• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,634 Views, 278 Comments

MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 1:The Arrival of the Lady

Author's Note:

This is my first story on Fimfiction so there'll might be mistakes.:twilightsheepish:
also Tidmouth sheds has nine births is because I don't like how two of the show most important characters get thrown away.
also This universe will be redone nearly every new story I do as I have ideas for other crossover stories, so please don't moaned that I'm resetting my universe every new story.

“Why don’t they believe me?” Twilight Sparkle cried into her pillow as her closes friend, Sunset Shimmer rubbed her back.

The two had just teleported from Canterlot after Twilight declaring that her brother Shining Armour was about to marry her foal-sitting Princess Cadence by saying she was evil and casting spells on her brother. After Cadence ran off in tears and walked off to calm her down, one by one Twilight’s friends walk off abandoning her and Sunset. First Rainbow Dash, the most loyal of them all, then Rarity, then Applejack, then Fluttershy, then Pinkie Pie, Then the Dazzling Sisters, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

Lastly, the pony Twilight and Sunset saw as a mother to them, Princess Celestia. Instead of listening to her students she stared icily at them and responded to them harshly, “You have a lot to think about”.

Twilight felt abandoned and betrayed as watch her friends, her teacher and her number one assistant Spike, trot away.

Twilight was heartbroken as she lay on her bed. Sunset wanted to stay by her side, as she and her grew up together like sisters from different mothers. Sunset didn’t know how to make her feel better.

“Twilight?” Sunset asked, worry pasted on her face, “is there anything you want me to get for you?”

Twilight looked up from her pillow, her mane a mess and eyes bloodshot from all the crying, “C-can you get me a glass *sniff* of water please?” She sniffed weakly.

Sunset nodded and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Sunset passed the Elements of harmony on display; Twilight’s crown was in the middle while the other nine surrounded it. Sunset ignored them and went into the kitchen. She got out a glass and filled it with water, suddenly a smashing sound echoed throughout the library. Sunset ran out the kitchen to see the glass case holding the elements was smashed on the floor and the elements everywhere. Sunset looked up to see an angry but upset Twilight, standing just next to the wooden stand which held up the elements just moments ago.

“Magic of Friendship, huh?” Twilight said furiously as she used her magic to throw the element of loyalty across the room.

"Magic my flank!" Twilight screamed as she broke down once again.

Sunset Ran up to her fallen friend, putting the class of water down before embracing Twilight.

While Twilight was crying and Sunset was trying to help her, A golden portal opened up behind them. "Hello there, young ones." the voice said.

Twilight and Sunset quickly turn around to see a red-violet alicorn floating in the room before touching down on the ground. She looked the same size as Princess Luna with the mane and tail design as Cadence. Her mane and tail with a golden colour as well as her slippers. Her eyes were a beautiful maroon, a silver crown with a golden highlight sat on top of her head. Her cutie mark was of a pair of puffers with a magic aroura pulsing around them.

" W-who are you and what are you?" Twilight asked wiping her tears.

"I am Lady, the Golden Engine" The one known as Lady said as she walked up to the purple and orange mare. Twilight and Sunset were both amazed and confused by what she said.

“Engine? But you’re a pony,” Sunset said confused by her title.

“I’m an alicorn because I must obey to your worlds rules”, Lady responded with a motherly smile, “where I come from, I am a steam engine and I am the one who looks after the home to a friend that saved my life”.

"The world you come from, you’re from another world? Oh my gosh this is so amazing…. Wait you’re the ruler of your world?" Twilight asked before bowing and forcing Sunset into a bow with her magic. Lady chuckled.

“Rise Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer, you need not bow to me. I'm guessing you are wondering why I'm here" Lady said. The two unicorns nodded. “You see, I'm an old friend of Princess Celestia's. She and I met a long time ago, I helped her, her sister and a bunch of other rulers seal away a great evil that plagued Equestria over a thousand years ago.” Lady said.

“Are you talking about Discord?” Sunset asked. Lady shook her head.

“No it was a demon named Tirek and believe me he makes Discord look like a teddy bear.” Lady said. Twilight felt a cold chill up her spine after hearing that.

“Why do I feel like that information will come back to bite me.” Twilight whispered to Sunset.

“But we’re getting off topic, you see throughout the day I’ve been keeping an eye on you as well as the other bearers of Harmony and I must say I am not happy." Lady said sternly. Twilight shuddered at what Lady said, was she here to punish them.

"I saw what your brother, your friends and Celestia did to you. They had no right to treat you like that." Lady said. Twilight’s eyes widened in shock.

“Wait so you’re not here to punish us?” Sunset asked.

"Of course not, you’re not the ones I’m cross with. Celestia should have listen to you and your so-called friends should have stood by you. So since I can’t trust my old friend teach you, I guess it’s up to me.” Lady said.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked suspicious of the golden Engine intentions.

"Twilight Sparkle, I offer you a chance to go to the Island of Sodor.” Lady said. Twilight and Sunset were shocked once again.

“Y… Y... You want me to go with you?” Twilight asked. Lady nodded.

“Yes you see, there is a young engine that I am keeping a close eye on and I believe him, and his friends can help you smile again. He has a very kind heart and has help people and engines alike. I have faith that if you travel and get to know him, he can restore your faith in the magic of friendship." Lady said proudly. Twilight thought about Lady offer.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I get to explore a whole new world and learn how to be an engine... But, what about…” Twilight stopped herself looked at the elements that she'd thrown across the room. “They wouldn’t care, my so called ‘friends’ and brother don't care about me or my feelings. Celestia didn't really care about me either now I think about it, the only real reason she took me as her student was to save her sister and what did she get after saving her...a thank you and sweet lies about 'friendship.” Twilight thought as tears streamed down her muzzle.

Lady and Sunset saw this and felt bad for the young mare. “If you wish not to leave your home and family, I understand.” Lady said, but Twilight shook her head.

“It’s not that, I’m sure they'll all be just fine without me and besides all they cared about was the bucking wedding.” Twilight said angrily.

“Urm… Twilight…” Sunset said with a quiet voice, pointing at Lady as she had an eyebrow raised.

“Ms. Sparkle, language please.” Lady said. Twilight quickly covered her muzzle.

“I’m sorry, I’m just-” Twilight began with a blush on her face.

“I understand, but that’s why I want you to come with me.” Lady said cutting Twilight off. Twilight nodded and looked over to the Element of Magic that was on the floor with the others, she then levitated it onto her head and decide to keep it for herself.

“Equestria will have to find a way to survive without my element.” Twilight said coldly. Lady heard that but said nothing as this was her choice to make. Twilight then turned back to Lady.

“Lady, I would like to take your offer and venture into the Island of Sodor." said Twilight proudly.

Lady nodded and she began to glow. Just then, a golden portal opened behind Twilight. “Just step through the portal Ms. Sparkle and your journey will begin”, she said. Twilight looked at the portal and smiled a bit, she then turned around to face a rather upset Sunset Shimmer.

“I guess this is goodbye Twilight”, Sunset sniffed trying to hold back her own tears.

“Oh”, Twilight realized, “I didn’t think about you Sunset”.

Twilight wrapped an arm around Sunset, and they embraced each other.

“Why can’t I go with Twilight, Lady?” Sunset asked sadly.

“Because I have a tasked for you, Ms. Shimmer”, Lady replied with a smile.

“Wait, what?!” Sunset said in shock.

“I want to find the real Princess Cadence”, Lady responded creating a portal that showed Cadence all battled and bruise in a cave surrounded with crystals. “I believe she’s somewhere under Canterlot in the Crystal Cavens. I don’t know exactly where she is, but I senses a weak source of energy down there”.

Twilight and Sunset looked at each other with sad smiles.

“Good luck, Sunset”, Twilight said as she embraced her closes friend for the last time.

“Thank you, Twilight,” Sunset replied as a single tear rolled down her face. “I hope you find the magic of Friendship again.”

“Well this is, goodbye Equestria.” Twilight thought as she began walking toward portal after she broke her and Sunset’s embrace. “Wait how am I supposed to find this steam engine you mentioned, what’s his name?” Twilight said in a panicked tone. Lady chuckled.

“His name is Thomas, Thomas the Tank Engine.” Lady replied as she stood next to Sunset. “Don’t worry I’ll help you find him.”

“Thomas the Tank Engine, huh?” Twilight thought as the golden light of the portal enveloped her body.

Lady and Sunset stood there where Twilight’s portal was just a few seconds ago. Lady turned to Sunset who was ready for her mission.

“Are you ready to find Cadence?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Sunset replied as she levitated her element over.

“Then go, you don’t have much time the wedding with be happening shortly,” Lady said, “I shall ask Princess Luna to help you, hopefully she’ll understand”.

Sunset nodded, ran to the portal and jumped through, the portal closed shortly after. Now Lady stood there in the middle on the library. She opened her own portal to join twilight on the Island of Sodor.


Twilight slowly opened her eyes to see a steam engine with a familiar colour. She then found out she could move. Twilight looked at herself to see that she was a TVR O2 class 0-6-2 tank engine with her element of harmony mounted to her smokebox acting as her lamp. She was paint lavender with her cutie mark on her purple side-tanks. Her smokebox was purple with pink and indigo stripes.

Twilight tried moving again and she still couldn’t.

“Having trouble?” Lady chuckled.

“Yeah”, Twilight sighed, “how do you move?”

“You just got to relax and imagine yourself moving the same if your breaking”, Lady instructed.

Twilight closed her eyes and imagined herself moving. So enough Twilight was rolling down the track with Lady leading the way. As they moved down the track, Twilight saw lots of engine down their work. She saw a black diesel with side-plates pulling truck full of stone and a red tank engine with three domes hauling coal trucks. And a Diesel boxcab racing up behind her looking to have a connotation.

(Wait What?!)

“Hello, I’m Phillip the diesel boxcab but you can just called me Phillip, do you like to race I love racing I once beat an express engine in a race do you want to race?” The boxcab known as Phillip spoke so fast, Twilight swore she heard his teeth chatter. But before Twilight could say anything, Phillip blurted out, “oh no, I’m going to be late, nice talking to you”. And he ran off to do his work.

Twilight just stared, “Well he seems friendly”, she finally responded.

“All the engines are friendly here”, Lady replied with a smile which turned into a frown, “well, all the steam engines”.

Before Twilight could reply, a black diesel shunter oiled up behind her a blow his horn, scaring Twilight so much she wasn’t paying attention to who was in front of her and ran right into the back of Lady.

“Ha, ha, ha, silly steamies”, he laughed as he rolled onward.

"Your face will look silly after I shoved my funnel up your!..."

A train whistle blow, muting Twilight's insult.

“Who in Equestria was that?!” Twilight shouted with annoyance.

“That was Diesel”, Lady replied, “everyone hates Diesel because he likes playing tricks on others.”

10 minutes later…

Twilight and Lady made it to Knapford station where the man in charge was walking up the platform.

“Excuse me sir?” Lady asked the man. The man himself was dressed in a grey shirt under a cream waistcoat, he wore a black tailcoat on top of that. He had grey trousers, black shoes and a black top hat. But what made Twilight snort was the fact that he was a bit on the chubby side.

“Oh hello Lady”, The man greeted the golden engine, “what do I oh the pleasure?”

“Sir, this is Twilight Sparkle, an engine that work on my railroad”, Lady lied, she couldn’t tell the gentleman the truth about Twilight. “I was wandering if she could work on your railway.”

The director eyed Twilight up and down. Twilight tried not to show that she was scared.

“Hmm, well I was thinking of getting more engines to help around the island…” He thought out loud, “Ok, welcome to the North western railway Twilight.”

“Thank you sir”, Twilight thanked The Fat Controller.

“Well I better get going”, Lady said as she started to puff away.

“Thank you, Lady!” Twilight called out which Lady responded with a whistle blow.

“Now, as it’s getting late, I think you should know your way around the island”, the Fat Controller said.

Just then a blue tank engine chuffed into the station pulling two coaches behind him and had the number 1 on his side-tanks.

“Good afternoon sir,” the engine replied to his director before noticing Twilight. “Oh hello there”.

“Thomas this is Twilight,” The Fat Controller introduced, “she’ll be joining us on the island, please show around Sodor”.

“Will do sir,” Thomas replied and then the Fat Controller left.

“So you’re Thomas,” Twilight said, “Lady’s told me a lot about you.”

“You know Lady?!” Thomas questioned.

“Yeah actually brought me,” Twilight responded.

“Well you must be magical then,” Thomas joked, not noticing Twilight nervous face. “Well we should be going my friend Gordon will be along shortly.

For the rest of the day Thomas showed Twilight around the island. Twilight got to see the docks, the forests, the search and rescues centre, quarries and King Godred’s Castle, Twilight even made some new friends. The tour ended with Thomas and Twilight returning to Tidmouth Sheds. Twilight notice that there were nine births at the sheds, and all had an engine in each of them. There were three blue engine including Thomas, three green, one red, one orange and one yellow.

“Twilight let me introduce you to the steam team”, Thomas said starting for twilight’s left.

“These are Henry, Rebecca and Gordon, our big, strong tender engines”, Thomas started.

“Hello”, Rebecca greeted cheerfully.

“Nice to meet you, Twilight,” Henry welcome calmly.

“Evening”, Gordon huffed.

“These are Edward and James our mix-traffic engines”, Thomas continued.

“Good evening Twilight,” Edward greeted wisely.

“Evening Twi,” James said tiredly.

“And these are Nia, Percy and Emily”, Thomas finish.

“Hujambo, that’s means hello is Kiswahili”, Nia said with a smile.

“Hello Twilight,” Percy and Emily greeted her at the same time.

“Good evening Everyone,” Twilight responded, “Is there any room from one more?”

“Sorry but the sheds are full,” Gordon replied harshly.

“Oh… I’ll just find somewhere else to sleep”, Twilight said sadly.

She was just puffing away until Percy said, “You can sleep in my birth tonight Twilight if you want”.

Twilight was surprise, “Are you should?”

“Yeah I got to take the mail tonight anyway”, Percy replied.

So Twilight slept in Percy birth next to Thomas and Emily.

“So Twilight, what did you used to do back where you came from?” Rebecca asked.

And so Twilight told them the adventures she had with her friends without giving to much detail of where she came from. The other engines loved hearing her tales till long after the stars came out.

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