• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,625 Views, 278 Comments

MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 2: Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy

Dawn was slowly breaking over the Island of Sodor, and the engines in Tidmouth sheds were still asleep having pleasant dreams. However Twilight wasn’t. She was having a nightmare.


“There am I? Hello?” Twilight called out into the darkness of her mind, “Why am I a pony again? I thought I was a tank engine.”

“Rarity hold her still!” a southern voice cried out.

Suddenly Twilight felt her body freeze in place, she turned to the source to see Rarity using her magic to hold her. But something was different about her. Her eyes where black with red glowing irises and her teeth were much sharper. Soon Twilight could see the other four circling around her, all with sharp teeth and evil eyes.

“Good now we have the monster on lock down”, Rainbow Dash laughed evilly.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked, fear in her voice.

“Shut it Sparkle!” Applejack shouted. Twilight went quiet after hearing the venom in her voice.

The girls began circling Twilight like predators stalking their pray. Twilight was helpless as her friends glared her down. Then she hear a voice than shook the dark atmosphere.


Twilight looked up and saw a fearful sight. Princess Celestia was flying above her, her mane and tail in flames and her eyes that of a dragon’s.

“Twilight Sparkle, for accusing a princess as a monster, I here now band you to Tartarus!” Celestia roared, and with that said she powered up her horn and fired a beam onto Twilight.


Twilight shot awake screaming, waking up everyone else.

“Twilight, do you have any idea what time it is?!” Gordon yelled, clearly angry that Twilight woke him up.

“Sorry”, Twilight sadly replied. She gloomily blushed as she chuffed away to hide herself from the engines, trying to hold back tears.

Thomas, Nia and Emily watched as Twilight miserably rolled out the sheds.

“Twilight wait”, Thomas called out to her, but she only seemed to chuff faster.

“I wonder what she dreamt about to make her that upset”, Thomas said to Emily.

“I’m not sure”, Emily answered.

Later Thomas, Percy and Nia were trying to find Twilight, she had to bring some truck from the blue mountain quarry to the docks. They finally found her in the carriage shed on the Ffarquhar Branch Line. She had hid in between Annie, Clarabel, Henrietta and Elsie to try and hid herself from the outside world.

“Twilight, are you ok?” Thomas asked with a sympathetic tone. Twilight puffed out her hiding sport to confront him.
“No, I’m not”, she replied with a tear rolling down her face.

“Oh my”, Nia expressed with worry, “Twilight whatever is wrong?”

“I… I just had a nightmare,” uttered Twilight, “nothing to fuss over”.

“If a friend is upset, we will do anything to help them”, Percy stated with a smile.

“Ok”, Twilight replied with sad grin. She began to tell the three friends her nightmare. The three engines were saddened to hear their new friend’s story.

“Oh Twilight I’m sorry to hear that”, Thomas finally responded.

“If you don’t mind me asking…” Nia requested, “But could you tell us who your old friends are?”

“Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and sonata Dusk”, Twilight answered.

“Well if they come we’ll make sure they don’t bother you”, Thomas said proudly.

“Really?” Twilight questioned as the last of her tears leaked from her eyes.

“Promise”, Thomas, Percy and Nia whistled together.

“Thank you so much”, twilight retorted.

Twilight’s nightmare and her friends’ names spread like wild-fire as steam engines, diesels and rolling stock alike told her story all over the island. All the engines treated Twilight with sympathy and happy smiles as did her jobs around the island. Soon she had made friends will everyone across half of the Fat Controller’s railway.


Later the same day, Twilight was shunting truck in the Knapford yard when the Fat Controller came over to talk with her.

“Morning Sir,” Twilight greeted him.

“Good morning Twilight,” Sir Topham greeted back.

“Is there anything you want me to do Sir?” She asked.

“Yes I want you to help Henry up at the Blue Mountain Quarry today”, he asked.

“Sure you can count of me”, Twilight explained.

“Good”, Sir Topham said and he left.

Twilight began backing out the yard. But she wasn’t looking where she was going and didn’t see the black Scottish engine behind her and rammed into him.

“Ow, Twilight what do ye think yer doin’ lass?” Donald asked angrily.

“Oh Sorry, Donald,” Twilight replied, she chuffed quickly out the yard.

Later Twilight was talking to the Pannier tank engine and the GWR class engine about her nightmare.

“Wow that’s some nightmare”, Oliver remarked.

“I agree”, Duck added, “they should know better than to not believe their friend”.

Twilight knew they were trying to help her, but she knew that if Pinkie and Fluttershy were on the island they’re the type that will make friends with anyone and can also be forgiven quicker.

“Just if you do decide to be big boys and protect me,” Twilight joked as her face return to worry, “Don’t give them a hard time if they do show up, they’re the friendlier ones”.

Duck and Oliver wanted to ask why they should take it easy on them but decide not to, it was Twilight’s wish. Twilight thanked and head of the Blue Mountain Quarry.


Henry was making his own way up the Blue Mountain Quarry when he saw a little cream engine that Henry had never seen before. She was waiting at a red signal. Henry slowed to a halt to meet the new engine. The engine was an E 3/3 3 Benzyl with a cream cab, teal boiler and light pink smokebox and funnel. She had eight light pink drive wheels and cream cylinders. A trio of butterflies were painted on the sides of her cab and a pink lamp sat on her smokebox.

“Hello, are you new here?” he greeted kindly, the engine seemed to shy away at the sudden approach by someone she didn’t know but so calmed down as he voice was kind in tone.

“H-hello, I am new here and Sir Topham has asked me to help out at Blue Mountain Quarry, but I don’t know where it is”, she responded in a soft voice, “Could you help me Please?”

“Of course, I’m heading there now”, Henry replied as the two set off, “By the way my name’s Henry, what’s your?”

I a small, soft voice the engine replied, “Fluttershy”.


Meanwhile Twilight was making her way up to the Blue Mountain Quarry with her empty Trunks, she hasn’t been there properly by Thomas showed her the route. When she got there, she saw the hussal and bussal of what a quarry should be like, she even saw small engines working there.

“Hello up there”, Twilight whistled to a small blue engine in which he whistled back.

“Afternoon”, she whistled to a small orange Diesel.

“Afternoon”, the diesel tooted back.

A Fletcher Jennings Class engine rolled up to her.

“Hello there”, the engine greeted Twilight in a surprisingly deep voice, “Who might you be?”

“I’m Twilight, you must be Skarloey then”, Twilight introduced herself.

“That I am, Thomas must have told you who I was,” Skarloey replied.

“Yep, well I’m here to help Henry. Is he here yet?” Twilight asked, looking around to try and see the big green engine.

“Yeah he’s here, but he already has a helper”, Skarloey answered.

“Who?” Twilight asked confused.

“Urm a little cream engine named Fluttershy I think”, Skarloey replied.

“F-F-Fluttershy...?” Twilight gasped.

“Yeah she seems like a pretty friendly engine and...” The rest of Skarloey’s statement faded in the background for Twilight, as she slowly moved forward to where she could hear Henry’s voice. Her pupils shrunk to the size of pins to see Henry talking to Fluttershy.

“And then the troublesome trucks made Duck crashed into a barbershop”, Henry said trying not to laugh.

“Oh my”, Fluttershy responded in a worried voice, “I hope your friend was alright after that”.

“Don’t worry he was, but the funny part was that the put shaving cream on his face”, Henry said whilst laughing.

Fluttershy had to emit that is was funny as a little chuckle escaped her lips.

Twilight was about to sneak away but she needed to sort this out.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight called out catching her attention. Fluttershy jumped back in shock in Twilight here.

“Twilight!?” She retorted, shock and worry clearly in her voice.

“Meet me at Ffarquhar Sheds later tonight,” Twilight said sternly.

Fluttershy was scared of what Twilight was going to say but agreed.


Meanwhile on the main line, Stanley and Paxton had just had an accident, the trucks made Paxton crash into Stanley’s train across a junction, luckily no one was hurt but Paxton lay on his side and Stanley was off the rails. Harvey the crane engine was already cleaning up.

“Again sorry Stanley,” Paxton apologised, “It was the trucks that pushed me, and I tried to stop”.

“It’s ok Paxton,” Stanley said, “keep it up Harvey.”

Harvey whistled in response. Suddenly they both heard a whistle that they had never heard before. Stanley then saw an engine coming down the track with the breakdown train. The Engine was a pink NS 7742 “Bello” with a bright pink smoke box and a trio of balloons on the cap.

“Hi there”, the pink engine said with a big smile on her face, “Bust my buffers, what happened here?”

“The trucks push me into Stanley,” Paxton said getting tired of seeing things at a 90-degree angle.

“Don’t worry I’ll have you back on the rails in no time”, the engine said as she shunted Judy and Jerome into place.

“Sorry you never told us your name,” Harvey said.

“Oh sorry,” the engine said blushing, “My name is Pinkie Pie”.


Twilight was at Knapford Station talking to Rebecca, Emily and Nia, she was telling them about Fluttershy.

“I’m just saying don’t give her a hard time,” Twilight said, memories replayed in her head like the time Gilda roared at her making her cry.

“I guess we can less harsh on her”, Emily remarked.

“Don’t worry I’ll hopefully talk to her later tonight”, Twilight reassured them.

“I hope so”, said a familiar voice, “she told me how you scare her today at the quarry”.

Pinkie Pie was sitting next to Emily on the far track, Twilight was even more shocked to see Pinkie here as well.

“Whoa,” Rebecca gasped as she swore she wasn’t there a moment ago.

“Pinkie, when did you get here?” Twilight questioned.

“The same time as Fluttershy,” Pinkie replied cheerfully, “anyway Fluttershy says you were going to talk to her later, can I come?”

Twilight sighed “actually Pinkie, you need to come.”

“Ok see you at Ffarquhar Sheds”, Pinkie said as she started to puff away.


It was 8 P.M. and Twilight was making her way down to the docks, the Fat controller had asked Twilight to take a train Medieval treasures up to the castle. She was hoping to speak with Fluttershy and Pinkie before but that will have to wait. When Twilight got to the docks, she was surprise to she Pinkie and Fluttershy were coupled up to the front of the train.

“Hey Twilight!” Pinkie explained happily.

“Evening girls”, Twilight sighed, as she coupled up to Fluttershy.

So the three equestrian engines were chuffing and puffing down the track to the castle. On the way, Twilight decided to start a convention.

“So… How did you two get to the island of Sodor?” Twilight asked.

“Well…” Fluttershy started.


One day after Twilight left

Fluttershy and Pinkie just arrived back in Ponyville to try and apologise to Twilight about not believe her. The streets of Ponyville were calm at this hour, Luna’s moon shone bright it the dark sky.

“I hope Twilight and Sunset forgives us”, Fluttershy said, tears building up in the eyes.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy”, Pinkie assured her, “I’m sure Twilight and Sunset will forgive us.”

When they got the library, Fluttershy knock on the door but no one answered, but door was unlocked.

“Twilight, Sunset,” the two ponies called out, but no one responded.

Fluttershy turned on the light and they both saw the Elements of Harmony all over the floor and notices that there were only eight.

“What happened here?!” Pinkie yelled panicking.

Suddenly a golden portal appeared in front of them and Lady stepped out.

“Who are you?” Fluttershy asked amazed.

“I’m Lady the Golden Engine”, she replied.

Then Lady explained what happen to Twilight and Sunset. Pinkie and Fluttershy were saddened by this.

“We never even got to say sorry”, Pinkie sobbed as Fluttershy was crying into her fur.

“there is a way you still can”, Lady responded.


“So then Lady teleported us there and here we are now”, Pinkie finished the story.

“Oh girls,” Twilight finally replied, tears beginning to fill her eyes, “Of course I forgive you”.

The three engines had just arrive at the castle where the Earl of Sodor was waiting them. After that they made their way back to Ffarquhar Sheds joking all the way. The three had just got back to the sheds when the Fat Controller showed up. He had a special job for them tomorrow.

“Good evening girls”, he said, “Tomorrow I have a special job for you three”.

“What is it sir?” Twilight asked.

“I want you three to bring a goods train from Vicarstown to Great Waterton on the South-Eastern Railway where my joyful brother works,” Sir Topham Hatt said.

“You can count on us sir”, Pinkie said eagerly.

“You should leave by noon and get there by teatime,” the Fat Controller continued, “So you’ll shall stay there for the night and help them for the day”.

“Ok sir,” the three replied, “Goodnight”.

“Goodnight Girls”, Sir Topham Hatt said and he went home to bed.

So Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were so excited to go to the South-Eastern Railway to meet new friends and work, that they fell asleep ready for what tomorrow had install for them.

Author's Note:

Here Chapter 2 done.
I just want to say that I'll try and up load chapters as soon as I can but I need to think of what I can do for a chapter sorry for the wait.
Anyway, next time: Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie go to the other side of the island where they will meet more of Thomas' friends, old and new.
(My excuse to why we don't see characters like Murdoch, Arthur and Molly as well as OC's like Eric, Adam and Peter from the Stories Of Sodor)

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