• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,655 Views, 278 Comments

MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 30: Sweetie Belle the Weak Magic Engine

It was a hot summer's day on the Island of Sodor. The narrow-gauge engines were busy taking trucks full of slate from the quarry. The heat and dust made their axles ache.

“We shunted every truck in the quarry today,” wheeshed Apple Bloom.

“But I'm too thirsty to feel useful,” complained Sweetie Belle.

The summer sunshine made people thirsty too. The refreshment lady was keeping very busy at the tea room. The next day, The Thin Controller had news for Sweetie Belle.

“The refreshment lady needs a place for another tea room,” said the Thin Controller.

“I can find her a beautiful place,” whistled Sweetie Belle.

“I knew it,” replied the refreshment lady, “It will be a piece of cake.”

“But tea rooms don't live in cakes,” commented Sweetie Belle.

“It's just my way of saying it would be fun and easy to find the right place here,” chuckled the refreshment lady. Sweetie Belle puffed along to the woodland way, and the old castle causeway, and the whispering waterfall. “Thank you Sweetie Belle,” said the refreshment lady, “But I don't know what to do. I can't make up my mind. What a shame I can't build a refreshment stand at each place.”

Sweetie Belle was very disappointed. She didn't feel useful. That night, there was a storm. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed. The rain poured down. All the engines were talking excitedly about the storm, except Sweetie Belle. She was thinking about the refreshment lady's tea room. The next morning, the Thin Controller came to the sheds.

“Sweetie Belle, I want you to go and help Rusty clear the storm damage,” he told her.

“Yes sir,” Sweetie Belle said and hurried away. At last, she thought she could be really useful. Sweetie Belle soon found Rusty. The storm had swept an old shed onto the line.

“Driver says the shed is useless now,” said Rusty.

“It's not a shed,” exclaimed Sweetie Belle, “It's an old railway coach.” And that gave her an idea. Back at the yards, her driver spoke to the Thin Controller.

“Sweetie Belle thinks this old coach could be a tea room,” said her driver.

“Hmm, I'll call Sir Topham, and see if his buddy Jem can take a look. I'm sure he can repair it,” agreed the Thin Controller. The Thin Controller was right. In no time at all, the old coach had turned into a tea room on wheels. The refreshment lady could hardly believe her eyes.

“Oooh, it's beautiful. I told you it would be a piece of cake,” she cheered happily.

The Thin Controller paused for a moment. “Eh, um, with many cakes in it I'm sure,” he replied. Then he turned to Sweetie Belle. “And you shall pull the Tea Room special.”

“I'll be proud to sir,” Replied Sweetie Belle. Now the refreshment lady serves refreshments at all her favourite places. At woodland way, the old castle causeway and whispering waterfall. Sweetie Belle is a happy engine. “I told you it would be a piece of cake.”

Sweetie Belle is a kind little engine who enjoys working in the mountains on the Island of Sodor. Even though she is little, Sweetie Belle loves feeling like a really useful engine. One day, The Thin Controller came to see Sweetie Belle.

“I have a very important job for you,” he boomed.

“An important job!” cried Sweetie Belle, “Oh thank you sir.”

“You are to take some school children up into the mountains,” he told her, “you must make sure they have a wonderful time and are back in time for their lunch.”

“Yes sir,” Said Sweetie Belle. But as she picked up a coach, she was worried. She wasn't sure she was good enough to make the trip special. When Sweetie Belle arrived at the station, the children and the teacher were waiting on the platform.

“How am I going to make the children's trip really special?” she said to Ivo Hugh.

“You memorized these mountains better than any engine,” said Ivo. But Sweetie Belle wasn't sure her trip will be exciting enough. She felt like a very little engine indeed. The Thin Controller had told Sweetie's driver to point out all the beautiful sights along the way.

“This is Sodor Castle,” called her driver, “It is very special and important.”

Sweetie Belle saw the castle every day. She used to think it was special or important but had gotten bored of seeing it.

“I must think of something exciting to do,” She puffed to herself, and she reached the valley view.

“This is the valley view,” said her driver, then they arrived at the viaduct, “And here's the viaduct.”

“Oooh,” went the children.

Sweetie Belle was still unhappy. The trip didn't seem wonderful to her at all.

“Must be special, must be special,” she thought. Meanwhile, Rusty was working on the rocky ridge line. Heavy rains have washed the ground from under the track.

“These lines are too bumpy and uneven,” said the foreman, “The tracks must be closed for repairs.”

“Must be special, must be special,” Sweetie Belle was still trying to think of something that will make the children's trip special. She didn't know the linesmen have forgotten to switch the points. Suddenly, Sweetie Belle was on the wrong track.

“Oh no! This line is closed for repairs. Bust my buffers!” chuffed Sweetie Belle.

“Be careful!” cried Rusty, “The tracks are very bumpy!”

Sweetie Belle whooshed down the mountain like a roller coaster. The children cheered. Sweetie Belle puffed up the rocky ridge with all her might. Her coach clattered and bumped and bounced along behind. And the children Ooohed and Aaahed. Sweetie Belle huffed and puffed as hard as she could. She steamed across the trestle bridge. She was going so fast the teacher nearly lost her hat. Sweetie splashed under a waterfall, the children laughed happily, and the teacher covered her eyes. At last, they could see the station. Sweetie Belle was very tired and worried.

“What will the Thin Controller say?” said Sweetie worriedly.

“Phew!” said the teacher, “just in time for lunch.”

“It was the best school trip ever!” cried the children. The Thin Controller wasn't cross with Sweetie Belle, he was happy too.

“You gave the children a wonderful trip,” he said, “you really are a very useful engine.”

“Oh thank you sir!” puffed Sweetie proudly. Sweetie Belle didn't feel like a little engine anymore.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom are the best of friends. They love working together. And they enjoy shunting Trucks. They biff them and they bash them all day long. One day, some men from the Sodor museum had found some very old bones. When they put the bones together, they made the skeleton of a dinosaur. That morning, the photographer arrived on the island to photograph the dinosaur. Twilight was to take him to the Transfer Yards. At the Transfer Yards, Mr. Percival was talking to his engines.

“The dinosaur will soon be ready to go to the Sodor Museum, “Mr. Percival said, “I will need two very careful engines to collect it.”

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were very excited.

“We can be really careful,” puffed Sweetie Belle, “watch.”

Sweetie Belle shunted some truck gently together, but Scootaloo and Apple bloom were too excited to be careful and bashed into some coal trucks. The Thin Controller was cross.

“Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, you are not careful engines,” Mr. Percival said, “I will have to choose two other engines to collect the dinosaur.”

“But I can be careful,” said Sweetie Belle, “Let me try again, please?”

“Very well,” said the Thin Controller, “but this is your last chance.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Sweetie Belle happily. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were sad.

“We’re sorry we biffed the trucks,” Scootaloo whistled quietly.

“But ah'm sure we can take the dinosaur together,” Apple Bloom said just as quietly.

“No,” said Sweetie Belle, “I'll show Mr. Percival I can do it on my own.”

And she steamed away. Later, Sweetie Belle had to take some coal to the station houses. The trucks were very heavy for her on her own. Her pistons pounded and her axles ached, but Sweetie Belle kept going.

“Must take the dinosaur, must take the dinosaur,” she puffed. Later at the Transfer Yards, Mr. Percival came to see Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie Belle, you have worked very hard today,” said Mr. Percival kindly, “and pulled very heavy trucks very carefully on your own.”

This made Sweetie Belle very proud.

“So I have decided you can collect the dinosaur,” the thin Controller added, “But are you sure you can do it on your own?”

“Yes sir, I'm sure,” Whistled Sweetie Belle. She was very happy.

“And Scootaloo and Apple Bloom,” called Mr. Percival, “You will collect empty trucks from the Timber Yards.”

“Yes sir,” Peeped the two engines sadly. they watched Sweetie Belle raced quickly away to collect the dinosaur. Sweetie chuffed cheerfully through the mountains. But when Sweetie arrived to collect the dinosaur, she was surprised. The dinosaur was very, very big, but Sweetie was sure she was strong enough to pull it. She coupled up to the flatbed and pulled with all her puff. She started to puff her way back to the yards. Sweetie blew her whistle as she puffed through middle station. Everyone thought the dinosaur skeleton was wonderful. And they all gave Sweetie a big cheer. Sweetie was very proud. Sweetie was puffing slowly up a hill. But the flatbed was too heavy. Her puff was going, and her pistons could hardly pump. Sweetie puffed slower and slower. Then, she rolled back down the hill. She could go no further.

“Oh no!” she moaned, “I'll never get the dinosaur to the Transfer Yards now.”

Sweetie felt terrible. Then, she remembered her friends.

“I wish Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom were here to help me,” He sighed. Scootaloo was still on their way to collect trucks from the Timber Yards. As they came around the bend in the line, they was very surprised to see a dinosaur blocking the track.

“Out of our way!” Apple Bloom tooted loudly. Sweetie heard Scootaloo.

“Skarloey! Apple Bloom!” she cried, “I need your help. The dinosaur is too heavy for me. I can't pull it on my own.”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were still upset with Sweetie. They didn't want to help.

“I was silly to think I could pull this own my own,” puffed Sweetie sadly, “It needs three engines and I need you. From now on, I'll always want us to work together.”

That made Scootaloo and Apple Bloom feel much better. And they buffered up to the flatbed to help their friend. Together, they pushed the dinosaur safely up the hill and all the way back to the yards. Scootaloo, Sweetie and Apple Bloom puffed happily into the Transfer Yards just as Twilight arrived with the photographer. Sweetie Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had that picture taken from the dinosaur. They were delighted. They were pleased to be friends again and they agreed that working with your friends is the best job of all.

Author's Note:

HI guys I hope you enjoy this chapter

so yeah the story is no longer on pause. but about that special

I've decided that the special would be better to be it's own story rather just a chapter. so that's why it's focusing on Sweetie Belle.

but you should be glad that Equestrian engines is back.

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