• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,634 Views, 278 Comments

MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 23: Celestia and Luna the Princess Sister Engines

Celestia and Luna are Sister Engines. They're kind, caring and cute half the time. They nearly always work together. One day, Celestia and Luna were chuffing through the countryside hauling a heavy load. Down the line Trevor the traction engine had been struggling with a big cart load of hay. Crossing the tracks the cart's wheels had broken off. Then Trevor heard a whistle.

“Oh no!” Trevor Cried. As the sisters rounded the corner, Luna could see the cart.

“Stop!” She cried. Luna's driver applied the brakes, but Celestia didn’t know until it was too late! Luckily no was hurt, But Luna lay on her side off the rails.

“Stop being pushy,” Luna snapped.

“Don’t call me Pushy,” Celestia snapped back.

“You shouldn’t have pushed me into the cart,” huffed Luna.

“You pulled me you mean,” argued Celestia.



“Did not.”

“Did too.”

Before long, the track was cleared, and Celestia and Luna were on their way. But the sisters were so cross they refused to speak to each other for the rest of the day. The next day The Fat Controller needed an engine to help Cadence at the smelter's yard.

“May I go sir?” said Luna eagerly.

“I only need one engine,” said the Fat Controller “not two.”

“I am only one engine sir,” said Luna, “and I would like to work with Cadence!”

The Fat Controller was surprised but agreed. Twilight was worried.

“Won't you miss one another?” she asked, “I know I’d miss Spike.”

“I’ll work better on my own,” sniffed Celestia, “I have for 1,000 years.”

“I have work to do,” huffed Luna. At first, Luna enjoyed working with Cadence. But then things started to go wrong.

“Did you shunt those trucks onto the other line?” Luna asked.

“You said you wanted them on the other line,” Cadence replied.

“Not that other line, the ‘other, other’ line,” Luna was cross, “Tia would’ve known what I meant.” She huffed. Celestia was working on her own. She chuffed dutifully through the beautiful countryside. But Celestia had no one to share it with. Although she tried not to, she was beginning to miss her little sister. That night, Celestia's driver took her to visit Luna.

“I was just passing,” said Celestia.

“Have you come to say you’re sorry?” Luna sniffed. This made Celestia very cross.

“I've nothing to be sorry for!” She said and steamed away in a huff. The next day Luna was in a bad mood. Cadence could see she was getting too close to the buffers.

“Look out!”She shouted. But it was too late. Luna crashed through the buffers and fell into the ditch.

Luna's driver was very cross. “This wouldn’t have happened if you were working with Celestia!” He said. Luna knew he was right, and Cadence knew she couldn't pull Luna back onto the rails. So she went for help. Celestia was sadly finishing her work as Cadence steamed into the depot.

“Luna is in trouble!” said Cadence.

“Luna’s in trouble?!” Celestia cried, “I’m on my way!” And she steamed off as fast as she could. When Celestia arrived, she was tied to Luna. Celestia struggled and struggled; she finally pulled her sister gently back onto the tracks. She was relieved Luna wasn't hurt.

“Thank you,” Luna said, “and I’m sorry.”

“No I’m sorry,” said Celestia.

“I’m sorry!” insisted Luna.

“You don't have to have a row about who's sorry,” chuckled Cadence, “Just be glad your back together.”

And they were.”

Summer is a busy time on the Island of Sodor. Vacationers have so much to see and do. There are trips to the seaside, balloon rides in the country and the brass band playing in the park. One morning, Luna was in a hurry. she didn't even stop to say hello to Stepney. Twilight was pleased to see Luna.

“What's up Luna?” Twilight said, “your smile is as broad as your smokebox.”

“I'm on my way to pick up the brass band,” replied Luna, “The concert is tomorrow night.”

“Don't crack your smokebox,” teased Twilight. Luna couldn't wait to hear the brass band play their wonderful music. She was so excited about meeting the brass band that she didn't notice Big Mickey. He was unloading a huge ship's boiler. Suddenly, Big Mickey swung the boiler and knocked Luna right off the track. Cranky had been watching.

“You useless little engines are always in the way,” he laughed. Poor Luna. The Fat Controller came immediately.

“We will take you to the fitters yard and Bertie will have to meet the brass band instead of you,” he said.

Luna was sad. That night a raging storm rolled in. The fitters worked through the night trying to mend Luna. The rain pelted down. Now Luna felt sad and very dammed. Morning came and The Fat Controller arrived.

“Please sir,” pleaded Luna, “Will the fitters be finished soon?”

“Not soon enough and the band can't wait. I'm sorry Luna, Bertie will take them to the concert,” he replied.

Luna felt worse than ever. Bertie collected the brass band and set off immediately. He bummed cheerfully along the country roads. But there was trouble ahead. Last night's storm had flooded the road. Bertie's driver decided to take a shortcut. But it was very muddy. Bertie's wheels did not like the mud. They scooted, they skated, they slid, they slipped.

“I’m stuck,” he groaned, “just great.” Bertie revved his engine, but his wheels spun round and round. He couldn't budge. The brass band were worried.

“We mustn't be late for our concert. Tune up your tuba,” Cried the leader of the band, “We'll call for help.”

By now Luna was mended and hooked up to some branchline coaches, when her driver could hear something. “I can hear music,” he said.

“That's not music,” wheeshed Luna, “That's an alarm.”

And they raced off to the rescue. The musicians were delighted to see their old friend, so was Bertie.

“I'll get you to the concert in time!” Luna said cheerfully that night, the concert was a great success. Everyone loved the music, especially Luna.”

In summertime, Celestia was tasked by the Fat Controller to take some supplies to down and new line that had just opened up, it was called the Sunflower Branch. She loves to visit that place in her free time. The air smells sweet and Celestia thinks there's no better place to be. One day at Marron Station, Percy was passing by with the mail just as Celestia’s passengers got on board.

“Peep, Peep! Good morning,” Percy tooted “your driver looks a little worried. I wonder why.”

“I don’t know,” said Celestia, “But I soon will.”

While she puffed down the line she asked her driver what might be wrong, “Excuse me Driver,” said Celestia, “But is something wrong?”

“yes indeed,” replied her driver, “They need an engine to help run the special line.”

“A sunflower engine,” chuckled Celestia, “maybe I can find one.”

Later, Celestia saw Douglas and Sunset. She had an idea. “Can you help me find another engine?” she asked.

“Where?” Douglas asked.

“Where you found Starlight and Oliver,” Celestia replied.

“You mean on the Other Railway?” Sunset asked.

“Yes. I'm looking for a sunflower engine,” and Celestia explained everything.

“We like to help. But these days it's only Diesels that go there,” Douglas said nervously.

Then Celestia decided, “so that’s where I’ll go. Diesels don’t scare me, I’m the Princess of Equestria.”

“Take care,” Sunset called, Celestia told the driver all about the plan and that night he came to the shed.

“The manager says he'll make a home for a sunflower engine if you find one,” he told her.

“Right,” said Celestia, “We’ll find one tomorrow.”

It took Celestia all the next day to travel to the Other Railway. She tooted to her friends as she puffed along the line, through Vicarstown, and over the bridge. Darkness fell and the cold wind blew as Celestia entered the scrapyard. Even she had to admit, it was pretty scary.

“Ooh, what’s that?” She said, but it was only the sounds of the lonely scrapyard. Diesels, silent and still lined up on guard.

“Who are you?” their voices bellowed.

Celestia plucked up course, “I’m a LMS Coronation Class, with an engine inspector on board. Have you any engines in the sheds?”

“No! none!”

Celestia rallied again, “Then what about the sidings?”

“One! We have one!”

Celestia grew braver still, “then I just take him to inspect.”

Celestia puffed along the track, until she saw the engine on a siding. The engine was a Great Western 1500 Class, it was purple with an indigo with magenta striped boiler, they wore glasses, and had a pink star with six small white stars surrounding it on her side tanks. She stood sad and alone in the shadowy siding. Her driver was huddled in the cab, keeping her company. Celestia was beyond words when she saw the engine, she almost looked like…

‘No that can’t be her,’ she thought, “Excuse me, do you like sunflowers?”

The engine look surprised, “Yes, sunflowers are gorgeous.”

“Then you're soon going to see lots of them because I'm getting you out of here,” Celestia said.

everyone worked fast. Celestia’s driver and fireman, help get the engine’s fire ready until it was nice and hot. The engine slowly moved out off her siding, and Celestia carefully buffered up to her. So off they set, past the bleak and brooding lines of diesels.

“Where is she going?” they hissed.

“Just for a run,” replied Celestia, and they chuffed quickly away.

“We’ve done it,” whispered Celestia, “We're over the board and back on our own railway. Mission accomplished.” They puffed over the bridge and entered Vicarstown. When Celestia and the engine arrived at the station, a big party welcome awaited them.

“We shall mend you and give you your new coat of paint,” Said the manager of the Sunflower Branch.

Her driver was delighted. “You lucky old engine. You've been saved by the Sunflower Railway.”

“And my friend, Celestia. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Celestia.”

“It was my pleasure…” Celestia was about to say her name, but the engine never told her her name.

“Oh, my name is Twilight Sparkle,” the engine replied. Everyone at Vicarstown Station where stunned and loss of words.

“Is something wrong?” Twilight asked.

“It’s just… we have a friend, and her name is Twilight Sparkle,” Pinkie said. “I think we should give you a nickname.”

“Like what?” Twilight asked again.

“How about, Sci-Twi?” Oliver suggested.

“Sci-Twi, I like it,” Sci-Twi said. Now Sci-Twi is as happy as can be and helps the passengers and visit at Sunflower line. Although her real name was Twilight Sparkle, everyone calls her "Sci-Twi the Sunflower Engine".

Author's Note:

hi guys. bet you went expecting Sci-Twi to show up. haha

hope you guys like this chapter and I'll see you the next chapter. which might be tomorrow but who knowns

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