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Romulus et Remus

As the Apple Blooms

Part 82; Romulus Et Remus

“What’s up Applejack?” Apple Bloom nervously asked her older sister. The moment those words escaped the former farm girl’s lips, she began to feel her heart pump just a little bit faster in fear. Just looking into Applejack’s darkened eyes consumed her in a fear she’d never felt in her entire life. Despite her best wishes, she knew there was no denying the reality of what was happening.

For the first time since she’d been sent away to Allspark Wells, Apple Bloom found herself alone with her elder sister Applejack.

Strutting into her younger sister’s room, Applejack looked down at Apple Bloom’s feet and “complimented,” “Those are some pretty fancy shoes you got there.” Glancing down at the tap shoes on her feet, Apple Bloom nervously replied, “Thanks? They were a gift from Tender Taps.” She then let out a gentle chuckle as she continued, “Ah think even if Ah hadn’t met him, Ah’d have fallen in love with tap dancin’.”

Letting out a sigh of relief (albeit one that was clearly meant to strike fear into her sister), Applejack remarked, “Phew. That’s a relief. Ah was startin’ to think you might’ve stolen those.” As Apple Bloom took this in, the elder farm girl continued, “And that’s nothin’ to say of the noise. Ah swear if Ah didn’t know better, Ah’d think you were makin’ all this noise just to get under mah skin.”

Strutting closer to her sister, Applejack continued, “Speakin’ of gettin’ under mah skin, Ah didn’t quite appreciate what your little friend called me last night. Somethin’ about me bein’ a whore?” Taking a large gulp, Apple Bloom defensively reassured her sister, “D-d-don’t take it t-t-to personally Applejack. Sideswipe was just bein’ cheeky!”

Unfortunately, the former farm girl forgot just who she was talking to. Folding her arms, Applejack replied, “You may not be lyin’ this time Apple Bloom, but Ah know that ain’t true.” As Apple Bloom gulped again, the blonde farm girl continued, “Ah mean, given that kind of language, Ah wouldn’t be too surprised if Sideswipe were some sort of bad influence on you.”

Something about Applejack’s remark about Sideswipe irked Apple Bloom. Stepping forward, the former farm girl defended her other sister, “Look, Ah know Sideswipe can be a bit rough around the edges, but you just need to give her a chance.”

Rather than even give the veneer of agreeing to disagree, Applejack rolled her eyes as she angrily replied, “Oh please. Ah overheard how she disrespected her dad!” Apple Bloom felt her eyes widen as she asked, “What? Did you say she “disrespected” Red Alert?” Nodding, the middle Apple sibling replied, “Yeah. Ah overheard uncle Ironhide talkin’ with Granny Smith how she pissed her dad off. Ah swear if you did that kind of thing to dad, he’d give you a whoopin’!” Apple Bloom immediately stepped up to Sideswipe’s defense as she exclaimed, “Given Ah’ve seen her dad hit her, Ah don’t blame her for not respectin’ him!”

Applejack gave her sister a sinister smirk as she replied, “Ah should’ve known you’d get along with a troublemaker like her.” She then angrily continued, “Ah mean, it’s already clear you seem to get along with troublemakers and bad eggs like your boyfriend. Hell, Ah even heard you get along with Pinkie’s retarded sister. Don’t suppose you know what she did to their family’s prized boulder, right?”

At that moment, Apple Bloom lost the fear of her older sister. Stepping forward, the former farm girl defiantly replied, “Don’t you dare insult mah friends!” As Applejack stepped back in shock at her sister’s newfound courage, Apple Bloom continued, “An’ maybe that’s what brought us all together. Me, Tender Taps, Rattrap, Marble, and Sideswipe all screwed up at some point, but we’re all more than our mistakes.”

Her remark seemed to have done something right (or wrong), because Applejack glared at her sister as she spitefully continued, “But Ah do know none of them could possibly have done anythin’ with as long-lastin’ damage as you did.”

‘Of course, she’d bring everythin’ back to this.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. Perhaps the former farm girl had given her older sister too much credit for thinking she’d let Anon-A-Miss pass as water under the bridge.’ After all, Applejack had not only been affected by Apple Bloom’s poorly thought-out attempt to make it seem that Sunset Shimmer had returned to her old ways, but she was the very first person to have something embarrassing revealed to her. ‘Then again…’ Apple Bloom internally continued. ‘Out of everyone who had somethin’ exposed, Applejack’s was probably the tamest possible.’

The former farm girl was pulled out of her internal train of thought when Applejack angrily continued, “Ah said none of them could’ve done anythin’ as far reachin’ and long lastin’ as your stupid little Anon-A-Miss stunt!”

Straightening herself, Apple Bloom replied, “You’re right. Marble’s incident with Holder’s Boulder might have hurt her family, but no one got hurt. Tender might’ve broken that bully’s jaw, but it ain’t like he wasn’t askin’ for it.” Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl looked her sister in the eye as she did something she’d already done, but figured she’d have to do again; apologize.

“Applejack, Ah’m sorry for startin’ Anon-A-Miss. Ah’m sorry for continuin’ it and lettin’ it spread like some sort of cancer all over Canterlot City. And most of all, Ah’m sorry Ah hurt you, and if Ah could take it back, Ah would. But Ah know that’s not possible. Ah just….” Starting to feel her eyes water up a bit, she finished with a simple, “Ah’m sorry.”

For several moments, both sisters found themselves staring at each other in silence. While Apple Bloom kept quiet in fear of saying anything else that could upset her sister, Applejack simply glared at the younger girl, her face betraying an emotion she’d never thought she’d actually see from her sister; contempt.

Glaring at her younger sister, Applejack coldly asked, “An’ you think that changes anythin’?” Sighing to herself, Apple Bloom shook her head as she replied, “Ah doubt it. But right now, Ah don’t know what else to do to prove Ah’m sorry.” Looking the elder Apple sibling in the eyes, Applejack simply asked, “Well, you think you can turn back time and undo everythin’ you did?”

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom dejectedly replied, “Ah can’t perform miracles Applejack.” This remark was met with a furious, “And yet you know how to spread quite the curse.”

Applejack may not have said the specific words, but it was abundantly clear that she was referring to the Anon-A-Miss incident. This time, however, Apple Bloom wasn’t overcome with self-loathing or guilt. Instead, the former farm girl felt her eyes frown as she asked a simple question.

“You’re still angry, aren’t you?”

When Applejack didn’t visibly react to this piercing question, Apple Bloom continued, “After all this time, you’re still just as angry about what happened as you were when Ah got found out! It’s been seven months and you’re still burstin’ with rage like….”

She was interrupted when Applejack blurted out, “You lied to me! You tricked me into lashin’ out at Sunset! You made me look like a stupid jackass!” As Apple Bloom stepped back, the older farm girl continued, “An’ that says nothin’ about what happened to everyone else. Thanks to you, Diamond Tiara got the brilliant idea to continue your work and spent all summer spreadin’ rumors and secrets all over before dissapearin’!”

Though Apple Bloom was intrigued by the thought of Diamond Tiara having disappeared, she was too focused on her sister lashing out at her for everything she’d done. Groaning to herself, the former farm girl asked, “And Ah’m sorry about that, but there’s nothin’ AH can do!”

Glaring at her sister, Applejack continued, “And to think it was all because you were so damn jealous of Sunset you decided to do somethin’ stupid. Ah just….” Finally calming down (if only slightly), the blonde farm girl asked, “Why do you have to be such a troublemaker?” It was at this moment that Apple Bloom realized something.

“You’re lashin’ out at me.”

As Applejack hesitated for a moment, Apple Bloom continued, “You’re angry at me because you snapped at Sunset! Ah might have tricked you, but you’re the one who hasn’t been able to move on or apologize for what you said to her.”

Applejack immediately stepped forward, forcing her sister against the wall as she furiously asked, “You sayin’ it’s mah fault you stole all those secrets?" Shaking her head, Apple Bloom bluntly answered, “No. But Ah am sayin’ no one made you turn on Sunset. If she really were your friend, you’d have had more faith in her than to think it was her the moment it was convenient!”

“You take that back!” Applejack angrily demanded. Rather than give in to her sister’s demands, Apple Bloom continued, “No. Ah know Ah was the one who posted everythin’ online, but you were the one who lashed out at Sunset. Ah might have framed her, but Ah didn’t force you to lash out and cut her off like some sort of…. Diseased limb!” Now that she was on a roll, Apple Bloom continued, “And you wanna know somethin’ else? If Ah knew what would happen, Ah’d have done it all over again.”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed into a frown as she growled, “Say that again.”

Feeling a sense of euphoria and relief overtake her, Apple Bloom continued, “Let me elaborate. Sure, Ah’d still hate mahself for everythin’, and Ah don’t blame Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo for wantin’ nothin’ to do with me. But they were mah friends, and friendships can end. But you, you’re mah sister, and the moment it looked like Ah got in trouble, you tossed me aside like some piece of scrap metal.”

Feeling her eyes start to sting from fresh tears, the former farm girl continued, “But uncle Ironhide and Aunt Chromia? When Ah got in a fight, they weren’t exactly happy, but they didn’t impulsively send me away. Hell, if anythin’, they’ve been more worried keepin’ me safe than they are punishin’ me for what Ah’ve done. And none of that includes mah friends.”

Taking a deep breath as a tear streamed out of her right eye, Apple Bloom continued, “Tender Taps, Sideswipe, Marble, Rattrap, Double Shuffle…. They all know what Ah’ve done. Marble was even suspicious about befriendin’ me due to everythin’. And yet, they still wanna be mah friends. And not just friends, but for Tender, mah boyfriend, and Sideswipe and Marble, mah sisters!” Sighing, the former farm girl finished, “So allow me to elaborate. If Ah knew that startin’ Anon-A-Miss would get me sent to Allspark Wells, Ah’d do it all over again.” The former farm girl even added, “Ah’d even do it a thousand times over!”

Leaning into her younger sister’s nose, Applejack angrily whispered, “You wouldn’t dare.” Though her fear momentarily returned, Apple Bloom pressed her nose against her sister’s as she said something that, unbeknownst to her, would impact everyone in the house for the rest of her life.

“You bet your ass Ah would Piggly Wiggly!”

Apple Bloom wouldn’t get much time to react to what happened next. All she would be able to process was a fist flying right at her face.

The Farmhouse Living Room, A Short While Earlier…

“So, you really can talk all fancy like all those professors?” Granny Smith enthusiastically asked Sideswipe. Straightening her vest, the pale biker confidently replied, “I don’t mean to brag, but latinum meum satis bonum puto.” The Apple family matriarch let out a gentle chuckle as she remarked, “And to think Applejack’s friends have quite the fancy vocabulary.”

From the other end of the living room, Ironhide and Chromia watched with delight as their daughter bonded with her “new grandmother.” As Sideswipe continued to demonstrate her mastery of a “dead” language, the scrapper patriarch asked, “Forgive me for sounding paranoid, but where’s Applejack?” Pausing for a moment, Chromia answered, “Granny Smith reassured me that Applejack is busy painting the fence. She should be busy until dinner.”

Sighing to himself, Ironhide began to stand up as he replied, “Even so, I better go check on Apple Bloom. I don’t want to take any chances.” As he began to walk towards the stairwell, he and everyone else was distracted by the faded tapping that came from above them. Letting out a gentle chuckle, the older man quipped, “Sounds like someone is stretching her legs.”

As the tapping continued, Ratchet entered the living room as he replied, “At least it’s a bit quieter than back home. I’d hate to be you guys if she ever decided to try dancing late at night.” Sideswipe then playfully quipped, “Would now be a bad time to remind you that metal taps generally make a louder noise than fiberglass ones like on my step dance shoes?”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Ratchet turned to Granny Smith and began, “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Nodding, the Apple family matriarch answered, “Ah might just have an answer young man.” She then paused a bit as she added, “Of course, Ah got a feelin’ you ain’t as young as you look.”

Though Ratchet momentarily smiled, the former medic returned to a somber attitude as he began, “So about you saying that Applejack’s therapist diagnosed her with Explosive Intermittent Disorder. I was reading up on it, and I noticed that it usually gets diagnosed when people are younger.” Taking a deep breath, he asked, “Have there been any incidents of Applejack expressing this kind of anger before?”

Rubbing her temple, Granny Smith answered, “Well, there was this one incident a short while back. She and her friend Rainbow Dash had gotten into some sort of fallin’ out and, well….” Sighing, the Apple family matriarch admitted, “She ended up punchin’ this log we had so much and hard that she damn nearly broke her hands.”

Before Ratchet could say anything, Ironhide interrupted with a worried, “Please tell me she didn’t hurt anyone else.” Granny Smith immediately raised her hands as she nervously replied, “Oh of course not!” The older woman then dejectedly answered, “Of course, she and Rainbow Dash didn’t speak to each other for almost a year and a half.” She then let out a meek and embarrassed chuckle as she added, “Ah swear that girl can hold a grudge.”

Ironhide half heartedly replied, “I don’t need three guesses as to where she gets that from.” Of course, just about everyone in the living room knew what he was referring to. Everyone, that is, except Sideswipe. Curious, the pale biker asked, “So, eh…. What exactly happened between you and Apple Bloom’s dad? Like, I know you said you two got in a fight over something regarding that prick Sentinel Prime, but I got a feeling it’s more than that.”

Nodding, Ironhide replied, “It is.” Turning to face Granny Smith, he asked, “May I?” When the older woman gave a confirming nod, he elaborated, “Well, after I came home, I found out your father had fallen for this big lie that said I was a cold-blooded killer because I…” Taking a moment to recompose himself, the former sergeant continued, “…Dealt with Sentinel Prime. He just… He couldn’t handle the fact that I had to do something like that.”

As Sideswipe took this in, Ironhide couldn’t help but remark, “I swear, if Bright Mac had one cardinal sin, it was that he could never admit he made a mistake. I remember one time he tried to fix a hole in his boots, but he ended up tearing the poor things up because he was so convinced that he could do it.” Laughing to himself, the former sergeant finished, “Trust me, that kind of pride will get you hurt, or worse.”

At that moment, Wheeljack, Big Macintosh, and Sparkplug entered the living room, a concerned expression plastered on the former two’s faces. As the black terrier began to whimper, the eldest Apple sibling asked, “Ah hate to interrupt you guys, but any of you seen Applejack?”

Ironhide immediately stood up as he asked, “What’s happened?” Wheeljack nervously replied, “She’s disappeared.” As everyone took this in, the maverick mechanic elaborated, “Big Mac here and I went to check up on Applejack, but we found the fence was completely painted over. We checked the barn, the pasture, and even the outhouse, but she’s not there!”

‘That’s not good.’ Ironhide thought to himself. ‘That increases the chances of her being in here….” The former sergeant didn’t even finish his thought as he bluntly informed, “That’s it. I’m going to check on her.” As the scrapper patriarch made his way out, everyone heard a new sound, a sound that all of them would remember for a very long time.

It was the sound of something hitting the floor above them.

For a few moments, everyone found themselves frozen in fear. As they either sat or stood in suspense, Ironhide fearfully muttered, “Oh no.” Turning to Ratchet and Wheeljack the former sergeant and ordered, “On me. Now!” The other two men didn’t hesitate to flank their boss as Ironhide turned to his wife as he added, “Chromia… Stay with Sideswipe.” The blue woman nodded as she made her way to her daughter. With everything in place, Ironhide, Ratchet, and Wheeljack made their way upstairs.

To Ironhide’s growing concern, Apple Bloom’s door was closed. ‘That’s not good.’ Taking a deep breath, the former sergeant grasped the doorknob and turned, letting out a small sigh when the door was revealed to be unlocked. ‘That’s a relief. I think.’ However, as the trio entered the bedroom, they found something truly horrifying.

There, lying on the floor face down, was Apple Bloom.

“No. APPLE BLOOM!” Ironhide screamed as he ran towards his daughter and began to cradle her. Gently turning the former farm girl’s body so she faced upward, the former sergeant began to caress her face as he begged, “No. No no no no! this can’t be happening!” As his eyes locked eyes with the young girl’s, Ironhide realized that Apple Bloom’s eyes were wide open in shock, a sign that she wasn’t unconscious.

And then Ratchet solemnly remarked, “Sir, I smell blood.”

As Ironhide heard his friend say this, the former sergeant realized that a small trickle of blood was pouring out of Apple Bloom’s mouth. Gulping in fear, Ironhide began to reach for his daughter’s mouth as something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Turning to see what it was, the family patriarch found something small and white lying on the ground to his left. Reaching over to pick it up, he quickly realized just what this object was.

It was the broken half of one of Apple Bloom’s teeth.

Ironhide returned his focus to Apple Bloom as the younger girl began to shiver in fear. Snapping his finger in her face, the former sergeant asked, “Hey kid! You alright?” Of course, he knew she wasn’t alright, but he wanted to know if she could at least respond to him. Instead, Apple Bloom simply shivered as she stared forward, or rather, at nothing in particular.

“Oh fuck.” Ironhide solemnly said to himself. Apple Bloom’s seemingly vacant stare brought back the painful memories of Huffer shutting down in shock all those years ago, and the idea that his daughter was going through something similar broke the former soldier. Taking a deep breath, Ironhide scooped up the former farm girl as he reassured her, “Come on kid, we’re going.”

The moment he wrapped his hands around Apple Bloom’s head, however, the former farm girl let out a pained scream as she held her hands to her head.

As Ironhide recoiled back up to give her some space, his eyes drifted to the wall behind her. There, sticking out like a sore thumb, was a fresh dent in the wall. The family patriarch didn’t need three guesses as to how it got there. Taking a deep breath, Ironhide rose to his feet as he turned around, looking for the only person who could have possibly done this.

Sure enough, he found Applejack standing in the opposite corner, as if to try and get as much distance between herself and her sister as possible. Just looking at his “niece” made Ironhide’s blood boil in a way that no one, save for Sentinel Prime and Bright Macintosh, had ever accomplished. Stomping up to her, the former sergeant angrily demanded, “What in the everlasting FUCK did you do?!”

However, there was no visible anger on Applejack’s face. If anything, the middle Apple sibling seemed to be in a state of shock herself. It wasn’t quite the pained betrayal that had Apple Bloom exhibited, but rather that of a horrified realization that they’d done something horrible. Just looking at this pathetic teenager almost made Ironhide pity her.

At least until he heard Apple Bloom’s voice quietly muttered, “She hit me.”

As Ironhide turned around to face his daughter, the former farm girl repeated, “She hit me.” Starting to hyperventilate, Apple Bloom began to enter a panic attack as she exclaimed, “She hit me. She hit me! SHE HIT ME!” The family patriarch gently extended his hand towards his daughter as he tried to reassure her, “It’ll be alright kid. It’ll be alright.”

Sadly, Apple Bloom swatted her uncle’s hand away as she desperately screamed, “Get away from me!” Though Ironhide felt his heart break by the sight of his daughter’s panic attack, he was able to steel himself as he reassured her, “It’s alright kid. It’s just me.”

Shaking her head, the former farm girl asked, “Uncle Ironhide?” Nodding, Ironhide replied, “Yeah. It’s me.” Before he could react further, Apple Bloom threw herself at her uncle as she broke down into an absolutely despondent crying fit. Hugging his daughter back, Ironhide reassured her, “It’s alright kid. I’m not going anywhere.”

After a few moments, Ironhide helped Apple Bloom up as he said, “Come on Apple Bloom. We gotta get you some help.” The former farm girl didn’t say anything, instead simply holding her uncle tight. As he scooped up his daughter up, Ironhide turned to Ratchet as he ordered, “Get her boots.” The former medic nodded as he made his way towards Apple Bloom’s boots.

As the adults began to leave the room, Ironhide stopped as he turned to face Applejack and ordered, “Living room, now.” The orange farm girl could only sheepishly nod as she followed the adults.

As everyone made their way back down to the living room, Chromia called out, “What happened?” Sighing to himself, Ironhide answered, “Applejack found her and punched her in the face.”

Almost immediately, Sideswipe charged at Applejack, her eyes starting to tear up as she screamed, “You fucking bitch! I’M GONNA KILL YOU!” It took both Ratchet and Wheeljack to keep the pale biker from tearing Applejack’s throat out, all while she was screaming, “You so much as give her a bruise and you’re dead!”

Turning to face his other daughter, Ironhide desperately ordered, “Stand down Sideswipe!” As the pale biker calmed down (if only just enough to not try charging at Applejack again), the former sergeant called out, “Here’s the gameplan. Chromia, Ratchet, Sideswipe, you’re with me. We’re taking Apple Bloom to the hospital.” He then turned to Wheeljack as he continued, “Wheeljack, you and Wreck-Gar are on guard duty. You don’t let Applejack out of your sights, period.” The maverick mechanic knew better than to doubt his former sergeant when he was as serious as this, and simply replied, “Yes sir.”

At that moment, the pitter patter of tiny feet caught everyone’s attention. Turning to see who it was, Ironhide found Sparkplug running up to him as the little dog whimpered. Sighing to himself, the former sergeant ordered, “I don’t trust her with you. You mind coming with us boy?” The little terrier shook his head as he turned to face Applejack, letting out a furious growl.

Satisfied, Ironhide turned to face Granny Smith as he explained, “We’re taking Apple Bloom to the hospital. Once she’s safe, I may come back to help pack up, and then we’re leaving.” As the older woman defeatedly nodded in agreement, the former sergeant continued, “Either way, I’ll be having a word with you and Applejack.”

“Ah understand.” Granny Smith dejectedly answered as she allowed her eyes drift towards the stairs, catching a glimpse of a clearly ashamed Applejack. For perhaps the first time since they all found out that Apple Bloom had been responsible for Anon-A-Miss, the orange farm girl was no longer visibly angry. Instead, she was simply ashamed and defeated. Sighing, the Apple family matriarch thought to herself, ‘Ah’ll be havin’ a word with her later.’

Turning to his wife, Ironhide requested, “Would you please get Apple Bloom into the van?” Chromia nodded as she took the now barely conscious Apple Bloom as she called out, “Come on Sideswipe.” As the two departed the farmhouse, Ironhide turned to face Applejack as he coldly asked, “Would you please come here?” When she made her way up to her uncle, the former sergeant uttered one sentence, one which made how he felt about her abundantly clear.

“Applejack, you may consider my favor fulfilled.”

Satisfied that he’d made his point, Ironhide turned to Ratchet as he ordered, “Ratchet, on me.” As the old medic nodded, he picked up Sparkplug and followed Chromia and Sideswipe. The former sergeant then turned to Wheeljack as he added, “Remember, eyes on her at all times.” The maverick mechanic nodded as he turned to face Applejack, his normally jovial attitude now replaced by a stone-cold professionalism that sent a freezing shiver down the farm girl’s spine.

With everything now in place, Ironhide turned to Granny Smith as he gave one final, "Ma’am, I’ll be back.” With that, the former sergeant departed the farmhouse, his anger at his niece already replaced by concern for his daughter.

Author's Note:

Next Time; As the dust settles, everyone prepares for the next step as Apple Bloom comes to terms with what's happened.

Author's Note; I will be taking a week off because I need to get out of the depressing headspace.
Also, anyone able to get the importance of this chapter's title?

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