• Published 18th Apr 2020
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MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 15: Rainbow's Redemption

After causing confusing and delay, taking coaches that didn’t belong to her, and almost causing a very serious accident, Rainbow Dash was sent to the Steamworks to have her front be mended. Her only compony was Twilight who was getting her brakes fixed and wheel changed, Victor and Kevin.

“Cheer up Rainbow,” Victor said with a smile, “The Fat Controller can be stern be he means well. I’m should he’ll give you a light punishment.”

“No, he won’t Victor,” Rainbow replied glumly, “I took Thomas, Duck, Toby and Twilight’s coaches without asking, and almost fell off a bridge. When Lady finds out, she send me back to Equestria, and then I’ll go to Tartarus.”

“Rainbow you’re being too hard on yourself,” Victor commented.

“Faces it Victor,” Rainbow gloomily replied, “I’m was a real bitch.”

“Rainbow!” Twilight yelled, “You were stubborn, angry, annoyed and upset. But if I were stubborn, angry, annoyed and upset, would I have saved you?”

Rainbow went silent, just then the Fat Controller walked in, he had a few words to said. “Rainbow Dash, I am very disappointed that you did what you did,” he said sternly, “So as Jinty is work in Twilight's place while we wait for new wheels, I want you to take goods around the island. Can you handle that?”

“Yes sir,” puffed Rainbow, “I’m ready to redeem myself, sir. I really want to be really useful sir!”

“Good girl,” said the Fat Controller and he left.

“Ok, let’s get you finished up my friend,” Victor said, as a loud crashing sound could be heard through the Steamworks, “Kevin!!”

“Sorry boss,” Kevin cried out from somewhere in the Steamworks. Rainbow and Twilight couldn’t help but laugh.

Once Rainbow’s front was mended, she puffed along the line towards the goods yard. On the way, she tooted happily to the other engines, but of course none of the other engines trusted her. Soon she met Applejack at Cronk Station, she was pulling a good train, but she looked very out of breath.

“Good morning, AJ!” she puffed happily.

“What do… you want… Rainbow,” Applejack panted.

“Look I want to say sorry for how I acted,” Rainbow apologised, “I’m really trying to change. I’ve been nice to the other engines on the way up here, but they didn’t trust me. I want to show that I’m a really useful.”

Applejack was surprised, “Hmm, maybe to gain my trust, could you help me up the hill?”

“Sure,” Rainbow said before puffing behind her and started pushing, “But why do you need help? Aren’t you a strong engine?”

“I don’t know why, I just started to feel ill,” AJ replied as she struggled to pull her train but luckily Rainbow was there.

Soon the two engines pulled into Vicarstown, As Applejack puffed to the sheds for a rest, Rainbow collected her goods train and puffed off down the line. All day, Rainbow delivered goods back and forth all around the island. By late afternoon, she wasn’t even tired, she had also impressed some engines as she delivered her goods. She pulled into Knapford Station with a huge grin on her face.

“Hmm, not bad, youngest,” Henry comment.

“That’s right,” Rainbow said cheerfully, “I finish my jobs quickly and flawlessly.”

“I had no idea you were rushing your jobs,” Henry pointed out, “You need to have patience, or something will go wrong.”

“I don’t need patience,” Rainbow snorted.

“Ha, you should have seen Thomas being too impatience and forgot a train,” Henry laughed as he puffed away.

“Blocked up cucumber!” Rainbow huffed.

“I heard that!” Henry called back crossly.

The next morning Rainbow was bored, she had nothing to do. She was sitting outside Tidmouth Station just as AJ shunted some tankers into a siding.

“What are you doing with those?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m getting ready for my train today,” she replied, “I’m takin’ them to Crovan’s Gate to meet Rheneas.

“Do you want me to take them?” Rainbow asked again, “I got nothing to do and I think you’re in no shape to pull this train.”

“Ah guess you can,” AJ said as she puffed to rest.

Rainbow got ready to take the tankers to Crovan’s Gate, until her driver remembered something important.

“BLAST!” he yelled, “we forgot to fill up on water. Your tank is almost empty.”

He went to find some water but returned with bad news. “The water tower is out of order and you don’t have enough water to get you to the nearest working one,” he said, “we’re going to have to call AJ back.”

“No,” declared Rainbow, “we’ll just use some of the water from one of the tankers.”

“Ok,” the driver said before realizing, “wait a minute, we don’t know what’s in them, AJ never told us. What if it’s milk or something.”

“It’s in an ordinary black tanker,” Rainbow pointed out, “so it’s must be water.”

“I guess you’re right,” the driver said, “I guess they won’t mind if we take a little.”

Both the driver and fireman started to pour the liquid from one of the tankers and pass it back and forth to Rainbow’s water tank, until they had enough to get the job over and done with as Rainbow started to puff onto the mainline. Presently, Rainbow started to feel weird.

“What’s happening to me?” she groaned, soon she started to hallucinate.

“Good morning Rainbow!” called pinkie’s cheerfully voice, but Rainbow only saw Trevor puffing along the track.

“What on earth?!” Rainbow yelled as she saw a small green engine that resembled Rheneas puff pass her.

Once Rainbow arrived at Crovan’s Gate, she felt very dizzy indeed. She couldn’t straight. Rheneas was waiting at the station with flatbeds of empty churns.

“Oh, dear Rainbow,” Rheneas comment, “you don’t look so well.”

“Don’t worry Rheanus,” Rainbow replied tipsily, “I’m fine.”

Just then the Fat Controller saw Rainbow pulling the tankers Applejack was supposed to bring.

“Rainbow Dash?” he asked, “what are you doing here?”

“I brought AJ’s tankers sir,” she replied, she started to feel a bit better. Skarloey and Duncan soon showed up.

“I can see that” Sir Topham Hatt commented, “but why don’t you look so well?”

Rainbow’s driver told the Fat Controller that the water tower was out of water, so they had to use some of the liquid from one of the tankers. The Fat Controller’s eye widened and then he was trying hard not to laugh.

“W-Well taking liquid from a tanker without knowing what it’s carrying is a very foolish act,” he chuckled, “That wasn’t water in those tanks.”

“It was in an ordinary tanker so it must have been,” Rainbow declared.

“Ordinary tanker does not mean it carries water,” Sir Topham Hatt, “sorry, those tanker weren’t carrying water, they were ca… they were carrying… THEY WERE CARRYING BEER!!”

Skarloey, Duncan and Rheneas laugh so hard the thought they would fall to pieces. Rainbow when redder than James with embarrassment.

“Good thing you didn’t get caught by the police,” Duncan commented, “otherwise you could have been arrested for drunk driving.”

“Ok that’s enough,” said the Fat Controller, “I know you wanted to help Rainbow, but you got to learn patience, otherwise something like this will happen.”

“Sorry sir,” Rainbow apologised.

“But I do admire your willingness to help another engine,” the Fat Controller added, “despite feeling a little tipsy. If this good behaviour keeps going, and you learn to be patience, you shall be rewarded.”

“Thank you, sir,” Rainbow replied.

And from that day onward, Rainbow became a very helpful engine. Determined to help anyone who needed it and learnt to be patience. I’m sorry to say that AJ was the one who needed to most help. But that is a story for another day.

Author's Note:

Chapter 15 done
the next few chapters with focus of a pacific Equestrian Engine for each chapter.
so the first pony turned engine with be AJ
But as its the scary season, next chapter with be rewrites of some Halloween stories

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