• Published 18th Apr 2020
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MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 21: Fluttershy the Kind Engine

Fluttershy is a similar colour as Molly and Rebecca and the same size as Pinkie and Twilight. She can pull coaches and push trucks. And she often works as a back engine. But Fluttershy is small, and not as strong as the other engines. So sometimes, Fluttershy feels left out. The Duke and Duchess of Boxford came to visit Sodor, but Spencer was in the works being mended on the Mainland. So they came on another famous engine called Tornado. Tornado is big and green and very fast. She was a pretty friendly but strict engine but I’m sorry to say that being the Duke and Duchess’ private engine for the day went to her boiler. When Tornado pulled into Knapford, her driver had exciting news for her.

“You have beaten Gordon's record!” he said.

“Of course,” boasted Tornado, “I'm faster than all the engines on Sodor put together.”

The Steam and element bearers were very cross.

“Tornado is just a big green show off,” sniffed Gordon, “Even my own brother wouldn’t let something like this go to his boiler.” And everyone agreed. The Fat Controller spoke to the engines.

“Tornado will take the Duke and Duchess to their summerhouse. Another engine will take the furniture.”

The engines saw a chance for a race. “Please sir?!” called, Rainbow, Rarity, Gordon and James all together, “May I go?!”

“You all have other work to do,” boomed the Fat Controller, “Fluttershy will take the furniture.”

James and Gordon groaned. “Fancy sending a weak, tank engine to do a strong, express engines' job,” sniffed Gordon.

“She'll lose the race and let the whole railway down,” said James. This made Fluttershy said. Rainbow and Rarity were cross. Fluttershy was their friend.

“Tornado has a bigger boiler,” said Rainbow, “but that just fill of hot air.”

“A kind steamie can beat a pouty puffer any day,” added Rarity. Fluttershy struggled to set off as the furniture was heavy, but she managed to puff off, slow and steady.

“Will do my best, will do my best,” She puffed. Tornado set off and quickly passed Fluttershy.

“I’ve won already,” She boasted. And with a whoosh, she was gone. Fluttershy came to the bottom of Gordon’s Hill. The freight was heavy, and she felt very tired. She huffed and she puffed and was soon at the top. She can see Tornado in the distance and chased her at once. Fluttershy raced down the hill. Tornado had stopped at Wellsworth Station where Adagio and Sunset where at dropping off passengers. The Duke and Duchess wanted to buy some tea and cakes from the refreshment lady. Fluttershy teetered into view.

“Hurry, Flutterpuff!” said Tornado, “Have you finishing too far behind me?”

Fluttershy wished she could have a rest too. But Adagio, Sunset, the stationmaster and the porters had heard about the race.

“Hooray for Fluttershy!” the men cheered.

“Go girl!” Sunset called out.

“You can do it dear!” Adagio shouted. Fluttershy picked up steam and proudly puffed pass Tornado. But then, the Duke and Duchess finished their tea. And Tornado was off in a flash. She roared passed Fluttershy.

“Fastest the best, fastest the best!” She boasted. Fluttershy was nearly out of puff. The furniture felt heavier than ever. Up ahead, Tornado had to stop. The Duke wanted to take some photographs of the countryside. The Duke set up his camera. Tornado closed her eyes.

“Nothing to worry about,” She said lazily. Gordon was returning to Brendam Docks. He passed Tornado and knew Fluttershy must be losing the race.

“Fluttershy is a waste of steam,” He sniffed. But when Gordon passed Fluttershy and saw how hard she was trying, he felt bad about what he had said. “Well Done, Fluttershy!” he called, “you are credit to the railway!”

Fluttershy was so happy her boiler tingled. She found puff she never knew she had. The Duke and Duchess had finished taking photographs and were back on board.

“Time to go!” called Tornado’s driver and rang the bell. But nothing happened. Tornado was dreaming of victory. She didn't hear the bell. And she didn't hear Fluttershy puffing passed her. Tornado's driver rang the bell again. When Tornado finally opened her eyes, she could see, Fluttershy heading towards the summerhouse.

“Nearly there, nearly there,” She gasped. Tornado took off as fast as she could. But as she reached the siding, her driver ordered her to slow down.

“These are old tracks, and you are a heavy engine!” he said, “you must go slowly!”

Tornado had no choice she had to slow down. And she trundled slowly down the siding. With every click and every clack, she knew she had lost the race. Fluttershy puffed towards the summerhouse.

“I've won!” She gasped, “I did it!” Fluttershy felt like a really useful engine. “Hooray! I won!” She cheered loudly. Fluttershy felt like a pride of the Sodor railway, and she was right.

Fluttershy the Kind Engine has lived on the Island of Sodor for a long while now. She does miss her own home in Equestria, but she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. She likes every part of Sodor, from the fields filled with flowers to the white, sandy beaches, but there is one place that Fluttershy always enjoyed visiting more than any other. Her driver knew this too.

“Come on, Fluttershy,” he would say, “We’ve made good time today. We’ll stop for a while by the forest.”

Fluttershy loved it here. The forest was full of broad oaks and tall pines and a lot of animals. Fluttershy could remember the day Henry brought her to the forest, and how he and Toby brought some new trees to be planted, and Terence and Trevor helped haul them into place. Now she could see the trees growing amongst the others on the hillside. Fluttershy always felt better for being here. She couldn’t really explain why, but her driver understood.

“It’s peaceful,” he said to Fluttershy, but one night everything changed. The engines were resting in the shed.

“Listen,” said Sonata, “Can you hear a strange whistling sound?”

“It’s the wind blowing outside our shed,” replied Applejack, “But ah’ve never heard it like this before.”

“Do you know what,” added Aria, “If Rainbow wasn’t here now, I’d say it was her thundering by with her Rainboom Express.”

All the engines laughed, except Fluttershy. “I hope the wind won’t harm the forest!” she said hopefully.

By morning, the fierce winds had gone but the damage was done. Fluttershy’s driver came to see her in the yard.

“Trees have fallen on the line,” he said, “we must help clear the tracks.”

Rarity set off with the breakdown train and Fluttershy followed. Trees lay everywhere. The hillside now looked so bare. Fluttershy felt sad.

“What will happen to all the animals who live here?” She thought. When Fluttershy’s flat trucks were full of logs, she took them to the timber mill where they would be turned into furniture and other things. Fluttershy was glad the wood was being put to good use, but she was still sorry to lose part of her forest.

“Oh dear!” sighed Pinkie, “I wish there were something we could do to make things better again.”

“Yes indeed!” replied Twilight, “But what? We can’t mend broken trees!”

Twilight and Pinkie puffed slowly into the yard.

“Hello, you two,” said the Fat Controller, “You do look glum.”

“We’re sad about the trees.” said Twilight.

“And so is Fluttershy,” added Pinkie, the forest is a special place to her. Now some of it is gone.”

“We’ll soon put that right. I have an important job for you two,” he told them, “I would like you to take some trucks to the forest.”

“When the trucks arrived, Twilight and Pinkie were delighted. They were full of splendid, young trees, all ready for planting.

“This is the best job we’ve ever had!” Exclaimed Pinkie as she and Twilight puffed to the forest.

When Fluttershy returned, she was most surprised. There were Trevor and Terence busily helping the workmen clear the torn stumps and branches.

“Look, Fluttershy!” called Terence, “now you get to see this happen. The hillside will look better than ever before. You’ll see!”

Now Fluttershy can see the trees growing strong and tall, and the animals are coming back. Sometimes everywhere is quiet. At other times, Fluttershy can hear leaves rustling or a bird’s wing brushing the air. Often, she can hear the sound of children laughing, and always she is happy here.

It had been raining hard for weeks. Fluttershy was feeling miserable. Everywhere was wet, wet, wet. The Equestrian branch line runs through a village. The water in the river had risen with the rain. Only the great wall, known as a dam, was stopping the water from overflowing. Pinkie arrived just as Fluttershy was about to inspect the dam for any damage.

“Driver tells me it may be dangerous up there. Please be careful, Fluttershy,” said Pinkie.

“I’ll try,” replied Fluttershy bravely. Pinkie watched anxiously as Fluttershy trundled away. Her journey took her over a wooden bridge at the end of the village. The river surged dangerously beneath it. Harold the Helicopter was inspecting the dam as Fluttershy arrived.

“Be brave, Fluttershy,” called her driver, “we have to cross to the other side.”

The dam did not look safe at all. Fluttershy was very worried. And soon she knew why. She looked down to see water to seep through some cracks in the dam.

“The dam’s breaking up! We must warn everyone!” Fluttershy yelled as she shunted back as fast as her little wheels would let her. Pinkie was waiting anxiously for Fluttershy by the bridge. The river had risen so high that the bridge was in danger of collapsing. Fluttershy arrived.

“The dam’s breaking up! We must find high ground!” Fluttershy cried out.

“Your only chance is to cross the bridge,” called Pinkie.

“It doesn’t look safe to me!” wailed Fluttershy.

“It’s our only chance,” said her driver, “if that dam breaks, we’ll done for.”

Fluttershy was halfway across the bridge when disaster struck. The dam collapses, and a tidal wave of water poured out. The rushing water causes the bridge to be separated from the riverbanks and sweeps Fluttershy down the river.

“Heeeelp!” called Fluttershy.

“We’ll follow him on our line. It meets the river further down!” Pinkie driver said.

As Fluttershy floated helplessly on the floodwaters, they passed a sign that made them shudder: BEWARE THE WATERFALL!

“If we go over that waterfall, we’re doomed!” said Fluttershy’s fireman.

Then they saw Harold, who swooped low and shouted urgently to them.

“We’re going to drop a rope to you. Attach it to yourself – quickly now!” he called out.

And they did, to one of Fluttershy’s buffers. Just then, Pinkie arrived. Harold flew over to her.

“Catch the rope and pull Fluttershy to safety!” Harold told Pinkie.

The other end of the rope is attached to one of Pinkie’s buffers, then she pulls as hard as she could until the bridge is next to dry land.

Fluttershy was safe at last. When the floods were over and the dam mended, the villagers had a big party for Fluttershy, hosted by the Fat Controller.

“You were very brave, Fluttershy,” he said.

“Thanks to Harold, Sir,” Fluttershy replied.

“I could never have been so brave, Fluttershy,” Pinkie declared.

“Well I was pretty scared, but I’m sure you would be, but you never know till you’ve tried,” Fluttershy pointed out.

Pinkie rather hoped she’d never have to!

All the engines on the Island of Sodor were very excited. There was to be a great banquet at the Scottish castle. Fluttershy loved going to the Scottish castle because on the way, she puffed past her favourite tree in her favourite part of her favourite forest. The tall pine tree towered of the rest of the forest. Fluttershy always stopped to look at it. Seeing the tall pine tree standing tall and proud made Fluttershy very happy. Fluttershy arrived at the Scottish castle. The Fat Controller was waiting for her.

“The castle's flagpole was old and about to break,” he said, “Fluttershy, I need you to collect a new flagpole from the docks in time for the banquet.”

“Yes sir,” Said Fluttershy. When Fluttershy puffed into the docks, she couldn't see the tall flagpole anywhere. She looked around for something tall. She looked above the coal trucks. It was nothing tall there. She looked at the old ship. It had a tall mask. Then Fluttershy looked up and saw Cranky. Cranky was very tall. But Fluttershy didn't see the flagpole. It was on the flatbed in front of her. She bummed into the truck and it rolled onto the track. Just as Arthur ran over it.

“Oops, sorry,” called Arthur.

“I didn't expect to see the flagpole down there,” puffed Fluttershy.

“It's not tall when you lay it down,” said Arthur. Fluttershy felt very silly. Soon, the Fat Controller arrived.

“This is a disaster,” he boomed, “the Scottish castle will not look the same without its flagpole.”

Fluttershy was very sad. It was all her fault.

“Maybe seeing the tall pine tree will cheer me up,” Fluttershy huffed as she puffed to the tree. But nothing could make her feel better. “I wish I hadn't broken the flagpole,” Fluttershy sighed to Aria.

“They could make our new flagpole out of that tall tree,”Aria puffed. Fluttershy looked up at the tall pine tree. She didn't want it to be made into the flagpole. The next morning, Fluttershy had to take some workmen to the forest. But the workmen were carrying axes and saws.

“Oh, no!” moaned Fluttershy, “They must be going to cut down the tall pine tree.”

Fluttershy puffed through the countryside. “Must save the tree, must save the tree,” she huffed. Then Fluttershy had an idea. She didn't take the workmen to the forest. She went to look for a new flagpole. Fluttershy saw some children waving flags, but those flags were much too tiny to have flagpoles. There was a flagpole holding up the windsock at the airfield. But that flagpole was much too short. There was a tall flagpole on the beach, but it wasn't tall enough.

“Bother,” wheeshed Fluttershy sadly, “None of the flagpoles is as tall as the pine tree. Now I'll never save it.”

That evening, the Fat Controller came to see Fluttershy at the sheds.

“Fluttershy, those workmen had a very important job to do. You have caused confusion and delay,” the Fat Controller said sternly, “tomorrow you will collect coal and Cadence will take the workmen to the forest.”

The next day, Fluttershy was collecting coal when Nia arrived. “I can't find another flagpole,” moaned Fluttershy, “I've looked everywhere.”

“Sometimes the thing you want is somewhere you wouldn't think to look,” puffed Nia and she steamed away. So Fluttershy set off to go where she wouldn't think to look. But she couldn't see the flagpole in the county. Then Fluttershy looked at the orchard. But only Trevor was there.

“Hello, Fluttershy,” he greeted her.

“Hello, Trevor. You're very nice,” huffed Fluttershy, “But you wouldn't make a very good flagpole.”

Fluttershy puffed sadly into the docks. Some vacationers were taking pictures of the old ship. Fluttershy looked up at the tall mask.

“What about the ship's mask?” asked Fluttershy.

“It's to be trapped up and used for firewood, me hearty,” said Salty.

“But it will be perfect for the castle flagpole,” Fluttershy chuffed.

“Then you best take it quickly, matey,” said Salty. Cranky soon lowered the mask onto the flatbed. And Fluttershy raced off to the forest. She had to get to the tree before they cut it down. When Fluttershy pulled into the forest, the tall pine tree was still there. And so was the Fat Controller.

“Please don't cut down the tall pine tree, sir,” chuffed Fluttershy, “I think the ship's mask would make a very good flagpole.”

“I will never cut the tall pine tree down,” said the Fat Controller, “the workmen are the only here to collect some firewood. We always have a roaring fire at the Scottish castle banquet.”

Fluttershy was so happy it made her axles tingled. That night, the flag was hoisted on the old ship's mask. It looked wonderful. Fluttershy thought it was the nicest thing she had ever seen. Except for the old pine tree.

Author's Note:

here you go guys another chapter on an Equestrian Engine done.

now I would like you guys to decide who's for the next chapter.

if you guys choose a pony could you write down a episode or two that character please because I'm struggling to think which story or episode suits at character

thank you guys and I hope you like this chapter

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