared a smile and they continued onward.

“Hmph. Clever,” Fake Cadence commented, “but you're still too late.”

“I-I don't understand,” Applejack spoke up, “how can there be two of 'em?”

“She's a changeling,” Cadence exclaimed, “she takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them.”

Then suddenly, the green fire crackled around the fake Cadence and disappeared to reveal a black pony with a crooked horn and was known by the name of Queen Chrysalis.

“Right you are, Princess. And as queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects,” Queen Chrysalis stated, “Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered. My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!”

“They'll never get the chance!” Cadence yelled, “Shining Armor's protection spell will keep them from ever even reaching us!”

“Oh, I doubt that,” Chrysalis chucked, “Isn't that right, dear?”

Shinning uncontrollably nodded his head when Chrysalis asked him. Cadence tried to get closer to him, but Queen Chrysalis blocked her way.

“Ah, ah, ah. Don't want to go back to the caves, now do you?” she taunted, “ever since I took your place, I've been feeding off Shining Armor's love for you. Every moment he grows weaker and so does his spell. Even now, my minions are chipping away at it.”

She was right, her changelings were chipping away the barrier. Or more less beating themselves up by ramping into the shield. A small group of ponies with mixed colours of blue green and black looked up seemingly ready form them.

“He may not be my husband, but he is under my total control now,” Chrysalis laughed, “And, I'm sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as captain of the Royal Guard.”

“Not my Shining Armor!” Cadence cried out.

“Soon, my changeling army will break through. First, we take Canterlot. And then, all of Equestria!” Chrysalis yelled victoriously.

“No. You won't,” Celestia shouted back, “You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self, I can protect my subjects from you!”

Celestia fired a beam of magic at Chrysalis but she blocked it with her own. The two beams seem to be evenly matched but Celestia’s slowly started to overpower Chrysalis’. Chrysalis grunted as she summoned all the magical energy inside her, suddenly her beam overpowered Celestia’s as it pushed back against Celestia, connecting with her horn and an explosion happen. The sight and sound that followed was terrible, the sound of a crown clanging against the floor and the sight of Celestia on the ground weakly breathing as smoke flew off her charred horn.

“PRINCESS CELESTIA!” cried Sunset Shimmer.

“Ah! Shining Armor's love for you is even stronger than I thought!” Chrysalis declared, a little shocked that she was able to take down Princess Celestia, “consuming it has made me even more powerful than Celestia!”

Sunset ran up to the fallen Princess of the Sun, with her friends surrounding her.

“The Elements of Harmony,” Celestia wheezed, “you must get to them and use their power to defeat the queen.”

“But we can’t!” Rainbow Dash declared, “we don’t have, Fluttershy, Pinkie or Twilight”.

Sunset stared at Chrysalis and with out thinking she ran as best she could toward the Queen of Changelings. She charged up her horn, but Chrysalis fired a blast of magic first, striking Sunset in her injured forelegs. Sunset fell to the floor and skidded on the ground and stopped at the queen’s hooves.

Sunset closed her eyes too weak to move. Just then everypony hear a whistle, then a golden portal opened up. And Lady stepped through followed by Thomas, Percy, James, Nia, Toby, Rebecca, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Twilight.

“Steam Team, get ready for action!” Twilight shouted as they all got into a fight pose.

“What is this?” Chrysalis annoyingly asked.

Twilight took one look at Celestia, her old friends expected she would run up to her. But Twilight simply ignored her. Deep down in Twilight she really want to run over to Celestia, but she knew that will be a waste of time. Instead she walked towards Chrysalis.

“How dare you,” she muttered.

“Come again?” Chrysalis asked.

“How dare you!” Twilight yelled, her mane and tail bursting into flames, “How dare you come to Equestria, disguise yourself as Cadence, made my brother blame me and try to steal him from Cadence and for ruining their wedding!”
“T…Twilight?” Rainbow tried to call out to her friend.

“Quiet you rainbow-maned ass!” Burning Twilight shouted pointing a hoof at her former friends, “I ran away from here because of you! You didn’t believe me and now look what’s happened! How did I even become friends with such a disappointing group!”

Rainbow and the rest were shocked, Twilight, their friend, called them ‘disappointing’. “That hurts,” Rainbow winced.
“I have had enough of your trouble making Queen of the scumbags!” Twilight shouted at Chrysalis again, “I would love to see your horn get cut off and shoved up your…”

“Twilight!” Pinkie yelled, “we’re trying to keep this story E rated!”

Chrysalis stated daggers at Twilight, “How dare you speak to me like that you little purple brat!” Chrysalis shouted back, “If you want to ruin my special day of taking over Equestria and wanted to stop me, then let me make amends by summoning all the magic I have and squishing you like the bug you are!”

“Look who’s talking!” Thomas retorted.

That was it for Chrysalis she fired a bolt of magic at Twilight, but she simply deflected it. Her rage had created a force field around her. Just then outside, the barrier shattered, and hungry changelings descended upon the city of Canterlot. Four Changelings flew into the hall to back up their queen.

“Thomas, Percy, Rebecca, stay here and help me fight those changelings,” Lady instructed, “the rest of you go get everyone to safety, once you’re done help the others outside.”

“Right!” they all said. Lady, Thomas, Percy and Rebecca to aid Twilight while Toby, James and Nia started to get everypony out. The three of them were careful with Celestia and Sunset as they were moved to safety. Once everypony was out the three of them ran out to help the rest of their friends.

Prince Blueblood, Princess Celestia’s nephew, captured by Chrysalis before so he won’t tell Celestia that she was evil. James was being chase by to some changelings and he came running into Blueblood’s cell.

“Let me out! Let me out!” Blueblood yelled.

“Let me in! Let me in!” James yelled back as the changelings cornered him. “Please don’t hurt me,” he pleaded.

“Back off!” called a voice. The changelings turned around to see Henry.

“Hey who’s the mongrel?” said one of the changelings.

“Are you talking to me?”

“Uh oh, you called him a mongrel.”

“Are you talking to me?”

“You should have done that.”

“Are you talking to ME?!”

“Now you’ll in for it.”

“The call me Mr. Green Five!” Henry shouted before yelling out a battle cry and charging headfirst. What followed next was Henry beating the changelings down despite being an earth pony he couldn’t fly or use magic, but it was made up for his strength. He a changeling so hard he knocked it out and through another into the third putting them out the fight.

“Thanks Henry,” James sighed with relief.

“No problem,” Henry replied. They were just about to leave when…

“Hey, you going to help me?!” called Blueblood.

James and Henry seemed to think about it, before James got some tape and taped his mouth shut.

“There you go,” James said before they ran off to help their friends.

Edward was protecting a helpless mother and foal in an alleyway from two changelings.

“Get away!” Edward panted; he may looked like a teen on the outside, but he was still the oldest engine.

The changelings got closer until Toby, Duck and Oliver appeared behind them with a type of… lemonade stand?

“You have got to be kidding me,” Edward said deadpanned.

“Why hello there sirs,” Duck greeted the two changelings, disguising his voice, “would you like glass of lemonade?”

“Or maybe a cup of orange juice,” Toby spoke in an Irish accent.

“Do you know these ponies?” the mother asked Edward.

“I do not know who these guys are!” Edward retorted quickly.

“No maybe some punch will make you feel refreshed,” Oliver said.

“Make It two each,” one said.

“Coming right up sir,” Duck said, “two rounds of punches for each.”

Suddenly the stand seemed to collapse as four dragons, the same size as Spike, jumped out and punched to the two Changelings. The two of them landed on the ground knocked out.

“Wow that felt amazing, wouldn’t you say so Clarabel?” Annie exclaimed.

“Indeed Annie”, Clarabel replied.

“Did I do good Miss. Henrietta,” Toad asked.

“Heh, yes you did Toad,” Henrietta assured him.

“That’s was your guys’ plan,” Edward said walking out the alley.

“Well yeah,” Duck said.

“You know what, let’s just get going,” Edward said before the four ponies and dragons ran off.

Back inside Donald and Douglas were running around the castle confusing some Changelings. The changelings thought there was only one.

“He’s over here,” one called as Donald ran down a hallway.

“No he’s down here,” another called out as Douglas ran down another hallway.

The group of Changelings split up following the twins around the castle little did they knew was that the twins were leading them into a trap. The Twins managed to get the Changelings to follow them down the same hallway, right to Princess Luna’s door. The Princess of the night burst out her room and sent a magical pulse knocking all the changelings out cold.

“Great plan, Donald,” Luna commented.

“I’m Douglas, and I came up with the plan”, Douglas replied.

“No I came up with the plan,” Donald shouted. Soon the twins were bickering once again.

“Lord Tirek, save me,” Luna sighed.

Back in the main hall the real fight had started.

Twilight charged towards Chrysalis and tried to kick her, but she blocked her attack with her leg, but Twilight managed to kick her in the stomach.

“GARGH! Lucky, kick, kid!” Chrysalis gasped, “but you’re luck just ran out!”

Then Queen Chrysalis used her magic to throw some crystals at Twilight, but she dodged them and charged towards her and kicked her in the face again.

Then they charged at each other again and kept punching each other’s hooves trying to punch their faces, but Twilight kicked her again in the stomach and then gave her twenty fast punching blows which sent her flying towards a pillar. Twilight walked slowly towards Chrysalis.

“I will not… lose to… a child,” Chrysalis panted, Twilight used her magic to keep hold on Chrysalis.

“I’m not a child,” Twilight said while levitating Chrysalis to the balcony, “I’m a steam engine before using all her strength to throw Chrysalis as far as she could and then fired a beam on magic causing Chrysalis to fly out of Equestria. The remaining drones watched as their queen went flying out of Equestria and flew after her. The down changelings were locked up.

Twilight was tired as she fell to the floor completely out of breath. Just then The Steam Team came running in followed by the Princess, the rest of the Elements of Harmony, Shining Armour, Spike and the CMC (Because they were there the whole time).

“Twilight you did it!” Thomas cried out as Henry and Gordon helped her up.

“Twilight,” Celestia called out to her former student, “I’m so glad you’re alright.”

But Twilight paid no attention to her. Instead she walked up to Lady.

“Lady take me home to Sodor,” Twilight told her.

“Twilight wait!” Rainbow called out, “where are you going?!”

“Home to Sodor,” Twilight told her bitterly.

“But this is your home,” said Rarity, she was very puzzled.

“Not anymore,” Twilight replied sternly, “you all betrayed me.”

Before Twilight could say anything more Cadence run up to her and hugged her. This broken Twilight out her fit of rage.

“C…Cadence?” Twilight sobbed, “You’re ok?”

“Yes Twilight, I’m fine,” Cadence said as she stroked Twilight’s mane.

“And now you’ll all coming to the Island of Sodor with us,” Lady declared.

“WHAT?!” the Steam Team yelled in shock.

“What?!” the ponies shouted in surprise.

“Why?” Spike asked, wanting the reason he and the rest were going to leave their home.

“Because you all are clearly not good enough at being friends,” Lady stated, “maybe living on Sodor can make you understand what true friendship is.”

“We are not going anywhere!” Rainbow declared.

“Ok let’s have a vote,” Lady said, “All those going to Sodor?” The Steam Team all raised their hooves, Fluttershy, Twilight, Pinkie, Sunset put their hooves up and surprisingly, Cadence, Luna, Shining, Spike and Celestia also raised their hooves, (or claw in Spike’s case).

“So that’s about…” Lady tried to count how many hooves were in the air, “24 against 9 so you’re going if you like it or not”.
“I’m surprise you’re wanting to leave Equestria for Twilight’s sake, Tia,” Luna said.

“If it’s any to make up for what I’ve done,” Celestia replied.

“I mean it was you fault for sending a group of teenagers to do your work while you sit on you comfy throne eating nothing but cake,” Lady ripped into Celestia.

“What are you talking about?” Celestia asked.

“Nightmare Moon, Discord, to name just a couple,” Lady said again.

“Twilight please let me apologize,” Shining tried to get to Twilight. But she responded by giving him the cold shoulder. Cadence walked up to him.

“You and I will talk later,” she said sternly.

Lady lit her horn, and a golden portal opened up, and soon one by one the steam team, Elements of harmony, the Princess’, CMC, Spike and Shining Armour left Equestria.

Author's Note:

finally chapter 8 done
I hope you like it with a few funny scenes in here
I'm going to take a small break on write this story and maybe continue with my overs. Or even start a brand new story.
but again I hope you enjoy it

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