• Published 18th Apr 2020
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MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 32: Rainbow Dash the Loyalty Engine

Rainbow is big and blue and one of the fastest engine on all of Sodor. She loves pulling her Rainboom express. Rainbow thinks it makes her the most important engine on the island. One day, Rainbow was pulling the Rainboom express out of Brendam Docks, but Diesel was on the same line.

“Out of my way!” sniffed Rainbow, “express train coming through!”

Diesel had to back off. This made him cross.

“You steamies are old and clapped out!” he sneered, “When the Fat Controller realizes this, you'll all be scrapped!”

“Scrapped?!” scoffed Rainbow, “pah! I'm as fast as I ever was.”

And she chuffed proudly out of the docks. Rainbow was speeding through the beautiful countryside. She was having a wonderful day. But then she heard a horrible squeaking noise. Rainbow was upset. Squeaking could only mean one thing: Something was wrong.

“What if Diesel's right?” she thought, “what if the Fat Controller scraps me?”

Rainbow squeaked sadly up the hill. The hill was steep, and Rainbow had to slow down. The slower she went, the quieter the squeak became. Rainbow was delighted.

“Aha!” she said, “If I go slowly, no one will hear me squeak.”

And she chuffed slowly back to Ponyville Sheds. That evening, the Fat Controller came to see Rainbow.

“Tomorrow is a very special day,” he said, “I am taking some village children on a boat trip. You, Rainbow, are to take us to Brendam Docks. The boat leaves at 9:00, so you must not be late!”

The next morning, Rainbow waited for everyone to go. Then she puffed slowly away, so no one would hear her squeak. Once out of the sheds, she started to pick up speed. Her pistons pumped, and her wheels spun, and she began to squeak again.

“Oh, my!” said Rainbow. Then he heard something even worse. It was a rattle.

“Oh, dear! Oh, dear!” she cried, “Diesel was right! I'm falling apart! What will the Fat Controller say?

So Rainbow slowed down. Rainbow crawled slowly into the station to collect the children. Rainbow's boiler sank. If she went slowly, the children would miss their boat trip. But if she went quickly, the Fat Controller would hear her squeak and her rattle. He'd know Rainbow was wearing out and send her to the scrapyard. With the children safely on board, Rainbow pulled slowly out of the station. Rainbow chuffed slowly through the countryside. She thought things were going well. But the Fat Controller was very cross. He spoke sternly to Rainbow.

“What are you playing at, Rainbow?” he boomed, “you must go quickly, or the children will miss the boat. And that will never do!”

“Yes, sir,” said Rainbow sadly.

“Remember,” added the Fat Controller, “you are one of the fastest engine on the island!”

This made Rainbow feel proud. “This might be my last trip,” she said, “but I'll get the children to their boat on time.”

Her wheels turned faster. Her pistons pumped harder.

“Must be on time, must be on time,” she puffed. Soon she began to squeak... and rattle, too. And then she heard another noise... a knocking noise! But Rainbow didn't care. If this was her last trip, she was going to go as fast as she possibly could. Rainbow squeaked and rattled and knocked all the way to Brendam Docks. Salty and Henry were surprised. They had never heard an engine make such awful noises.

“Sounds like another steamie ready for the scrapyard!” sneered Diesel. But Rainbow didn't care about Diesel. She had made good time, and the children would catch their boat.

“I made it!” she cried proudly.

“Thank you, Rainbow!” shouted the children happily.

“I knew you could do it!” said the Fat Controller, “but why haven't you been to the repair yard?”

“The repair yard?” gasped Rainbow.

“You have been making lots of noises,” said the Fat Controller, “you need to have your engine looked at.”

“So you're not going to scrap me?” Rainbow asked, smiling.

“Scrap Rainbow?” boomed the Fat Controller, “One of the fastest engine on Sodor? Who would pull the Rainboom express? Anyway, I can’t scrap you even if I wanted to. You’re not from this world after all.”

Rainbow beamed with pride. Rainbow spent the next day having her pistons polished, her axles greased and her wheels well oiled. At last, she didn't make any more funny noises. Rainbow was as good as new, and she felt even better.

It was May day on the Island of Sodor. And the engines were celebrating. They knew there'd be music and lots of fun. The station was being decorated. The Fat Controller said that the engines could be decorated too.

“I'm going to have flags and streamers,” whistled Pinkie.

“I'm going to have a big red banner,” whistled Twilight.

“What decorations will you have, Rainbow?” asked Fluttershy.

“Decorations are indignified for an important engine like me,” Rainbow said, “I pull the Rainboom express.” Rainbow was feeling insulted as she left the station. She had been hanging around Gordon a bit too much and a bit of him rubbed off on Rainbow. “Silly little engines,” she grunted.

Twilight was enjoying herself. She was bringing the maypole. The farmer's children waved. Twilight peeped happily as she passed by. Soon, it was time for the decorating. Pinkie's driver was wrapping streamers and flags around her funnel, Twilight had a big red banner on her tanks, even Fluttershy was being decorated, with blue bunting on her sides. Although she was very shy about it.

“We can have a contest for the best dressed engine,” suggested Rarity. Just then, Rainbow shunted in.

“A contest?” she puffed, “I'm bound to win any contest.”

“You will have to be decorated, darling,” said Rarity, “This is a best dressed engine contest.”

“Not me,” puffed Rainbow, “you never catch me looking so ridiculous.”

The engines felt splendid. But not Rainbow. She was cross.

“Decorations are indignified,” she huffed, “Huh! Who cares about a contest anyway?”

Further down her line a colourful banner was strung across the bridge. Then, as Rainbow steamed across the bridge, it came loose and wrapped around her firebox. She couldn't see the line ahead. Rainbow tried to whoosh the banner off, but the banner wouldn't budge.

“I can't see!” she whistled loudly to her driver, “stop!”

“You can't stop, Rainbow,” her driver called back, “you're the express.”

Trevor was chugging slowly along with his load of apples for the children's apple bob. Trevor heard a whistle. He was going as fast as he could, but it wasn't fast enough as Rainbow crashed through the lever crossing and hit the cart. The apples were all smashed. Rarity was the last engine to join the contest, or so she thought.

“Here comes Rainbow,” cried the passengers.

“We didn't think you wanted to be decorated,” teased Twilight.

“I didn't,” huffed Rainbow.

“Well you're definitely the best dressed engine,” said Rarity. All the engines agreed. Rainbow was secretly pleased, but she didn't think it was dignified to say so. Silly Rainbow.

Twilight felt like she was getting old. Her bearings felt worn, and she clanked as she puffed along. She was taking empty cattle trucks to a market town. The sun shone, birds sang, but Twilight was heading for trouble.

“Come on! Come on!” she puffed.

“Oh! Oh!” screamed the trucks. Twilight puffed and clanked, the trucks rattled and screamed. Some cows were grazing nearby. They were not used to trains. The noise and smoke disturbed them. As Twilight clanked by, they broke through the fence and ran across the line. A coupling was broken, and some trucks were left behind.

Twilight felt a jerk but didn't take much notice. She was used to cattle trucks.

“Bother those cars!” she thought, “Why can't they come quietly?”

She was at the next station before either she or her driver realized what had happened. When Rainbow and Aria heard about the accident, they laughed and boasted.

“Fancy, allowing cows to break your train! They wouldn't dare do that to us,” Laughed Rainbow, “we'd show them!”

Applejack was cross.

You couldn't help it, Twilight,” she said calmly, “they’ve had experience with cows before, I have, and I know the trouble they are.”

Twilight's whistle crossly and puffs away. Some days later, Rainbow rushed through Edward's Station.

“Boop, Boop! Mind the cows! Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!” puffed Rainbow.

“Don't make such a fuss! Don't make such a fuss!” grumbled her coaches.

“Wait you can speak?” Rainbow said confused.

A long stretch of line lay ahead. In the distance was a bridge. It seemed to Rainbow that there was something on the bridge. Her driver thought so too.

“Whoa, Rainbow!” he said, and shut off steam.

“Pooh!” said Rainbow, “It's only a cow! Shoo! Shoo!”

She moved slowly on to the bridge, but the cow wouldn't "Shoo"! She had lost her calf and felt lonely.

“Moo!” she said sadly. Everyone tried to send her away, but she wouldn't go. Aria soon arrived.

“What's this? A cow?” she scoffed, “I'll soon settle her. Be off! Be off!”

“Moo!” the cow bellowed crossly.

Aria backed away nervously.

“I don't want to hurt her,” she said puffing backwards. At the next station, Aria's Conductor told them about the cow, and warned the signalman that the line was blocked.

“That must be Bluebell,” said a porter, “her calf is here, looking for her mother. Sonata will take her along.”

Sonata chuffed to the bridge pulling a cattle truck. At the bridge, Bluebell was very pleased to her calf again, and the porter led them away.

“Not a word, Keep it secret,” whispered Rainbow and Aria to each other. They felt rather silly, but Sonata couldn’t keep her mouth shut and soon the story spread. That night at the sheds, Twilight, Applejack, and the rest were smiling.

“Well, well, well!” chuckled Twilight, “Two big engines afraid of a cow.”

“Afraid? Rubbish!” said Rainbow, “we didn't want the poor thing to hurt herself by running up against us. We stopped so as not to excite her. You see what I mean, Twilight?”

“Yes, Rainbow,” said Twilight. Rainbow felt somehow that Twilight "saw" only too well.

Rainbow was feeling grumpy. This was making Starlight cross.

“Why are you complaining all the time?” she asked crossly.

“Because I'm a big blue engine and I know everything. I shall complain whenever I want,” Rainbow stated back, £you're just a small white engine with ideas above your station.”

“I’m roughly the same size as you,” Starlight said blankly.

“I can't see any,” said Sonata, “where are they?”

“Any what?” Rainbow said rudely.

“Ideas above the station,” Sonata replied, “the sky's empty.”

Like your smokebox, Sonata,” laughed Aria, but Rainbow was still grumpy.

“One day I'll show you just what a big engine can really do,” she said.

“So what can a big engine really do?” Sonata asked innocently.

“Not speak to silly little blue engines for a start,” replied Rainbow, then she puffed away. Later that day, the Fat Controller came to see her.

“Rainbow, you'll be making one stop today with an empty express to test our new station,” he told her, “you can make up time afterwards.”

“Why can't Fluttershy or Pinkie do it?” Rainbow asked, “they likes idling at stations.”

“You will do as you are told,” the Fat Controller said sternly. So Rainbow did. But she was still unhappy, and she grew sick too.

“I just can't get up to speed,” she groaned.

“It's time for your visit to the works. Your pipes are clogged,” said the fireman. At last, they approached the new station. rainbow was impressed but her mood soon changed. In front of her was a blank wall and huge buffers.

“What a boring view! Important engines like me should have a panoramic view where I can see people and people can see me,” and she wheeshed angrily. Rainbow was happy when it was time to leave.

“Now you can really enjoy your run as long as your pipes will let you,” said her driver.

“Come on, come on! I can go faster that this!” huffed Rainbow, “Sick? Me? Never!”

But presently Rainbow began to feel more and more feeble, and soon, she came to a complete stop.

“What happened?” she asked weakly.

Her driver and fireman inspected her. “Something's broken inside you, Rainbow,” said her fireman, “now you're really will have to go to the works.”

Rainbow was still fuming when Starlight arrived to collect her coaches.

“Well, well, well! So much for knowing about everything,” she laughed, “you got too puffed up in your boiler, so it's serves you right.”

When Rainbow returned from the works a few days later, she was still boasting.

“I am the finest engine on the Island of Sodor, probably the finest in the world,” she said proudly.

“Come on, Gordon,” said the Fat Controller, “we're going to the official opening of the new station.”

Then, there was trouble. As Rainbow approached the new station, neither the driver nor fireman could apply her brakes. Something had jammed. The driver reduced steam, but Rainbow was still going too fast. Rainbow whistled loudly as she burst through the wall, hanging over the road below.

“Help me, please!” Rainbow called out.

The Fat Controller is raised up but a lift to look and Rainbow.

“Well, Gordon,” said the Fat Controller, “I knew you wanted a panoramic view, but this is not the way to achieve it.”

“Yes Sir, sorry Sir,” Rainbow replied.

When Gordon was repaired again, she took the Fat Controller to the new station, for its second official opening. This time she arrived safely, and everyone clapped and cheered as she pulled in. The Fat Controller spoke to her.

“Your panoramic view is here to stay,” he said, “I trust you will always see through it, from the safety of your own rails.”

Rainbow hardly agreed.

Author's Note:

hi guys, here's Rainbow's chapter

I hope you all liked it

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