• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,636 Views, 278 Comments

MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 35: Aria the Mean Singer Engine

It was summer on the island of Sodor. All the engines were excited, Rebecca had set a new record for pulling the express. Aria was on her way to pick up two very special coaches. They had been newly painted to celebrate Rebecca’s record. The Fat controller was going to present them to Rebecca. Aria had stopped to take on water. Gilda pulled up alongside her.

“You look very pleased with yourself,” oiled Gilda. Aria told her all about Rebecca’s record and collecting the special coaches.

“Rebecca’s not the only one who’s special,” Gilda oiled proudly.

“Well there’s nothing special smelly old diesels,” pouted Aria, “I haven’t time to listen to you, I have to collect more coal.” And Aria steamed off. This made Gilda very cross, and she rattled away.

Later Aria arrived at the yards, but Rebecca’s special coaches weren’t there. “Gilda had already collected them,” puffed Thomas, “she said it was her job.”

“But that was my job,” huffed Aria, “I’ll have to find them, I mustn’t be late for the late for the presentation.”

Aria puffed quickly across the island, she was looking for Gilda and the special coaches. Suddenly, Aria saw Gilda waiting at a signal, she was coupled up to Rebecca’s special coaches.

“Why have you taken Rebecca’s coaches?” she snapped sharply.

“Because…” Gilda began.

“I haven’t got time to listen to you,” huffed Aria, “give me those coaches.”

“Not if you won’t listen!” grown Gilda, and she sped away.

Aria chased after Gilda. It was getting later and later, and Aria was worried but just like Diesel, Gilda was being devious. She knew all the tricks and many different tracks, Aria couldn’t catch her anywhere. And he made her look silly.

Aria steamed into Maithwaite Station, the Fat Controller was there. “Where are Rebecca’s coaches?” he asked her.

“Gilda took them herself,” Huffed Aria.

“We must find her at once,” boom the Fat Controller and he climbed on board Aria.

Gilda had hidden the coaches in a siding, but she wasn’t feeling well, she started to slow down. Up ahead Gilda saw Aria with the Fat Controller.

“Now I’m in trouble,” she moaned.

“Gilda!” said the Fat Controller sternly, “where are Rebecca’s special coaches?!”

“They’re in a siding sir,” said Gilda quietly.

“Take Aria there at once,” ordered the Fat Controller crossly.

“Yes sir,” oiled Gilda. Gilda showed Aria the trucks in the siding, Aria could see black smoke coming from Gilda’s engine.

“What’s wrong with your engine?” asked Aria.

“My engine is old,” spluttered Gilda, “All that rushing around has worn it out.”

“Then you shouldn’t have taken the coaches off,” said Aria.

“You should have listened to me!” snapped Gilda.

“Why should I listen to a smelly old diesel?” yelled Aria, “especially one that used to be a griffin.”

“Because Rebecca’s not the only one who set a record,” oiled Gilda quietly, “I’ve set one too.”

Aria was surprised, “Have you?” She wheeshed, and this time she listened.

“I’ve pulled the longest line of trucks on one train than any other diesel,” Gilda oiled as she spluttered sadly away.

“Oh dear,” said Aria sadly, “Gilda is just as special as Rebecca.”

Aria raced to Knapford with Rebecca’s special coaches, now she wanted Gilda to feel special too. As she puffed into Knapford station, Aria had an idea, she told the Fat Controller all about Gilda’s record and about her idea to make Gilda feel special. The Fat Controller listened carefully.

“That’s a very good idea Aria,” he said, “tell Gilda to come here this afternoon.”

Aria found Gilda in a siding resting, she told her she had to go to Knapford. Then Aria raced off to collect Gilda’s surprise. Later at Knapford station, the Fat Controller presented Rebecca with her special coaches.

“I really loved them,” puffed Rebecca proudly.

Everyone was happy for her, just then Aria puffed into the station.

“And this new diesel motor is for you Gilda,” chuffed Aria. Gilda was surprised, “I’m sorry I didn’t listen,” said Aria, “Now I know that diesels and steamies are both special.

Everyone cheered for Rebecca and Gilda.

It was a splendid morning on the Island of Sodor. Aria was feeling very pleased with herself. Her pink paint gleamed in the sunshine as she sped along the line. She reached the junction just as Sonata puffed in with some trucks. Aria was surprised to see her.

“What are you doing here, Sonata?” asked Aria, “you should be at the station by now!”

“I know,” sighed Sonata, “these trucks had been troublesome all morning.”

“That's no excuse, Sonata! Nothing should stop us!” Aria remarked, “the Fat Controller relies on us to be on time! Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way!” and she puffed importantly away.

“Bossy buffers,” muttered Sonata. Aria arrived at the harbour. It was market day. The harbour yard was filled with the sweet smell of fruits from faraway lands. The fruit was delivered in big ships. Aria watched as strawberries, oranges, melons, and bananas were carefully loaded onto her trucks. Then, he set off for the station on the Main Line. On the way, she met Thomas, Percy, and Toby.

“Really reliable, that's me!” panted Aria, “pity the same can't be sent for Sonata! Goodbye!”

“What was all that about?” gasped Percy and Toby.

“That was trouble,” Thomas told them, “trouble for Aria, just wait and see.”

Sonata was back in the yard and busy shunting. She had the trucks in good order and was making up for lost time. But the stationmaster had bad news.

“What's happened?” asked Sonata's Driver.

“Aria's brakes are jammed we need Sonata's help right away,” the stationmaster said.

Sonata quickly set off to the rescue. Aria was stuck on the line and looking glum. Sonata couldn't help laughing.

“Got yourself in a bit of a jam eh, Aria, a "sticky situation"?” joked Sonata.

“Shut up!” snapped Aria, “It's not funny having jammed brakes!”

“And not very reliable either,” continued Sonata, “I'm surprised you let it happen, Aria. Nothing should stop us engines.”

“That's enough Sonata,” said the driver, “can you push these trucks?”

“Of course I can,” declared Sonata, “there's no time to lose. Aria has done too much of that already.”

Aria angrily hissed steam as Sonata was coupled to the trucks.

“Off we go!” said Sonata, “I'll have to go fast to get there in time. Those big engines are so unreliable.”

“Be careful, Sonata,” Called her driver. But Sonata was in a hurry. She didn't see that the switch had failed and that her had been diverted into a siding.

“Look out, Sonata!” shouted her driver and he applied the brakes, but it was too late. The trucks crashed into some buffers and Sonata crashed into the trucks. The driver and fireman had jumped clear but squashed fruit squirted all over Sonata.

No one was hurt. But soon the Fat Controller arrived.

“Sonata, you were not to blame for the switch failure,” he said sternly, “but I do not run a jam factory.”

“Yes sir, no sir,” Sonata groaned from under the squashed fruit, and Sonata squelched sadly away. That night, the shed was silent. Aria and Sonata felt very sorry for themselves. At last, Twilight spoke.

“You know...” she said to no engine in particular, “there's more than one way to get jammed. We all learned that today.”

Still there was silence.

“What's more,” Twilight continued, “we also learned that sometimes when engines helped each other out of a jam, things can still go wrong.”

“So,” said a voice.

“So,” finished Twilight, “that means we learned a lot today. And there for...”

Then came a chorus.

“We're really useful engines after all!”

It was holiday time on the Island of Sodor. All the engines were working happily, except for Aria.

“Why should a splendid engine like me take messy coal trucks instead of coaches?” she complained, “Pinkie or Sonata or any other tank engine should do it, I'm too important.”

This made Twilight cross.

“Aria why don't you think about something or someone else for a change?” she said crossly, “you'll be surprised at how much better you'll feel if you do.”

“Oh, please. Being important is the only thing for me to think about.” Aria declared and she huffed away.

Down at the Knapford yards, Shining Armour and Cadence were watching Tiger Moth fly around.

“That plane's making a great deal of noise,” said Shinning to Cadence.

“His name's Tiger Moth,” replied Cadence, “and it's flying around telling everyone about the fair that's arriving today.”

“What are you two doing here?” Twilight asked as she puffed into the yard.

“The Fat Controller wants us to pick up a very special load from the harbour,” replied Cadence.

“And I think it's got something to do with the fair,” Shining Armour chimed in. Then they puffed away. Meanwhile, Aria was collecting quarry cars from the yards.

“Dustier and dustier,” she grumbled. Then she saw Mrs. Kyndley, “she looks miserable.”

“What's the matter?” asked Aria's driver.

“My sister has rung to tell me she can't come to stay with me,” she cried, “I was so looking forward to her visit.”

The Fat Controller soon heard the sad news, “We must cheer her up. Send Harold the Helicopter to pick her up immediately.”

A few minutes later there was a surprise for Mrs. Kyndley.

“All present and correct,” called Harold, “I'm uh here on a flying visit. Hurry aboard Mrs. Kyndley and uh fly the sky with me. Compliments of uh, the Fat Controller.”

“Oh how lovely,” said Mrs. Kyndley, as she boarded Harold. Harold took off blowing dust all over Aria.

“Harold's made my paint dustier than ever,” she muttered. But she was happy for Mrs. Kyndley. She was soon flying high with Harold.

“I have never seen the island like this before,” she cheered, “It's wonderful.”

Meanwhile, Shining Armour and Cadence were at the docks. Cranky the Crane was unloading an old tramp steamer.

“Hey down there, you two,” he called out, “I'm paying lucky dip in the tramper's hold, and all these are for you.”

He unloaded a crate and the workmen peeled back the tarpaulin, revealing…

“Wooden horses!” Cadence exclaimed, “for the carousel ride. It's going to be a very exciting fair.”

“It is indeed,” whistled Aria, “the Fat Controller has ordered me to stop pulling coal trucks and go to the station instead. Something to do with Mrs. Kyndley. Goodbye.”

“Well what do you think of that,” cried Shining Armour. Mrs. Kyndley was waiting for Aria with the Fat Controller.

“Now this is your very special treat,” he said, “Aria will take you on a mystery ride and I shall meet you at your destination.”

Aria took Mrs. Kyndley along her favourite coastal route to Tidmouth Bay. When she arrived there, Twilight, Shining Armour and Cadence were already there, a big surprise awaited Mrs. Kyndley.

“Oh!” she cried, “You've brought me to the fairground how lovely.”

Best of all the Fat Controller invited her to make the announcement.

“I declare this fairground open,” she declared, the fair opened, the lights came on and Mrs. Kyndley had the first ride on the carousel.

“You were quite right, Twilight,” Aria whispered, “Making someone happy does cheer you up.”

Then together they watched the fun of the fair.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, hoped you like Aria's chapter

Just Adagio, Shining and Twilight left for the engines

I'm struggling with ideas for stories to use for Adagio, and Shining so if you guys have any ideas for stories I would love to hear them

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