• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,636 Views, 278 Comments

MLP: The Equestrian Engines - SuperSamYoshi

After Twilight gets abandoned by her friends she imbarks on an adventure on an Island with talking trains (Wait What?!)

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Chapter 10: Apologies Accepted

While Shining Armour was thinking of his apology to Twilight, Celestia was thinking of one herself. Ever since she came to Sodor the engines had been rude to her, back in Equestria such actions against Celestia would not been have tolerated, but this wasn’t her kingdom. She had been set into some form of depression as any time she wanted to get close to Twilight, she would either puff away or another engine would protect her.

Luna and Cadence had notice Celestia grow quieter and quieter within the past two days. Until Luna realized how Celestia must be feeling. Later that evening Luna spoke with her sister.

“Tia, you can’t keep beating yourself like this,” Luna puffed.

“What am I going to do Luna,” Celestia sighed, “I can’t even get close to her.”

“Look, Twilight is going to be working with Cadence tomorrow,” Luna pointed out, “you can try to apologies then.”

“I hope so, Luna,” Celestia sadly spoke as she puffed into her shed. Luna was starting to worry about her sister, she hadn’t been to same after the wedding.

The next morning Cadence and Twilight were working together in the yard, singing a little song.

“We make a team together,” sung Twilight.

“1,2,3”, Cadence crooned.

“We go full steam together”,

“Him, you, me”,

“Best of friends forever we'll be”,

“Yeah, yeah”,

“Better together”,

Just then Celestia puffed in with Sir Topham Hatt on board. Twilight looked away from Celestia, “Cadence, I want you to take some school children on a trip to the seaside,” the Fat Controller said.

“Ok sir,” Cadence answered before saying, “but what about Twilight? She needs my help.”

“Celestia here will help Twilight,” the Fat Controller added.

Twilight was surprise. She was now going to with the last engine she wanted to work with.

“Oh, and Cadence,” the Fat Controller added again, “could you give me a ride back to the station, Winston is at the Steamworks getting fixed.”

As Sir Topham Hatt jumped into Cadence, Celestia started to get to work, carefully shunting the coaches into place.

As the day went on, Twilight noticed that Celestia was trying to avoid her. As Celestia finished shunting coaches for Donald and Douglas, Twilight came over to talk to her.

“Celestia?” Twilight asked quietly, “I have something I want to say to you.”

“I have something to tell you too,” Celestia replied.

The both took a deep breath, “What I want to say is…” the both said in unison, they both blushed. “That I’m sorry for my action toward you.” they both said in unison again, this time they both laughed. Their laughter caught other engines in the yard to stop what they were doing to see Twilight laughing with her old teacher.

“You first,” Celestia said kindly.

“Ok,” Twilight said taking a deep breath, “I’m sorry for ignoring you and not helping you at the wedding.”

“No Twilight I should be sorry,” Celestia admitted, “I was the one who didn’t believe you”.

“I don’t want to be mad at you anymore,” Twilight spoke hopefully.

“Please Twilight, please allow me to make it up to you,” Celestia pleaded.

“You already made up by just being here”, Twilight chuckled happily.

The engines in the yard had gathered around the two former ponies.

“That was so precious,” Rosie cried happily, tears rolling down her face in joy.

“Three cheers for Twilight!” Harvey called out, and with that, Harvey, Rosie, Paxton, Charlie, Stafford, Scuff and Whiff all tooted their whistles and horns and cheered for Twilight and Celestia.

Later that day, Twilight was taking a passenger train along Duck’s branch line. She whistled to Duck, Oliver, Donald and Douglas as they delivered passengers and goods to different stations adjacent to the seaside and harbour.

“Afternoon Twilight,” Duck tooted as he puffed down the track. Twilight whistled back, soon she saw a diesel she had never seen before parked at the station. The Diesel was a green BR Class 28 Co-Bo diesel-electric engine. She puffed next to him and stopped.

“Hello, I’m Twilight,” she greeted him with a smile. The Diesel looked at her and smile.

“I’m BoCo,” the diesel replied, he seemed more friendlier than Diesel.

“I don’t mean to be rude but,” Twilight asked, nervously, “are you a good diesel or and horrid diesel?”

“Ho, ho, ho,” BoCo chuckled, “don’t worry your little star marks, I am nothing like Diesel or Diesel 10”.

“Mavis told me a bit about you,” said Twilight, “she told me that you once used to work at the Quarry with her right?”

“That is correct,” BoCo agreed.

“Why don’t you work on Sodor anyone?” Twilight asked, wonder in her eyes.

“I work and live on the mainland in London,” BoCo replied, “but I come back to help with important deliveries. You may meet my friends Pip and Emma at some point too.”

“Can’t wait to meet them,” Twilight responded. Just then Shining Armour arrived, he had thought of his apology to Twilight and had asked the Fat Controller where Twilight will be.

“Twiley, can we talk?” he puffed.

“What do you want?” she replied annoyed. BoCo looked at Shining Armour.

“And who are you?” BoCo asked intensely.

“I’m Shining Armour, Twilight’s older brother,” Shining replied boldly.

“I don’t want to get caught up in this brother-sister relationship,” BoCo said as he started to roll out of the station.

“I’m really sorry for what I said, I'll be learning from that big mistake,” Shining told his sister sadly.

“Have you?” Twilight asked him deadpanned as she started to puff away.

“Gordon and I had a chat earlier about what I did,” Shining called out, but Twilight pretend to not hear him.

“Come up twilight. I don’t want to lose my love of my little sister!” Shining shouted, this caused Twilight to stop.

“You’re the only thing I have left,” Shining was starting to cry, “I already lost my honour, reputation, wedding and my bride. I don’t want to lose you, L.S.B.F.F.”

Twilight slowly puffed back to Shining, her eyes had started to water. “Do you really mean that?” she asked hopefully. Donald and Oliver were nearby and were seeing everything.

“Yes Twiley,” Shining sniffed, “I can’t live without you.”

“Oh, Shining I’m so sorry for being mean to you,” Twilight cried.

“No, I should be sorry Twiley,” Shining corrected, “I was the one who didn’t believe you and banned you from my wedding.”

Donald and Oliver came closer as they had tears stinging their eyes. “That is the cutest thing I have ever seen,” Oliver sniffed with a smile.

“Aye lass,” Donald respond, “You’ll a good engine Shinin’.”

Twilight and Shining Armour puffed back to Knapford Station, happy that they had repaired the broken bond between brother and sister. Cadence, Luna and Celestia were there as well.

“So, did you two make up?” Cadence asked.

“Yes, we did,” Twilight replied.

“Well good because Sir Topham has a surprise for us”, Luna said, “he said to go to Peel Godred Station.”

“I know where that is,” Twilight as she puffed down the track with her mentor, brother, stepsister and princess of the night following her.

They chuffed and puffed down the line until the came to the station. The Fat Controller was waiting on the Platform.

“Ah you all made it,” he said as he climbed into Twilight’s cab. He told Twilight where to go and soon they came face to face with four engine sheds. With Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Shining Armour’s cutie marks on the doors.

“Welcome to your new sheds,” Sir Topham Hatt proudly presented them.

“Oh, thank you sir,” Celestia commented.

“I love it,” Cadence cooed.

“Could maybe do with a bite darker on my side,” Luna judged.

“My Cutie Mark has never looked better,” Shining responded, “and the sheds are cool”.

Soon the four royal engines parked themselves in the sheds, and Twilight and Sir Topham Hatt headed home themselves. Twilight herself was happy that she could fixed the bond between her and her brother and mentor as she settled down to sleep in Tidmouth Sheds with her friends.

Author's Note:

here is chapter 10
Next up we will go see how the CMC are handling things
spoiler: more re-types

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