• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,634 Views, 278 Comments

MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 31: Apple Bloom the Little Farm Engine

The engines on the narrow-gauge railway were excited. They were helping to build a new line. It would take visitors to even more beautiful places on the Island of Sodor. The Fat Controller arrived with important news.

“The grand opening is this afternoon,” he said, “I want to see the new line from the air. Lady Hatt and I will arrive on Harold The Helicopter.”

Just then, Apple Bloom chuffed in. “You're late for the announcement,” complained The Fat Controller, “Really useful engines are never late.”

“I'm sorry sir,” replied Apple Bloom.

At the airfield there was another problem.

“Engine trouble,” said the pilot, “Harold's not going anywhere today.”

Lady Hatt was most upset. “But I've been looking forward to the grand opening all week,” she complained.

“And I, my dear, will find a solution,” said the Fat Controller. And he did.

“Topham, you cannot be serious,” Lady Hatt commented, “me ride in this.”

“The wind direction is perfect,” said the Fat Controller, “we'll be there in no time.”

Soon the hot air balloon rose into the sky. But Apple Bloom was upset.

“All this extra work is going to make me late again,” she huffed.

The hot air balloon was floating peacefully through the sky. Lady Hatt was enjoying herself. “The new line looks splendid,” she said.

“Thank you, my dear,” replied The Fat Controller. Down the track, the workmen were still loading their ladders.

“Hurry up, Hurry up!” Apple Bloom puffed.

“If Apple Bloom doesn't hurry,” sighed the Fat Controller, “she'll be late again.”

All the engines were ready for the grand opening. “Where's Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“She promised to be on time,” said Scootaloo.

At last, Apple Bloom was on her way. Then there was trouble. The balloon's flame suddenly went out, the air in the balloon cooled and the balloon started to fall.

“Hold tight!” the pilot called.

“I want to get out!” demanded Lady Hatt.

“Not now, dear,” said the Fat Controller.

“The balloon's going to land in the tree,” cried Apple Bloom. And it came down right in front of Apple Bloom, “there's the Fat Controller!”

“My hat is ruined!” cried Lady Hatt.

“So is mine,” said The Fat Controller.

“Don't worry,” called Apple Bloom's driver, “we'll soon have you down.”

“Am I glad to see you, Apple Bloom,” said the Fat Controller.

“Thank you Sir,” smiled Apple Bloom.

Before long, the Fat Controller and Lady Hatt were safely on the ground. They boarded Apple Bloom's boxcar and set off at once. Everyone was waiting as Apple Bloom brought her important passengers to the grand opening. The Fat Controller declared the new line open.

“With special thanks to Apple Bloom,” He said, “For helping us get here.” Everyone cheered.

“Even so you were still late,” teased Sweetie Belle.

“I know,” said Apple Bloom, “but because I was late, the Fat Controller was right on time.”

Apple Blooms helps Rusty repair the railway that winds through the mountains on the Island of Sodor. The two little engines check that the tracks, tunnels, and bridges are all in good working order. One day, Apple Bloom was crossing the old wooden bridge. There was a big bump in the track. Apple Bloom's driver stopped to check the bridge.

“There are cracks in the supports,” he said.

“Ooh, that could be dangerous,” cried Apple Bloom, “It might fall down if it's not repaired.”

And they hurried off to warn the other engines. The engines were waiting for their coal when Apple Bloom arrived.

“Don't use the old wooden bridge,” said Apple Bloom, “It's dangerous!”

“How would you know?” wheeshed Duncan, “you're only a girl.” And he puffed crossly away. He didn't even wait for his coal. Apple Bloom hurried down the mountain to tell the Thin Controller the bad news.

“Thank you,” said the Thin Controller, “I'll send engineers to investigate the bridge. Meanwhile, nobody is to use it.”

Apple Bloom's driver put up a sign: Line Closed. The engines had to travel a different way. Meanwhile, Duncan needed more coal to get home. But when he arrived at the coal bunker, it was empty.

“Bother! I won't get home without more coal,” he complained, “where's the nearest bunker?”

“On the other side of the old wooden bridge,” puffed Ivo Hugh, “but you can't cross. Apple Bloom says it's not safe.”

“Apple Bloom always makes things sound worse than they are,” Duncan remarked.

“I'm sure one trip across the old wooden bridge won't hurt,” added his driver. When they got to the junction, Duncan's driver removed the sign and they set off towards the bridge. This was a big mistake. Suddenly, Duncan hissed to a halt.

“I'm out of steam,” he had used up all his coal, suddenly he heard something. “What's that?” he asked nervously. His driver looked out. The old wooden bridge was starting to collapse.

“Apple Bloom!” called Ivo Hugh, “Duncan's gone across the bridge.”

“I better check he's all right,” the little farm engine said. But the cracks in the supports were getting larger. A beam snapped. Timber pieces splashed into the water below.

“Help!” whistled Duncan, “I'm going to fall!”

But Apple Bloom was on the way. Soon, the little farm engine reached the old wooden bridge. Duncan had never looked so scared. Apple Bloom chuffed bravely onto the bridge.

“Careful!” gasped Duncan. Soon, they were coupled up.

“Hold on!” said Apple Bloom.

“Whoa!” shouted Duncan. The little farm engine pulled him off the bridge just in time.

The Thin Controller was cross with Duncan. “That was very irresponsible,” he said sternly.

“Yes sir. Sorry sir,” Duncan said sadly, “and Apple Bloom, you were very brave.”

“Ah, thanks,” Apple Bloom blushed.

“Yes, Apple Bloom,” responded the Thin Controller, “you are a really useful engine.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Apple Bloom said, she felt very reliable too.

Apple Bloom loves to puff through the hills on the Island of Sodor. Her favourite place is a pretty village high up in the mountains. But in the winter, the mountain village gets very cold, so it's important that the engines deliver coal to the village. The houses must be cozy and warm. One morning, Sweetie Belle was delivering her empty trucks to the incline. The winch brings empty trucks up the incline and lowers full trucks down to be delivered to the villagers across the island. Sweetie Belle was frightened of the incline. It was very high. So Sweetie Belle shunted her trucks into place and then she backed away quickly.

“You are such a scaredy engine,” laughed Apple Bloom, “I'm not scared of anything.” After saving Duncan from the old wooden bridge, Apple Bloom thought she was the bravest engine in the world. But then, the winches coupling broke.

“Oh, no!” yelled Apple Bloom as she steamed away as fast as she could. Apple Bloom raced right pass Applejack who was waiting on the main line. Apple Bloom switched tracks and the trucks rolled past her. But they were heading straight for Rusty. Rusty hooted loudly to the signalman. Who changed the points, sending the trucks into a siding. Soon the Thin Controller, Mr. Percival, arrived.

“Well done, Rusty,” the Thin Controller said, “you are a really brave engine.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Rusty proudly. But Apple Bloom wasn't happy.

“I want to be the bravest,” huffed Apple Bloom, “I want to show everyone that I'm the bravest engine of all.”

The next day, Apple Bloom was shunting trucks on to the incline.

“How can I prove I'm the bravest?” she huffed to herself. Suddenly, Apple Bloom had an idea, “If I went up the hill of the winch...” she puffed, “…then everyone will see how brave I am.”

The winch hooked on to Apple Bloom’s trucks coupling. Apple Bloom was still coupled up. But she didn't help the workmen. Slowly, Apple Bloom was pulled up the hill. When Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle arrived at the bottom of the incline, they gasped.

“Look where's Apple Bloom is!” puffed Sweetie Belle.

“That is the bravest thing to do,” chuffed Scootaloo. Scootaloo cheered and Sweetie Belle blew her whistle. Apple Bloom felt prouder than ever.

“Look at me! Look at me!” she puffed. At last, Apple Bloom reached the top of the incline. “I'm the bravest engine in all the world!” she called. But Apple Bloom was too heavy and the winch broke.

“Whee!” puffed Sweetie Belle as she raced down the hill. But when she got to the bottom, she couldn't stop. Apple Bloom raced all the way to the Transfer Yards. She raced past a very surprised Applejack and straight into the snow bank. The Thin Controller was very cross.

“Apple Bloom, you have broken the winch,” he said, “the mountain village will get no coal today and it's very cold.

Apple Bloom felt very bad.

“The village won't be cozy and warm,” puffed Apple Bloom sadly, “and it's all my fault.” Suddenly, Apple Bloom had an idea, “there's only one thing to do,” she puffed, “I will have to collect the coal myself.”

Apple Bloom arrived at the top of the incline and found Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had brought the supplies to repair the winch.

“Are you going to take the trucks down the incline without the winch?” asked Scootaloo excitedly.

“That would be really brave,” chuffed Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom wanted to show Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo how brave she was, but then she thought of the mountain village.

“No,” said Apple Bloom firmly, “I'm going to take the coal to the village.”

So she puffed slowly and carefully back down the steep track. No one was there to see her working hard. No one cheered or blew their whistles. But it didn't matter, what matter was getting the coal to the village. It was late when Apple Bloom arrived at the village station. The villagers were very pleased to see Apple Bloom. And they were pleased to have coal to make their homes cozy and warm. They cheered and cheered and cheered. Apple Bloom was so proud it made her axles tingle.

“This is much better than showing everyone how brave I am,” she puffed. And she certainly was.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, hope you liked this chapter

If there's anything to take from this, is that Duncan is sexist

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