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What Big Sisters Are For

As the Apple Blooms

Part 30; What Big Sisters Are For

“Where do ya want these Uncle Ironhide?” Apple Bloom asked as she entered the workshop, carrying a box of tools. The older man, lying under a rusty car that had clearly seen better days, called back, “Just set it next to me kid.” The former farm girl nodded as she approached her uncle and knelt down, setting the toolbox on the floor.

Scooting back from underneath the van, Ironhide looked up to his niece and said, “Thanks Apple Bloom.” Smiling, she replied, “No problem. Anythin’ else you need from me?” The older man pondered for a moment before answering, “Not at the moment. Maybe you could see if Wheeljack needs anything.”

Sighing, Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Yes sir.” As she began to leave the garage, however, she paused for a moment and asked, “You sure?” Ironhide answered, “If there is anything, I’ll let you know, ok?”

“Copy that sir.” Apple Bloom replied as she snapped to attention and gave her uncle a playful salute. Letting out a small chuckle, Ironhide quipped, “That will be all private.” With that, Apple Bloom departed the garage, leaving Ironhide alone to ponder to himself, “That girl.”

The Shop Front…

Entering the shop front, Apple Bloom began to call out, “Wheeljack? You in here?” When there was no response, she couldn’t help but giggle to herself as she thought to herself, ‘Ah wonder where he ran off to?’

As her eyes began to take in the familiar sight of the shop, the former farm girl couldn’t help right at home. Ever since she was dumped there by her family, Apple Bloom found that the rustic store front had proven itself far more warm and welcoming than the farm had. Maybe it was only because the last few weeks at home had been anything but embracing, but maybe it was also just the fact that, well…..

“Maybe things here are just different.” Apple Bloom said to herself. “Guess Ah’m just goin’ crazy.” Still, if one knew about her sister being friends with a pony princess from another world, they’d think she was completely bonkers, right?

She didn’t have long to ponder that thought. Momentarily caught off guard, Apple Bloom turned to see who it was, hoping that it was Wheeljack or Ratchet.

Instead, she found Tender Taps entering the shop front, the orange boy walking up to her. Excited at the sight of seeing her boyfriend, Apple Bloom squealed, “Tendy!” Wrapping him in a massive hug, she exclaimed, “It’s so good to see ya. What brings you here?”

Once she’d released him, Tender Taps answered, “First of all, seeing you is reason enough to bring you here.” As the former farm girl began to blush, he continued, “And secondly, I kinda need some help.” Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “What is it Tender? Somethin’ wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.” Tender Taps quickly replied. “We’ve just had a slight scheduling problem. You see, Tomorrow night I’m helping out at a tap workshop at dance, and mom has to deliver a pair of Pointe shoes to a client.” When the red haired girl gave a confused look, he quickly explained, “It’s the kind of shoe used for advanced ballet.”

“Ooh.” Apple Bloom said. “Wait, if you and your mom are gonna be out then…..” She quickly put the pieces of the puzzle in her head and, with a large smile, asked, “You need me to babysit your sister again?”

Nodding, Tender Taps answered, “Yeah, I mean, if it’s not too much to ask.” Apple Bloom gave her response with another bone crushing hug as she replied, “Ah’d love to!” She would have continued her tight embrace if it hadn’t been for the orange boy managing to wheeze out, “You’re crushing me.”

Once he’d been released (and after a few moments of catching his breath), Tender Taps continued, “Thanks Apple Bloom.” He then took a deep breath and added, “Trust me, right now she needs a friend.”

Concerned, Apple Bloom asked, “Somethin’ goin’ on?” Sighing, Tender Taps answered, “Well, she’s been having some trouble at dance. Some of the other girls are giving her a hard time.” Taking in what she’d just heard, the former farm girl replied, “Oh dear. That’s awful.”

At that moment, the two teens heard Ironhide’s voice call out, “Well now, I didn’t know Wheeljack was that young.” Turning to face the older man, Apple Bloom began to stammer, “Uh…. Uncle Ironhide, Ah….. Ah was just….” Ironhide raised his hand as he reassured, “It’s alright kid.” He then turned to Tender Taps and asked, “So, what brings you here today?”

The teenaged tap dancer explained, “Well, I was just wondering if Apple Bloom could babysit Double Shuffle tomorrow night sir.” The former farm girl then pleaded, “Can Ah Uncle Ironhide? Please?”

Ironhide “pondered” for a brief moment before he answered, “I suppose you can, provided you finish your chores that is.” Apple Bloom lit up with glee as she replied, “Thank you Uncle Ironhide!”

The older man then turned to Tender Taps and said, “Now then, if you don’t mind young man, I need Apple Bloom here to be focused on her work.” Sighing in “resignation,” the purple haired boy replied, “Guess I better be going then. See you tomorrow Apple Bloom.”

As he began to leave, Apple Bloom pulled him into a final (and far softer hug) and replied, “See ya then.” She then gave him a small kiss on the nose as she whispered, “Ah love you.” Tender Taps could only blush and replied, “I love you too.”

Once Tender Taps had departed, Ironhide quipped, “Come on now kid. Standing there won’t make time go faster.” Playfully rolling her eyes, Apple Bloom simply replied, “Alright.” With that, both uncle and niece began their search for Wheeljack, hoping they could find him somewhere in the scrap yard.

The Tap Family Home, Late the Next Afternoon…

As she approached the now welcoming sight of the Tap Family’s home, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but wonder what the rest of the day had in store. Like every other time she had been out or needed to run an errand, she’d finished her chores for the day (including helping Ratchet with making sure Wheeljack hadn’t lost too much blood from a miscalculation with a saw), the former farm girl prepared to for her second time ever babysitting.

Like the last time, Apple Bloom wore a casual outfit of her overalls, boots, and a maroon tank top; something easier to change into and out of her dance outfit. “Ah don’t think Double Shuffle will mind.” She reassured herself. Still, she couldn’t know just by sitting on her bike, and with that she parked the small vehicle outside the house, removed her helmet, refastened her bag over her shoulder, and approached the house.

The moment she made her way up the porch, the front door opened, revealing Double Shuffle, dressed in a red tee shirt and wearing black pants. Seeing her unofficial big sister, the younger girl greeted her with an enthusiastic, “Apple Bloom!” followed by a massive hug.

“Good to see you too Double Shuffle.” Apple Bloom replied as she returned the younger girl’s hug. After a few moments, the former farm girl asked, “How’ve you been?”

Double Shuffle began to scuff the ground as she dejectedly replied, “Not bad, I guess.” Her glum tone worried Apple Bloom, who asked, “You sure?” The younger girl simply nodded as she replied, “Yeah.”

This was when Tender Taps appeared from inside the house, followed closely by Skimbles the cat. “Well, if it isn’t my two favorite young women.” The teenaged boy quipped, much to Apple Bloom’s amusement and slight embarrassment. Luckily for her, Double Shuffle innocently asked, “What about mom?” Now it was Tender Taps to feel embarrassed as he replied, “That’s…. that’s something else.”

Once he’d recovered from the brief moment of awkwardness, Tender Taps turned to his girlfriend and asked, “You ready for tonight?” Nodding enthusiastically, Apple Bloom replied, “You bet! Ah’m ready for anythin’!”

Sighing with relief, Tender Taps said, “Great. Now I should be home before dark, and mom should be home by midnight. Just make sure she doesn’t make a mess.” He then shot his younger sister a mischievous smirk as she defiantly replied, “Hey, it was only one time!” Apple Bloom herself could only giggle as she reassured Double Shuffle, “Trust me, if it’s anythin’ like what mah friends and Ah got into, it’s nothin’ Ah can’t handle.”

Tender Taps then said, “In that case, I better get going. Love you girls.” Both Double Shuffle and Apple Bloom replied, “Love you Tender!” Apple Bloom took it a step further and blew him a kiss, one which he “caught” as it approached him and returned with one of his own.

Once Tender Taps was gone, Apple Bloom turned to Double Shuffle and asked, “So, anythin’ you wanna do?” The younger blue girl pondered for a moment before she replied, “You want to see mom’s workshop?”

Soft Shoe’s Workshop…

“What do you think?” Double Shuffle asked her honorary big sister and babysitter. Apple Bloom marveled as she took in the sights before her. Indeed, it was as if she were standing in Santa Claus’s workshop, if Santa made dance shoes and not toys that is.

All throughout the bright pink walls of the rather spacious room, there were all kinds of dance shoes of every color, shape, size, and style. In the back were a set of sewing machines and an assortment of cobbler’s tools, telltale signs of recent work being evident from even the other side of the room. And most of the free space was taken up by stacks and stacks of shoe boxes, waiting to be delivered or picked up by a customer. Apple Bloom could only let out an amazed, “Ah’ve never seen anythin’ like this. Ah didn’t even know there were so many kinds of dancin’ shoes.”

Double Shuffle nodded as she replied, “Yup, and mom makes them all. She even made the tap shoes dad’s using on tour!” She then ran up to one of the walls and picked up a shiny black straight soled tap shoe. Handing the piece of percussive footwear to Apple Bloom, the younger girl said, “These are just like his. Mom says they make the best sounds in the world.”

“Ah bet.” Apple Bloom replied as she inspected the shoe. Just from taking a quick look, she could tell that this was no mere oxford with screwed on taps, but a masterfully crafted musical instrument. “These must be nothin’ short of a work of art.”

As Apple Bloom handed the shoe back to Double Shuffle, the younger girl continued, “Yup. Mom even made our tap shoes, including yours. They’re certainly better than anything you can find at a dance store.” the former farm girl couldn’t help but feel oddly honored as she realized just how special the tap shoes she’d been given were.

Double Shuffle then said, “It reminds me of something mom told me. Give a girl the right shoes, and apparently she can conquer the world.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but chuckle as she wrapped her arm around the younger girl and joked, “In that case, with our tap shoes, you and Ah are gonna conquer the world.” To the former farm girl’s surprise, Double Shuffle sighed as she replied, “At least you feel that way.”

Concerned, Apple Bloom asked, “Somethin’ buggin’ you?” The younger girl shook her head as she replied, “I’m fine Apple Bloom. Just a lot on my mind.” Starting to worry, the former farm girl asked, “What’s on your mind?” Double Shuffle simply answered, “Just stuff. Nothing bad, alright?” This last remark certainly struck Apple Bloom as suspicious, as she knew better than most people when someone was trying to hide something.

However, Apple Bloom didn’t want to push too hard, and so she simply reassured her new little sister, “Well, if there is anythin’, Ah’m right her for you, ok?” Double Shuffle hesitated for a moment before she replied, “Ok Apple Bloom.” She then wrapped the older girl in a tight hug, one which Apple Bloom returned.

Once they’d finished their embrace, Double Shuffle asked, “Well, speaking of tap shoes, how about we bust ours out and make a little noise?” She then grew a mischievous smirk on her face as she added, “’Cause I want to see if you’ve been practicing since we went busking.”

“You know it!” Apple Bloom replied. “Ah’m always ready to make some noise!” Double Shuffle then took her older sister by the hand and practically pulled her all the way to the family’s dance studio.

Tap Family Dance Studio…

Stepping into the family’s private dance studio, Apple Bloom took in the sight of wooden floors and mirrored walls that had become so familiar to her. Having already changed into her dance attire, the former farm girl held her tap shoes in her hand as she made her way to the far wall. As she made her way through the simple studio, she allowed her eyes to drift towards Double Shuffle.

The younger girl was already dressed to dance and stretching her legs. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but allow a smile to form on her face as she basked in the aura of awesomeness that radiated from her little sister. However, she couldn’t help but notice that Double Shuffle had adopted a serious, determined expression on her, the kind of determination she’d seen on Tender Taps when he had something on her mind.

Noticing she was being watched, Double Shuffle turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “What are you standing around for? Let’s tap!” The former farm girl let out an amused chuckle as she replied, “Alright. Just give me a moment.” She then made her way to the wall, sat down, and slipped off her boots and slipped on her tap shoes.

Once she had her tap shoes on, Apple Bloom asked, “So, anythin’ in particular you wanna do?” Double Shuffle pondered for a moment before, with a cocky smirk, she performed a few maxi fords and, finishing with a dramatic pose, said, “Show me what you got Apple Bloom.”

Stretching her arms, Apple Bloom replied, “Alrighty then.” She then leapt into one of the combinations Tender Taps taught her, clicking and clacking the floor to produce a musical medley. Once she finished, the former farm girl crossed her arms and legs as she added, “Top that!”

“You’re gonna get it now!” Double Shuffle exclaimed as she began to perform alternating scissors, going up to her toes and shuffling her feet. Once she finished that, the younger girl continued with several advanced steps, some of which were steps Apple Bloom hadn’t even known existed yet, let alone think someone as young as Double Shuffle was capable of performing.

The younger girl then finished with a shave and a haircut as she said, “Bet you can’t beat that.” Realizing that things were gonna escalate, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’m certainly not goin’ down without a fight!” She then began to pull off a few wings before going right into alternating shuffles, impressing both the younger girl and herself with just how fast she was tapping. Once she began to lose count of how many shuffles she’d performed, the former farm girl finished with a few triple time steps. Striking a dramatic pose of her own, she quipped, “Bet you can’t top that!”

Crackling her knuckles, Double Shuffle began her next turn with the same troubling focus. It seemed that the younger girl was starting to get lost in her dancing, or rather was focusing more on perfection than having fun as the girls intended.

However, what really troubled Apple Bloom was the fact that Double Shuffle was starting to sound somewhat aggressive, stomping the hardwood floor far harder than she should have. Concerned, the red haired girl spoke up, “Uh, Double Shuffle, you might wanna take it down a notch.”

The younger girl either didn’t hear her or didn’t seem to care, and continued her increasingly aggressive dance. As Double Shuffle scuffed, scraped, and stomped harder and harder, Apple Bloom noticed the blue girl’s face was starting to turn red as her face scrunched up into a focused frown. Something was clearly eating at her, and Apple Bloom knew she had to find out what was going on.

“Double Shuffle!” Apple Bloom sternly said as she walked up to the younger girl and placed her hands on her shoulders, forcing her to stop dancing. Taking a deep breath, the older girl began to speak.

“There’s somethin’ buggin’ you Double Shuffle. Tender Taps said you….” She stopped herself for a moment before, taking a deep breath, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

Double Shuffle didn’t say anything, instead, she stepped back from Apple Bloom and made her way to the wall and sat down, holding her knees to her head. The older girl walked up to her and knelt down as she asked, “What’s gotten into you?”

As Apple Bloom sat down next to her, Double Shuffle took a deep breath as she replied, “I… I’ve had a little trouble at dance.” She then began to sniff as she continued, “Some of the girls were mocking me because I love tap so much.”

“That’s terrible!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she wrapped an arm around her little sister. “Why would they make fun of you because you love tap?” Double Shuffle shook her head as she answered, “I don’t know! Maybe it’s because it’s not the most popular style, or maybe it’s because one of them said it was “Old fashioned,” or something.”

Apple Bloom then reassured Double Shuffle with, “Ah think they were just jealous of you because you’re the best tap dancer Ah know!” The younger girl began to awkwardly blush as she asked, “What about my brother?” Hesitating for a few moments, Apple Bloom answered, “Ok, maybe Second best, and only then, it’s by the thinnest margin in the world.”

Double Shuffle wrapped her arms around Apple Bloom’s neck and said, “Thanks Apple Bloom. You know, you’re the fifth best tap dancer I know.” Hugging her little sister back, the red haired girl asked, “Who are the first four?” Giggling, Double Shuffle replied, “Dad, mom, me, and Tender Taps in that order.”

However, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel that something else was bugging her little sister. She asked, “There anythin’ else?” Double Shuffle hesitated for a few moments before she continued, “It wasn’t the only thing they mocked me for.” She would have continued, but before she could, she began to sniffle again.

“They….” Double Shuffle began as her eyes began to water. “Well, one of the girls, this real meanie named Chasse, she was going on about dad.” Struggling to control herself, she asked, “You know how dad’s on tour, right?” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Yeah. Didn’t you say he was part of some group called the, the dance dogs or somethin’?”

Giggling at Apple Bloom’s mistake, Double Shuffle answered, “They’re called the Tap Hounds.” The former farm girl hesitated for a moment before she embarrassingly replied, “Uh, Ah knew that.” Double Shuffle couldn’t help but laugh a little harder at her big sister’s futile attempt to save face.

However, Double Shuffle eventually sighed as she continued her explanation. “So, this girl, Chasse, she was going on and on about dad, and that he….” She sniffled again as, to Apple Bloom’s surprise, began to tear up before she asked a shocking question.

“Apple Bloom? Do you think that dad doesn’t love us anymore?”

“What in tarnation?” Apple Bloom asked in shock. “Why would you think that your dad doesn’t love ya?” Double Shuffle wiped her now moist eyes as she explained, “Chasse was going on and on about how he hasn’t visited and she was teasing me by saying that dad was cheating on mom and…..”

Finally, Double Shuffle broke down. She began to cry her little heart out as she tearfully said, “I know dad’s busy because he’s performing all the time, but what if she’s right?”

Apple Bloom instinctively wrapped her arms around Double Shuffle and brought her into an incredibly tight hug. As the younger girl continued to cry, she reassured her, “No, it’s not true! Ah know for a fact that this “Chasse” girl is just messin’ with you!” Double Shuffle shook her head as she asked, “But what if…” The former farm girl rested her hand under the younger girl’s chin and, looking her in the eyes, continued to comfort her.”

“Double Shuffle, those girls are probably jealous because you can do somethin’ they can only dream of. Ah can’t say too much about them, but Ah know you’re an amazing tap dancer, you’re the sweetest girl Ah’ve ever met, and Ah KNOW for a fact that your dad loves you very much.”

Double Shuffle continued to cry as she hugged Apple Bloom even harder. She then said, “Thanks Apple Bloom. You’re the best sister ever.” Apple Bloom, feeling a few tears start to form in her own eyes, hugged her back as she continued, “And Ah know that your mom and brother love you, and….” She paused for a moment before saying something she didn’t think she’d say, but felt now was the most appropriate time to do so.

“…And Ah love you too.” Double Shuffle looked up to Apple Bloom and, a smile forming on her teary-eyed face, squealed, “I love you too Apple Bloom!”

After a few minutes of comforting the younger girl, Apple Bloom began, “Ya know Double Shuffle, you’re kinda lucky you know your dad. Ah….” She paused for a moment before continuing, “You see, Mah mom and dad passed when Ah was a little girl.” Looking up to her older sister, Double Shuffle asked, “Really?”

“Really.” Apple Bloom answered. “Ah don’t have too many memories of them either. All Ah do know was that when Ah was very young, a lot younger than you are, Mah big sister Applejack told me that….” Now it was Apple Bloom’s turn to begin crying as she finished with, “….That they were gone.”

Double Shuffle didn’t say anything else; she simply hugged Apple Bloom harder than ever before. The former farm girl herself felt that like a boa constrictor was coiled around her, but she didn’t care. She was comforting the little girl that had become her younger sister, and right now she couldn’t think of anywhere she’d rather be.

After what seemed like an eternity, both girls managed to regain their composure. Looking up to her big sister, Double Shuffle said, “Thanks Apple Bloom. Guess I needed that.” The older girl replied, “No problem. It’s what big sisters are for.”

Double Shuffle then stood up and playfully began, “I don’t know about you, but I feel like making some more noise. You wanna play “I go you go?”” Rising back to her feet and tapping her toes, Apple Bloom happily replied, “Ah’d love to.”

A Few Hours Later…

Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle sat in the family’s living room, looking at photos in the family album when they heard the front door open, followed by Tender Taps’s voice asking, “Hello? Double Shuffle? Apple Bloom?”

Hearing her brother’s voice, Double Shuffle shot up from the sofa and squealed, “Tender Taps!” Running up to her brother and hugging him, she continued, “You’re home!” Hugging his sister back, Tender Taps asked, “I take it you two had a fun evening?”

Apple Bloom, having walked up to the two siblings, replied, “We have. Ah told her that if those jerks at dance keep bullyin’ her, Ah’d teach them a lesson.” Shaking his head with a playful smile, Tender Taps quipped, “You really gonna risk getting in trouble for her?” The former farm girl rested a hand on Double Shuffle’s shoulder as she replied, “Ah am. No one hurts mah little sister.”

Tender Taps smiled as he then added, “Well then, speaking of family, I checked the mailbox on the way in, and guess what? We got a letter from dad!” Squealing with joy, Double Shuffle began to insistently ask, “Really? What did he say? What did he say?”

Pulling the letter out of his jacket pocket, Tender Taps replied, “Let’s find out.” He then opened the letter and, clearing his throat, began to read it.

To Double Shuffle and Tender Taps,

I know that things have been hectic since I left for the tour, but I want you two to know that I’m always thinking of you. Every time I go on stage, I imagine that you kids and your mother are in the audience, and that’s what motivates me to keep going. Luckily for you, one of our shows got cancelled, so I’ll be home a bit sooner, and with luck I’ll be home in the summer.

I miss you guys so much, and I can’t explain in words how much I love you.

Hope to see you soon,

Love, Dad.

All three kids began to tear up as Tender Taps finished reading the letter. Apple Bloom knelt down and whispered in Double Shuffle’s ear, “Ah told ya he loved you.” The younger girl didn’t verbally answer, simply wrapping her arms around the older girl in yet another hug, one Apple Bloom was happy to return.

Tender Taps then said, “Thanks for babysitting her Apple Bloom. You’re a lifesaver.” The former farm girl began to blush and play with her hair as she replied, “It was nothin’. Gettin’ to spend time with you guys is one of mah favorite things.” She then found herself stepping towards Tender Taps as she added, “Even if we didn’t get to spend too much time together.”

The orange boy couldn’t help but blush himself as he allowed his arms to wrap around Apple Bloom’s waist as he replied, “There’s always our dance sessions, right?” Giggling, Apple Bloom playfully shook her head before leaning in and planting a soft kiss right on his lips, which Tender Taps happily reciprocated.

All the while Double Shuffle watched as she said to herself, “Tender got a girlfriend and I got a sister. I’d say that’s an absolute win.”

The Chop Shop, Later That Night….

“Uncle Ironhide, Ah’m home!” Apple Bloom called out as she entered the shop front. Ironhide emerged from the garage as he replied, “Hey Apple Bloom. Cutting it kinda late, don’t you think?”

He was surprised when Apple Bloom wrapped her arms around him in a warm embrace and simply said, “Thank you Uncle Ironhide.” Curious, Ironhide asked, “For what?”

“Just bein’ here for me.” Apple Bloom replied. “Right now Ah don’t know what Ah’d do without you guys.” Smiling as he let out a gentle chuckle, the older man gently replied, “Don’t sweat it kid. It’s what family does.”

However, at that moment, they heard Wheeljack’s voice call out, “What? No spark plugs? Well that’s just prime!” Turning to his niece, Ironhide asked, “Hey, you mind finding Wheeljack a few spark plugs?” Smiling and nodding at her uncle, Apple Bloom replied, “You got it Uncle Ironhide.”

With that, Apple Bloom made her way to the workshop, hoping she remembered where she stored the spare spark plugs.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom catches up with Rattrap when he's forced to stay the night.

Author's note; I just wanted a heart warming chapter since the last chapter was so miserable to write (Drill instructors are not pleasant people to write).

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