• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,636 Views, 278 Comments

MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 24: Spike the Brakevan

Twilight had been to the Works to be mended. She had rolled out the Sheds and crashed into the Station master’s house. Now Twilight was as good as new, but she was worried about the trucks. Before she could control trucks, but now they found new ways to trick her. Most of the time, it’s when she’s early and her driver and fireman aren’t in her cab. Other times it’s pushing her when she least expects it.

“I hope I can learn to control them again,” she huffed to herself.

But the trucks sang songs rude and loud. After the old Leader S. C. Ruffey had learnt his lesson, a new leader was chosen by the trucks, and she was much worse than Scruffey. She was named S.C. Arlet or more commonly called Scarlet after her colour. She would sing and led the chorus.

“Twilight's no use at all, she thinks she's very clever.

She thought that she can manage us, that's the best joke ever!

When she orders us about, with the greatest folly, we just pushed her off the rails!

POP Goes Old Twily!”

Pinkie, Fluttershy and Trixie were shocked. “BE QUIET!” They ordered, but they couldn't be everywhere, and everywhere they weren't, the trucks began again.

“Twilight's no use at all, she thinks she's very clever.

She thought that she can manage us, that's the best joke ever!”

At last, the engines gave up. “We’re sorry, Twilight,” they said.

“And look, I’m feeling sorry for you,” Trixie remarked.

“It’s really my fault,” Twilight said sadly, “I can’t control them anymore.”

Spike the Brake Van felt sorry for Twilight too. Next morning, he spoke to Luna.

“I'm worried, Luna,” he told her, “this disrespect for engines. Where's it going to end?”

“Who knows?” Sighed Luna.

“I've got a plan, Luna. May I stay here today and help Twilight?” Spike asked, “We both grew up together and must stand together and help each other as siblings.”

“Certainly, Spike,” replied Douglas and puffed away.

Soon, Spike was explaining his plan. “Goodness gracious Spike. I don't think you should suggest such a thing to Twilight,” said Sunset. But Twilight interrupted.

“No Sunset, Spike's right. It's really my fault. I must put this trouble right.” Twilight responded.

“I meant no disrespect you understand,” said Spike.

“Of course not Spike. Anyway, driver says the same and he's arranged it with the stationmaster,” Twilight assured Spike.

“Very well Twilight,” conceded Sunset, “But I must hurry. My passengers will be waiting. Good luck.”

“So long,” smiled Twilight bravely, but she felt dreadfully nervous inside.

Twilight marshalled the worst trucks two by two. “That's the way Twilight,” whispered Spike, “and if you leave that Scarlet till last, then you'll have her behind you. You can bump her if she starts her nonsense.”

“Hold back, hold back!” whispered Scarlet once she was coupled up, “and pass the word to the others.”

The silly trucks giggled, but Twilight knew what to do. There was plenty of sand on the rails and her wheels gripped splendidly. She gave a great heave.

“Oooooh!” groaned Scarlet, “I don't like this!”

“Go on!” yelled Sunset, “Well done, girl, well done!”

“OOOOOH!” wailed Scarlet, the sound of splintering wood could be heard coming from Scarlet, “I'm coming apart!” And she did. Between the trucks holding back, and Twilight pulling forward, Scarlet was split in two and she was torn off her wheels.

Then there was trouble, “Well, Twilight, so you don't know your own strength, is that it?” The fat controller said.

“N-no sir,” stuttered Twilight nervously. The Fat Controller inspected Scarlet.

“As I thought. Rotten wood, rusty frames,” he said looking her over “maybe if we put you back together, you'll earn yourself a better name.”

Nowadays, Twilight only takes the trucks when the other engines were busy. But they're always quick to warn each other. “Take care with Miss. Sparkle. If you play tricks on her, you'll never be the same truck again!”

Scarlet has learned her lesson and says nothing at all. She now sits on a siding next to Scruffey, to he just looks at her with a face of, ‘that’s why you don’t piss off an engine.’

Spike the Brake van was feeling sad. Everywhere he looked, he could see engines and coaches moving steadily forwards. They all looked confident and cheerful. One day, he decided to talk to Twilight.

“I’m always going backwards, Twilight,” He told her, “I have forward-thinking views – I could be a leader, if you know what I mean.”

“You can’t be a leader without a train to follow you. You don’t have a train,” Gordon said. Spike felt sadder still. Twilight wanted to help.

“You’re a very useful brake van, Spike,” Twilight assured Spike, “you help me brake, and you keep my trucks in order when we go down hills.”

“I know, Twilight,” said Spike, “but it would be so exciting to go forwards for a change instead of always seeing things sliding away from me.”

“The trucks were cross with Spike, “Who’s he to start complaining? He’s lucky to be able to look after us. Let’s teach him a lesson.”

The trucks decided to carry out their plan when they reached Gordon’s Hill. When they were nearly at the top, they played their tricks.

“Ready, steady, go!” Said the trucks, and they jerked at a coupling, which broke, “We’re making your wish come true, Spike! Follow the leader!” yelled the trucks. Spike was still in a state of shock, so didn’t know what to think. And he couldn’t ask the guard – he had jumped clear! Twilight felt the trucks break free, as she puffed down the other side of the hill.

“Faster, faster, as fast as you want!” screamed the trucks. Suddenly, Spike found it all rather fun. But the fun was soon over! A crossing lay ahead, and the gates were closed. Spike couldn’t stop, and he smashed the gates to pieces. Worse still – Spike now realized he was on the wrong track. There ahead was Rainbow Dash. The Signalman changed the points just in time.

“On, on! Faster!” cried the trucks. Suddenly, Spike saw Rarity pulling a long, slow train.

“Yoicks!” cried Spike, “Help! Save me!”

A quick-thinking shunter did, just in time. The shunter changed the points to switch Spike to the other line, then switches the points back for Rarity before she goes over them.

“What was that?!” exclaimed Rarity, “was that Spike?”

The Signalman warned the Stationmaster at the next station.

“There’s a runaway coming!” the Signalman called.

“We’ll sent him into the sidings!” yelled the Stationmaster.

“Help! Help!” called Spike again. Spike races though Crosby station and goes over the points that lead into the sidings.

Spike saw some buffers, “Those’ll stop me,” he said, but the points to the buffers weren’t set, “Oh, no! I’m back on the main line.”

Meanwhile, Twilight was racing to the rescue, “I must catch Spike, I must.”

Spike sped past Henry. More danger lay ahead. Men were working on a bridge, but they had been warned about the runaway Spike and his trucks. They diverted him onto an old siding – straight into a muddy pool.

Spike makes gurgling noises as he floats back to the surface. “Stopped at last!” he gurgled. Twilight arrived, and when he saw Spike, she could only smile.

“A pond’s the only place for a Toad brake van, I suppose!”

That night, Spike spoke to Twilight. “I’m sorry, Twilight, if I caused you any embarrassment.”

“That’s all right, Spike. So what did you think of going forwards?” Twilight asked.

“It was fun. But from now on I’ll be happy to look forward to the future… busy going backwards, so to speak!”

Twilight and Spike are sister and brother. They deliver goods and passengers when the roads are closed by deep snow. Twilight didn’t mind snow as a pony, but as a steam engine, she thinks snow is messy and cold.

“I'm a steam engine,” she chuffed one day, “I shouldn't have to shiver.”

“Begging your pardon, Twilight?” said Spike, “But I think snow is splendid.”

“Pah!” scoffed Twilight.

Later, Twilight saw some children building a giant snowman for their winter festival. Each time, Twilight passed by the snowman grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger.

“Just an obviation, Twilight,” Spike said as they puffed passed the snowman for the sixth time, “snow is magical.”

“Ugh!” Twilight moaned.

Finally, the snowman was completed. Twilight chuffed back to her warm cozy shed. The Fat Controller was waiting for her.

“You have to return to the mountain village,” he said, “Some goods are needed for the festival.”

“But all this snow makes my wheels feel chilly,” Twilight groaned, you could tell something was wrong with her, because she wasn’t herself.

“Really useful engines work hard whenever the weather,” the Fat Controller stated.

Soon, Twilight was loaded and on her way. The snow was cold. It had frozen the points and diverted Twilight into the station sidings.

“Oh, shiver my boiler!” cried Twilight. Her driver applied the brakes. But she slid on the icy rails.

“Is there a problem Twilight?” asked Spike.

“Yeah!” Exclaimed Twilight as she crashed through the buffered, and slid straight into the children’s snowman, “there is!”

“That could’ve been a little smoother,” Spike remarked as he slid up next to Twilight on his side. The snowman’s head fell off as well.

Twilight felt awful. She thought the children would be upset about their snowman. Twilight's driver went for help. The Fat Controller was just leaving his office when he got the call.

“Shining Armour will bring the breakdown train first thing in the morning.” He said. Twilight's driver returned and told her the news.

“I'll be out here all night,” moaned Twilight, her cheeks were starting to turn blue.

“I’m afraid so,” Luckily, the village inn had a toasty warm room for Twilight's driver. But Twilight was getting colder and colder. Her fire had gone out and her funnel was covered in icicles.

“I was right all along,” Twilight shivered, “There's nothing magical about snow on Sodor.”

Spike was beginning to think Twilight might be right. “BRRR!” he trembled.

“Next morning the children saw the situation, “Look,” a little girl shouted, “Our snowman has eyes in its tummy.”

“No it doesn’t,” laughed a little boy, “it’s Twilight.” That gave the children an idea. When Twilight woke up he was surrounded by happy children.

“Twilight's a wonderful snow engine!” They cried. Twilight was so relief that suddenly she didn't feel any cold anymore. When Shining Armour arrived with the breakdown crane, Twilight didn't want to leave. She was enjoying the winter festival so much.

“You were right, Spike,” Twilight called, “There are some magical things about snow.”

“p-p-p- Perhaps, Twilight,” shivered Spike.


Author's Note:

hey guys

Spike has time in the spotlight. I know two of them most concerned Twilight but these where the only ones that in their original versions, Toad had a main role, without going into the CGI series. though I was going to include Toad's adventure, but I couldn't find the script for that episode

anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and can you guess who the next Chapter with be one?

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