• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,634 Views, 278 Comments

MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 14: Rainbow's Biggest Mistake

Work around the Island of Sodor grew steadily back to normal, thanks to the help of Barry, Theo, Lexi, Jinty, Pug, Hurricane and Frankie. The seven engines made friends with everyone and the engines really enjoyed working with them. The Passengers found Lexi, Theo and Merlin very interesting and loved listen to Lexi hyper personality and Merlin’s disappearing trick. However, there was one engine who did like them, the one and only Rainbow Dash.

Ever since her friends were forgiven by Twilight, or in her eyes, betrayed her, she had been more and more aggressive with her work. She was given the Fat Controller’s railway a bad reputation.

One wet and muddy Saturday, Rarity and Barry were waiting for their passenger, “So, Darling?” Rarity asked her new friend, “How do you like working on the North-Western Railway?”

“Oh, I love it,” Barry replied, “I really love it. Everyone is so nice to me, do you think Sir, Topham Hatt will let me stay here?”

“A big friendly red engine like you,” Rarity smirked, “sure, why wouldn’t he?”

Suddenly there was a whoosh and a wheesh, as a streak of blue roared by of the track and ran through a muddy puddle and splashed muddy water all over Rarity and Barry.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity screeched, “look at my paintwork!”

Rainbow laughed to herself as she sped down the line. Meanwhile, along the mainline, Frankie was helping Rosie with some coal trucks.

“Thanks for your help again, Frankie,” Rosie said, “these trucks can be so troublesome.”

“No need to thank me, little tank engine,” Frankie replied, “It’s the least I can do to try and repair my past actions.”

“My name is Rosie,” Rosie responded, “and what do you mean your past actions?”

“Well, remember when Thomas went missing on the Mainland?” Frankie asked Rosie, in which she responded with a yes, “me and Hurricane, imprisoned him and James at our Steelworks.”

Rosie was shocked. “We only did that because we just wanted help, but the other engines were too busy to help us,” Frankie sobbed.

Jus then Rainbow thundered past them, Frankie and Rosie where spooked so much they stopped so suddenly, that their coal trucks bashed into the back of them and coal dust flew all over them.

“Rainbow Dash!” growled Rosie, “She get what’s coming to her.”

That night, the skies darkened deeply, Twilight was spending the night with Pinkie and Fluttershy in Ffarquhar sheds.

“Rainbow is becoming too reckless with her work,” Twilight said to her friends.

“She’s scaring every engine and person,” Fluttershy commented.

“And she is thinks we betrayed her,” Pinkie Pie noted.

“We need to make her stop and see sense,” Twilight said, “but how?”

“Fluttershy are you ok?” Pinkie asked her worried friend.

“When after her trick with the oil on the rails failed, I overheard her say that, ‘if they took something for me, I ‘ll take something for them’”.

“What is she up to?” Twilight asked herself. Just then, the Fat Controller arrived.

“Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie, Neville’s Bridge is started to crumple and break thanks to the rain,” he said, “I want you three to help repair it.”

“Yes, Sir,” the three friends replied at once.

“Pinkie and Fluttershy, I wan to bring iron beams from the docks and bring them to the bridge,” the Fat Controller added.

The Fluttershy and Pinkie tooted in agreement. “and Twilight,” the Fat Controller continued, “I want you to pick up the workmen, take them to the bridge and the back to the nearest station and warn the other engines about the bridge.”

“Right Sir,” Twilight said, “don’t worry Sir, we won’t let you down.”

“Oh, and be careful,” Sir Topham Hatt replied, “there’s supposed to be a storm all day tomorrow.” And he left.

“Let’s try and get some sleep girls,” Twilight instructed.

“Okie, Dokie, Lokie, Nighty-night,” Pinkie replied cheerfully as she puffed back into her shed and well asleep fast.

“For an engine with a lot of energy, she sure can fall asleep fast,” Fluttershy commented, “anyway goodnight Twilight.”

“Good night, Fluttershy,” said Twilight before she too fell asleep.

The Fat Controller was right. The next morning the rain hammered down, the lightning flashed, and the thunder crashed. The engines fell wet as they did their jobs. As Twilight went to went to collect some coaches from the coach shed. But the only coaches she could find were Emily’s green coaches and Elsie.

“Where are Victoria and Helena?” she asked herself as Jinty pulled into the yard. “Jinty, have you seen Victoria and Helena?” she asked him.

“Urm… Are they those blue coaches?” he questioned.

“Yes, they are,” Twilight replied.

“Ah I know who you’re talking about now,” Jinty responded, “yes, I saw Pug shunt them for Rainbow Dash.”

Upon hearing her name, Twilight was enraged. She collected Emily’s coaches and Elsie and made her way to the station platform. She was shocked that Rainbow didn’t just have Victoria and Helena, she also had, Hannah, Henrietta, Annie, Clarabel and Duck’s slip coaches, Johnathan, Maria, and Steven.

“RAINBOW!” shouted Twilight, Rainbow jumped but calmed settled down upon seeing Twilight.

“Oh, Hello Twilight,” Rainbow responded calmly.

“What are you doing with those coaches?” Twilight asked angerly, “they are not yours.”

“I’m need some coaches for my Sonic Rainboom Express”, Rainbow said acting like nothing was wrong.

“That’s not even a real thing,” Annie yelled.

“Shut up, you wooden beach hut on wheels,” shouted Rainbow angerly. That shut them up.

Twilight was enraged by this but before she could say anything else, the guard blew his whistle and Rainbow shot off into the storm.

“Why is she being such a…” Twilight’s guard’s whistle blew, and Twilight set off to Neville’s bridge.

Twilight was still cross with Rainbow as she pulled down the line to Neville’s Bridge. Elsie was listening to Twilight’s ramble about Rainbow.

“… And she’s meant to be the Element of Loyalty,” rambled Twilight, “she couldn’t even tell I was telling the truth”.

“I don’t get it why she is still mad at you Ma’am,” Elsie said, Elsie was like Toad, she would always be formal other engines or coaches.

“Because she thinks I and my friends are being corrupted by Thomas and his friends,” Twilight answered.

By the time Twilight made it to the bridge, Pinkie and Fluttershy where puffing away to get another piece for the bridge. Twilight stood guard all day, until it was time to go home. Twilight dropped the workmen off at Knapford Station, just as Merlin and Hurricane pulled in with their last loads of the day.

“What time is it?” Merlin asked as he yawned.

“It’s 11:45 P.M.,” Twilight replied looking at the cloak.

“Al last I can rest my wheels in our nice, dry shed,” Hurricane sighed, “I was doing so many goods runs, I thought my traction rods were going to fall off.”

“Same here,” Merlin chimed in, “some stations do have rooves of the track and standing still in the rain when you have three funnels, it can be very uncomfortable when the rain goes down your funnels.”

“At least you were moving,” Twilight responded, “I was standing still all day, telling the other engines that Neville’s Bridge was broken.”

Just then Rainbow Dash thundered by pulling her Sonic Rainboom Express. It was hard to see due to the rain, but a flash of Lightning revealed the route Rainbow was taking.

“There goes Miss. Loyalty,” Hurricane mocked.

“She shouldn’t even be on the mainline,” Merlin commented, “Benson’s not going to happy.”

“He’s never happy,” Hurricane chuckled, “what do you think Twilight?”

But Twilight’s face showed great fear, Hurricane and Merlin were worried. “Twilight what’s wrong?” Hurricane asked.

She going to die,” she whispered to herself before puffing away as fast as she could.

“Twilight?!” Hurricane and Merlin yelled to her. But she didn’t hear them.

Rainbow was charging down the track pulling, Annie, Clarabel, Henrietta, Hannah, Johnathan, Maria, and Steven through the stormy weather. Twilight was chuffing and puffing as fast as her little wheels would let her.

“Rainbow, Rainbow!!” Twilight shouted over the rain and wind.

Rainbow heard Twilight, but she only ignored Twilight as she puffed on. Twilight thought Rainbow didn’t hear her, so she blew her whistle, and yelled again. But the wind changed direction, now it was blowing in Twilight’s face so no matter what she did, Rainbow wouldn’t hear her. Soon they came to Abbey Station, the nearest station before the bridge.

Twilight had to act fast. She puffed right up to Steven and bashed him hard enough until her coupling was hooked up to his. And once she was attached to the train, she applied her brakes. Rainbow was pulled hard and she was going too fast. When she finally saw the barrier, she applied her brakes, but it was too late. Her and Twilight’s wheels skidded of the wet rails as they clash through the barrier and Rainbow was hanging over the edge of the bridge. Her wheels where on the end on the bent rails, she couldn’t move back and Twilight couldn’t move back either, her brakes had jammed.

“Help!” Rainbow blew her whistle but only Twilight could hear her. Twilight meanwhile had her brakes jammed on, holding the train steady.

“Twilight! Pull me back on the track!” Rainbow called hopelessly to her former friend.

“I wish I could,” Twilight replied, “but my brakes have jammed.”

But even though Twilight and Rainbow’s brakes were on, Rainbow was getting closer to the edge of the rails as the rain made the rails wet and slippery.

“Woah! Woah!” Rainbow exclaimed as her front wheels slid off the track. Twilight tried to hold, but even she was slipping. Suddenly they heard a whistle within the storm. It was followed by another and another, until Twilight and Rainbow realized who those whistles belong to. It was Thomas and the Steam Team, with Rocky, Judy and Jerome.

“Twilight!” Thomas called out, “Are you ok?!”

“Yes, but please help us!” Twilight yelled back.

Soon the engines got into position, Gordon, James, Nia and Thomas on Twilight’s right, Rebecca, Edward, Emily and Percy on Twilight’s left, and Henry, Toby, Duck, Oliver, Donald, Douglas, Rosie and Stanley holding Rocky behind her. Twilight was lifted onto a flatbed and was left off to the side, Strong chains where attached to Rainbow’s puffers and Gordon and Rebecca, while Rocky was holding Steven’s back coupling.

“Ready team?!” Thomas called as the engines tooted back in agreement, “Right, Rainbow you’re going to have to let go of your brakes.”

“What?!” Rainbow cried, “I’ll slide off!”

“No, you won’t, Rainbow!” Thomas shouted back, “Just trust us!”

Rainbow knew she was going to have to trust them, so she let off her brakes. She slid a little bit, but the engines had her secured. Then the engines started to puff back and pull Rainbow back onto the track and off the broken bridge.

Dawn had started to peck over the clouds as the storm passed by and the engines got Rainbow on another flatbed. Duck, Toby, Donald, Douglas, Oliver, Stanley and Rosie took the coaches onto the station while the others took Twilight and Rainbow to the Steamworks.

“Twilight,” said Rainbow, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the wedding, I’m sorry for thinking that these really useful engines were corrupting you, I’m sorry for everything.”

“Rainbow its okay,” Twilight assured her.

“No, no it not,” Rainbow detested, “I took these fine engines’ home away. I took their coaches without asking. I’ve just been showing off to everyone. I think I deserve to be sent of scrap.”

Twilight smiled a happy smile, “oh Rainbow”.

Nobody has to be the favourite
It's not a competition in the end
It doesn't matter if you prove that you're the very best
But what will happen when you put your friendship to the test
Never mind about who is the favourite
The most important thing is being friends!

The most important thing is being friends!

Everybody can help! Everybody join in! When everybody has a part to play

Then everybody can win!

Everybody can help!
Red, green, yellow or blue!
When you're ready to try
You'll find out what you can do!

Everybody can help!
What I'm saying is true!
When you give it a try
You'll find out what you can do!

Nobody has to be the favourite
It's not a competition in the end
It doesn't matter if you prove
That you're the very best
But what will happen when you
Put your friendship to the test

Never mind about
Who is the favourite
The most important thing
is being friends

The engines sang as they puffed towards Knapford Station.

Nobody has to be the favourite
(Everybody can help)
It's not a competition in the end
(Everybody join in)
It doesn't matter if you prove
That you're the very best
Everybody can win!

But what will happen when you
Put your friendship to the test

Never mind about who is the favourite
The most important thing
is being friends!

The most important thing
is being friends!

Author's Note:

here we go, Rainbow rain of terror has ended.
Sorry for any mistakes in this chapter.
for the next Chapter, I want to do more retypes with the other ponies turned engines, but I don't know who to choose or what episode to choose form.
Please help me decide in the comments and tell me what you think of this chapter

Engines colours:
Steam Team
Equestrian Engines

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